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Human Rights

*Unit 3

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*What are Human Rights?

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*Universal Declaration of Human Rights

*Unalienable Rights

*Every human is born with

*UN developed as a part of the charter

*December 1948

*Considered international law

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*The Why?

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*Each article

*Guaranteed rights

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*SO What are our Human Rights?

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*Your task

*With Your partner

*Assigned 2 Human Rights


*Illustrate/symbols for each article

*Every person

*Must explain their article and symbol to the class

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*Our First Issue


*What is it?


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*The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) defines genocide (article 2) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group…” including:

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*(a) Killing members of the


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*(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm

to members of the group;

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*(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

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*(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

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*(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

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*Why does Genocide Happen?

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*Which Thinking map should we use?

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*Groups are locked in conflict

*Usually identity related

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*For example

*Lets say…

*Brown eyes Vs. blue eyes

*Hate each other

*Lots of scuffles

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*Groups who make it worse

*Conflicts are exacerbated

*by governments

*Political groups

*Other groups within society

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*Back to our example

*So the admin here at Gardena see this going on and they instigate the conflicts

*Making rules

*Segregating the groups

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*Can be real or perceived

*Inequalities occur as a result




*Hate speech


*Denial of fundamental rights and civil liberties

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*The Situation Escalates

*Violation of Human rights

*Arbitrary arrest


*Or arbitrary displacement

*Usually precedes the Genocide

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*Can you think of any examples in history?

*Where these things occurred before the mass killings?

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*So we have…

*Violence toward one group

*Based on:




*Political affiliation

*And then usually a totalitarian government

*Economic hardship

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*Like ingredients for genocide

*Violence toward one group

*Based on:




*Political affiliation

*And then usually a totalitarian government

*Economic hardship

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*For Genocide to Happen

*One group must be singled out






*Culminated in violence

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Genocide In History

*The Holocaust

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*Armenian Genocide

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*Rwandan Genocide

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*Cambodia/Khmer Rouge

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*The Rape of Nan King

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*Darfur in the Sudan

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*Seeing all of this occur


*The Secretary General decided

*Special advisor


*Identify potential genocide “hot spots”

*Francis Deng

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*What is the UN’s Role?

*There are a number of ways the UN tries to intercede

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*Supporting equitable development

*Humanitarian assistance

*Promoting & protecting human rights

*Interceding to ensure peace

*Human right treatise

*Supporting stability

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*Elimination of Racial Discrimination

*Political affairs and peace keeping

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*What happens when genocide does


*The International Criminal Court

*Not associated with the UN



*Those most responsible

*A nation state that doesn’t comply can be held accountable
