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Answer:Al- Ghazzali divided knowledge into 4 sections as follows:

o Theoretical and practicalo Presential and attainedo Religious and intellectualo Fard al Ayen and Fard al Kifayah

Theoretical and practical: The theoretical part makes known the states or beings as they are. The practical part deals with man’s actions. It aims at finding out the human activities conducive to man’s well-being in this life as well as in the next. The above division is based on the corresponding distinction between theoretical and practical intellect.

Presential and attained: Presential knowledge is direct, immediate, supra-rational, intuitive and contemplative. It is also called “Illm al Laduni” and “Illm al Mukashafa”.Attained or acquired knowledge is indirect, rational, logical and discursive. Presential knowledge is superior to attained knowledge because it is free from error and doubt and it confers the heights certitude concerning spiritual truths. It comprises Wahy and Ilham, and transcends the faith-reason dichotomy.

Religious and intellectual: religious knowledge (Ulum al Shariah) which is acquired from prophet, not by reason and experimentation. The intellectual knowledge (Ulum al Aqliyah) means that knowledge which is attained by the human intellect alone. The source of religious knowledge is revelation. Reason alone cannot attain that knowledge. Whereas, the source of the intellectual knowledge is intellect. According to Al Ghazzali, both classes are complement each other and never contradictory.

Fard al Ayen and Fard al Kifayah:

Fard al Ayen: It refers to religious obligation that is binding on every Muslim, like the full understanding of the articles of Iman (faith), the pillars of Islam and the main principle of shari’ah. If a Muslim does not know and does not want to gain this knowledge, he will be sinful position because his faith and worship will not be accordance with Allah’s will.

Fard al Kifayah: It refers to what is divinely bound on a Muslim community as a whole. But, it is not binding for each member of the community. When it is performed by a sufficient number of Muslims, then the remaining Muslim who do not perform it are not sinful. Such as specialized religious

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knowledge, the salat of Al-Janazah(funeral prayer), or scientific knowledge like medicine, engineering, mathematic, laws etc. The best types of knowledge: He considers the presential is superior to the acquired.

Reason: It is free from errors & doubt, certainty on spiritual truths. This is true with the revelation and intuition received by the prophets.

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Islamic Perspective of knowledge: From an Islamic perspective, knowledge is a system of learning which is to be developed and disseminated in a manner that recognizes Allah as lord, the creator of the universe and man and his servant as well as vicegerent on the earth. The main purposes of knowledge as follows-

The idea of one living, omnipotent, merciful and just God. The Quran says- ه� ه�و� ق�ل� �ح�د الل ه�- أ الل ;(Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute) الصم�د�

The idea of man as the servant of God on the earth. The Quran says- ذ�� �ك� ق�ال� و�إ ب �ة� ر� �ك �ئ �م�ال �ل �ن"ي ل إ ض� ف�ي ج�اع�ل ر�

� �يف�ة( األ ل خ� (Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth.")

The idea of Prophethood for the guidance of man. م�� "غ�ك �ل ب� �ت� أ اال ب"ي ر�س� نص�ح� ر�

� �م� و�أ �ك �م� ل ع�ل� م�ن� و�أ

5ه� � م�ا الل �م�ون� ال �ع�ل ت "I but fulfil towards you the duties of my Lord's mission: Sincere is my advice to you, and I know from Allah something that ye know not.

The idea of judgment in the hereafter followed by reward or punishment.

Western perspective of Knowledge: From the western perspective, knowledge is information gained by human effort in order to control nature and society. The western concept of knowledge, therefore, is limited to their scope of empirical or scientific observation, and that is we call as acquired knowledge in contrast to absolute knowledge which is the divine knowledge. The western perspective of knowledge is limited only to what can be accepted and proved by the senses. What cannot be accepted and proved by the senses is not consider as knowledge.

The salient feature of which are: The material world is all the reality is there. No purpose or plan governs the universe. It is governed only by the laws of nature. Man is self-created with faculties of reason and sense perception. He is a rational being and master of his own destiny. Revelation is the source of knowledge is rejected.

The sources of knowledge from Islamic perspective: There are four sources for knowledge. Which are as follows-

1. Revelation: The Holy Quran as well as the Sunnah of the Prophet is the main sources of knowledge. Allah said- مبين كتاب في اال يابس وال رطب وال االرض طلمات في حبة وال there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth there is not a day but all in a written book

2. Intellectual: Human intellectuals are also considered as sources of knowledge.3. Senses: The senses of Man are also sources of knowledge. Allah said- االمر في شاورهم and

consult them in the affairs. Such as touching, smelling, testing etc. 4. Natural phenomena: It is one of the most indispensible sources of knowledge. For example-

water, air, fire, animals. There are many things to learn.

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5. Intuition.

The sources of knowledge form Western perspective: The main sources of knowledge is-1. Natural phenomena: Natural phenomena are the main sources of knowledge according to

western scholars.2. Human intellect: Human intellect is another important source of knowledge in the western

worldview.3. Experience: Experience is the main source of knowledge.4. Experiment & observation: 5. Reason:

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Magic: It is defined as “seeking the help of demons to perform something harmful against somebody” or “showing something to an audience, which is contrary to reality.

Reasons why magic is prohibited in Islam:1) It is an act of blasphemy (kufr). Allah says in the Holy Qur‟an-

�ما ول ج�اءه�م� و�ل س� 5ه� ع�ند� م"ن� ر� "م�ا م�ص�د"ق الل �ذ� م�ع�ه�م� ل �ب ذ�ين� م"ن� ف�ر�يق ن � ال �وا �وت �اب� أ �ك�ت �اب� ال �ت 5ه� ك اء الل و�ر�ه�م� ظ�ه�ور�ه�م� ن

� �أ � ك �م�ون� ال �ع�ل ي

And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the scripture threw away the book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know 2:102.

2) According to the following authentic hadith, magic is a deadly act:The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Avoid the seven deadly acts which are: ascribing partners to God, magic, killing the human self which Allah prohibited except with right, eating usury (riba), devouring the orphan’s wealth, defecting from the battle-field (without a justified reason) and slandering chaste, unwary believing women.

3) Magic being harmful and evil act, Allah has told us to seek His protection against it:

�ع�وذ� ق�ل� ب" أ �ر� �ق� ب �ف�ل ر" م�ن- ال �ق� م�ا ش� ل ر" و�م�ن - خ� قK ش� �ذ�ا غ�اس� ر" و�م�ن - و�ق�ب إ �ات� ش� فاث �ع�ق�د� ف�ي الن ر" و�م�ن - ال ش�Kد �ذ�ا ح�اس� د� إ ح�س�

Say I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak From the evil of that which he created; From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, and from the evil of malignant witchcraft, And from the evil of the envious when he envies.” (Surah al-Falaq)

Differences between magic and miracles (mu„jizat):

magic miracles (mu„jizat)Magic is from devils (see the above Qur‟anic verse: 2:101-102)

Miracles are from Allah.

Magic is deceptive; it is covering the truth with falsehood).

Miracles are real

Magic, which is from devils, can be performed by anyone who associates himself with the devil.

Miracles are from Allah, they could only be performed by Prophets

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Magic is from devils (see the above Qur‟anic verse: 2:101-102) while miracles are from Allah. On the other hand, miracles are real while magic is deceptive; it is covering the truth with

falsehood). Because miracles are from Allah, they could only be performed by Prophets while magic, which

is from devils, can be performed by anyone who associates himself with the devil. Not only magic is prohibited in Islam but also horoscope or reading one‟s palm to foretell the


The Holy Qur‟an affirms that no one knows the future or the unseen except Allah: م�� �ب� ع�ال �غ�ي اله�اد�ة� �ح�ك�يم� و�ه�و� و�الش �ير� ال ب �خ� ال “He knoweth the Unseen as well as that which is Open.” (6:73) And

�ح� و�ع�ند�ه� �ب� م�ف�ات �غ�ي � ال �م�ه�ا ال �ع�ل ي �ال �م� ه�و� إ �ع�ل �ر" ف�ي م�ا و�ي �ب ر� ال �ح� �ب و�ال “With Him are the keys of the Unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but He...” (6:59).

Example: HoroscopeCapricorn: (Dec 23 -Jan 20) Today’s stars encourage you to be more diplomatic and inclusive in your relations with others.Aquarius: (Jan 21 ”Feb 19)On the Zodiac’s Day of Metamorphosis, you need to transform ideals into reality, and turn dreams into concrete plans. If you work patiently towards your goals, you can achieve the long-term success you are looking for.Astrology. Etc.

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4.What is scientific methodology? What are the differences between the Islamic and Western methodological approaches to knowledge?

Introduction: At the beginning of my answer regarding methodology I would like to express my all gratitude to Allah SWT the eternal Guardian of the heavens and earth, Ruler of all creatures who has given me the ability to gain the knowledge of methodology. Peace and blessings be to the master and the seal of the Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) who has laid down the most powerful method to acquire knowledge as well as to be grateful to the Almighty Allah SWT. The scientific methodology is one of the most important discussions of Islam knowledge & civilization. Allah SWT said in the Quran about the Methodology-

" الحسنة والموعطة بالحكمة ربك سبيل الي ادعوا "“Invite people to the path of Allah with wisdom and advise them to a good manner” Now, the scientific methodology and the some important difference between the Islamic and Western methodological approaches to knowledge are discussed as follows –

The scientific methodology

Literal meaning of Methodology: The word Methodology comes from root word Method, It means---, The Technique, The Way, The System, The Rules, The Policy, The Style, The Practice Etc.

However, Methodology is the way to acquire knowledge and an approach to reality.

Technical meaning of scientific methodology: There are many technical meanings of scientific methodology some important meanings are given below-

1. Dr. Louay Safi: Methodology is the field of scientific inquiry into the justification, description, and explanation of the rules and procedures which constitute scientific methods.

2. Identify a problem . This could be something unknown in terms of its nature; or it could be one or more unexplained, or insufficiently explained, relationship between things, events etc.

3. Set up a frame work experiment and observation based : If the problem is genuine in the sense that there is something new and apparently not understandable, then devise a framework of observations or experiments that may yield new significant clues.

4. Formulating a logical hypotheses : When sufficient clues for the formulation of logical hypotheses have been obtained, select what appears to be the most simple and satisfying hypothesis.

5. Testing the validity of hypotheses, observation and experiment : Deduce the various implications which follow from the chosen hypothesis and devise observations or experiments to test its validity.

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6. Conforming outcomes of the test : Even if a series of confirmations is obtained, but one or more exceptions remain unexplained, the hypothesis is suspect and other hypotheses need to be formulated and tested.

7. Making a law for the benefits : If a hypothesis is successful to the point that there are no apparent exceptions, it is elevated to the status of a law.

The difference between the Islamic and Western methodological approaches to knowledge.

Islamic Methodology Western methodology

Islamic Methodology for studying Laws of the Shari’ah and other Islamic disciplines.

Western Methodology for studying human and social sciences.

Natural and physical sciences. The main purpose of Islamic Methodology is Islamization and integration of empirical and revealed knowledge.

Western methodology is based on its own worldviews, which have a link with the Greek thought of culture and civilization.

To prepare Muslim intellectuals for accepting the idea of Islamization and integration of empirical and revealed knowledge.

The laws governing natural order are rational, and hence discoverable by human rationality.

To be able to do this, we need to solve the purported/ fabricated contradiction between revelation and sciences

Knowledge is an important human value, superior to ignorance.

Revelation is the main source of knowledge. It based on human thinking.

Divine revelation sees empirical reality as the manifestation of a transcendental reality.

Spiritual, unseen, metaphysical and moral perceptions are disappeared from the western methodology.

Principles of Islamic methodology, expressed in terms of five unities:

Unity of God; Unity of creation; Unity of truth; Unity of life; and Unity of humanity.

Western methodology has three successive forms as follow-a. Man is the measure of all things” b. “Reason is the measure of all things.” c. “Rational scientism is the measure of all things.”

Acceptance of all reliable source of knowledge The natural world is governed by laws which endow the behavior of natural objects with order and regularity.

Conclusion: In a nut-shell, it can be said that, scientific methodology is a limited methodology which is based on human thinking. The Islamic methodology is more reliable than scientific methodology because it based on revelation, intellect and reason. So we should acquire knowledge of methodology and make new Islamic methodology to protect destructive methodology made by western society. Allah SWT Said:

�ن� �م� إ نت �ح�س� �م� أ نت �ح�س� �م� أ ك �نف�س� �ن� أل� �م� و�إ ت� أ س�� �ه�ا أ ف�ل

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“If ye do well, ye do well for your own souls, and if ye do evil, it is for them”



1. Collection of Data : Collection of data of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

2. Verifications: Verified techniques used by the narrators in order to ensure the authenticity of narrations.

3. Reliable Narrators: Compilation of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Considering the reliable narrators with specific criteria.

4. Chain of Transformation: Chain of transformation, no gap between two generations and not less than 40 forty narrators. Memorizations of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

5. Consultation & Consensus: Consultation among the scholars and consensus based on majority opinions.

6. `Urf (a particular Custom): Urf (custom of a particular society or a nation), supporting for adjustment from avoiding the contradictions and social division and disunity for the public interest.

7. Masalih Mursalah (public interest): Maslahah or Masalih Mursalah (public interest), supplementary methods, if the texts of the Qur’an and Hadith or consensus or analogy were not available.

8. Istihsan (Juristic Preference): Istihsan (juristic preference), supplementary methods in order to make up for the growing number of new situations that was difficult with the textual and the analogical arguments.

9. Ijtihad (wahy, `aql and Hawas:) Ijtihad (rational arguments, explanation, interpretation and adjustment with the local culture and custom).

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And Characteristics:

Answer: Islamic Civilization Western CivilizationBased on the Unity of God Utilitarian materialism:

This civilization may not deny the existence of God strongly and openly, or deny the existence of the spirit.But it does not recognize the value of “God” in its ideological system.

Universality- Muslim civilization was the first civilization which embraces the entire humanity- It declared equality of all human beings of all descents, races, colours

�ا �ه�ا ي ي� اس� أ ا الن �ن �م إ �اك �ق�ن ل �رK م"ن خ� �نث�ى ذ�ك �م� و�أ �اك �ن ع�ل و�ج�(ا ع�وب �ل� ش� �ائ ف�وا و�ق�ب �ع�ار� �ت �ن ل �م� إ م�ك �ر� ك

� ه� ع�ند� أ �م� الل �ق�اك ت� �ن أ إه� �يم الل �ير ع�ل ب خ�

Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you

Secularism/ atheism– religion as a personal matter limited to individual practice without any interference in social, economic or political activities- religious practice limited to dead rituals

Moderate Rationalism- It gives human reason a high position- Its faith is based on reasoning and conviction- It rejects superstitious and unfounded beliefs

Destruction of moral values = utilitarianism/ pragmatism

ToleranceThis characteristic is peculiar for a civilization based on religious foundations. Tolerance towards people of different religions (especially Christians and Jews)

Destruction of family (abortion, neglect of the elderly…)

Integrated and balanced civilizationIntegrates the faith with the state/ rejection of secularism, with the spirit (material vs. spiritual), the worldly life with the last lifeIntegrates empirical sciences with revelation.

Created an atmosphere of fear, anxiety and distraction

Suicides drug addiction crimes

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7.Discuss how a Muslim should respond to the challenges of Modern western civilization?.

Answer: To develop an Islamic methodology of scientific research. To Islamize the existing science and put them in an Islamic context. To produce Muslim minds who will be able to produce sciences and technology which may serve

Islamic values and Muslim interests. Brain drain in the Muslim world

-Political instability -Lack of incentives and facilities -Bad living conditions

Sponsorship/Government sponsorship: -lack of funds, -unconvinced of the merit of scientific research

Joint ventures (OIC, Arab league, regional groups …etc.)