VietnamPopulation & Capital
Tropical Zone
Shape of Vietnam
Mekong Delta in the South
Red River Delta (N)
Mekong River Delta (S)
Part 2: History & Culture
For Over 1,000 Years
Practiced Confucianism
China & Vietnam
Took Advantage of Problems in China & Separated
Dai Viet (Greater Viet)
Dao (The Way)
The March to the South
Need for Growing Community to Find More Land Past the Red River Delta
Angkor (declining state; later becomes Cambodia)
Part 3: The People
Central Government & Villages
Could tax & Call on Citizens to Serve
Villages Decided the Tax Rate
Citizens have STRONG Connection to Village but Little Concern over Gov’t
Family System
Male Dominated
Ethnicity & Race
French Influence
French Influence
Success in Taking Mekong Region
Indochinese Union
French Colonial Rule
“Mission Civilisatrice” (Civilizing the Vietnamese or White Man’s Burden)
Push for Takeover
Western Ideals & Contradictions
Economic Benefit
Land Ownership
The Wealthy Could Buy Up Land Leaving the Peasants Out
Nationalism is a Strong Pride in one’s Nation, Sometimes to a Fault
Anti-Colonial Resistance
Vietnamese Nationalist Party (VNQDD)
Organized Resistance
Spent Time in America
Dynamic Figure, Inspirational
Gureilla Warfare
Forming the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV)
French & Vietminh Try Compromise
Formed “Associated States of Vietnam”
U.S. Didn’t Trust Either Side, but Helped Associated States
Reaction to War
No End In Sight
Causes the French to Give In To Ho’s Demands
Dien Bien Phu
1) Cease-Fire btwn French & Vietminh
Divide Vietnam on 17th Parallel (DMZ)
Vietminh in North; Bao Dai in South
2) Political Accord to Settle Issues
Reps from Each Zone To Develop National Elections
Demilitarized Zone, 17th Parallel
North- Communist, South-Democratic
Did NOT Want Ho Chi Minh to Win Election
Part 7: Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngo Dinh Diem
Strategic Hamlets
Formed by U.S. to Help protect The Area From Communists
SV Couldn’t Join Legally
U.S. Policy Towards Vietnam
Pres. John F. Kennedy
Rejected Sending Troops
NV Steps Up Attacks
Congress gave LBJ Authority to Take Whatever Action Needed to Stop Communism
Begin to Send Troops in to Vietnam
Unit I
Daily Quizzes
3. Name the Two Deltas in Vietnam
4. What Philosophy Did the Vietnamese Follow?
Day 2- The People
2. How Do the People Organize Themselves?
3. Name the Two Major Religions in Vietnam
4. The Major Ethnicity in Vietnam is…?
Day 3- The West
1. What Western Nation Had the Largest Influence on Vietnam?
2. What Was One of Their True Motives?
3. What Group Was Formed to Resist Their Rule?
4. How was Democracy Contradicted in Vietnam?
Day 4- HO
1. What Did Ho Ask the WWII Allies to Do?
2. What Country was Vietnam Once Apart of?
3. What was Ho’s Government Philosophy?
4. Name ONE of Ho’s Organizations?
Day 5-Revolution
2. Who Fought in the First Indochina War?
3. What Attack Signaled the Failure of the French in the War?
4. North Vietnam Became ____ & South Vietnam Became ____?
Day 6-Ngo Dinh Diem
1. What Was Ngo Dinh Diem’s Religion?
2. Why Did Buddhists Oppose Diem’s Regime?
