Download doc - Unit C9 Acting 1st Unit


Assignment Brief

Assignment Brief


This assignment covers assessment criteria P1 P8

M1 - M8

D1 D8


Learning outcome 1 Be able to use vocal skills

Learning outcome 2 Be able to use movement skills

Learning outcome 3 Be able to interpret characters

Learning outcome 4 Be able to perform in an acting role

You will demonstrate your acting skills in at least TWO presentations. The performances need to show a contrast of characterisation. Each performance should last between 20 and 30 minutes.

Course focus


To pass, you need to show you are able to:You need to achieve everything at pass grade and:You need to achieve everything at merit grade and:

P1Take part in vocal exercises and show some improvement in the use of vocal techniquesM1Take part in vocal exercises and show some marked improvement of vocal techniquesD1Take part in vocal exercises and demonstrate continually improved vocal techniques

P2Use vocal skills in a way that is appropriate to the acting role with some technical controlM2Use vocal skills in ways that demonstrate a good degree of technical control in an acting roleD2Demonstrate a strong technique command of vocal skills within an acting role

P3Take part in movement exercises and show some improvement in body controlM3Take part in movement exercises and show some marked improvement in body controlD3Take part in movement exercises and show complete body control

P4Use movement skills appropriate to the interpretation of the job roleM4Use movement skills to demonstrate the ability to be physically at ease with the roleD4Use movement to demonstrate an embodiment of character

P5Demonstrate a range of ways of exploring, researching and creating a character/ roleM5Demonstrate responsive ways of exploring, researching and creating a character/ roleD5Demonstrate highly flexible and creative ways of exploring, researching and creating a character/ role


Develop a character and make some decisions about interpretationM6Develop a character and make considered decisions about interpretationD6Develop a character which shows use of imagination and/ or insight in the choices and decisions made about the interpretation

P7Perform a role showing a basic handling of the role with some commitmentM7Perform a role that is handled with commitment and some attention to detailD7Perform a role with focused commitment, imagination and some sense of ease

P8Communicate spasmodically with an audienceM8Communicate with an audience and remain focused and engaged in the dramaD8Communicate effectively with an audience and remain focused and engaged in the drama throughout

Scenario 1

You are in a school where Year 9s will be undertaking

their SATS in May 2007. The English teachers are looking

for a professional theatre company to perform

The Tempest Shakespeare, just as you had seen for when

you studied Macbeth.

It is your job to create a piece of drama, approximately 30 minutes long, to teach the Year 9 students about the themes, characters and plot of The Tempest.

In addition to the 30 minute performance of The Tempest you will also prepare a monologue for your character which will not be performed, but can be presented to the Year 9s.

As a group you will need to work together to realise this project. To be performed after February half term.


1Regularly take part in a vocal warm up exercise. Show improvements in techniques. (see vocal skills area)P1Log book

2Write a vocal warm up exercise that shows understanding of vocal techniques and developments of vocal skills.M1Log book


3Continuously take part in vocal techniques warm up. Logging your improvements.D1Log book


4Using your understanding of vocal skills, rehearse and perform an acting role using appropriate control. E.g. tone of voice, pace, accent, dictionP2Log book


5In the performance of The Tempest perform with a good degree of technical control.M2Statement


6Within your role in The Tempest, perform with strong voice technical command.D2Statement


7Produce a warm-up routine for you and your class that includes concentration on strong technical control voice and movement. You must use physical examples when presenting them to your group. The warm up must last between 5 and 10 mins. Keep a log of your progress/ improvements and how each warm-up is relevant to your acting roles.P1









D3Paper document.

Photos of your workshop.

Log book.

8Prepare an audition piece for a role in The Tempest.

The audition piece must be based on one character that you have chosen. P5Monologue

9Research your chosen character on the internet. Write an article for a magazine for Year 9 students studying their SATS on your roles main characteristics.

List some websites where they can find out more about the characters of The Tempest.P5Article

10 Create a gingerbread man analysis of your character.P5Poster

11Take part in regular rehearsals working towards the February performance of The Tempest. Write down after every rehearsal, decisions you have made about your character, and how you have interpreted your character. Your decisions must be justified (give reasons).P6

M6Log book


Scenario 2

Your theatre company has been asked to perform a piece

of drama using physical theatre. In your school, the

performance teacher wants to teach the Year 8s about

physical theatre.

Create a piece of physical theatre using James Saunders' Over the wall you must create a professional theatre company atmosphere, and produce a rehearsal timetable that is adhered to, in order to successfully achieve this goal.


12Create a rehearsal schedule as a company and keep a register of who attends, both in school and out of school.P7Rehearsal schedule.


13Hot seat one of your characters for Over the Wall and write a report on how you felt. P5



14Get a copy of the script, write the sub-text of what your character is saying and explain why you think they are saying it.P5 P6 M5 M6

D5 D6Copy of notated script

15Discuss as a group the focus of Over the Wall. What is the playwright trying to achieve? What does your character contribute to this? What is your characters purpose?

Write this up in your logbook.P5 P6

M5 M6

D5 D6Video of discussion.

Log book.


16Over the Wall is a very physical play. Put forward two ideas for the development of the drama. After you have suggested the ideas, write an evaluation of how your idea worked or didnt work within the progress in the drama.P4Written evidence.

Possibly photos of ideas in rehearsal



16Using all the necessary props, set and costume, perform, in role with focus and commitment to the performance to an audience.P7 P8 M7 M8

D7 D8Video of performance.

17Successfully communicate in the performance of Over the wall with effective physical and vocal techniques (see lists on Course focus on page 2) sustaining focus and engagement.M4


P7 P8 M7 M8

D7 D8Video of performance.

18Write an evaluation of both of your performance.All criteria.Written evidence

Unit C9: Acting

Assignment Ref: Unit C9 Internal assessment

Assignment set: Monday 11th September 2006

Assignment deadline: Friday 16th February 2007

Assignment tutors: Miss Bramwell.

Be able to use vocal skills

Technique: breath control; projection; articulation; vocal exercises; intonation; learning lines; inflection

Expression; modulation; pace; phrasing; accent; emphasis; use of pause; dialect; interpreting meaning; sounds of words; tone quality; vocal colour.

Be able to use movement skills

Technique: balance; spatial awareness; weight placement; focus; physical exercises; control of movement; relaxation of muscles; coordination; trust; working with others.

Expression: use of gesture; facial expression; pace; physicalisation of internal feelings; handling of props; movement memory; interpretation of text, spatial relationships

Be able to develop characters.

Interpretation: analysing physical potential; sub-text; applying research findings to the role/ character; relationship with other characters/ roles; coherence with directorial concept; taking part in off-text exercises; the given circumstances

Development: eg improvistion, in role writing, improvising off-stage movements, exploring what if situations, answering; hot seating

4. Be able to perform in and acting role

Performing skills: use of physical and vocal skills, handling of props and other extraneous aids; use of space; projecting an interpretation; embodying the role/ character; playing the appropriate style; focus; concentration.

Communication: with other performers; audience; communication interpretation of character/ role clarity of delivery of dialogue; use of vocal expression, physical expression; commitment on stage; interaction; response.

Evaluation: self-appraisal of role and rehearsal; peer appraisal; observation; tutor appraisal.