Page 1: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Unit 2

Page 2: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

You look worried.What’s the matter?

I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Page 3: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?
Page 4: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

The car is dirty.

You should

Page 5: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

If you are ill, you should

Page 6: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

If you are thirsty, You should

Page 7: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

If the room is dirty, you should

Page 8: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

You should

Page 9: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

If you don’t know the way, you should

Page 10: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

If you are too fat, you should

Page 11: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?



( 课外拓展 )

a. 表示应该做,而且有一种道义上的责任。

b. 表示明显的结果或者合理的推断,且所期待的事几乎是事实。

c. 在疑问句中,它表示不合理,难于相信或者不应 该之事,意思是“竟会”。

Page 12: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?


Li Lei’s parents often argue. He doesn’t know what

to do. Please give him some advice.

Page 13: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

知识点1. argue with 与某人争吵 I don’t want to argue with him. 我不想和他吵架。2. My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。 out of style “ 过时的,落伍的” 3. maybe, may be 表示“可能,也许” 表示推测。 maybe 一般

放在 句首,引导句子。 may be 由情态动词 may 加系动词原形 be

构成。其后所接词决定于 be ,可以是名词、形容词等,一般放在句中。

Maybe he is John’s father. 也许他是约翰的父亲。 He may be a student. 也许他是一名学生。4. call up… 表示“打电话…”可以与名词、代词连用。连接代

词时,把代词放在 call 与 up 之间。 Please call me up. Don’t forget to call up your uncle.

Page 14: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

5. on the phone 用 / 通过电话

I want to know the weather on the phone. 我想通过电话查一下


6. ask for 要求,索要,完整形式为 ask sb for sth 向某人要某物

Please ask him for the book. 请向他要那本书。

7. be angry with 对…生气, 注意 be 动词及介词 with

Jim is angry with me. 吉姆生我气了。

get on 相处, get on well 相处融洽

get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽

have a fight with sb 与…打架

8. lots of 许多,大量,可修饰可数与不可数名词。

Page 15: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Section A 1b

Girl 1: You look unhappy. What’s wrong?

Girl 2: Oh…my clothes are out of style. I don’t

look cool.

Girl 1: Well, maybe you should buy some new


Girl 2: Yes, but I don’t have enough money.

Girl 1: Huh. Maybe you could get a part-time job in the


Girl 2: I can’t, because my parents want me to stay at

home every night. I argued with them about it.

Page 16: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Girl 1: Well, you shouldn’t argue with your parents.

You should talk about your problems.

Girl 2: And guess what else is wrong?

Girl 1: What?

Girl 2: My brother plays his CDs too loud! I can’t go

to sleep.

Page 17: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Section A 2aBoy 1: Hey, Peter, what’s wrong?

Boy 2: I had an argument with my best friend.

What should I do?

Boy 1: Well, you could write him a letter.

Boy 2: I don’t think so. I don’t like writing letters.

Boy 1: Maybe you should call him up.

Boy 2: No, I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.

Boy 1: Well, you should say you’re sorry.

Boy 2: Yes, I know I should, but it’s not easy.

Boy 1: Maybe you could go to his house.

Page 18: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Boy 2: I guess I could, but I don’t

want to surprise him.

Boy 1: Hey, I know. You could give him a ticket to a ball game.

Boy 2: Well, that’s a good idea, but I don’t have enough

money.1. You could /should write him a letter.

2. You could/should call him up.

3. You could/should say you’re sorry.

4. You could/should go to his house.

5. You could/should give him a ticket to a ball game.






1. D 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. B

Page 19: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Section B 2a

Host: Hi, Erin. Thanks for calling Teen Talk 109.1FM.

What’s the problem?

Erin: Well, see, I always wear fashionable clothes, and I

have a really neat haircut.

Host: Yes?

Erin: It’s my friend, Jasmine. She buys the same clothes

as I do, and she even gets the same haircut. She

copies everything I do. I want to be original. I want

to have my own clothes and my own haircut.

Host: Let’s see if a listener has some advice for you. Kim

is calling. Hello, Kim.

Kim: Hello.

Page 20: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Host : What advice do you have for Erin?

Kim: I think she should tell her friend to get different

clothes and a different haircut.

Host: Thank you for your advice, Kim. Ok, we have an-

other one on the line. Nicole is calling.

Nicole: Hi. I think Erin should be happy that her friend

like her clothes and haircut. I don’t think Erin

has a problem!

Host: That’s an interesting opinion. Thank you, Nicole.

OK, we have time for one more person. Emilio is

on the line.

Emilio: Well, um, I think that Erin should find a new best

friend. No one wants a friend who isn’t original!

Page 21: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Answer 1

My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do.

Kim: Tell your friend to get different clothes and a

different haircut.

Nicole: Be happy that your friend likes your clothes and


Emilio: Find a new best friend.

Answer 2

Page 22: Unit 2. You look worried. What’s the matter? I often feel very tired. What should I do?

Self Check1. Let’s_______________Joe and invite him to play tennis.

2. You should____________about your problems with

your parents.

3. My friend is angry with me. What should I___________

to him?

4. I don’t want to______________. Let’s forget it.

5. I thought I failed my test but I just ________________

I passed!

call up




found out
