


















DATE SUBMITTED: April 24, 2015





COLLEGE: Architecture and Engineering


DEPARTMENT: Electrical and Information Engineering

COURSE NAME: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering



1) I understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the university policy in this regard.

2) I declare that this final year project report is my original work and has not been submitted

elsewhere for examination, award of a degree or publication. Where other people‟s work or

my own work has been used, this has properly been acknowledged and referenced in

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3) I have not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work.

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5) I understand that any false claim in respect of this work shall result in disciplinary action,

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I dedicate this work to my beloved parents.



It is certified that KABUTHA SAMUEL GACHIHI REGISTRATION No. F17/28954/2009,

student at University of Nairobi, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, has

submitted the project entitled “POWER LOSS REDUCTION BY PV-PQ BUSES

CONVERSION‟‟ under my guidance towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the undergraduate degree of BSC in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

This is a record of project work carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. His work

is found to be outstanding and has not been done earlier.

I wish him success in all his endeavors.


Electrical and Information Engineering

University of Nairobi

Signature: ……………………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………….



I wish to appreciate the Almighty God for His amazing grace throughout my life. His love and

guidance has propelled me to this far.

I appreciate my parents and my siblings for their love and support.

I extend my gratitude and thanks to my guides‟ MR. MOSES MUSAU, for his constant support

and motivation throughout the course of my project besides him being great mentor. I am

indebted to him for always being there to help me shape the problem and provide insights

towards the solution.

I would also like to appreciate Miss. Peris Njeri Kiarie for her constant encouragement

throughout the course of this work.



The focus of this project is to develop a load flow program based on Gauss Seidel load flow

method and use it for effective PV-PQ buses conversion to prove power loss reduction.

MATLAB software is used as a programming platform. IEEE 14-bus system test network was

used for input data.

Load flow study is the analysis of a network under steady state operation subjected to inequality

constraints in which the system operates. Load flow analysis is the backbone of power system

analysis and design. They are necessary for planning, operation, economic scheduling and

exchange of power between utilities. The principal information of power flow analysis is to find

the magnitude and phase angle of voltage at each bus and the real and reactive power flows in

each transmission lines. Therefore, load flow analysis is an important tool involving numerical

analysis applied to a power system.

In this analysis, iterative techniques are used because there are no known analytical methods to

solve the non-linear load flow problem. This iterative techniques includes; Gauss Siedel (GS),

Newton Raphson (NR), Decoupled Load Flow (DFL) method and Fast Decoupled Load Flow

(FDLF) method.

Gauss Seidel load flow method is chosen for this power flow analysis; system losses reduced

from 5.0345MW & 26.303 MVAR to 2.838 MW & 10.715 MVAR for the 14 bus system

following PV –PQ buses conversion. Similarly, for the 30 bus system following PV –PQ buses

conversion system losses have reduced from 4.488 MW & 24.736 MVAR to 1.685 MW &

6.975 MVAR.


Contents DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION...................................................................................................................................... iii

CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................. xii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION .............................................................................................................. xiii

CHAPTER.1 ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 What is Power Loss ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Power Systems Losses .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2.1 Causes of Power Losses ............................................................................................................. 1

1.2.2 Measures for Reducing Technical Power Losses....................................................................... 2

1.3 What is a Bus in Power Systems ................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Classification of Buses .................................................................................................................. 2

1.4.1 Load Bus .................................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.2 Generator Bus ............................................................................................................................ 3

1.4.3 Slack Bus ................................................................................................................................... 3 Importance of Slack Bus ......................................................................................................... 4

1.4.4 Voltage-Controlled Buses .......................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Bus Conversion ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.6 Survey of Earlier Work ................................................................................................................. 5


1.6.1 Power Loss Reduction by Distributing the Slack Bus ................................................................. 6

1.6.2 Power Loss Reduction by the Slack-PV Buses Conversion ......................................................... 6

1.7 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.8 Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 7

Organization of Report ....................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 8

BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 8

2.1 Load Flow Studies ....................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Constraints on the Load Flow Solution ......................................................................................... 8

2.3 Solution to Load Flow .................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 Importance of Load Flow Studies ................................................................................................. 9

2.5 Load Flow Analysis .................................................................................................................... 10

2.5.1 Type of Variables and Limits ................................................................................................... 10 Type of Variables .................................................................................................................. 10 Variables Limits .................................................................................................................... 11 System Balance Equations .................................................................................................... 11

2.6 Load Flow Problem Formulation ................................................................................................ 11

2.6.1 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem .............................................................................. 11

2.6.2 General Rules For Assembling Admittance Matrix ................................................................. 13

2.7 Application of Numerical Technique to Solve the Load Flow Problem ..................................... 14

2.7.1 Properties of Load Flow Solution Method ............................................................................... 14

2.8 Development of Load Flow Equations ....................................................................................... 15

2.8.1 Iterative Methods ..................................................................................................................... 15 Gauss Iterative Method ......................................................................................................... 16 Iterative Method .............................................................................................. 16 Algorithm for Load Flow Solution using GS ..................................................................... 17 Line Flows . ....................................................................................................................... 19 AlgorithmModification when PV buses are present .......................................................... 20 Acceleration of Convergence for the GS ........................................................................... 22

2.9 Newton-Raphson Method ........................................................................................................... 22

2.10 Decoupled Newton Method ...................................................................................................... 26

2.11 Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method .......................................................................................... 27


2.12 Comparison of Load Flow Solution Method ............................................................................ 30

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 31

METHOGOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 31

3.1. Formulation of PV-PQ Switching Logic ................................................................................... 31

3.2 Computational Pseudocode for GS Load Flow Method ............................................................. 32

3.3 Flow Chart .................................................................................................................................. 35

3.4 IEEE 14 bus Test Case ............................................................................................................... 36

3.5Load Flow Data ............................................................................................................................ 37

3.5.1 Bus Data ................................................................................................................................... 37

3.5.2 Line Data .................................................................................................................................. 38

3.5.3 Transformer Data ..................................................................................................................... 39

3.6 Assembling Load Flow MATLAB data ...................................................................................... 40

3.7 Running the MATLAB Code ...................................................................................................... 40

CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 41

RESULTS AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 41

4.1 Results ,Analysis and Discussion ............................................................................................... 41

4.1.1 Normal GS Power Flow Results with no Buses Conversion ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1.2 GS Power Flow Results with PV-PQ buses Conversion ........................................................ 43

4.2Performance Analysis .................................................................................................................. 45

4.3Comparison of the Results ........................................................................................................... 46

4.4Charts And Graphs ....................................................................................................................... 47

4.4.1Voltage Profile ......................................................................................................................... 47

4.4.2Line Losses ............................................................................................................................... 48

4.5GS Power FlowResults And Analysis for IEEE 30 bus System .................................................. 50

CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 51

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................. 51

5.1Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 51

5.2Recommendations for Further Work ........................................................................................... 51

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 52


APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................... 54


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: -Representation of A Line Flow.................................................................................. 19

Figure 3.1: Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Chart........................................................................................ 35

Figure 3.2: IEEE-14 Bus Systems …................................................................................................... 36

Figure 3.3: A Diagram of a Two-Winding Transformer Circuit......................................................... 39

Figure 4.1: Voltage Profile Comparison for the Cases 1 And 2........................................................ 48

Figure 4.2: Active Power Line Losses Comparison Over Different Lines for Cases 1and 2............... 49

Figure 4.3: Reactive Power Line Losses Comparison Over Different Lines for Cases 1and 2............ 49


LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Summary of Bus Classification.............................................................................. 5

Table 3.1: Bus Data............................................................................................................... 37

Table 3.2: Line Data.............................................................................................................. 38

Table 4.1: Bus voltages, power generated and load after convergence of GS load flow…….41

Table 4.2: Real and Reactive Power flow over different lines and Losses………………….42

Table 4.3: Bus voltages, power generated and load after convergence of GS load flow

with PV to PQ buses conversion……………………………….…………………………………….…43

Table 4.4: Real and Reactive Power flow over different lines and Losses after PV to PQ

buses conversion……………………………………………………………..….44

Table 4.5: Comparison of Line Losses Before And After Buses Conversion ……………..47

Table 4.6: Power flow results for the 30 bus system………………………………………..50


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS GS Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Method

NR Newton Raphson Method

DLF Decoupled Load Flow

FDLF Fast Decoupled Load Flow

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

MATLAB Matrix Laboratory

MVA Mega Voltage Ampere

MVAR Reactive Power in Mega watts

MW Real power in Mega Watts

P.U Per Unit

P-V Voltage Controlled Bus or Generator

P-Q Load Bus

kV Kilo Voltage

DTs Distribution Transformers





In an ideal business the cost of production should always be at the decreasing scale without

sacrificing the quality of product and services. It is not different in the power system the main

idea is to maintain the cost of producing energy low while maintaining quality and constant


However, challenges are encountered in power system, these challenges include power losses

economics dispatch. A loss in energy has effect of reducing the amount of energy ready for

consumption. This has effect of increasing cost of maintaining constant supply of energy. It‟s

from this background there arises need for inverting ways to cut energy losses.

1.1 What is power loss? Power loss is defined as deficiency of energy at consumers‟ end in comparison to the generation

end. If the energy summation at the consumers point does not add-up to the figure that was

generated initially then we say power loss has occurred.

In power system there is not even a single power system that does not encounter power losses.

Power losses occur at all points including generation, transmission and distribution. Power loss

can account up to 30% of the generated value [5].

1.2 Power System Losses Energy losses occur in the process of supplying electricity to consumers due to technical and

commercial losses. The technical losses are due to energy dissipated in the conductors and

equipment used for transmission, transformation, sub- transmission and distribution of power.

These technical losses are inherent in a system and can be reduced to an optimum level.

The commercial losses are caused by pilferage, defective meters, and errors in meter reading

and in estimating unmetered supply of energy [4].

1.2.1 Causes of Power Losses. The major causes reason for high technical losses in our power systems are;

Inadequate investment and planning on transmission and distribution particularly in

sub-transmission and distribution centers. While there is desire to match the expanding

need for power, lack of sufficient distribution system has resulted in overloading of the

distribution system.

Long high voltage and medium distance transmission lines and distribution lines in the

magnitude of 400KV where high voltage drops occur.


Improper load management-Most loads are inductive instead of capacitive which would

help improve power factor. This inductive load draw lagging current which give a

lagging power factor and thus power loss.

Inadequate reactive power compensation [5, 4].

1.2.2 Measures for reducing technical power losses Compilation of data regarding existing loads, operating conditions, forecast of expected

loads using methods such load flow analysis. Mapping of complete primary and

secondary transmission system clearly depicting the various parameters such as

conductor size line lengths, losses along each conductor and formulating methods to

reduce these losses etc.

Identifying of the weakest areas in the transmission and distribution system and

strengthening /improving them so as to draw the maximum benefits of the limited


Reducing the length of Long Transmission lines by addiction of distribution sub-stations

to cater for the additional distribution transformers (DTs).

Installation of lower capacity distribution transformers at each consumer premises instead

of cluster formation and substitution of DTs with those having lower or no load losses

such as amorphous core transformers. Or installation of shunt capacitors for improvement

of power factor.

Carrying out detailed distribution system studies considering the expected load

development during the next 8-10 years. Preparation of long-term plans for phased

strengthening and improvement of the distribution systems along with associated

transmission system [4].

1.3 What is a Bus in Power System? In power engineering a bus is a node at which one or many lines, one or many loads

and generators are connected point , and it is usually associated with four quantities; real

generated power and reactive generated power ( ),real demanded power ,

and reactive demanded power , voltage magnitude | |and its phase angle [22].

This bus may or may not correspond to the physical bus bars in substation [5].

1.4 Classification of Buses

In a load flow solution, two out of the four quantities associated with a bus, are specified and the

unspecified two are required to be obtained through the solution of the load flow non-linear

equations [1, 2].

Depending upon which quantities have been specified, the buses are classified into following

three categories;


1.4.1 LOAD BUS

This is a bus without any generators connected to it, both real power generated and reactive

power generated are zero and the real power and reactive power drawn from the

system by the load (negative inputs into the system) are known from historical record, load

forecast, or measurement.

All buses having no generators are load buses or the bus connected to load is a load bus. Quite

often in practice only real power is known and the reactive power is then based on an assumed

power factor such as 0.85 or higher [2].

Load bus is never connected to a generator; however, the power output of some generators is

constant or cannot be adjusted under the particular operation conditions. The corresponding bus

connected to such bus will also be referred as load bus [1, 3, 8].

Load bus is also known as P-Q bus because the scheduled values; negative inputs into the system

( ) are known and mismatches ( ) can be defined [2].

This bus is also called power controlled bus [16].


This is a bus at which the real power corresponding to generator ratings and voltage

magnitude | | corresponding to generator voltage; are specified and the real power drawn

from the system by the load is zero hence known.

It is required to find out the reactive power drawn and the phase angle of the bus voltage


This bus is also called Voltage Controlled bus or P-V bus because a bus of the system at which

the voltage magnitude can be kept constant is said to be voltage controlled.

At each bus to which there is a generator connected, the megawatt generation can be controlled

by adjusting the prime mover, and the voltage magnitude can be controlled by adjusting the

generator excitation.

Therefore, at each generator bus we may properly specify and thus the name P-V bus.

Certain buses without generators may have voltage control capability; such buses are also

designated voltage- controlled buses at which the real power generation is simply zero [2, 3, 5].


This is a bus in which voltage magnitude Vi and phase angle i are specified ,also known as V

bus. A bus used to balance the active |P| and reactive |Q| powers in the system while performing

load flow studies in electrical power systems. From the load flow solution one is expected to find

real power |P| and reactive power |Q|. At this bus the phase angle is usually set at zero. The slack

bus is usually designated as bus 1 .In most power systems there is only one slack bus, but there

can be more than one slack bus in a given power system scheme(distributed slack bus). It serves


as the reference while performing load flow analysis. This bus is also called Swing Bus or

Reference Bus [1, 3, 5].

Slack bus is used to provide system losses by emitting or absorbing active/reactive power

to/from the system. While this definition of the load flow problem is appropriate for a

deterministic solution, it has an inherent drawback when dealing with uncertain input variables:

the slack bus must absorb all uncertainties arising from the system and thus, will have the widest

nodal power possibility (probability) distributions in the system. If even moderate amounts of

uncertainty are allowed in a large system, the resulting distributions will frequently contain

values well beyond the generating margins of the slack generator.

If a slack bus is not specified, then a generator bus with maximum real power will be chosen as

the Slack bus so that the variations in real and reactive powers of the slack bus to be a small

percentage of its generating capacity during the iteration process, and from this background a

slack bus is a generator bus [19]. The Importance of Slack bus Since the grid is interconnected and the phase angle plays a crucial role in load

flow, one bus must remain at a virtual reference zero degrees, so that the other

buses can be related with respect to this bus.

The line losses in the system aren‟t calculated till the end of the iteration. The

deficit in the power injection and power demand is the loss of the system.

This extra power must be accommodated in the load flow for the next iteration.

Hence the slack bus accepts this extra burden on itself and balances the system. So

at this bus the voltage magnitude and phase angle is specified and the real and

reactive power is calculated.

A slack bus is also required from the nodal admittance matrix point of view.

Without a slack bus, the matrix will be singular and can‟t be handled. By

introducing a slack bus, one row and column is eliminated and thus the system

turns non-singular [2].

1.4.4 VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED BUSES Generally the PV buses and the voltage-controlled buses are grouped together but these buses

have physical difference. The voltage-controlled bus has also voltage control capabilities, and

uses a tap-adjustable transformer and/or a static VAR compensator instead of a generator. Hence,

at these buses. Thus at these buses.

The known are real power , reactive power , and voltage magnitude | |.The voltage angle is

an unknown parameter [19].


Bus Type Specified Variables Unknown Variables

Slack or reference bus | |

Generator or PV bus | |

Load or PQ bus | | | | | |

Table 2.1: Summary of Bus Classification

1.5 Bus Conversion Bus conversion is a process of assigning new bus specification while the previous bus

specifications are dropped or are relaxed. In electrical power systems any bus has predefined

specifications, and unknown specifications which have the extent to which the specification can

vary (variable limits). If for a certain bus, the specifications are changed it affect the bus

treatment and thus its conversion.

In static analysis of power system the reactive power outputs of generators and switchable shunts

are modeled to vary instantaneously within their physical limits to maintain some buses‟ voltage

magnitudes. These buses are called voltage regulated buses.

In power flow computation, if the voltage magnitude of a bus can be regulated by the automatic

voltage regulator of generator or the continuously-switchable shunt, its type may be switched

between PV and PQ. Generally speaking, if the type of a bus is PV, which means the real power

injection and voltage magnitude of a bus are fixed while its reactive power injection and voltage

phase angle are free. When its reactive power injection reaches its upper or lower limit, the type

of this bus becomes PQ, which means that the real and reactive power injections are fixed while

the voltage phase angle and magnitude are free.

The process of power flow computation is mathematically an iterative solution process of a set of

non-linear algebraic equations. The type identification of voltage controlled bus is done between

two iterations [21].

1.6 Survey of Earlier Work For proper planning and operation of power system, economic scheduling of generating units and

to achieve power through tie line as per agreement, power flow analysis is a must. It is

performed to have clear knowledge regarding bus voltage magnitude and angle and line flows. A

number of methodology are being used all over the world for power flow analysis in order to

assist reduce power losses in a system this include

Power loss reduction by distributing the slack bus.

Power loss reduction by slack- PV buses conversion.


1.6.1 Power loss reduction by distributing the slack bus

The traditional power flow with a single slack bus model, one generator bus is selected to be the

voltage phase angle reference and this is assumed to balance the real power mismatch due

to uncertain system real power loss. However, there is no slack bus in actual power

systems especially with distributed generation. Thus, single slack bus model significantly

distort computed power flows. Thus with the increased penetration of distributed generation

into the power distribution system, the traditional load flow analysis that assumes a single

slack bus has become impractical.

The existing literature focuses on slack bus placement taking only real power losses into

account. Thus a distributed slack bus model taking into consideration both real and reactive

power losses is of paramount importance [16].

With the basic understanding of slack bus where voltage magnitude and phase angle of the

voltage are known while the power is unknown, if after load flow analysis it‟s designed that the

excess load (or generation) get assigned to a chosen number of generator buses that will share the

load in a predetermined manner. This relieves slack bus production to PV buses, which is

referred as distributing a slack bus. Load flow analysis usually proves transmission losses for

such system have been reduced compared to the case of single slack bus model [1, 2, 7].

1.6.2 Power loss reduction by slack- PV buses conversion. The basic understanding of Slack bus is voltage magnitude and phase angle of the voltage are

known while the power is unknown, if after load flow analysis, the Slack bus power generation

(or consumption) extends beyond its predefined limits; it is fixed at the violated limits. The

other PV bus‟s active power generation (or consumption) then must be relaxed in order to be

able to solve the load flow problem. The PV bus to choose seems to be a matter of preference,

but it is logical to pick the one that has the highest margin from the current production

(consumption) to either its lower or upper limit, depending on which limit was violated at the

slack bus. With the choice of a PV bus to relax, it is now possible to redefine the load flow

problem by swapping only the equation for the real power at the chosen PV bus with the

equation for the slack bus real power, without changing the unknown state variables. In other

words, the slack bus becomes a PV bus [1, 2, 7].

In another approach, one can relax the voltage angle of the slack bus and declare the voltage

angle of the PV bus with relaxed real power as the reference (i.e. known).This will result in a

complete slack to PV bus and PV to slack bus conversion [1, 7, 10].

1.7 Problem Statement The main goal of this project is to understand the theory of load flow analysis and buses

conversion processes for 14 and 30 buses power system with effective power loss reduction. And

develop a reliable and effective program based on Gauss Seidel Method with MATLAB software

as a programming platform. IEEE standard 14 buses, to be used for test validation.


1.8 Objectives The objectives of carrying out this project is :

1. To understand the Gauss Seidel load flow method and use it for effective PV-PQ buses

conversion to prove power loss reduction.

2. To develop a Gauss-Seidel load flow program inclusive of buses conversion capability

using Matlab platform.

Organization of Report In Chapter 1 the definition of Power Loss and various measures that can be employed to solve

the power loss problem have been discussed. Definition of a bus in power system, buses

classification and buses conversion procedure, including the method which will be used to

convert buses in this project. Survey of earlier of works has been covered here. It also covers the

problem statement, objective of the project.

In Chapter 2 discussion of the literature review is covered.

In Chapter 3, PV-PQ buses conversions problem formulation based on GS method is discussed.

Formulation of pseudocode and Flow chart are also covered.

In Chapter 4 will discuss the results of the project.

In Chapter 5 will present the challenges, conclusions and recommendations for further work on

the topic.




2.1 Load flow Studies Load flow solution is a solution of the network under steady state condition subject to certain

inequality constraints under which the system operates. These constraints can be in form of load

voltages, reactive power generation of the generators, the tap setting of a tap change under load

transformer [13].

The load flow solution gives nodal voltages and phase angles and hence the power injection at all

the buses and power flows through interconnection power channels [1, 8].

Load flow solution is essential for designing a new power system and for planning extension of

the existing one for increased load demand.

Different steady state solutions can be obtained, for different operating conditions, to help in

planning, design and operation of the power system. The solution also gives the initial conditions

of the system when the transient behavior of the system is to be studied.

The mode of operation of power system, either, symmetrical or unsymmetrical dictates

operational features of the power system. Symmetrical steady state is the most important mode

of operation; however, three major problems are encountered in this mode; Load Flow problem,

Optimal Load Scheduling problem and System Control Problem [5, 6].

Generally, load flow studies are limited to the transmission system, which involves bulk power

transmission [13].

2.2 Constraints on load flow solution The constraints placed on the load flow solutions could be: The Kirchhoff‟s relations holding

well, Capability limits of reactive power sources, Tap-setting range of tap-changing

transformers, Specified power interchange between interconnected systems, Selection of initial

values, Acceleration factor and Convergence limit [6].

For optimal operation of an electrical power system requires that; Generation must supply the

load plus losses, The bus voltage magnitudes must remain close to rated values, generators must


operate within specified real and reactive power limits and that transmission lines and

transformers should not be overloaded for long periods [2].

2.3 Solution to Load flow Load flow analysis is performed extensively both for system planning purposes, to analyze

alternative plans of future systems operation and to evaluate different operating conditions of

existing systems.

In load flow analysis, it is normal to assume that the system is balanced and that the network is

composed of constant, linear, lumped-parameter branches. In the most basic form of the power

flow, transformer taps are assumed to be fixed. This assumption is relaxed in commercial

load flow [1].

Therefore, nodal analysis is generally used to describe the network. However, because the

injection and demand at bus bars, it is generally specified in terms of real and reactive power, the

overall problem is nonlinear. Accordingly, the load flow problem is a set of simultaneous

nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical techniques are required to solve this set of equations


The traditional solution finding methodology of the load-flow problems follow an iterative

process, which start by assigning estimated values to the unknown bus voltages and angles and

calculating a new value for each bus voltage and angle from the estimated values at the other

buses. A new set of values for voltage and angle are thus obtained for each bus and are used to

calculate the next set of bus voltages and angles in a sequential algorithm. The iterative process

is repeated until the changes at each bus are less than the specified tolerance value,


However, the load distribution network is a complex system and exhibits lots computational

procedure hence time consuming. Secondly, there are losses in electrical network distribution

hence quantification and minimization of losses is important because it will determine the

economic operation of the power system [15].

2.4 Importance of load flow studies Load flow studies are performed in major areas of power system development and operation

because of the following rationale;

1. Load flow analysis is necessary for planning, economic scheduling, and control of an

existing system as well as planning its future expansion.


2. Load-flow studies are performed to determine the steady-state operation of an electric

power system. It calculates the voltage drop on each feeder, the voltage at each bus, and

the power flow in all branch and feeder circuits [13].

3. A load flow analysis allows identification of real and reactive power flows, voltage

profiles, power factor and any overloads in the network. This allows the engineer to

investigate the performance of the network under a variety of operating conditions [9].

4. The Economic Operation: As loads change throughout the day there is a need to

determine the best generating pattern to minimize costs of operation and provide the best

voltage regulation.

5. Determine if system voltages remain within specified limits under various contingency

conditions, and whether equipment such as transformers and conductors are

overloaded [13, 3].

2.5 Load flow Analysis The different types of information selected as input and output are grouped as follows.

Input data is divided into: Generator data, Bus data, Transformer data, Line data and Load data.

Output data are divided into Load and Losses data.

The bus type classification are dependent on the bus data specified .This data is included with

every load flow output file in order to document the system, load configuration that the solution

applies for [15, 18].

2.5.1 Types of Variables and limits Type of variables

Control variables – These are the adjustable independent parameters used to manipulate

some state variables. Power injected by generator real power Pi and reactive power Qi

or the corresponding voltage magnitude |Vi| are controllable (excepting in slack bus) [1,


Non-control variables - Power drawn from the generator and reactive power are


State variables –Variables defining state of system; Voltage magnitude |Vi| and Power

angle . Variable limits For Static Load Flow Equation (SLFE) solution to have practical significance, all the

state and control variables must lie within specified practical limits. The limits are

dictated by specifications of power system hardware and operating constraints [1].

If the system limits criteria are violated then for instance the bus properties are altered

significantly. These limit criteria are as follows;

(i)Voltage magnitude |Vi| must satisfy the inequality


| |min | | | |max (2.1)

The power system equipment is designed to operate at fixed voltages with allowable

variations of ± (5−10) % of the rated values.

(ii) Power angle (state variables) must satisfy the inequality constraint

| | | | | | (2.2)

This constraint limits the maximum permissible power angle of transmission line

connecting buses and and is justifiable by considerations of system stability

(iii) Owing to physical limitations of P and/or Q generation sources, Pi , and Qi are

constrained as follows

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

2.5.1. 3System balance Equations For any given power system there must be a power balance, the total generation of real and

reactive power must equal the total load demand plus losses, i.e.

∑ ∑

∑ ∑

Where stand for the system real and reactive power loss, respectively. This leads to

optimal sharing of active and reactive power generation between sources [18].

2.6 Load Flow Problem Formulation

The solution to the load flow problem requires two main steps; mathematical formulation of the

problem and application of numerical technique to solve the problem.

2.6.1 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem The following steps are critical in formulation of the problem;


The complex power injected by the source into the bus of a power system is


the voltage at the bus and with respect to ground and

is the source current injected into the bus.

The load flow problem is handled more conveniently by use of rather than .Therefore, taking

the complex conjugate of Eqn. (2.7), hence

Substituting for;

then from Eqn. (2.8),we can write



Equating real and imaginary parts

{ ∑


{ ∑


In polar form

| | | |

| | | |

| |

Substituting for ,

| | ∑| |

| |



| | ∑| | | |


| | ∑| | | |


| | ∑ | | | | { }


Separating the Real and reactive powers of the above equation can be expressed as

| |∑| || |

| |∑| || |

2.6.2 General Rules for Assembling Admittance Matrix [ ] The load flow equations are easily solved using nodal admittance matrix. It‟s advantageous to

use admittance matrix because it has characteristics that favor computational process. These

characteristics of [ ] are;

i. The nodal admittance matrix is a sparse matrix-a few numbers of elements are


ii. The nodal admittance matrix is a symmetric matrix along the leading diagonal;

the computer need store the upper triangular nodal admittance matrix only [1, 3,


If the interconnection between the various buses of a given power system, and the admittance

value for each interconnecting circuit are known the admittance matrix may be built as follows;

i. The diagonal element (self-admittance ) of each node is the algebraic sum of

the admittance connected to it


ii. The off-diagonal element (mutual admittance) is the negated admittance

between the nodes . If there is no line between buses this term is


iii. [5, 19, 20].

2.7 Application of Numerical Technique to Solve the Problem The various method of load flow analysis include ;Gauss‟s Iterative Method, Gauss-Seidel

Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Decoupled Load Flow Method. The most successful

methods of load flow solution are based on the admittance matrix [ ] representation of a

system The admittance matrix use is favored because is sparse hence necessity low storage [13].

The Gauss-Seidel (GS) method is an iterative algorithm for solving a set of non-linear algebraic

equations. This method solves the power-flow equations in rectangular (complex variable)

coordinates until differences in bus voltages from one iteration to another are sufficiently

small.GS method is based on bus admittance equations [2].

The Newton-Raphson method (NR) was developed this time ,it uses the admittance matrix

and was found very useful because the number of iterations involved is less; thus the load

flow solution is achieved quicker. This method solves the power-flow equations in polar

coordinates. The number of iterations is also not much dependent on the size of the

system involved. As compared to GS method, NR method has a faster convergence rate [10].

For very large scale power transmission system, Decoupled Load Flow (DLF) has been

found to be an alternative strategy for improving the computational efficiency and reducing

computer storage requirements. This method uses an approximate version of NR procedure. The

DLF requires more iterations than NR method, but, requires considerably less time per iterations

and thus power flow solution is obtained rapidly. This technique is very useful tool in

contingency analysis where numerous outages are to be simulated or when a power flow

solution is required for line control [13].

2.7.1 Properties of load flow solution method When choosing a suitable load flow analysis numerical technic, a compromise has to be reached

since every method has its pros and cons. However, a good method should have some salient

properties such as follows;

High computational speed.

Low computer storage need.

Versatility; an ability on the part of load flow to handle conventional and special

operational condition .

Reliability of solution.


Simplicity [19, 20].

2.8 Development of Load Flow Equations The nodal current equations derived earlier can be written as




Substituting for in equation (2.13b)



has been substituted by the real and reactive powers because normally in a power system these

quantities are specified.

2.8.1 Iterative Methods Equations (2.14) are the load flow equations where bus voltages are the variables. It can be seen

that the load flow equations are non-linear and they can be solved by an iterative method.

The iterative methods are

i. Gauss‟s method,

ii. Gauss-Seidel method.

16 Gauss’s Iterative Method This is an iterative method where voltage is updated in every iteration process by using the

previous iteration results and is assumed bus 1 is a slack bus. And a simplifying assumption that

all other buses are load buses, the admittance and voltages as used are complex quantities and the

number of non-linear equations is (n-1) where n is the total number of buses in the system. The

following is the Gauss iterative procedure for solving the equations.

i. Assume a flat voltage profile for all nodal voltages except the slack bus 1.Let slack bus

voltage be Assume a suitable value of convergence criterion , e.g., if the

absolute value of the maximum change in voltage between any two consecutive iterations

is less than a pre-specified tolerance the convergence is achieved and the iterative

process is terminated.

ii. Set iteration count r=0

iii. Set bus count

iv. Check for the slack bus .If it is not a slack go to the next step. Since voltage at the slack

bus is fixed both the magnitude and phase, it does not vary during iterative procedure and

hence go to step (vi) if it is a slack bus

v. Calculate the bus voltage using equation (2.17) and the difference in the bus voltage


vi. Advance the bus count by 1 to evaluate other values of

vii. Check if all buses have been taken into account. If yes, go to the next step, otherwise go

back to step (IV).

viii. Determine the largest absolute value of change in voltage | |

ix. If | | is less than a specified tolerance , estimate line flows and print the voltage

and the line flows. If not, advance the iteration count and go back to step (III). Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method The Gauss-Seidel (GS) method is a modification of the Gauss method named after Carl

Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) and Philipp L. Seidel (1821–1896).GS is an iterative algorithm for

solving a set of non-linear algebraic equations. This method solves the power-flow equations

in rectangular (complex variable) coordinates until differences in bus voltages from one

iteration to another are sufficiently small [2].

In this method the new calculated voltage immediately replaces

and is used in the

solution of the subsequent equations unlike in Gauss‟s method ,where updating of voltages is

carried out at the end of a complete iteration [1, 5].

To start with, a solution vector is assumed, based on guidance from practical experience in a

physical situation. One of the equations is the used to obtain the revised value of a particular


variable by substituting in it the present values of the remaining values. The solution vector is

immediately updated in respect of these variables. The process is then repeated for all the

variables thereby completing iteration. The iterative process is repeated till the solution vector

converges within prescribed accuracy. The convergence is quite sensitive to the starting values

assumed. Fortunately, in load flow study a starting vector close to the final solution can be easily

identified with previous experience.

To explain how the GS method is applied to obtain the load flow solution, let it be assumed that

all the buses other than the slack bus are PQ buses. We shall see later that the method can be

easily adopted to include PV buses as well. The slack bus voltage being specified, there are (n-1)

bus voltages starting values of whose magnitudes and angles are assumed. These values are then

updated through an iterative process. During the course of iteration, the revised voltage at the

bus is obtained using eqn. (2.14); i.e.



The voltages substituted in the right hand side of Eqn. (2.15) are the most recently calculated

(updated) values for the corresponding buses. During each iteration voltage at buses

are sequentially updated through use of Eqn. (2.15). , the slack bus

voltage being fixed is not required to be updated. Iterations are repeated till no bus voltage

magnitude changes by more than a prescribed value during iteration. The computation process is

then said to converge to a solution [1].

The general load flow equation for (r+1) iteration resultant from GS method will be as given




The second term on the R.H.S of the above equation is clear because the voltage prior to bus i

should correspond to the value as calculated during the current iteration [5]. Algorithm for Load Flow Solution using GS Consider the case where all buses other than the slack are PQ buses. The steps of a

computational algorithm are given below:

1. With the load profile known at each bus (i.e. ) allocate .

.While active and reactive generations are allocated to the


slack bus, these are permitted to vary during iterative computation. This is necessary as

voltage magnitude and angle are specified at this bus (only two variables can be specified

at any bus).With this step, bus injections ( ) are known at all buses other than the

slack bus.

2. Assembly of bus admittance matrix ; with the line and shunt admittance data

stored in the computer, , is assembled by using the rule for self and mutual


3. Iterative computation of bus voltages ( ): To start the iterations a set of

initial voltage values is assumed. Since, in a power system the voltage spread is not too

wide, it is normal practice to use a flat voltage start, that is, initially all voltages are set

equal to (1+j0.00) except the voltage of the slack bus which is fixed. It should be

noted that (n -1) equations (2.15) in complex numbers are to be solved iteratively

for finding(n-1) complex voltages . If complex number operations are

not available in a computer, equation (2.15) can be converted into 2(n- 1) equations

in real unknowns ( | | ) by writing

| |

A significant reduction in the computer time can be achieved by performing in advance

all the arithmetic operations that do not change with iterations.


Similarly let


With these simplifications the voltage equation (2.16) for iteration becomes




For the th iteration, the updated values of are used for

the rest of voltages previous values, i.e are used.

The iterative process is continued till the change in magnitude of bus voltage,

| | |

|, between two consecutive iterations is less than a certain

tolerance limit for all buses voltages;

| | |


The limits of voltage magnitude can be checked and fixed as


| | | | | |

| |

| | | |

| | | | | | | |


4 Computation of slack bus power(since at the slack bus, voltage magnitude and voltage

angle are specified or known, and real power and reactive power are to be

calculated): Substitution of all bus voltages computed in step 3 along with equation

(2.9) yields

5 Computation of line flows and line losses: this is the last step in the load flow analysis

wherein the power flows on the various lines of the network are computed [1, 5,

19]. Line power flows Consider the lines connecting buses . The line and the transformers at each end can be

represented by a circuit with series admittance and two shunt admittances as

shown in Fig (2.0)

Fig.2.1: -representation of a line and transformers connected between two buses


The current field fed by bus into the line can be expressed as


Then equation (2.22) now is rewritten as

The power fed into the line from bus is



Similarly, power fed into the line from bus k is

The power loss in the line is the sum of the power flows determined from equation

(2.27a) and (2.27b).

The total transmission loss can be computed by summing all the line flows of the power



The slack bus power can also be found by summing the flows on the lines terminating at the

slack bus. Algorithm Modification When PV Buses Are Also Present At the PV buses | | are specified and are the unknowns to be determined.

Therefore, the values of are to be updated in every GS iteration through appropriate bus

equations. This is accomplished in the following steps for the bus.

1. From equation (2.10b)

{ ∑



The revised value of is obtained from the above equation by substituting most updated

values of voltages on the right hand side. In fact, for the iteration one can

write from the above equation



Limits of reactive power are checked and fixed as given below


2. The revised value of is obtained from Eqn. (2.20) immediately following step 1. Thus


∑ ∑



The algorithm for PQ buses remains unchanged.

The physical limitations of Q generation require that Q demand at any bus must be in the

range if at any stage during the computation, Q at any bus goes outside

these limits, it is fixed at and the bus voltage description is dropped, that is

the bus now is treated as PQ bus. Thus step 1 branch out to step 3.

3. If

, and treat bus as a PQ bus.


from equations (2.33) and (2.20), respectively.


In this case it is assumed that out of n buses, the first bus is a slack bus, then 2, 3, …, m

are PV buses and the remaining m+1, …, n are PQ buses [1]. Acceleration of convergence Convergence in the GS method can be sometimes be speeded up by the use of the

acceleration factor, since the method is slow and it requires a large number of iterations before a

solution is obtained. The process of convergence can be speeded up if the voltage correction

during consecutive iteration process is modified to

where is known as the acceleration factor and is a real number.

A suitable value of B for any system can be obtained by running trial load flows. A generally

recommended value is set at 1.6 and cannot exceed 2 if convergence has to occur. Wrong choice

of might indeed slow-down convergence or even cause the method to divergence [1, 5, 2].

2.9 Newton Raphson The Newton-Raphson (NR) method is a powerful method of solving non-linear algebraic

equations.NR method is a successive approximation procedure based on an initial estimate of the

one-dimensional equation given by series expansion.

The NR method using the bus admittance matrix in either first or second –order expansion of

Taylor series has been voted as a best solution for the reliability and the rapid convergence. It is

most suitable for very large power system. Its only drawback is the large requirement of

computer memory which has been overcome through a compact storage scheme.

Its convergence is speeded up considerably by performing the first iteration through the GS

method and using the values obtained for starting the NR iteration. [1, 18].

To introduce this method start by formulating a non-linear equation with single variable; which

can be expressed as

For solving this equation, select an initial value The difference between the initial value and

the final solution will be .Then is the solution of non-linear equation (2.35) ,

that is,

Expanding the above equation with the Taylor series, we get


Where are the derivatives of the function . If the difference is

very small (meaning that the initial value is close to the solution of the function), the terms of

the second and higher derivatives can be neglected. Thus equation (2.37) becomes a linear

equation as below:

Then we can get

The new solution will be

Since equation (2.38) is an approximate equation, the value of ( ) is also an approximation.

Thus the solution is not a real answer. Further iterations are needed. The iteration equation is

The iteration can be stopped if one of the following conditions is met:

| | | |

where which are the permitted convergence precision, are small positive numbers.

Expanding equation (2.41) in Taylor series around the initial guess and neglecting the terms of

second and higher derivatives, we get
















Equation (2.43) can also be written in matrix form from which we can get {


Then the new solution can be obtained. The iteration equation can be written as follows:












| ]



Equations (2.44) and (2.45) can be expressed as

( )

Where is an matrix and called a Jacobian matrix.

The Power Flow non-linear equations derived above under NR method, can be solved in either

Polar Coordinate System or Rectangular Coordinate System.

If the bus voltage in equation (2.9) is expressed with a polar coordinate system, the complex

voltage and real and reactive powers can be written as;

where which is the angle difference between bus .


Newton Method: If the bus voltage in equation (2.9) is expressed with a rectangular coordinate

system, the complex voltage and real and reactive powers can be written as

∑ ∑( )

∑ ∑( )

Assuming that buses 1 ∼m are PQ buses, buses m + 1 ∼ n −1 are PV buses and the bus is

the slack bus. The | | are given in the slack bus, and

the magnitude of the PV bus voltage are also given. Then, bus voltage angles

are unknown, and magnitudes of voltage are unknown. For each PV or PQ bus we have the

following real power mismatch equation:

In polar form;


In rectangular form;

∑ ∑( )

Similarly the reactive powers mismatch equation for each PQ bus is:

In polar form;

In rectangular form


∑ ∑( )

Where are the calculated real and reactive power buses injections respectively.

According to the Newton method, the power flow equations (2.57) and (2.58) can be expanded

into Taylor series and the following first - order approximation can be obtained.


] [




] [

] [








[ ] [


The elements of the Jacobian matrix are the function of bus voltage, which will be updated

through iterations. The element of the sub-matrix of the Jacobian matrix in equation (2.61) is

related to the corresponding element in bus admittance matrix if this .

Therefore, the Jacobian matrix in equation (2.61) is also a sparse matrix that is the same as the

bus admittance matrix this certainly simplifies the calculation and results in smaller computation

time [1, 3].

2.10 Decoupled Newton Method An intrinsic characteristic of any practical electric power system operating in steady state is

strong inter-reliance between real power and bus voltage angles and between reactive powers

and voltage magnitudes. The property of feeble coupling between variables

results in developing Decoupled Load Flow (DLF) method.


are solved separately. In the view of above equations (2.59) and (2.60) can be

modified as given below








] [

] [




[ ]

[ ]

Equation (2.64a) is solved to get . The updated is then used to solve equation (2.64b) to get

2.11 Fast Decoupled Load Flow The Fast Decoupled Load Flow (FDLF) was developed by B. Scott in 1974. The assumptions

which are valid in normal power system operation are as follows:


(i)Under normal loading conditions, angle differences,( ), across transmission lines

are small, that is to mean

(ii)For a transmission line, its reactance is more than its resistance. In other words,

⁄ .So, can be ignored because .

In view of the above, with these assumptions, the

elements of H and L sub-matrices become considerably simplified as

Substituting equations (2.66a) and (2.66b) into the following

We have

∑[ ]

∑[ ]

Setting on the right-hand side of Equation (2.69),

∑[ ]

Substituting equations (2.66c) and (2.66d) into the following


∑ [ ]


∑ [ ]

Setting on the right-hand side of Equation (2.72a),

∑[ ]

Above equations can be written in matrix form as

[ ][ ] [


[ ][ ] [



is the matrix having elements

is the matrix having elements

Further simplification of the FDLF can be achieved by:

1. Omitting the elements of [B‟] that predominately affect reactive power

flows, i.e. shunt reactance and transformer off-nominal in-phase taps.

2. Omitting from [B”] the angle shifting effect of the phase shifter that

predominately affects reactive power flows.

3. Ignoring the series resistance in calculating the elements of [B‟], this then

becomes the dc approximation of the power flow matrix.


Equations (2.73) and (2.74) are solved alternatively, always employing the most recent voltage


2.12 Comparison of Load flow Solution Methods.

Since the Gauss-Seidel is undoubtedly superior to Gauss method, the comparison is restricted

only between G-S method and the Newton-Raphson method and that too when Y bus matrix is

used for problem formulation. From the view point of memory requirements, polar coordinates

are preferred for solution based on N-R method and rectangular coordinates for the G-S method.

The time taken to perform an iteration of the computation is relatively smaller in case of G-S

method as compared to N-R method but the number of iterations required by G-S method for a

particular system is greater as compared to N-R method. The number of iteration increase with

increase in size of the system.

In the case of N-R method, the number of iteration is more or less independent of the size of the

system and varies between 3 or 5 iterations. The convergence characteristics of N-R method are

not affected by the selection of a particular bus may result in poor convergence.

The main advantage of G-S method as compared to N-R method is its ease in programming and

most efficient use of core memory. Nevertheless, for very large systems N-R method is found to

be more efficient and practical from point of view of computational time and convergence

characteristics. Even though N-R method can solve most of the practical problems, it may fail in

respect of some ill-conditioned problem where other advanced mathematical programming

techniques like the non-linear programming techniques can be used.




3.1 Description of PV-PQ Switching Logic Mathematically two tasks need to be done in power flow computation. One is to decrease the

mismatches to a very small value through an iterative process. Another is the type identification

of the buses.

After power flow iteration, for a voltage controlled bus , compute value of its reactive power

injection by solving:



And for the load bus, after power flow iteration the computation for voltage magnitude and

its load angle can be solved by:



Simplified as;




∑ ∑



There are two possibilities for each PQ & PV bus:

1. Bus i is a PQ bus in the previous iteration and its calculated voltage magnitude ,

compare it with its upper and lower limits.

If then it is switched to PV and set


If then this bus is switched to PV and set


If , then this bus remains a PQ bus .

2. Bus i is a PV bus in the previous iteration compare its calculated reactive power

with its upper and lower limits.

If then it is switched to PQ and set


If then this bus is switched to PQ and set


If , then this bus remains a PV bus [1, 2, 21].

3.2 Computational Pseudocode for Gauss-Seidel load flow method

1. Read data

n (number of buses); m(number of PQ buses).

for slack bus, for PQ and PV buses.

for PQ buses, for PV buses.

for PQ buses.

for PV buses. ( step length), R (number of

iterations), (convergence tolerance).

2. Form the

3. Assume initially

| |

4. Set iteration count | |

5. Set bus count

6. If BUS is PQ-bus then

6.1 Compute from equation (2.22) as



6.2 Update the voltage according to equation (2.39b) as

6.3 Check the limits of the and set according to



| | | | | |

| |

| | | |

| | | | | | | |


6.4 Compute if | | | | | |

6.5 Assign new voltage to old

7. If BUS is the PV-bus then

7.1 Compute for PV bus using equation (2.36)



7.2 Check the limits of and set according to


If no limit is violated then set

If any limit is violated then set

7.3 Compute the voltage angle for the PV bus using equation (2.23)



7.4 Update the voltage according to equation (2.39b) as

7.5 If then



7.6 Assign new voltage to old

8. Increment the bus count

9. Check that all voltages of PQ and PV buses have been modified if then GOTO step

6 and repeat.

10. Check convergence


If | | then GOTO step 5 and repeat

11. Compute powers on slack bus

{ ∑


12. Calculate line flows using equations (2.34a)and (2.34b)


3.3 Flow Chart

Figure 3.1: Gauss-Seidel Flow Chart with PV-PQ buses conversion [3, 4, 5].


3.4 IEEE 14 Bus Test Network

The 14 bus system consists of five synchronous machines with IEEE type; 1 exciter, four of

which are synchronous compensators used only for reactive power support. There are nine load

buses in the system totaling to 259MW and 81.3 MVAR. The dynamic and static data of the

system can be found. The system is widely used for voltage stability as well as low frequency

oscillatory stability analysis.

Figure 3.2: IEEE 14 bus system [16]


3.5 Load Flow Data

3.5.1 Bus data

The bus data provided for the IEEE-14bus system is given in the table 3.1 below.









Load Generator


1 1 1.060 0 0 0 232.4 -16.9 0 0 1.0600 1.0600

2 2 1.045 0 21.7 12.7 40 42.4 -40 50 1.0105 1.0450

3 2 1.01 0 131.88 94.2 19 23 0 40 0.9645 1.0100

4 3 1 0 66.92 47.8 -3.9 0 0 0 0.9583 1.0330

5 3 1 0 10.64 7.6 1.6 0 0 0 0.9649 1.0328

6 2 1.07 0 15.68 11.2 7.5 12.2 -6 24 1.0094 1.0700

7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9904 1.0762

8 2 1.09 0 0 0 0 17.4 -6 24 1.0314 1.0900

9 3 1 0 29.5 16.6 0 0 0 0 0.9920 1.0797

10 3 1 0 9 5.8 0 0 0 0 1.0013 1.0746

11 3 1 0 3.5 1.8 0 0 0 0 1.0189 1.0709

12 3 1 0 6.1 1.6 0 0 0 0 0.9843 1.0638

13 3 1 0 13.5 5.8 0 0 0 0 0.9902 1.0638

14 3 1 0 14.9 5 0 0 0 0 0.9581 1.0633

Table 3.1: Bus Data

Limits of the MVAR demand must be specified. The 14 bus test system being used has

four generator buses 2, 3, 6 and 8. Apart from bus number 8, the rest of the generator

buses have loads tapped from them. To identify the P-V buses from the rest of the bus

types in the system given, they are coded 2.

PQ this type means to be used for load buses. The loads are entered positive in inputting

megawatts and MVAR; negative in outputting megawatts and MVAR by the power

system. For this bus, initial voltage estimations must be specified. This is usually 1 and 0

for voltage magnitude and phase angle, respectively. The system has nine P-Q buses 4, 5,

7, 9-14. They are coded 3.

The bus data table 3-1 provides information on;

The value of the loads that are tapped from the system and to which buses

they are connected to.

The capacity of the generators that supply the system and to which buses

they are connected to.

The voltage magnitude and phase angles at the buses.


The maximum and minimum reactive power limits for the generators.

Amount of injected MVAR at the buses

3.5.2 Line data The line data table 3.2 below provides the values for the resistance, reactance and half susceptance in Per

Unit of the transmission lines connecting the buses in the system.

This information is necessary for building the matrix.

Other information provided is the tap settings of the transformers connected between the lines. Two-

winding transformer or three-winding transformer data is included in last column of line data structure.

At each line a 1 is entered to represent a case where no transformers on this transmission line are


Sending end


Receiving end



Per Unit


Per Unit



Per Unit


Tap (a)

1 2 0.01938 0.05917 0.0264 1

2 3 0.04699 0.19797 0.0219 1

2 4 0.05811 0.17632 0.0187 1

1 5 0.05403 0.22304 0.0246 1

2 5 0.05695 0.17388 0.017 1

3 4 0.06701 0.17103 0.0173 1

4 5 0.01335 0.04211 0.0064 1

5 6 0 0.25202 0 0.932

4 7 0 0.20912 0 0.978

7 8 0 0.17615 0 1

4 9 0 0.55618 0 0.969

7 9 0 0.11001 0 1

9 10 0.03181 0.0845 0 1

6 11 0.09498 0.1989 0 1

6 12 0.12291 0.25581 0 1

6 13 0.06615 0.13027 0 1

9 14 0.12711 0.27038 0 1

10 11 0.08205 0.19207 0 1

12 13 0.22092 0.19988 0 1

13 14 0.17093 0.34802 0 1

Table 3.2: Line data

The network of the medium power system network has its transmission lines modeled in standard π (Pi)

model. The impedance of a line is represented as a series impedance Z the line charging effects are

divided between the two shunt arms each with an admittance of ⁄ [2].

The Admittance Y is made up of a Conductance G and Susceptance B.

Such that


3.5.3 Transformer Data Two-winding transformer or three-winding transformer data is included in last column of line

data. At each line, 1 must be entered in this column due to no transformers on that particular

transmission line. The lines may be entered in any sequence or order with the only restriction

being that if the entry is a transformer, the left bus number is defined as the tap side of the


For a two-winding transformer, which is the also basic component of three-winding

transformer, represented by the equivalent PI circuit shown in figure 3.2.

The transformer tap ratio is setting as 1:k . The branch admittance elements can be calculated

from its PI equivalent circuit.

Figure 3.2: Diagram of a two-winding transformer circuit [16].

The branch self-admittance of bus is obtained by the following equation

The branch self-admittance of bus j is obtained by the following equation.


The algorithm discussed in section 3.2 was implemented using a MATLAB code. The load flow

input data was borrowed from IEEE 14 bus and 30 bus systems.

Two different analysis were conducted on the three input bus systems, namely,

1. Ordinary G-S Load flow to serve as the reference case.

2. Gauss-Seidel Load flow with PV to PQ buses conversion.

There are several ways or steps for carrying out the GS load flow analysis, the most important is

outlined in the steps as below;

1) Assembling of load flow MATLAB data. (IEEE Data was used)

2) Running the MATLAB assembled code.

3.6 Assembling load flow MATLAB data. The bus data and the line data input were assembled on a MATLAB . A matrix composed

of 14 rows and 11 columns was used to input bus data and a matrix composed of 20 rows and 6 columns

was used to input line data with the input vectors oriented column wise.

To introduce this data to MATLAB workspace the following command were used to call the


Ybus = ybusppg( ); % Calling program "ybusppg.m" to get Y-Bus.

busdata = busdata14(); % Calling "busdata14.m" for busdata.

This two command functions will input the data that will be analyzed by the written MATLAB code.

3.7 Running the MATLAB code. After all the containing MATLAB data are in the current path of workspace directory, the run

button on the toolbar menu was clicked to simulate the code. The output results obtained from the

workspace were tabulated on the Tables.




4.1 Results Analysis, Discussion and Validation

4.1.1 Normal GS Power Flow Analysis with no Buses Conversion

GS Load flow results without any bus conversion are given in the below table 4.1. Output

Voltage magnitude and Voltage Angle values, power injection and generation from GS method

for IEEE 14 bus system is presented below. All values of voltage magnitude are in per unit

and angle is given in degrees. It is noted from this power flow that the active and reactive total

generation powers are 367.6345 MW and 120.9053 MVAR respectively. While the active and

reactive total loads powers are 362.6000 MW and 118.3600 Mvar respectively. This indicates

that there is a line loss of about 5.0345 MW and 26.303 Mvar for all the lines put together.

Bus No Bus Type

V p.u

Angle Degree

Injection MW | MVAR

Generation MW | MVAR

Load MW | MVAR

1 1 1.0600 0.0000 0.176 2.315 30.556 20.095 30.380 17.780

2 2 1.0728 -1.8071 50.190 159.719 50.190 159.719 0.000 0.000

3 2 0.9576 -12.702 -18.455 -70.497 113.425 43.897 131.880 26.600

4 3 0.9888 -9.9697 -12.603 58.068 54.317 -48.068 66.920 10.000

5 3 0.9958 -8.1534 -14.869 -29.434 -4.229 -27.194 10.640 2.240

6 2 1.0055 -16.118 13.841 2.782 29.521 13.282 15.680 10.500

7 3 1.0465 -14.696 0.000 -2.630 0.000 -2.630 0.000 0.000

8 2 1.1496 -14.6958 0.000 67.294 0.000 67.294 0.000 0.000

9 3 1.0035 -17.1989 -9.586 -19.679 50.886 3.561 41.300 23.240

10 3 0.9929 -17.4667 -4.331 -11.438 8.269 -3.318 12.600 8.120

11 3 0.9940 -17.0111 -2.009 -4.154 2.891 -1.634 4.900 2.520

12 3 0.9844 -17.4644 -1.732 -5.282 6.808 -3.042 8.540 2.240

13 3 0.9786 -17.6072 -8.101 -14.347 10.799 -6.227 18.900 8.120

14 3 0.9655 -18.9731 -6.660 -14.035 14.200 -7.035 20.860 7.000



2.5453 367.6345 120. 9053 362.6000 118.3600

Total Number of Iterations 25

Table 4.1: Bus voltages, power generated and load after convergence of GS load flow


From bus

To bus P MW

Q Mvar From bus

To bus P MW Q Mvar Line Losses


1 2 -6.808 -20.786 2 1 6.89 21.038 0.083 0.252

1 5 6.984 28.831 5 1 -6.561 -27.084 0.423 1.747











2 4 15.202 46.127 4 2 14.011 42.514 1.191 3.613

2 5 14.066 42.947 5 2 -13.056 -39.862 1.011 3.085

3 4 -5.931 -15.137 4 3 6.124 15.63 0.193 0.493

4 5 -4.715 -14.873 5 4 4.748 14.977 0.033 0.105

4 7 0 -27.887 7 4 0 29.513 0 1.627

4 9 0 -2.695 9 4 0 2.735 0 0.04

5 6 0 -4.111 6 5 0 4.151 0 0.04

6 11 2.25 4.713 11 6 -2.225 -4.659 0.026 0.054

6 12 3.226 6.714 12 6 -3.158 -6.573 0.067 0.14

6 13 8.365 16.473 13 6 -8.141 -16.033 0.223 0.44

7 8 0 -61.258 8 7 0 67.294 0 6.036

Total Losses 5.034 26.303

Table 4.2 Real and Reactive Power flow over different lines and Losses.


4.1.2 GS Power Flow with PV to PQ Buses conversion

GS Load flow results with PV to PQ bus conversion is as follows table 4.3; from this power flow

results it is noted that the active and reactive total generation powers are 365.4376 MW and

104.4068 MVAR respectively. The total active and reactive load powers are as in previous case

that is 362.6 MW and 118.36 MVAR respectively. This indicate a total line losses of 2.838MW

and 10.715 MVAR .

Bus No

Bus Type

V Angle Injection Generation Load


1 1 1.06 0 15.068 47.926 45.448 65.706 30.38 17.78

2 2 1.045 0 15.686 43.489 15.686 43.489 0 0

3 2 1.01 0 0.806 -7.492 132.686 19.108 131.88 26.6

4 3 0.986 -5.2046 -20.289 -56.945 46.631 -46.945 66.92 10

5 3 0.9945 -4.7128 -9.394 -27.509 1.246 -25.269 10.64 2.24

6 2 1.039 -12.6359 21.156 31.320 36.836 41.820 15.68 10.5

7 3 1.0088 -9.982 0 -2.602 0 -2.602 0 0

8 2 1.0491 -9.9823 0 23.998 0 23.998 0 0

9 3 0.9868 -12.5478 3.327 -17.749 44.627 5.491 41.3 23.24

10 3 0.985 -12.9973 -4.668 -11.139 7.932 -3.019 12.6 8.12

11 3 1.0066 -12.9914 -2.287 -3.782 2.613 -1.262 4.9 2.52

12 3 1.0148 -13.8666 -1.440 -5.715 7.100 -3.475 8.54 2.24

13 3 1.0056 -13.88 -8.376 -13.770 10.524 -5.650 18.9 8.12

14 3 0.9679 -14.7139 -6.751 -13.983 14.109 -6.983 20.8 7

Total 2.8376 -13.9532 365.4376 104.4068 362.6 118.36

Total Number of Iterations 21

Table 4.3: Bus voltages, power generated and load after convergence of GS load flow on PV to

PQ buses conversion.


Table 4.4 Real and Reactive Power flows over different lines and Losses on PV to PQ buses


From bus

To bus P MW Q MVar From bus

To bus P MW Q MVar Losses

Active Reactive

1 2 7.949 24.268 2 1 -7.836 -23.925 0.112 0.343

1 5 7.119 29.388 5 1 -6.679 -27.573 0.44 1.815

2 3 4.151 17.49 3 2 -4.012 -16.904 0.139 0.586

2 4 10.399 31.554 4 2 -9.812 -29.772 0.587 1.782

2 5 8.971 27.391 5 2 -8.538 -26.068 0.433 1.323

3 4 4.819 12.299 4 3 -4.704 -12.006 0.115 0.293

4 5 -5.773 -18.209 5 4 5.823 18.367 0.05 0.158

4 7 0 -10.997 7 4 0 11.251 0 0.254

4 9 0 -0.149 9 4 0 0.149 0 0

5 6 0 -18.816 6 5 0 19.657 0 0.841

6 11 6.575 13.768 11 6 -6.37 -13.339 0.205 0.429

6 12 3.84 7.991 12 6 -3.75 -7.805 0.09 0.186

6 13 10.742 21.155 13 6 -10.397 -20.475 0.345 0.679

7 8 0 -23.076 8 7 0 23.998 0 0.922

Total Losses 2.838 10.715


4.2 Performance Analysis

For analysis of line flows, bus 1 and 2 were considered. The current flowing through line 1-2

was calculated and the corresponding real and reactive power flow was obtained. The real and

reactive losses were also determined. The current flowing between the buses i and k can be

written as

Therefore the complex leaving bus is given by

Similarly the complex power entering bus is

Therefore the loss in the line segment

The real power flow over different lines is listed in Table 4.2 for GS load flow analysis before

bus conversion and Table 4.4 after PV to PQ bus conversion. The two tables also give the

loss along various segments. It can be seen that all the losses add up to 5.034MW, which is the

net difference between power generation and load for normal GS analysis. Similarly the

losses add up to 2.838MW for GS analysis with PV to PQ buses conversion. Finally we can

compute the line drops in a similar way. This drop is given by

However, the effect of line charging was considered separately

Consider the line segment 1-2. The voltage of bus-1 is per unit while that of

bus-2 is per unit .Then we can get

Therefore the complex power dispatched from bus-1 is

Where the negative signal indicates the power is leaving bus-1. The complex power received

at bus-2 is


Therefore out of a total amount of 6.808 MW of real power is dispatched from bus-1 over the

line segment 1-2, 6.89 MW reaches bus-2. This indicates that the drop in the line segment


Where is resistance of the line segment 1-2. Therefore we can also use this method to

calculate the

line loss. Now the reactive drop in the line segment 1-2 is

We also get this quantity by subtracting the reactive power absorbed by bus-2 from that

supplied by bus-1. The above calculation however does not include the line charging. Note that

since the line is modeled by an equivalent- pi, the voltage across the shunt capacitor is the bus

voltage to which the shunt capacitor is connected. Therefore the current flowing through line

segment is not the current leaving bus-1 or entering bus-2 - it is the current flowing in between

the two charging capacitors. Since the shunt branches are purely reactive, the real power flow

does not get affected by the charging capacitors. Each charging capacitor is assumed to inject a

reactive power that is the product of the half line charging admittance and square of the

magnitude of the voltage of that at bus. The half-line charging admittance of this line is 0.0264.

Therefore line charging capacitor will inject at bus-1

| |

Similarly the reactive power injected at bus -2 is

| |

4.3 Comparison of Results Let „1‟ denotes GS load flow analysis with no bus conversion while „2‟ denotes GS load flow

analysis on PV to PQ buses conversion. It‟s noted from Table 4.5 column 2 and 6, buses number

6 and 8 have been converted from type 2 to type 3 which is PV (generator bus) to PQ (load bus).

The system losses reduce by approximately 51.5%, which is quite significant margin.




Bus No

Bus Type 1

Losses 1

Bus No

Bus Type 2

Losses 2

Active 1 Line Losses

Reactive 1 Line Losses

Active 2 Line Losses

Reactive 2 Line Losses

1 1 0.083 0.252 1 1 0.112 0.343

2 2 0.423 1.747 2 2 0.44 1.815

3 2 1.507 6.349 3 2 0.139 0.586

4 3 1.191 3.613 4 3 0.587 1.782

5 3 1.011 3.085 5 3 0.433 1.323

6 2 0.193 0.493 6 3 0.115 0.293

7 3 0.033 0.105 7 3 0.05 0.158

8 2 0 1.627 8 3 0 0.254

9 3 0 0.04 9 3 0 0

10 3 0 0.04 10 3 0 0.841

11 3 0.026 0.054 11 3 0.205 0.429

12 3 0.067 0.14 12 3 0.09 0.186

13 3 0.223 0.44 13 3 0.345 0.679

14 3 0 6.036 14 3 0 0.922

TOTAL 5.034 26.303


2.838 10.715

Table 4.5 Comparison of Line Losses before and after Buses Conversion

4.4 Charts and Graphs

4.4.1 Voltage Profile To illustrate the difference in the voltage magnitudes on the various lines of the IEEE 14 bus

system, on the two cases (GS load flow analysis when there is no buses conversion lets refer this

as case 1 and after PV to PQ buses conversion refer it as case 2). Figure 4.1 shows the voltage

magnitudes in per unit of all the 14 buses. The voltage magnitudes prove to remain fairly

constant at 1p.u with a slight increase at bus 8 to approximately 1.1p.u in both cases.


Figure 4.1 Voltage profile comparison for cases 1 and 2.

4.4.2 Line Losses The power flows in each line were determined for the two different cases 1 and 2. The plot below

provides a measure of the comparison of power flows and hence the line losses. Figures (4.2) and (4.3)

show the comparison of active line losses and reactive line losses respectively. Clearly case 1 has the

highest losses for both the active and reactive losses, with bus number 3 depicting maximum losses. Case

2 which is on PV to PQ buses conversion of bus numbers 6 and 8, the line losses in all buses remain fairly

equal at approximately 0.2 MW for active power losses and 2 Mvar for the reactive power losses.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Voltage magnitudes

Bus Numbers

Voltage Profile Comparison

V1 p.u V2 p.u


Figure 4.2: A comparison of active power (MW) line losses over different lines for cases 1and 2

Figure 4.3: A comparison of reactive power (Mvar) line losses over different lines for cases 1

and 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Active 1 line losses 0.083 0.423 1.507 1.191 1.011 0.193 0.033 0 0 0 0.026 0.067 0.223 0

Active 2 line losses 0.112 0.44 0.139 0.587 0.433 0.115 0.05 0 0 0 0.205 0.09 0.345 0













e lo


s in


Comparison of Active power line losses

Active 1 line losses Active 2 line losses

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Reactive 1 line losses 0.2521.7476.3493.6133.0850.4930.1051.627 0.04 0.04 0.054 0.14 0.44 6.036

Reactive 2 line losses 0.3431.8150.5861.7821.3230.2930.1580.254 0 0.8410.4290.1860.6790.922











ve li




s in



Comparison of reactive power line losses

Reactive 1 line losses Reactive 2 line losses


4.5 GS Power Flow Results and Analysis for 30 IEEE bus System. Load flow analysis was carried out for IEEE 30 bus test system, output total power generation

and injection values are presented below in summary. A similar GS load analysis on PV-PQ

buses conversion was carried out, proved as well to have significantly reduced power losses by

approximately 67.1%.

From table 4.6 it is notable that the system losses have reduced from 4.488 MW to 1.685 MW

for the active power and 24.736 MVAR to 6.975 MVAR for the reactive power.

Important to be noted also is that the number of iterations reduced on PV-PQ buses conversion

from 58 to 26 iterations. The number of iterations and thus computational time for voltage

magnitudes and angles increased as the number of buses increases, the 14 bus system took 25

iterations while 30 bus system took 58 iterations.







4.49 -23.44 287.9 102.76 283 126 1.685 -40 285.085 86.197 283 126


4.488 MW 24.736 MVAR 1.685 MW 6.975 MVAR

Table 4.6 Power flow results for the 30 bus system




5.1 CONCLUSION The G-S load flow method was successfully designed and implemented to solve Load flow

problem. The Gauss-Seidel Load flow method on no bus conversion and on PV-PQ bus

conversion, for determining the effect of buses conversion on power flows of the IEEE-14 bus

and 30 bus systems was carried out. The comparison of results for the two cases of IEEE 14 and

30 bus test networks, clearly shows that the system losses reduced significantly. The proposed

PV-PQ bus conversion indeed proved capable of obtaining optimum solution efficiently with

minimum system losses. The Voltage magnitude and corresponding angles of a 14 bus system

were observed for different values of Reactance loading and the findings has been presented.

Line flows are also calculated. It is therefore easy to calculate the system losses from these

flows. Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 indicate that the line losses reduced from 5.0345MW &

26.303 MVAR to 2.838 MW & 10.715 MVAR for the 14 bus system.

From table 4.6 it is notable that the system losses have reduced from 4.488 MW & 24.736

MVAR to 1.685 MW & 6.975 MVAR for the 30 bus system. It is seen that number of

iterations and hence computational time for convergence is less on PV to PQ conversion for

both IEEE 14 bus and 30 bus.

Load-flow studies are important for planning future expansion of power systems as well as in

determining the best operation of existing systems. From the findings, it is concluded that

conversion of a number of PV buses to PQ buses is an effective way of reducing power losses in

small and medium size power systems. Therefore, a successful case of design, development and

implementation of Power Loss Reduction by PV-PQ Buses Conversion MATLAB based has

therefore been presented.

5.2Recommendations for Further Work Further works that may be done with regards to this study are:

1. Improvements would be made on the information about the contingency analysis into the

power system networks as well as control measures and load demand patterns so as to

obtain a more representative load flow analysis of a physical system.

2. Distance between various buses to be incorporated so as to study their effects on line

flow losses.

3. Load flow specialization- the load flow approach such as bus conversion or use of one

load flow method for the peak periods and another approach methodology for the normal

periods can also be studied.



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Clear all;

Clear variables

BaseMVA = 100;

ybus = ybusppg();

busdata = busdata30();

rect2pol = rect2pol();

bus = busdata(:,1);

type = busdata(:,2);

V = busdata(:,3);

angle = busdata(:,4);

GenMW = busdata(:,5)/BaseMVA;

GenMVAR = busdata(:,6)/BaseMVA;

LoadMW = busdata(:,7)/BaseMVA;

LoadMVAR = busdata(:,8)/BaseMVA;

Qmin = busdata(:,9)/BaseMVA;

Qmax = busdata(:,10)/BaseMVA;

Vmin = busdata(:,11)/BaseMVA;

Vmax = busdata(:,12)/BaseMVA;

nbus = max(bus);

P = GenMW - LoadMW;

Q = GenMVAR - LoadMVAR;

slack = find(type == 1);

pv = find ( type == 2 );

pq = find ( type == 3);

Npv = length (pv);

Npq = length (pq);

linedata = linedata30();

fb = linedata(:,1);

tb = linedata(:,2);

nl = length(fb);

Iik = zeros(nbus,nbus);

Sik = zeros(nbus,nbus);

Si = zeros(nbus,1);

Vprev = V;

toler = 1;

iter = 1;

acc = 1.6;

for m=2:nbus



while (toler > 0.00001)

for i = 2:nbus

sumyv = 0;

for k = 1:nbus

if i ~= k

sumyv = sumyv + ybus(i,k)* V(k);



%---------------------------Computing Qi for PV


if type(i) == 2

Q(i) = -imag(conj(V(i))*(sumyv +


V(i) = (1/ybus(i,i))*((P(i)-

1i*Q(i))/conj(V(i)) - sumyv);

V(i) = Vprev(i)+acc*(V(i)-Vprev(i))

;%Update voltage

angle(i) = atan(imag(V(i))./real(V(i)));

% Checking for Qi Violation this will apply PV

to PQ%

if (Q(i) >= Qmax(i))


type(i) = 3;

if (Q(i) <= Qmin(i))

Q(i) = Qmin(i);

type(i) = 3;



%------ Updating new Voltages for PV buses----


if type(i) == 2

V(i) = (1/ybus(i,i))*((P(i)-

1i*Q(i))/conj(V(i)) - sumyv);

V(i) = Vprev(i)+acc*(V(i)-Vprev(i))

;%Updating voltage

% angle(i) = atan(imag(V(i))./real(V(i)));

V(i) = pol2rect(abs(Vprev(i)),

angle(V(i)));revised angle





% -------------------Computing Vi for PQ bus-----


if type(i) == 3 % If bus Identified as PQ

Compute Vi

V(i) = (1/ybus(i,i))*((P(i)-

1i*Q(i))/conj(V(i)) - sumyv);

V(i) = Vprev(i)+acc*(V(i)-Vprev(i)) ;

%Update by an acceleration factor.

%angle(i) = atan(imag(V(i))./real(V(i)));


V(i) = rect2pol(abs(Vprev(i)), angle(V(i)));

% Checking for Vi Violation this will ap PQ to


if (V(i) >= Vmax(i))


type(i) = 2;

if (V(i) <= Vmin(i))

V(i) = Vmin(i);

type(i) = 2;







iter = iter + 1; % Increment iteration count.

toler = max(abs(abs(V) - abs(Vprev))); %

Calculate tolerance.

Vprev=V; % Vprev is required for next





V ;

disp (V)

V = abs(V);

angle = 180/pi*angle;


for i=1:nbus






% Bus Current Injections...I = ybus*V;

%Line Current Flows..

for m = 1:nl

p = fb(m); q = tb(m);

Iik(p,q) = -(V(p) - V(q))*ybus(p,q);

Iik(q,p) = -Iik(p,q);

%disp(Iik) %%Note Iik is very sparse


% Line Power Flows..

for m = 1:nbus

for n = 1:nbus

if m ~= n

Sik(m,n) = V(m)*conj(Iik(m,n))*BaseMVA;

%Subsequently Sik is sparse




Sik = sparse(Sik);

Pik = real(Sik);

Qik = imag(Sik);

% Line Losses.

Lik = zeros(nl,1);

for m = 1:nl

p = fb(m); q = tb(m);

Lik(m) = Sik(p,q) + Sik(q,p); %power loss in (i-

k)th line Lpik=Sik+Ski


Lpik = real(Lik); %Active power loss

Lqik = imag(Lik); %Reactive power loss

% Bus Power Injections.

for i = 1:nbus

for k = 1:nbus

Si(i) = Si(i) + conj(V(i))*




Pi = real(Si); %Active power injection

Qi = -imag(Si); %Reactive power injection



Pg=Pi+Pload; %Active power generation

Qg=Qi+Qload; %Reactive power


