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Unclassified / Distribution Statement A: Distribution Approved for Public Release

PMA 208 Industry Day

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Unclassified / Distribution Statement A: Distribution Approved for Public Release


Opening Remarks CAPT Walter Program Overview Dave Williams

•PMA 208•Supersonic Targets•Threat D•Technical Constraints•TAAS•Acquisition Activities•Funding•RFI Considerations

Points of ContactQ&A

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Purpose of RFI

• Improve Industry’s understanding of the Navy’s requirement.

• Help Navy understand Industry’s capabilities.– Industry approaches to provide capability.

– Price information.

– Schedule information.

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DOD/Navy Interest in Threat D

• TDWG stood up by OSD AT&L– Defense Systems, Operational Test and Evaluation, and

the Navy will establish a Threat D Target Working Group to explore the area of target availability and present alternatives to the Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT) by January 2005

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DOD/Navy Interest in Threat D

• OSD AT&L tasking to DSB (22 Oct 2004)

“Alternatives for replication of supersonic, sea-skimming threats, such as Threat D.”

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DOD/Navy Interest in Threat D

• DOT&E Line in the sand– Dec 2001 Memo to ASN(RD&A)

• “threat representative (Including Threat D) ASCM targets must be available”

– March 2002 Memo to SECNAV• Concerns that budget does not contain funding for Threat

D target.

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Help Needed

• What’s possible.

• What’s it going to cost.

• What’s the required schedule to field a solution.

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Aerial Targets and DecoysPMA-208 Product Line

















Common TA/AS


Threat Simulation


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Operating Sites

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SSST ORD (#505-86-98) identifies requirements to replicate a family of ASCM Threats called Threats A, B, C and D

•Threat A: Currently fielded and exported.– Vandal (Out of Production)– Converted TALOS missile– Orbital Sciences Corporation supporting operations

–Threat B. Currently fielded and exported.– MA-31– Boeing Corporation (Integration/Support Operations)

•Threat C : Never entered production.– GQM-163 represents Threat A, B and C– GQM-163 finishing development (DT phase)– Orbital Sciences Corporation (Production/Support Operations)

•Threat D : Currently fielded and exported.– Currently no representative target.– Capabilities Development Document (CDD) in Draft

Operational RequirementsSupersonic Sea-Skimming Targets (SSST)

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Supersonic High Altitude/TBM Profile Targets

AQM-37• Medium to high altitude supersonic cruise with dive

– Mach 2.0 – 4.0– Range 100 mi– Altitude 1000ft – 100Kft– Demonstrated TBM profiles (300Kft, 120 nmi downrange)

• Out of Production since Dec 01– Raytheon Corporation – T&E and FMS use

• Govt Operational & Logistic SupportFY02 OPS & Expenditures - 21FY03 OPS & Expenditures – 15FY04 OPS & Expenditures - 11FY05 OPS & Expenditures -11

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MQM-8G ER/EER (Vandal)Converted Talos Missiles: Orbital Sciences Inc.

• Limited inventory

• Inventory depletion now projected in FY05

• Contractor Operational & Logistic Support

FY02 OPS & Expenditures – 10FY03 OPS & Expenditures – 10FY04 OPS & Expenditures - 3FY05 OPS & Expenditures - 5

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Acquisition Approach to Meet Threat A,B, & C

Two Solutions Being Pursued• MA-31

− Produced by Boeing from Russian Kh-31 missile

− Available for fleet use in calendar year 2006

− Adding F-16 launch capability− Contractor Logistic Support− Government assist Operational


• GQM-163− In EMD with Orbital Sciences

Corporation− Successful EMD-1/2/3− MS III scheduled 3rd qtr FY05 − Available for fleet use 2005− Contractor Logistic Support− Government assist Operational


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1b1) Launch from a) ship or b) submarine.2) Solid booster separation.3) Cruise at Mach 0.53-0.70, 20 meter altitude.4) Ascend to extend radar horizon, search for target, detection range upto 65 km.5) Descend, subsonic cruise toward target.6) Combat stage separation 20 km from target, spent bus falls away, Combat stage accelerates up to Mach 3 at 5-10 m altitude.



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• Range (NM) – 35 min cruise (108 desired)/11 min (terminal)

• Speed (mach) – 0.7 min cruise/ acc to 2.8 min terminal

• Altitude (feet absolute) – 50 cruise/16 terminal

• Terminal Maneuvers (g’s) – 6.5 min (+15 desired)

• Payload – RF/ECM/ECCM, range safety

• Body length (ft) – 28 max (total Sprint + Cruise w/o booster)

• Diameter (ft) – 1.7 max

• Wingspan (ft) – 9.9 max

• Endpoint accuracy (ft) - +/- 100 (moving endpoint)

• Integrate in current Navy Ranges

• Shipping commensurate with standard commercial shipping by land , air, and sea

Technical Constraints

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Target Auxiliary/Augmentation Systems

• Flight Termination System

• Radar Tracking Transponder

• Scoring System

• EA/EW Threat System

• Data Telemetry System

• RCC-319 Compliant– (Dual / Redundant Command Destruct


• G or I–Band Beacon (GFE)– (AN/DPN-90)

• Scalar/Vector Scorer (GFE)– (AN/DSQ-50A / VDOPS)

• Threat Simulator (GFE)– (AN/ULQ-21, AN/DPT-2)

• Telemetry Transmitter– (Navigation, Flight Data, Scoring




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• Acquisition Strategy in development– Multiple approaches being considered

• Domestic hybrid approach

• Foreign Material Acquisition

• Other?

• Threat Representative target needed in FY-10– FY06 Milestone B decision

– FY06 Contract award

– Average 10 presentations per year

Threat D Acquisition Activities

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FY06 FY07 FY08RDT&E 10.5M 22.9M 10.6M

Requirement for SM-6 OT, FY10

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Engineering Information

• Design Approach for Target• Address Critical Areas

– Vehicle Separation– Acceleration to Supersonic Flight

• Concept of Operations– Include Buildup, Test, Launch, Mission Profile,

Propulsion, Navigation/Guidance, Termination

• Demonstrated Target/Missile Systems Design, Integration, Test, & Manufacturing Capability

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•Demonstrated Logistics Capability

•Maintenance Concept

•Data Management and Depository Concepts

•Supply Support Concept

•Package, Handling, Storage & Transportation Concepts

•Test and Support Equipment Concept

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Dawyn Johnson Contracts (301) 757-5896 [email protected] Williams Project Lead (301) 757-6109 [email protected]

Points of Contact


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Questions & Answers
