
Unit 1

Great scientists

There are some great scientific ac

hievements that have changed the w

orld. Can you name some of them?

Match the achievements with the

scientists below.

Galileo Galilei

Benjamin Franklin


Alexander Bell

Albert Einstein

the theory of falling objects


the law of gravity


Scientists Achievements

the theory of relativity

What do you know about

great scientists?

Try this quiz and find out

who knows the most.

1. Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?

B. Archimedes C. Thomas Edison

A. Charles Darwin

Archimedes (287-212 BC), an ancient Greek mathematician & physicist

2. Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?

A. Marie Curie

C. Charles Darwin

B. Gregor Mendel

Charles Darwin (1808-1882), British author of The Origin of Species

3. Who invented the first steam engine?

A. Thomas Newcomen

C. Thomas Edison

B. Archimedes

Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729), British,improved the first steam pump and turnedit into a steam engine for taking water out of mines in 1712

4. Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?

A. Thomas Edison

C. ArchimedesB. Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), Czech, developed ideas on heredity (遗传学 ) and inherited (继承 , 承传 ) characteristics

5. Who discovered radium?

C. Marie CurieB. NewtonA. Zhang Heng

Marie Curie (1867-1934), Polish and French, won two Nobel prizes

6. Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?

A. Stephen Hawking

C. Thomas Edison

B. Archimedes

Thomas Edison (1847-1931), American inventor

Thomas Edison

Inventions of Thomas Edison

Phonograph 留声机

Light bulbmotion picture camera 电影摄像机

7. Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?

A. Gregor Mendel

C. Marie Curie

B. Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian


8. Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?

A. Sir Humphry Davy

C. FaradayB. Thomas Newcomen

Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829), British

the Safety Lamp

Miniature (小型的 ) Miner’s Safety Lamp

9. Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?

A. Charles Darwin

C. Watt B. Zhang Heng

Zhang Heng (78-139), Chinese, invented the first seismograph (地震仪)


10. Who put forward a theory about black holes?

A. Stephen Hawking

C. CopernicusB. Archimedes

Stephen Hawking (1942- ), British scientist, worked in astronomy and studied black holes in space

made a great contribution.made great achievements.succeeded in their scientific career.overcome many difficulties.

What makes a

scientist successful?

strong willimagination





Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?

Discuss in small groups the stages in setting out a new scientific idea.

What order would you put them in? Draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make a question Find a problem Analyse the results Find supporting evidence





Infectious diseases can be spread to other people. They have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them. People may be exposed to infectious diseases, so may animals. Bird flu, AIDS and SARS are infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.

What do you know about infectious diseases?

What do you know about cholera?

Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium

(细菌 ) called Vibrio cholerae(霍乱弧菌 ). It infe

cts people’s intestines (肠 ), causing diarrhea (腹泻 ), vomiting(呕吐 ) and leg cramps(痉挛 ).

The most common cause of cholera is by som

eone eating food or drinking water that has been

infected with the bacteria.

John Snow defeats “King cholera”

John Snow defeats “king cholera”

What can you learn from the title?


defeats cholera

John Snow 约翰 .斯诺 (1813

~ 1858), 英国麻醉学家、流行病专家。他首次提出了预防霍乱的措施。 1854年 ,

伦敦霍乱流行 , 斯诺通过研究霍乱病死者的日常生活情况 ,

寻找到他们的共同行为模式 ,

发现了霍乱与饮用不洁水的关系 , 由于及时切断了二者的联系 , 有效制止了霍乱的流行。

What’s the main idea of the passage?A. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.B. The cause of cholera was polluted water.C. The source of all drinking water should be examined.D. How John Snow collected, analysed data and found the cause of the disease and defeated the disease.

F. John Snow wanted to use his knowledge to solve cholera.G. He got interested in two theories.

D. He needed to prove the second theory was correct.

A. He found out that dirty water was the cause of cholera.

Para. 1

Para. 2Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 6Para. 7

B. Polluted water carried the virus.

E. Finally “King Cholera” was defeated.Para. 5

C. Cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.

Match the main idea with each paragraph.

Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.

John Snow began to test two theories.

An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.

He announced that the water carried the disease.

John Snow marked the deaths on a map.




7John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.King Cholera was defeated.

He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.

He had the handle removed from the water pump.







Stages in an experiment

Example in this investigation

1Find a problem

2Make a question

3Think of a method

What caused cholera?

Which theory is correct?

Collect data on those who

were ill or died .

Fill in the blanks.

4Collect results

5Analyse results

6find supporting evidence

7Draw a conclusion

Plot information on a map to

find out where people died or

did not die.

Analyse the water to see if that

is the cause of the illness.

Find other evidence to support the analysis.

The water is to blame. The

source of all drinking water

should be examined so

that it is safe.

What should we pay attention to in our daily life in order not to get infected with cholera?

Heat the food left overnight

Cook raw food thoroughly

Wash hands often

Keep away from flies

choose fresh sea food

Keep the kitchen clean

Dispose rubbish properly.

Drink boiled water


John Snow was a well-known ______ in

London in the _____ century. He wanted

to find the ______ of cholera in order

to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera

______ out, he began to gather







He _________ on a map where all the dead

people had lived and he found that many

people who had drunk the dirty water from

the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted

water carried cholera. He suggested that the

_______ of all water supply be __________ .

The water companies were _________ not to

people to polluted water any more.

Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.



source examined



1. Read the passag

e fluently.

2. Preview the lang

uage points learni

