
Blockchain platform with proof-of-work based on analog Hamiltonian optimisers

Kirill P. Kalinin1 and Natalia G. Berloff2,1

1Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom and

2Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Novaya St., 100, Skolkovo 143025, Russian Federation(Dated: March 1, 2018)

The development of quantum information platforms such as quantum computers and quantumsimulators that will rival classical Turing computations are typically viewed as a threat to securedata transmissions and therefore to crypto-systems and financial markets in general. We propose touse such platforms as a proof-of-work protocol for blockchain technology, which underlies cryptocur-rencies providing a way to document the transactions in a permanent decentralised public record andto be further securely and transparently monitored. We reconsider the basis of blockchain encryp-tion and suggest to move from currently used proof-of-work schemes to the proof-of-work performedby analog Hamiltonian optimisers. This approach has a potential to significantly increase decentral-isation of the existing blockchains and to help achieve faster transaction times, therefore, removingthe main obstacles for blockchain implementation. We discuss the proof-of-work protocols for a fewmost promising optimiser platforms: quantum annealing hardware based on D-wave simulators anda new class of gain-dissipative simulators.

Blockchain technology with its digital currency, Bit-coin, was originally introduced about ten years ago [1]and was quickly followed by the development of manyother cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin was the first decen-tralised electronic payment system operated by an openpeer-to-peer network where a financial transaction hap-pens directly between two willing parties without theneed for a trusted intermediary such as banks or otherfinancial institutions. The deployment and enhancementof blockchain technology may completely transform theexisting financial system in the next few years. The worldleading financial institutions started investing in startupsbased on blockchain technologies, exploring its novel ap-plications and opportunities. The major banks are estab-lishing a framework for using the blockchain technologyin the financial markets [2]. The acceptance of bitcoin inJapan together with a recently established Crypto Valleyin Switzerland are the first signs that cryptocurrenciesbecome recognised on the governing level.

In principle, all industries that serve as intermedi-aries for processing financial transactions will have toadapt and compete with the blockchain alternatives. Theblockchain will capture various aspects of our lives in-cluding non-financial applications such as the implemen-tation of a decentralised platform for the Internet ofThings, health records and notary, loyalty payments inthe media industry, private securities. IBM and Samsungare now developing a new platform called ADEPT (Au-tonomous Decentralised Peer To Peer Telemetry) basedon the blockchain that will keep a trusted record ofall the messages exchanged between smart devices in adistributed network. Nasdaq is implementing privateequity exchange on top of Blockchain with a goal tocreate a more secure, efficient system to trade stocks[3]. DocuSign, a company that specializes in electroniccontracts, just unveiled a joint idea with Visa to useblockchain to track car rentals and reduce paperwork.Microsoft develops Azure Blockchain to allow the devel-

opers and customers to create private, semi-private, pub-lic and consortium blockchain networks with a single clickon the Azure’s cloud platform, thereby enabling them todistribute blockchain products. Moreover, the majorityof all possible applications can be realised on the sameblockchain by using the ”smart contracts”, which arecomputer programs that can automatically execute theterms of a contract [4]. When a preconfigured conditionin a smart contract among participating entities is met,the parties involved in the contractual agreement can au-tomatically make the contractual payments in a trans-parent manner. Companies like ethereum and Codiusare already enabling Smart contracts using blockchaintechnology and many companies which operate usingblockchain technologies are beginning to support Smartcontracts. Many cases where assets are transferred onlyafter meeting certain conditions, which require lawyersto create a contract and banks to provide escrow ser-vices, can be replaced by Smart contracts. Ethereumis already powering a wide range of early applicationsby using Smart contracts in areas such as governance,autonomous banks, keyless access, crowdfunding and fi-nancial derivatives trading.

The investments attracted by main cryptocurrenciescaused an increased interest in understanding the struc-ture and technological capabilities of the platform. Theblockchain consists of a publicly accessible database ofall transactions that are arranged into blocks of a cer-tain length in the order preserved by a distributed ledger(so shared across multiple sites), see Fig. 1. The decen-tralisation of the blockchain is currently insured by thedistributed computational powers (computational nodes)verifying all the transactions and agreeing about whatblocks should be on the blockchain, so there is no spe-cific computer responsible for a particular transaction.In order to validate the transaction of a particular block,one can wait until several newer blocks are added to theblockchain which will automatically validate all of the













previously created blocks.

A major technical obstacle, that prevents Visa andother payment systems to be replaced by digital cryp-tocurrencies for daily transactions, is the transaction con-firmation time which is dependent on the processing timeof each new block in a blockchain. In bitcoin, the func-tions of an intermediary, i.e. the ”trust”, is based onthe amount of work performed. On one hand, it has tobe hard enough for an ordinary CPU to process it in-stantaneously (therefore the complexity of the work iscontrolled and at the moment is limited to ten minuteson average to process each block added to a blockchain).On the other hand, for routine everyday transactionsthe time spent per block has to be much shorter thanthat. This conflicting requirement prevents all of the ex-isting cryptocurrencies from becoming a real electronicpayment system that can be used for routine financialtransactions. Another problem is the violation of de-centralisation. The 70% of the cryptocurrencies withthe highest capitalisation are already controlled by a fewmajor computational nodes. Such centralised hubs ofpower make it impossible for a new computational nodeto join the system unless it matches the huge computa-tional power of centralized nodes. Possible solutions ofthese problems are seemingly mutually exclusive: short-ening of the processing time has to be accompanied byrestrictions on such processing for modest computationalpowers, but not to lead to computational centraliza-tion! However, we argue in this paper that a concep-tually different scheme of blockchain processing whichrelies on using recently emerged analog Hamiltonian op-timizers (AHO) and quantum simulators may be capableof fulfilling these requirements and revolutionarizing theblockchain technology. We also argue that the moderncapabilities of such optimizers are already sufficient toimplement a proof-of-work to record a public history oftransactions by solving NP-hard problems that are com-putationally impractical for conventional classical com-puters and CPUs, but can be easily solved on the pur-pose built analog Hamiltonian and quantum simulators.Moreover, our approach does not concentrate on a partic-ular cryptocurrency such as bitcoin and we do not limitourselves to blockchain technology, but we rather focuson a hard computational problem that can be used asproof-of-work in future versions of any cryptocurrenciesor other technologies based on proof-of-work principle.

Our paper is organised as follows. In Section 1, wegive an overview of blockchain technology and the wayit drives cryptocurrency payment systems. In Section 2,we discuss two classes of hard optimization (NP-hard)problems, namely quadratic unconstrained binary op-timisation (QUBO) and constant modulus constrainedquadratic continuous optimization (QCO). These prob-lems are the type of problems that can be solved byAHO/quantum simulators faster than by classical com-puter. We discuss the D-Wave simulators based on super-conducting cubits and recently emerged gain-dissipativesimulators, including polariton, trapped photon conden-

FIG. 1: Blockchain generation by computational nodes in Bit-coin cryptocurrency. The block is added to a blockchain withan average interval of ten minutes and it contains approx-imately 4000-5000 transactions. The output of each blockserves as the name for the next block, thus forming a chain.

sates, and atomic multi-mode QED (quantum electro-dynamics). In Section 3, we propose how QUBO andQCO solved by analog simulators can be used in ablockchain technology as a new generation of proof-of-work protocol, which ensures much better decentralisa-tion compared to the existing protocols and provides agreater transaction rate. Finally, we conclude in Section4.


Adding each new block of transactions to theblockchain requires solving a computationally demand-ing problem, i.e. proof-of-work (POW). POW conceptwas originally developed to prevent junk mails by requir-ing the sender to solve a moderately hard computationalproblem to allow for the message to be delivered [5]. Inthe blockchain, POW concept is implemented by compu-tational nodes that perform complex mathematical cal-culations and are rewarded for this by cryptocoins. Thisis often the only way for cryptocoins to enter the system,and hence the computational nodes are called miners andthe process of performing the computations is called min-ing.

The usual POW problems are based on a function H,called hash function, which maps an arbitrary sized inputdata to a fixed size output (called hash) and is designedto be hard to invert, i.e. the hash y can be easily com-puted from the initial data x by calculating y = H(x)but finding x from a given y is computationally hard.The inversion of the hash function requires an exponen-tially growing computational time of an order of O(2n)where n is the hash size, but when x is found the valida-tion of the transaction could be easily done by computingH(x) and comparing the result with the hash y. Everytransaction in the block has a hash associated with itand each block in the blockchain is identified by its blockheader hash (see Supplementary Material for the full listof parameters included in it).

The mining difficulty for adding new block, which isrepresented by the difficulty target value, is dynamically


controlled and regularly adjusted by a moving averagegiving an average number of blocks per hour fixed inorder to compensate the increasing computational powerand varying interest in running nodes involved in mining.In bitcoin, the difficulty target value is updated every2016 blocks in order to target the desired block intervalaccurately, which is now set to be ten minutes. Thisrate is chosen as an ad hoc tradeoff: the time which istoo short would decrease the stability of the blockchain(more forks and longer forks in the blockchain tree wouldrequire an increased bandwidth between nodes); the timewhich is too long would increase the confirmation time oftransactions. Other cryptocurrencies have different timesper block, e.g. Litecoin has a 2.5 minutes block time.

Centralisation problems. The initially supposed globaldecentralisation of the bitcoin and other cryptocurrenciesis now under risk since the computational nodes tendto unite in computational pools followed by emergenceof major cryptocurrencies with highest capitalisation onthe market, i.e. bitcoin and etherium, which are con-trolled by 5-7 different parties. The network remains de-centralised but with a few centralised hubs. This in turnleads to a high entry barrier for a new potential min-ing party since it has to compete with the computationalrate of centralised hubs, which will make the system evenmore centralised in the nearest future. For a brief reviewof security issues and other problems including energyconsumption, storage of the information, please see theSupplementary Material.

In the next Section we discuss the type of hard prob-lems that can be solved – mined – faster on speciallybuilt alternatives to classical computers, namely, analogHamiltonian optimisers/quantum simulators. We pro-pose to put such problems and such solvers at the coreof POW schemes that the agents need to solve in orderto add each new block of transactions to the blockchain.


At the heart of Richard Feynman’s idea of quantumsimulator lied the proposal of using one well-tunablequantum system to simulate another quantum system [6].To design such quantum simulator [7], one needs to mapthe variables of the desired Hamiltonian of the systeminto the elements (spins, currents etc.) of the simulator,tune the interactions between them, prepare the simu-lator in a state that is relevant to the physical problemof interest, and perform measurements on the simula-tor with the required precision. In the past decade, thisoriginal meaning of quantum simulator has been widenedand modified to include the platforms that intend to solveclassical optimization problems faster than classical com-puter for a given problem size (in terms of the number ofvariables, and therefore, the dimensionality of the func-tion to be optimized). Various physical systems havebeen proposed and realised as such simulators to a vari-

ous extent [8]. Among those are systems that use essen-tially quantum processes for their operation (e.g. entan-glement and superpositions) such as trapped ions [9, 10]or superconducting qubits [11], for others although thequantum processes are crucial in forming the state ofthe system such as Bose-Einstein condensates, the sys-tem behaves as a classical system, e.g ultracold atomsin optical lattices [12–15], network of optical parametricoscillators (OPOs) [16, 17], coupled lasers [18], polaritoncondensates [19], multimode cavity QED [20] and photoncondensates [21]. These systems emulate spin Hamilto-nians such as Ising, XY or Heisenberg (so called n− vec-tor models). Hardness of the problem depends on thenumber of nodes (eg. bits, qubits), on the ability to con-trol couplings between the elements and the overall con-nectivity of the system. The existence of universal spinHamiltonians has been established. Universality meansthat all classical n-vector models with any range of in-teractions can be reproduced within such a model, andcertain simple Hamiltonians such as 2D Ising model ona square lattice with transverse fields are universal [22].Indeed, such problems are NP-hard for a general matrixof couplings – the number of operations grows as an ex-ponential function with the matrix size. This suggeststhat one can formulate a spin Hamiltonian (Ising, XY orHeisenberg) for which the global minimum can be foundby a simulator optimized for solving such problems muchfaster than on classical computer.

Finding the optimal solution of the general n vectormodel for a sufficiently large size may be suitable fora POW protocol. Here we discuss two of such prob-lems as the system requirements for simulators men-tioned above designed to solve these problems. First ofthese is the quadratic unconstrained binary optimisation(QUBO) problem which is an optimization formulationof a max-3-cut problem for vector z ∈ CN with compo-nents zi, i = 1, · · ·N and N × N real symmetric matrixQ

max zHQz, subject to zi ∈ {−1, 1}, (1)

and, second, quadratic continuous optimisation (QCO)problem

max zHQz, subject to |zi| = 1. (2)

QUBO is a discrete version of QCO for which the decisionvariables are constrained to lie on the unit circle,which isa continuous domain. The Ising model

min −∑i<j

Jijsisj subject to si ∈ {−1, 1} (3)

and XY model

min −∑i<j

Jijsi · sj subject to si = (cos θi, sin θi),

(4)are trivially mapped into QUBO and QCO, respectively,


by associating the ”spins” si and si with z (via zi =cos θi + i sin θi for the XY model, and zi ∈ {−1, 1} forthe Ising model) and the coupling strengths Jij betweenthe spins with the matrix elements of Q.

These problems are known to be strongly NP-hard ingeneral and, therefore, even for medium-sized instancesare difficult to solve on a classical computer [23]. Thetime required to find the solution depends on the matrixstructure: its size, number of zero entries (sparsity), theway the elements are generated, whether it is positive-definite or indefinite matrix etc. The algorithms for solv-ing these problems on a classical computer can be dividedinto three types: exact methods that find the optimal so-lution to the machine precision, approximate algorithmsthat guarantee that the solution will be found withinsome approximation ratio and heuristic algorithms wheresuitability for solving a particular problem comes fromempirical testing [24]. Exact methods typically involvea tree search of a general branch-and-bound nature andthe exponential worst-case runtime. They can be usedto solve a limited range of problems for small or sparsematrices. The heuristic algorithms such as simulated an-nealing, genetic and evolution algorithms can deliver agood, but suboptimal (and possibly infeasible) point in ashort amount of time [25]. Approximate algorithms findan approximate solution – an optimal value of zHQz,which is at least a constant times the true optimal value.Such constant is called a ”performance guarantee” ofthe algorithm. Both QUBO and QCO are known tobe APX-hard problems [26] meaning that there is nopolynomial-time approximation algorithm that gives thevalue of the objective function that is arbitrarily close tothe optimal solution (unless P = NP). For these prob-lems, therefore, the perfomance guarantee is bounded bya constant and no approximate algorithms can be de-vised to do better. The approximate algorithms are typ-ically based on some form of semidefinite programmingrelaxation (SDP). The achieved performance guaranteedepends on the structure of the matrix. For instance,for positive semidefinite Q with the elements of the samesign the performance guarantee of SDP methods can beas high as 2

π min0≤τ≤πτ

1−cos τ ≈ 0.878 [27], however, ifthe assumption about the sign of elements is relaxed theperformance guarantee becomes 0.537 for QUBO and π/4for QCO [23] . An approximation algorithm on a moregeneral indefinite matrix will yield even worse approx-imate. Furthermore, the task of finding an approxima-tion for maximizers z instead of the approximation to theobjective function zHQz easily becomes non-computable[28]. The best classical computational algorithms capableof finding the solution of the QUBO/QCO problems fora general matrix Q are limited to very modest sizes. Forinstance, for N = 200 with only 30% nonzero elementsthe state-of-the art algorithms would take on average 80minutes to solve QUBO [29].

Since the spin Hamiltonian models are straightfor-wardly mapped into QUBO and QCO, it is natural thatanalog/quantum simulators based on condensed matter

quantum systems have architecture most suitable forsolving such problems. Below we consider the mostpromising platforms for solving QUBO or QCO.

Quantum Annealers. D-Wave is a first commer-cially available quantum annealer that is built on su-perconducting qubits with programmable couplings andspecifically designed to solve QUBO problems (Eq. 1)[30]. By specifying the interactions Jij between qubits, adesired QUBO problem is solved by quantum annealingprocess [31]. Adiabatic (slow) transition in time from aninitial state of a specially prepared ”easy” Hamiltonianto the objective Ising Hamiltonian guarantees that thesystem remains in the ground state, which gives the finalenergy that corresponds to the optimal solution of theQUBO problem.

First benchmarks on random QUBO problems wereperformed on a ”D-Wave One” and ”D-Wave Two” ques-tioning the fact of quantum speedup of annealer [32]. Itwas demonstrated that although the D-wave One sim-ulator (with 128 qubits) is a true quantum annealer itis not yet competitive with classical computing technol-ogy. No speedup was found for problems of sizes rangingfrom 8 to 512 qubits. Later, it was shown [33], that forcarefully crafted problems with rugged energy landscapesthat are dominated by large and tall barriers, the quan-tum annealer can offer a significant runtime advantageover a classical version of simulated annealing. For someproblems with sizes involving nearly 1000 binary vari-ables, quantum annealing was up to 108 times faster thanclassical simulated annealing (SA) or Quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) methods running on a single core CPU.The quantum speedup was not claimed again since a va-riety of heuristic classical algorithms can solve most in-stances of problems structured on Chimera architectureof D-Wave computers more efficiently [34].

These results do not exclude a possible quantumspeedup for some other problems that can be specifi-cally created to suit the machine’s abilities and which willbenefit from quantum anealing. With the last commer-cially available D-Wave machine released in 2017, quan-tum annealers may finally outperform all classical algo-rithms. For evaluation of the new 2000-qubit D-WaveQPU a new synthetic problem class was proposed [35]with more emphasis on creating computational hardnessthrough frustrated global interactions. Such frustrationcreates meaningful difficulty for general heuristic algo-rithms that are unaware of the planted problem class.The D-Wave team claimed the 2000Q could find solu-tions up to 2600 times faster than any known classicalalgorithm [35]. This time the D-Wave simulator was com-peting with the state-of-the-art CPU implementationsof SA, QMC, support vector machine classification al-gorithm, and Selby’s CPU implementation of Hamze-deFreitas-Selby algorithm, making the competition muchstronger than it was in [33]. Three orders of magnitudespeedup over software solvers, reported for pure anneal-ing time (computation time), translates into a 30 timesspeedup in total wall clock time including programming


and readout necessary for D-Wave machine.

One of the major limitations of D-wave simulators isthat each qubit can be connected to maximum of sixother qubits and thus N2 qubits are needed for encod-ing N -variable problem. The next generation of D-Wavequantum computer is expected to be announced in 2018with new powerful capabilities such as reverse annealingand virtual graphs. These features are expected to en-able significant performance improvements over the cur-rent D-Wave simulators by giving users increased controlof the QPU and will probably make the fact of a quantumspeedup even more clear.

OPO-based simulators. Network of coupled opticalparametric oscillators (OPOs) is an alternative physicalsystem for solving the Ising problem ([36] and referencestherein). A scalable optical processor with electronicfeedback was realized for solving Ising problem with upto 100 spins and 10,000 spin-spin connections [36]. Inthis Coherent Ising Machine (CIM), the ground state ofthe Ising Hamiltonian corresponds to an oscillation modewith the minimum network of degenerate OPOs loss. Thefully programmable connections between any two spins isa significant difference of this model compared to the D-Wave simulator. The first promising signs of speedup ofCIM have been reported recently [37], however, the fun-damental computational power of OPO Ising machinesor the time required to program thousands of connec-tions and to readout of the final state have not been fullyexplored.

Gain-Dissipative Simulators. We define gain-dissipative simulators as the optimisers based on adriven-dissipative physical system. The principle of theiroperation depends on the gain (pumping) mechanism. Asthe gain exceeds some threshold a coherent state of mat-ter emerges maximising the state occupation and there-fore solving QUBO or QCO [19]. These are novel sys-tems and their potential as analog simulators has beenvery recently demonstrated [19–21, 38]. These platformscould be referred to as quantum simulators due to thequantum-statistical nature of the formation of the coher-ent state (e.g. Bose-Einstein condensate) during whicha large fraction of bosons occupies the lowest quantumstate and the macroscopic quantum phenomena emerges.These systems enjoy a quantum speed-up which is asso-ciated with the stimulated process of condensation accelerated relaxation to the global ground quan-tum state. However, after the condensate formationthe system behaves classically as non-commutativity offield operators becomes insignificant in the large num-ber of particles regime. To distinguish these platformsfrom quantum computers/quantum simulators that relyon entanglement and quantum superposition, we referto them as ”analog Hamiltonian simulator/optimizer”(AHO). The search for the solution of QUBO or QCOis via a bottom-up approach which has an advantageover classical or quantum annealing techniques, wherethe global ground state is reached through either a tran-sition over metastable excited states or via tunnelling be-

tween the states in time that depends on the size of thesystem. Different AHOs rely on different quasi-particlesas the basis for bit/qubit and vary by scalability, cou-pling control, connectivity and the accuracy with whichthe result can be read, etc. The microscopics of varioussystems we present below can be quite different, but thegoverning principle for solving QCO is based on the rep-resentation of each ”spin” indexed by i and centered atthe position xi by the wavefunction Ψ(|x − xi|) exp[iθi],where Ψ is the wavefunction of an isolated condensatecentered at the origin. At the condensation thresholdthe phase differences between the individual wavefunc-tions maximize the total number of particles given by

M ≡∫ ∣∣∑


Ψ(|x− xi|) exp[iθi]∣∣2 dx

= N

∫ ∣∣Ψ∣∣2 dx +∑j<i

Jij cos(θi − θj), (5)

where Jij =∫

[Ψ(|x−xi|)Ψ∗(|x−xj |)+c.c] dx. Since thefirst term on the right hand side does not depend on thephases, the maximization ofM is equivalent to minimiza-tion of Eq. (4), and, therefore, to finding the solution toQCO. We conclude that such gain-dissipative platformssolve QCO at the condensation threshold [19]. To under-stand the formation dynamics of such driven-dissipativesystem one can replace the spatially dependent conden-sate profile centered at xi by a complex function ψi(t)with the dynamics described by a rate equation [39]

ψ̇i = (γieff − ivi − σ|ψi|2 − iU |ψi|2)ψi +∑j

Jijψj , (6)

where γieff is the effective gain given by the differencebetween the slowly increasing function of pumping anda constant linear dissipation at site i, vi represents theblue shift due to the external potential applied at thesite i, σ corresponds to the nonlinear losses that allow forgain saturation and therefore, for a steady state at thecondensation threshold, and U describes the strength ofnonlinear interactions at the site i. If one writes ψi interms of the density ρi(t) and phase θi(t) using ψi =√ρi exp[iθi(t)] and separates real and imaginary parts of

Eq. (6) then the resulting equations yield


2ρ̇i = (γieff − σρi)ρi +


Jij√ρiρj cos θij + χi (7)

θ̇i = −vi − Uρi −∑j



sin θij + ξi, (8)

where θij = θi − θj and we included a small density andphase perturbations χi(t) and ξi(t) that respectively rep-resent the spontaneous and stimulated scattering duringthe condensation process, incorporate classical and quan-tum effects and disappear at the condensation threshold.It follows from Eqs. (7-8) that the gradient flow to the



FIG. 2: A general scheme for a gain-dissipative simulator.The condensates are pumped in a two-dimensional latticewith interaction strengths Jij between the adjacent vertices.The final phase configuration minimizes the XY or IsingHamiltonians depeding on a particular physical system.

solution of QCO is realised if all ρi are the same, whichis achieved by adjusting γieff during the condensate for-mation. At the condensate threshold the steady state isachieved with ρ̇i = 0 and θ̇i = µ = const, where µ is thechemical potential of the system. To drive the system tosuch a state the adjustment of the pumping of the indi-vidual nodes has to be accompanied by the adjustmentof the external potentials vi [40].

Next we discuss the the actual physical platforms rep-resenting the gain-driven analog Hamiltonian optimizers.

Polariton graph optimizers. Polariton graph op-timizers are based on exciton-polariton condensates ar-ranged at a particular graph geometry and are used forsolving QCO (Eq. 2). Exciton-polaritons (or polaritons)are the composed light-matter quasi-particles formed inthe strong exciton-photon coupling regime in semicon-ductor microcavities [41]. At low densities these quasi-particles are bosons and condense above some thresh-old of pumping intensity forming a single coherent state.Polariton condensates can be imprinted into any two-dimensional graph by spatial modulation of the pumpinglaser. Such two-dimensional graphs of condensates in-herit high flexibility in engineering any geometrical con-figuration of nodes. By controlling the excitation density,the profile of the pump, the graph geometry and the sep-aration distance between the lattice sites, one can controlthe couplings between the sites and realise various phaseconfigurations between individual condensates. At thecondensation threshold the phase differences, θi− θj , be-tween condensates at different nodes indexed by i and jestablish the minimum of the XY model (4) and, there-fore, solve QCO [19, 39]. Polariton graphs are easilyscalable and the graphs that consist of 45 and 100 nodeshave already been realised [19]. The coupling strengthsJij in (Eq. 4) and so the elements of Q in (Eq. 2) arecontrolled by the graph geometry and go beyond the nextneighbour interactions [42].

Photon-based simulators. Photon condensates asthe elements (bit/qubit) of AHO for solving QCO can becreated by generating variable potentials for light within

an optical high-finesse microcavity [43]. The long pho-ton lifetime enables the thermalization of photons andthe demonstration of a microscopic photon condensatein a single localized site. The investigation of effectivephoton-photon interactions as well as the observed tun-nel coupling between sites makes the system a promisingcandidate for AHO. The scalability of hundreds of con-densates has been already demonstrated [43] suggestingthat thermo-optic imprinting provides a new approachfor variable microstructuring in photonics.QED-based simulators. A realization of a multi-

mode cavity QED (quantum electrodynamics) system[44] paves a way to a QED-based AHO thanks to thestrong, tunable-range, and local interactions betweenBose-Einstein condensates trapped within the cavity.While single-mode cavities provide strong but infinite-range photon-mediated interactions among intracavityatoms, it was experimentally shown in [44] that localcouplings can be created using multimode cavity QED.Moreover, atom-atom couplings may be tuned from shortrange to long range which reduces the sparseness of ma-trix Q and therefore increases the potential complexityof the problem.

The XY model has been previously simulated by otherphysical systems: ultra cold atomic optical lattices [45]and coupled photon lasers network [38], which was alsoproposed for solving QCO. We have not discuss hereother universal fully quantum platforms such as basedon superconducting qubits [46] or trapped ions [47] astheir potential for solving QUBO and QCO is not fullyexplored.


In the previous section we considered several possibleanalog Hamiltonian simulators that start being comparedto classical state-of-the-art algorithms for solving theglobal optimization problems such as QUBO and QCO.These platforms, have either demonstrated a speedup,or have a potential to achieve this in the nearest future.Figure 3 illustrates the schematics of the POW protocolsthat can be based on solving QUBO or QCO problemsusing the currently available analog Hamiltonian simula-tors.

The recipe for building a blockchain based on such sim-ulators is essentially the same for all types of simulators.The input for each block will include among other pa-rameters (like timestamp, previous block id, etc.) a pa-rameter that is specific for each type of simulator. In caseof the simulators considered here, this additional param-eter is a matrix of coupling strengths Jij (the elementsof matrix Q). The ways of controlling and modifying thecoupling strengths are system dependent, for instance, bychanging the distance, pumping intensity and the hight ofthe trap barrier in gain-dissipative simulators. The cou-pling matrix has to be formed depending on the block


content, so nobody can prepare a coupling matrix in ad-vance and solve it in order to approve a particular block.For instance, the numerical expression of the order oftransactions together with the amount of each transac-tion could be used to form this matrix. The output ofthe block consists of the problem optimizers: the result-ing ”spins” si or phases θi, that can be further encodedand serve as a next block’s name. Verifying whether theblock belongs to the chain or not can be done for instanceby checking that the value of the objective function zHQzfor the found optimizers z is larger (better) than the onefound by a classical approximation or heuristic algorithm.

Next we explicitely construct the matrix Q. Supposethat a blockchain consists of blocks with capacity of Xtransactions per block. Depending on the capabilities ofa particular simulator/optimizer a different range of cou-pling strengths Jij can be realised (for instance, a polari-ton graph optimizer can achieve the coupling strengthsbetween −2µeV to 2µeV [48]). Based on the platformwe define a hash function H0(x) = y that maps a trans-action x into an output y where y ∈ [min Jij ,max Jij ].To generate the coupling matrix Q of size N × N andsparsity (100 − D)% we need to map the block contentinto m = N(N − 1)D/200 non-zero matrix elements. IfX = m, each transaction is hashed into a non-zero ma-trix element directly using H0. If X > m a necessarynumber of transactions has to be hashed together (by adifferent hash H that returns the same size of the out-put as input) before mapping using H0 is performed. IfX < m then the required number of non-zero elementsis generated by first hashing all transaction individually,then adding the hashes of their pairs, and so on until therequired number of elements m is reached.

For instance, for bitcoin, the amount of transactionsper block is X ≈ 5000. The most recent D-Wave sim-ulator has a coupling matrix of size N ≈ 2000 whichis quite sparse with D ≈ 1% which gives about 20000non-zero matrix elements. We fill the first 5000 elementsby hashing each of 5000 individual transactions, than byhashing the hashes of the pairs of the first, second and

Proof-of-Work based on

Superconducting Qubits (D-Wave)

Optical Parametric Oscillators(Coherent Ising Machine)

Gain-Dissapative Simulatoron polariton condensates

Gain-Dissapative Simulatoron photon condensates

Gain-Dissapative Simulatoron QED

Quadratic UnconstrainedBinary Optimisation (QUBO)

Quadratic Continiuous Optimisation (QCO)

Simulators that minimise Ising Hamiltonian

Simulators that minimise XY Hamiltonian

FIG. 3: The scheme shows that the Proof-of-work protocolcan be realised for solving the QUBO or QCO problems onpurposely built quantum simulators based on superconduct-ing qubits, OPO-s, polaritons, photons, QED.

third transactions with all the rest.Finally, we note that not only the transaction should

be mapped to the coupling matrix, but the other headerparameters of the block as well (timestamp, the previousblock’s id, see Suppl. Mat. for a full list of parameters).


In this article, we propose to use the analog Hamilto-nian optimisers as a basis for a proof-of-work protocols.Such simulators are capable of outperforming classicalcomputers on the timescale of seconds or less as comparedto hours or more, which offers straightforward benefits.In a particular case of blockchain technology, such op-timisers will allow a faster verification process reducingthe time interval between blocks which will significantlydecrease the confirmation time of transaction to the or-der comparable to Visa and even beyond, and a possiblenew generation of digital cash will be applicable on day-to-day basis. A specific achievable timescale depends onthe nature of simulator and the type of the problem. Incase of a commercially available D-Wave machine, for in-stance, proof-of-work will take tens of milliseconds. Con-sequently, the analog simulators considered in this articlewill make possible for a blockchain to be operated at amaximum synchronisation speed between the nodes.

One can think about quantum simulators/analogHamiltonian optimizers as the computational black boxeswith approximately the same ”hashing power” which ishigher than the power of any classical computer. Dis-tributing such blackboxes between 20-50 independentnodes would make the system much more decentralisedthan any other existing platforms of current blockchaintechnology. The proof-of-work protocol based on ana-log Hamiltonian simulators would allow better scalabilityby making faster the processing of databases (shardingimplementation) while current proof-of-work schemes donot support it due to security issues.

Supplementary material

The block header. The block header consists of thebitcoin version number, the hash of the previous blockheader, the hash of all the hashes of all the transactionsin the block (the Merkle Root), the timestamp, the diffi-culty target (the precision of calculation needed to meetthe required level of POW in under ten minutes) and arandom 32-bit integer number called ’nonce’ (the valuethat is altered by the miners to try different permutationsto achieve the difficulty level required).Bitcoin security. The security of bitcoin is based

on the two cryptographic protocols that prevent it frombeing stolen or copied.

The first is the POW that is required to write trans-actions to the bitcoin digital ledger. If a majority ofcomputations are done independently, the honest chain


will grow faster and outpace any competing chains sinceall the new blocks have to be added to the longest chain.To modify a past block, an attacker would have to redothe POW of the block and all blocks after it and thencatch up with and surpass the work of the honest nodes.The probability of a slower attacker catching up dimin-ishes exponentially as subsequent blocks are added. Soit’s not possible to change the information about anytransactions in the blocks that has been already incorpo-rated in the blockchain. Moreover, nobody can preparea malicious block in advance, since the result of the hashfunction will depend on the previous block’s hash. This iswhy a malicious node has to compete in a computationalpower with the whole network of peers in real time withthe only chance to win by exceeding the total power of allother nodes. Thus, the higher total computation powerof the distributed network of nodes ensures the safetyof the blockchain from creating an alternative history oftransactions by a particular malicious node.

Bitcoin has another cryptographic security feature toensure that only the owner of cryptocoins can spend themwhich is based on an elliptic curve digital signature algo-rithm (ECDSA). It is based on assumption that findingthe discrete logarithm in a cyclic subgroup of a randomelliptic curve over a finite field is infeasible [49]. Followingthis signing algorithm, the coin owner generates two ran-dom numbers for each transaction: a private key whichonly the owner knows and a public key which is revealedto the network. Only the owner is able to produce validsignatures based on these keys since the public key can beeasily generated from the private key but not the otherway around. In this scenario, the owner signs the hashof the transaction with the private key, and everyone elseis able to validate the signature with the available publickey by looking at the given signature and transaction. Inthis way, a signature can be used to verify that the ownerpossesses the private key and therefore has the right tospend the bitcoin, without revealing the actual privatekey.

Security Issues. Knowing the two main security fea-tures of bitcoin leaves one with the two possibilities toprevail over the bitcoin’s system: either controlling morethan 50% of the computational power on the networkor cracking the cryptographic signature scheme. For thelatter case, the only way to cheat ECDSA is to calculatethe private key using the public key, which is extremelyhard problem with classical computers though its exactcomplexity class is not known. Quantum computers run-ning the Shor’s algorithm for number factorization [50]pose a risk to the encryption schemes such as RSA, andtherefore to cryptocurrencies in particular. However, tobreak the relevant RSA codes (say RSA-1024) requires105 qubit quantum computer which is beyond the cur-rent capabilities of about 50 qubits [51].

At present, there are suggestions of countermeasuresthat can be taken to protect bitcoin from a possible fu-ture attack of quantum computers. Examinations of howquantum computers could undermine and even exploit

bitcoin security protocols have been recently discussedin [52]. Another proposal [53] positions transmission ofquantum cryptographic keys between a remitter and areceiver of the eponomous named cryptocurrency, qBit-coin, where the exchanging qBitcoins requires a transmis-sion network in place that can send and receive bits ofquantum information, qubits. The alternative signatureschemes that are believed to be quantum safe, are alsodiscussed, and thus qBitcoin security may rely on a quan-tum digital signature in future. Quantum-cryptographicimprovements to the current cryptographic schemes thatmay be widely used in digital currencies were suggestedas well [54–56].

Energy consumption. In a PoW system, large amountsof electricity are required in order to power the com-puting hardware: the bitcoin’s current annual electricityconsumption is about 30 TWh which is close to consump-tion of such countries as Ireland, Buhrain, Slovak Repub-lic, Oman, Morocco. The bitcoin miners spend around$50, 000 per hour on electricity which is equivalent to≈ $450 million per year.

Storage problem. Up to now, bitcoin supports about∼ 5-7 tps with a 1 megabyte block limit. Assuming theunlimited block size and 300 bytes per bitcoin transac-tion on average, it would require nearly 0.5 gigabytes perbitcoin block, every ten minutes on average to reach anequivalent capacity of Visa transaction volume of aver-age order of ∼ 2000 tps (56,000 tps at peak) or Paypal ofthe order of ∼ 200 tps (600 tps at peak). Continuously,that would be over hundred terabytes of data per year.Clearly, achieving Visa-like capacity on the Bitcoin net-work is not feasible today since this amount of data hasto be stored not in one place but in all the nodes con-stituting the decentralised computational network. Tofix the issue with the confirmation time and the num-ber of possible transactions per second, bitcoin lightningnetwork has been proposed, however, one of the conse-quences of its implementation could be further unwantedcentralisation [57].

Alternative to proof-of-work: proof-of-stake. In POWminers invest computing power competing for a chanceto add next block to a Blockchain and win a reward fordoing so. To decrease the energy demands, an alterna-tive to POW known as the proof-of-stake (POS) schemewas suggested making the entire mining process virtual:individual computational nodes reach consensus abouteach next block by betting their money. The stakehold-ers who will form the next block are randomly selectedfrom a pool of validators with respect to the size of stakethey have, and once the block is added to a Blockchain, areward proportional to the stake is given. Betting on thewrong or the malicious block is to be punished by thesystem, which is, in case of etherium’s POS suggestedprotocol the entire invested stake may be lost [58].

For a blockchain to be secure, the means of selectinga stakeholder to make a block must be truly random.Ouroboros introduced the randomness into the leaderelection process by way of a secure, multiparty imple-


mentation of a coin-flipping protocol which is realised in Cardano cryptocurrency [59].

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