
Unit: Plant Growth & Development

Advanced Plant Sciences

Mr. Dieckhoff

1. ID the parts of a plant cell…

A. Chloroplast – holds chlorophyll

B. Plasma Membrane – Controls entrance & exits

C. Cell Wall – 3 layers

D. Cytoplasm – Liquid in cell

E. Vacuole – Store water

F. Mitochondrion – Respiration

G. Nucleus - Genetics

**Four elements of the cell structure:

A. Cell wall

B. Plasma membrane

C. Cytoplasma

D. Nucleus

Cell Wall Structure

Too little water in vacuole…..

Tobacco flower losing pigment because lack of mitochondria proteins

2. What are 2 function of PM?

a) Control entrance & exit into and out of cell

b) Relays environmental information about condition

3. What are 3 organelles……

1) Mitochondria – Control Chemical Reactions, site of respiration

2) Plastids – Contain Chloroplasts; contain chromoplasts (red, yellow, brown pigments)

3) Vacuoles – store water, dissolve minerals

4. What are 3 func. of nucleus..

A. Control Physiological Characteristics

B. Control Appearance of Plant

C. Passes Characteristics to Offspring

5. What are 2 types tissue….

1) Meristem

2) Permanent

6. What are differences……

Meristem actively divides to form new growth where permanent does not actively divide

7. What are 3 types meristems..

1) Apical – plant length

2) Cambium – plant diameter

3) Intercalary Zone – stem height

Intercalary Zone Meristem

8. What two types permanent…

1) Epidermis – outside covering

2) Vascular System – transportation system of plant

a) Xylem - Up

b) Phloem - Down

9. What are three parts mono…

1) Seed Coat – Protect embryo

2) Embryo – Miniature plant

3) Endosperm - Nourishment

10. **Which is found only mono…


11. What are 4 parts embryo?

1) Cotyledon

2) Epicotyl

3) Hypocotyl

4) Radicle

12. **What another term seed leaf


13. What type of Plant….

A) Has one leaf – Monocot

B) Has two leaves - Dicot




Thick, compressed stem whose leaves and flower buds grow just above ground

Example in CCC Greenhouse: fern


14. **What are 3 func. Roots….

A) Synthesize hormones for plant growth

B) Store carbohydrates

C) Provide aerial support

D) Anchor plant

E) Absorb Water and Nutrients

Application of Rooting Hormone

Don’t cut alfalfa in October

Wait Until November

Or Next Year will Look Like….

15. What are 5 types roots….

A) Taproot

B) Fibrous

C) Aerial

D) Adventitious

E) Aquatic

Adventitious Roots

Tap Root

Aerial Roots

Aquatic Roots

16. What is pith?

Parenchyma cells

17. What is hyposophylls?

Floral bracts – protect buds during development


18. ID interior parts of leaf….A) PhloemB) XylemC) CuticleD) Upper epidermisE) ChloroplastF) Lower

epidermisG) CuticleH) StomataI) Guard CellJ) Spongy

mesophyllK) Palisade

mesophyllView Video

**The 3 structures of a leaf:

A. Epidermis

B. Mesophyll layer

C. Vascular bundles

View Guard Cells & Stomata of Wandering Jew

19. What are 2 func. Leaves?

A) Manufacture food through photosynthesis

B) Protect vegetative and floral buds

20. What do not have stomata?

Submerged plants (aquatic)

21. What are char. xeromorphic

Thick-walled epidermis covered with waxy cuticle (holds water in stems)

22. What type modified leaf….


23. What is corolla….

Petals – protect stamen and pistil in bud stage; attract pollinating insects

24. Gynoecium refers to…

Female reproductive parts

25. What do head, spike, umbel

Types of inflorescence flowers

26. What are 3 char perfect…

A) Contain male and female parts

B) All four parts of flower are present

C) Usually self-pollinating


**Monoecious (different places) vs. Dioecious (same place)

Cross Pollinating

Self Pollinating
