
Universal Credit Services Request a Supplement 1-888-212-4200

Overview A Supplement Request is often used to clarify incomplete, missing, or questionable data on tradelines and public records. A Supplement Request is a cosmetic change to the existing report and will not change any AUS findings, please proceed to a repository update should you need to change findings.

How-To Order Supplement Requests You can request supplements on tradelines right from the credit report, or you can click on the

Request Supplement link in the Add-On Products section on the credit file screen to bring up a list of

tradelines, public records and inquiries.

Credit Report Request Supplement on Specific Tradeline 1. Open the credit report by clicking on WEB or PDF link in the Credit File screen:

2. Go to the Tradeline or Public Record that you wish to request a supplement for, then click on the blue

highlighted creditor name:

3. The Trade Supplement screen will now display. Check the appropriate checkboxes and/or enter your

request reason in the Additional Instructions area. If at least one of the checkboxes is checked then the

Additional Instructions area is NOT required. If none of the checkboxes are checked then the AdditionalInstructions area will be required. Include consumers contact info and signed authorization toexpedite request.


4. Once you are done, click on the Submit Order button to submit your supplement request.

5. Under the request history you will now see your supplement in process, can check who its assigned to, aswell as any messages from the processor working your file.

Note: Repeat the above procedure for all trade supplements required for this report.

6. Once you are done, close the report screen. The next time you come back to view the Credit File screen for this report you will see your supplement requests listed under the Supplement Requests History section. Once the supplement requests are completed by your account CRA, the Status will say COMPLETED.

Note: If additional information is needed, the credit reporting agency may leave a message such as Authorization Required under the Message column for the request


2. This will open up the Supplement Request page where you can enter your general request in the RequestReason box.

3. You can also request a supplement for a specific tradeline from this page, just select the checkbox next tothe appropriate tradeline, and select the appropriate supplement options

4. Click on the Submit Order button to send your supplement request.Note: A phone number or email address is required on all supplement orders.

Add-On Product Request Supplement If you need to submit a supplement request that is not specific to any trade or public record, at the Credit File screen under the Add-On Products section.

1. Click on the link called Request Supplement.
