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Presidential welcome 3

The committee 4

Top 5 dos and don’ts 7

Freshers week 8

Vouchers 13

Top 5 Norwich guide 14

Wish I had known… 15

Sports 16

Societies 21

Checklist 25

I <3 tour 26

Meducation 27

Merchandise and tickets 28

Mentor application 30

Deals 33

Arrival day 34

Map 35

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Ladies and Gents, boys and girls, Future Doctors of 2017.

Welcome and congratulations on your fantastic results and

for choosing UEA!

Today marks the start of the rest of your life. It is here, in

Norwich, that you will be moulded and sculpted into some

of the finest doctors in the land. Whether you aim to leave

and become the swashbuckling consultant or the jolly golf

playing GP, your years at UEA will be the springboard for

your career to come.

Today also marks, for many of you, the first time that you have escaped mum and dad’s beady eyes.

So we, at MedSoc, want to help you celebrate this newfound freedom with suitable extravagance

and flair and make these years some of the best of your life.

This booklet has been put together to help you get by in the first couple of weeks, because no

matter what the cool kids say it’s tough getting used to uni life. In order to produce this fantastic

piece of literature we have journeyed back into the darkest parts of our minds to bring you some

handy little hints and some definite DO NOT FORGETS. The boys down at ENTS along with the ever

eager MedSoc McFunison have organized a jam packed fresher’s week which promises to blow your

mind and if not, dispel any thoughts of medicine for a couple of weeks! You’ll also find some

shameless advertising from the sports teams and societies, but that’s what uni is all about, putting

yourself out there, doing something new and meeting new people.

The journey you’ve embarked on will be sure to throw up its fair share of challenges, but it promises

to be an epic one. We here at MedSoc will be there to help you each step of the way.

Looking Forward to meeting you all soon,

Aoibh Foley

MedSoc President 2012-2013

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Aoibhinn Foley, 3rd Year

Yes that is how you spell her name. Aoibhinn is the captain of the

medsoc ship. After doing a fantastic job flying the social secretary flag

last year, Aoibh aspired to bigger and better things. With this

experienced sailor at the helm, we will weather even the most

turbulent of tempests. She is tremendously dedicated, hard-working

and will always go the extra mile to ensure you guys have the best

year possible.

Likes: Power, hockey, hurling, emasculating big strong men, bed,

Martin Loader’s abs and all things Irish

Dislikes: too many late nights, short men (sorry boys) and when

people can’t understand her due to her thick, thick Irish accent.

Contact: [email protected]

Social secretaries

Jack Webb , 3rd Year (right)

Elliot Habgood, 2nd year (left)

Jack and Elliot are in charge of all things fun. They shouldn’t be too

hard to spot during fresher’s week as they’ll be the one’s

coordinating affairs, usually armed with a bottle of something vile in

either hand. Jack (along with Aoibh) was last year’s social sec but

forgot to unsubscribe so we’re stuck with him again. Whereas Elliot is

the freshest faced of all the committee having just finished first year

in absolute class – establishing himself both on and off the rugby

pitch! This combination of old and new is bound to be recipe for

success…or at least a year as good as the last.

Likes: Rugby, gym, “the lash”…and long summer evenings spent

sharing a chilled baby Zinfandel reminiscing about times past and

planning for the future.

Dislikes: Left over drinks, fun sponges and being apart.

Contact: [email protected] [email protected]

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Megan Clark, 4th year

If you actually get any time to work in your jammed packed year

then Meg’s your girl. Meg brings the Ed to Medsoc. As Education

secretary Meg voices your opinions on the course and liaises with

the med school. A level-headed and genuinely lovely girl, feel free

approach if you have any suggestions, problems or queries about

anything educational

Likes: Being really, really smart and winning at exams, the library,

a glass of wine with the girlies.

Dislikes: Spiders, dentists, Mondays and research methods.

Contact: [email protected]


Lou Patterson, 3rd year

After unproven allegations of money laundering we quickly

snapped up Lou to look after finances for Medsoc. She ensures

our head stays above water and shoots us down when we

suggest putting shares in Woolworths as a good use of medsoc


Lou is probably the smiliest member of the team. In fact some

say she is incapable of frowning. However, don’t let her Jack Wills

gillet and RP accent fool you, she is an Essex girl through and

through. Always keen to get her hands dirty, get stuck in and

bring the party.

Likes: Ponies, flowers and rainbows

Dislikes: Frowning, looking surprised, looking curious, looking

confused…and probably me after reading this

Contact: [email protected]


Ben Wattley, 3rd year

(also known as medsoc mcfunison – add on fb!)

My job is to make sure all you lot know what is going on. This

involves making really cool fresher guides, pestering people on

facebook and walking around in my medsoc stash feeling

important. Please turn up to events otherwise it makes me look

really bad!

Contact: [email protected]

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Blanaid Canavan, 3rd year

Blanaid is the most reserved, reflective and refined member of

the committee…NOT! The locals of Derry banished her and

somehow she ended up in Norwich. This live wire is making a

name for herself in East Anglia and across the UK after

successfully insulting the whole population of Norfolk on National

radio. She may think we’re “normal for Norfolk” but we certainly

hope she’s not normal for Derry. Like a care bear on crystal meth,

she’s absolutely mental but always means well.

Likes: Violin, radio 1, Norfolk, river dance and Asian men

Dislikes: Boozing (in England)

Contact: [email protected]


Hannah Rosen O’s, 3rd year

Hannah’s exposure to some of the most deprived parts of the

world has only inspired her passion against injustice. It got so out

of hand that she even tried to steal 4 Romanian children and

bring them up as her own. Fortunately we convinced her that

heading up charity at UEA medsoc might be a better idea. Never

content to swan around she will be actively raising funds and

awareness for this year’s charity. If you have any ideas,

suggestions or free time that you would like to volunteer – get in


Likes: Swans, orphans, dressing up and face painting (damn she’s


Dislikes: Injustice and the royal family (as they eat swans)

Contact: [email protected]

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DO Don’t

Try something new You will never be in a position where it is so easy to try something new again. The worst thing that can happen is you don’t enjoy it!

Bring your ego Everyone is thrown into the mixing bowl together. Just be yourself and open to meeting people from all walks of life. You’ll be surprised by how old, ugly and smelly some of your new best friends are.

Become a medsoc member Trust me it’s cheaper to do so now because eventually you will become one. It took me 2 years and a lot of full price ball tickets to work this out!

Become a work-a-holic Medics notoriously become nocturnal, stressed and hormonal during exam season. Don’t jump on the band wagon. If you work sensibly, or you’re just really smart, there’s no need to stress.

Go to as many fresher events as possible It may nearly kill you, you may reach the end of your tether. But it is far and away the easiest way to fast track friendships and kick start your new university life.

Miss PBL It will gain you a bad reputation early on. Believe it or not, PBL can actually be pretty fun if you just go for it!

Escape the bubble Join something non-medical. It is so easy to lose real life perspective by only associating with the crème de la crème of the academic world. Be it a university sports team, pub quiz team or church -find something to stay in-touch with the sane world.

Wind up security (too much!) They are pretty lenient but even they have their limits. Things to avoid include getting locked out multiple times, excessive nakedness, keeping pets and playing on the roof.

Fundraise Last year saw human auctions, a 24 hour jailbreak and even a performing dog called Mr.Bombastic. You will be helping people in real need and you may even have fun doing so.

Worry, be happy! Everyone has their worries. For me it was a massive phobia of needles (I know, what a wimp). However, try not to obsess about them. Get them out in the open and within no time at all you’ll be laughing (not fainting) in the face of your fears.

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Friday – White Tee-shirt Bar Crawl:

We kick start what will be both the most and least

memorable week of your life with the crème dela

crème of Bar Crawls. Don your white tee shirt

and pick up your marker pens (probably

permanent, so have lots of soap ready) and head

out to explore the nightlife in Norwich with a

line up of scintillating bars. Beginning at the

union bar on campus at 6:45 with MedSoc’s

personalised introductions to Norwich

Medical School and finishing at one of

Norwich’s newest and biggest clubbing

venues, this promises to be an incredible night and a

chance to meet and probably not remember your student colleagues. You will be guided from

bar to bar by your social secs and given more than enough opportunity to graffiti all over one

another and keep the tee as a souvenir or simply a mind-jogger. Mine is still in my bedroom! Watch

out as well because there may even be a few camera challenges floating about and a few

incriminating positions to photograph! Lap up the atmosphere and enjoy it, it’s your first night out as

a Norwich Medical Student! Don’t forget to drop in at the medsoc stand (by the accommodation

office) to pick up your white t-shirt.

Friday – 6.45pm, Blue bar, white tee shirt

Saturday daytime – city orientation:

Your first full day is here; feel like lying in and nursing that hangover? Bad idea! Don’t miss out on

your chance to get a look around the city you will be spending your next 5 years in. We’ll meet at the

square for 10.00 and accompany you into town on

the buses showing you the most important areas

around Norwich, a must to increase your

enjoyment during your time here! A few things to

look out for en route are the cities 2 cathedrals,

the castle, the famous market, the popular

Prince of Wales Street and the Riverside leisure


Vitals – City orientation: 10.00am, The Square, casual attire

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Saturday evening – Doctor’s mess

The night: We have something really special lined up

for you here, something that no other fresher’s will

have the pleasure of enjoying- the Doctor’s mess.

When else will you have the chance to party the

night away within the hospital that you will be

learning and working in for the years ahead?! We’ll

have top Uni DJ’s to play for you and there will be a

free bar in operation; turn up early to

avoid disappointment, the mess opens

at 9pm. All we ask in return is a good

attempt at tonight’s fancy dress- first

letter of your name... For those of you who

are slightly slower an example would be

Andrew Apple but be imaginative; smurfs, elephants and stewie were all on show last year!

Vitals – 9pm, Doctor’s mess (nr N&N hospital), dress according to the first letter of your name

Sunday Daytime – Campus Orientation

A chance to explore the campus and learn

where everything is, but with a twist. This

orientation will take the form of an

OSCE; an Objective Structured Clincial

Examination. These are the practical

exams you will be taking throughout

medical school and they are a test of

practical skill, relevant theory, professionalism

and basic medical instinct, as ours will be… kind of.

Meeting at 11AM at the Blue Bar You will be moving in

teams from station to station across campus, discovering new areas and undergoing a different fun

and team building challenge at each point. Trust me, shaking off the hangovers and crawling along to

this will definitely be worth it when you wake up with 10 minutes to get to a PBL session and you

actually know where you’re going. Bring your A game.

NB: Intelligence in no way required.

Vitals – 11am, Blue bar, casual attire

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Sunday Evening – Pub Quiz and Mummy/Daddy Allocation

This evening is divided into two.

Firstly – Starting at 6:30PM - The serious business, Mentor/UEA Mummy and Daddy allocation (or

Mummy and Mummy or Daddy and Daddy, we really have no preference) to form your UEA family.

Stop what, you’re doing. Find the mentor questionnaire (later in this booklet) and send it to me so

we can find you the perfect mentor. By this point you will have met many second and third years

and I bet you’re wondering how they became quite so wise - Shane Green being the pinnacle of

sensibility and calmness. Well we picked up our know-how from the know-how of those above us,

who picked it up from those above them.. etc. etc, it is the med school equivalent of the circle of life.

Tonight will be your opportunity to meet the mentors we have hand-picked for you, the tweedle dee

to your tweedle dumb, the Simba to your Nala, the Timon to your Pumbaa, the Mufasa to your Zazu,

the Rafiki to your Karate (no prizes for guessing what my favourite film is). Get down to the bar and

pick up your oh so astute Mummy and Daddy, they are invaluable on this course.

Secondly – You will then be competing WITH your Mummy and Daddy in the pub quiz. A different

display to what you’ve been up to so far this week, until now we’ve only really seen your ability to

open your gullet, take compromising photos, decorate teeshirts and hopefully re-write the rules of

fancy dress! A test of general knowledge and guestimates, this is a slightly more civilized evening

with rewards up for grabs left right and centre. Brush up on your general knowledge, it is the only

time that anyone will ever really care that this overpaid celebrity just had a baby with that overpaid

celebrity and called it some ridiculous overpaid celebrity name.

Vitals – 6.30pm, Blue bar, casual attire

Monday – Anything but clothes:

After your first day of lectures you’ll be buzzing to

get back into your fresher’s week programme,

tonight we’ve got a new night lined up for you-

anything but clothes! The night will take you to 2

of the top clubs in Norwich, starting at vodka

revolution for between 9-10 and heading on to

tau in your fancy dress. We’ve got the whole

top bar in vodka revs for our private start to

the night and will then move on when the

time is right to one of the best clubs in

Norwich- Tau. There will be prizes at the end

of the week for the best fancy dress during the week and

tonight is your real chance to impress us. Examples from last year’s lcr were bin bags,

cardboard boxes and pillow cases.. Can you top that?! Remember to keep nudity to a reasonable

standard; we won’t take responsibility if anyone is not allowed in!

Vitals: 9pm, Vodka Revolutions, attire - anything but clothes!

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Tuesday – Fight Night

Are there any David Hayes or Derek Chisoras amongst you? If so then you aren’t suited to this and

please leave. This ‘Fight Night’ is a far more jovial and less disgraceful affair than your average fight

nights as you will be battling it out with your cohort not in a ring, pumped with anger and

pummelling each other’s faces but instead on a rotating pole, pumped with dutch courage and

pummelling whatever you can reach with pillows. Yes, this night is far more comparable to the

epicness that was ‘Gladiators’. Arrive at 7pm for stick wrestling, Sumo suits, Pillow wars and more…

we have it all on this famous night… may the best competitor win (Although we won’t be keeping

count, or care). If you’re less of a fighter and more of cheerleader, then never fear, SOMEONE needs

to introduce people to the arena and if it’s anything like the last few years, it will make for fantastic


Vitals – 7pm, The Square, army fancy dress

Wednesday – Sports night:

During the day we’ve got a really interesting event that should be a must-attend for all fresher’s and

will also be hugely popular with older students. Find out more about clubs, societies and medical

associations and grab yourselves a few freebies from the huge array of stands we’ll have setup for

the Med Mart. This will be taking place in constable terrace A from 11am-5pm, if you’re not sure

where that is check the map or ask one of the older students who will be happy to lend a hand.

In the evening we carry on the clubs & societies theme by hosting a sports night. We’ve invited the

medics sports teams down who will no doubt try and tell you how amazing their club is, while you

take part in a number of sporting activities ranging from a 5 legged race to the tricky/ messy game of

toss the egg! This will take place in the union square starting at around 7 so no transport required,

just bring yourselves and be ready for anything.

Vitals – Morning: Medmart, 11am-5pm, Constable Terrace A

Evening: The square, 7pm, sporting attire

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Thursday – Family Night

This is family bonding night where we leave you in the capable hands of your mentor Mummy and

Daddy. You’ll be under their rule and they can do what they want with you, whether it be cooking

you a meal, sitting down and watching deal or no deal, bowling, cinema, drinking games, board

games or flower arranging… we really just don’t know. Take the opportunity to get to know them

and sap their knowledge, they will become your safety net, your security blanket, your

zimmerframe, your holy grail and will always be there when you need some advice, past papers or

simply a moan and a groan.

Vitals – check with your mentors!

Friday – Fresher’s Ball:

The final day of your Medic’s fresher’s week marks the start of the UEA fresher’s, but we’re finishing

it off in style with your fresher’s ball in one of the most famous venues in Norwich- Carrow Road the

home of the Norwich City Football Club. This is a great opportunity to dress up and we have the

venue from 8 o’clock until late. There will be plenty to keep you entertained, we’ve got a top band

playing and there will be a few surprises for when you arrive. Tonight is also the night where we will

give out the awards from the week with the coveted best fancy dress trophy being up for grabs! If

you feel like the night is still young after the ball you can follow the older years who will no doubt be

heading out to town in their suits and dresses.

Transport to the venue is not provided so taxis will need to be booked, they will not be expensive

and all drivers will know where to drop you off.

Vitals – Carrow Road, 8.00pm, Black tie

Love Jack and Elliot x

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Get your Medicine

at Vodka


Return this Voucher to

Vodka Revs Norwich to

claim your free shot of

flavoured vodka

Offer valid from 01/10/2012 to 14/10/2012. Only one voucher per customer.

Management reserve the right to withdraw offer at any time


Just £25 (save £15)

Gains access to all medic freshers events:

White t-shirt night (includes free t-shirt)

Drs Mess (unlimited free drinks)

Town and campus tour and games

Pub quiz (prizes tbc)

Fight night

Sports night

Medsoc ball (free champagne reception and professional casino) Only available when purchased with medsoc membership.

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Top 5 Clubs: - Lola Los - Tau - Kartel - Mercy - Carnival

Top 5 Shops: - PRIMARK - Top Hat Fancy Dress Shop - Hollister - Superdry - Apple Store <3

Top 5 Places to Eat: - The bicycle shop - Waffle House - The Library - Mambo Jambos - The Workshop

Top 5 Sports Facilities - UEA Sports Park - UEA Sports Park…again - ‘The Gym’ - Goals - Fitness First

Top 5 Pubs: - Temple Bar - Mad Moose - Belgian Monk - Eaton Cottage - The Farmhouse

Top 5 Bars: - Union Bar - Birdcage - Vodka revs - Langtry - The Dog House

Top 5 Things to Do: -Boating on the Norfolk Broads - Odeon Cinema, Riverside - Hollywood Bowl, Riverside - Norwich Art’s Centre - Theatre Royal - Norwich

Top 5 Sports Teams: - Norwich Medics Rugby Club - Norwich Medics Hockey Club - Norwich Medics Football Club - Norwich Medics Netball Club - UEA Casuals FC

Top 5 Food Stores: - UFO on Campus - Tesco Express on 5 ways roundabout (24 hours) - Sainsbury’s - Asda - Tescos

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Things I wish I’d known when I started

PBL – you are eased into the course with a module on being a doctor/ being a patient. This is an

overview of all physical, mental and social problems that can occur from conception until death!

Don’t worry. The idea is to introduce you to the world of medicine and start to get you comfortable

with some basic concepts and clinical reasoning. Try not to be overwhelmed by the depth of some of

lectures, none of us understood the HPA axis either! My top tip would be to throw yourself fully into

the PBL sessions. Remember, no-one else knows what they’re doing either (even if they pretend to).

Course structure – Each week you will have lectures Monday to Wednesday. On Thursdays you will

be sent to a primary care (General Practice) placement. On Fridays you will have your small group

PBL sessions followed by clinical relevance. After a few weeks some of you will start an IPL (inter-

professional learning) program on Wednesday afternoons. This involves you meeting with other

healthcare students (physios, nurses, pharmacists etc) and trying to work as a team. Try and

persevere with it, it has to be done! For the last week of winter term and the first 3 weeks of the

spring term you will be on secondary care (hospital) placements. After this you will start module 2

(orthopaedics and rheumatology). By this stage you should have some idea of what’s going on!

Exams – These take the format of written exams and OSCEs. You will have a mini formative written

exam at the end of winter term. You will then have a formative OSCE in January. These are

essentially “practice” exams to get you used to the exam format. Your first real exams are at the end

of summer term. This involves SAQs (mini essays), EMQs (multiple choice) and 2 OSCEs (“acting


Coping – The most important thing you can do is make sure you are leaving yourself enough time to

get settled, make friends and have lots of fun. If at any point you are feeling overwhelmed or

unhappy have a chat to someone. There are 3 main people you can approach. First port of call is

probably your mentors. These will be assigned to you in your first week. They have all been through

the ups and downs of first year and have probably experienced similar problems. Next there is your

PBL tutor. They are all lovely and willing to help or at least point you in the right direction. Lastly, you

will have an appointed personal advisor who can be really helpful in resolving problems from

academic work to noisy neighbours. There is a massive amount of support available but they can

only help if you get in touch.

Medics sports –medic clubs offer a competitive level of sport. However, don’t be afraid to start

something new. All clubs welcome beginners and social members. It is a great way of meeting

people from other years and even doctors from the local hospitals.

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Medics Rugby

Norwich Medics RFC was

founded in 2007 by 5

medical students who

wanted to play in a local

7’s tournament. Since

that fateful day the club

has grown beyond all

recognition into 3 sides,

the Mens 1st and 2nd XV,

and the Womens 1st XV.

As a club we pride

ourselves at being open

to all abilities. Many of

our players had never

picked up a rugby ball

before they came to

Norwich Medical School;

and now they play weekly

games against teams in

Norfolk, as well as other

medical schools across

the country. We welcome

medical students, doctors

and other health

professionals to play with


We provide a friendly

environment, not only for

training, but for academic

support and socializing.

We boast that we have

the best socials of any

team at UEA, with

notable events such as

Pub Scrubs, Skin Tight

Night and the Chairman’s

dinner to name but a


Last season was our most

successful to date. The

2nd XV won their league

and gained promotion.

The 1st XV gained

promotion, beating the

UEA rugby team twice

along the way! We are

hoping that next season

will be even better and

we would like you to be a

part of it.

So, if you are a seasoned

player, wanting to get fit

in a fun way, or just

looking to have a great

time whilst at uni, why

not get involved? We will

be around campus

throughout freshers

week, so keep an eye out

for us.

If you have any questions

or would like to know

more, please email us at

[email protected],

or join us on Facebook-

search for Norwich

Medics RFC.

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Medics Hockey

NMHC welcomes players

of all abilities to come,

train, meet new people

and most importantly

have fun.

On the pitch - Training

runs every Sunday 14.00

followed by a drink in the


Each training session is

split enabling the

opportunity for new

players to develop basic

skills whilst the more

experienced players try

to master some more

complex match scenarios.

Last season saw NMHC

place 2nd in the Cannock

national tournament

along with competing in


Off the pitch – NMHC is

the fastest growing social

club in Norwich. This may

be due to its athletic

prestige, good looking

members and superior

committee. But most

probably it is due to

multiple tours

throughout the year.

These are a real festival

atmosphere which

involve a lot of dressing

up, shuffling, funnels,

food ...oh and some



“NMMH is a really

friendly atmosphere

which has given me

the opportunity to get to

know so many new

people. I was a bit

worried as I’d never

played hockey before but

the split training gave me

the chance to play with

players of similar ability

and really develop

confidence on and off the

field.” Danni Britt

“I’ve been playing hockey

for years and really enjoy

the competitive standard

that NMMH offers.. I was

shocked that girls could

actually play hockey, let

alone be better than me!

Tour = Amazing..nuff

said.” Thomas Swan

Get involved:

Facebook -

Youtube -

Email – [email protected]

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Medics Football

NMFC is proud to present to you our very own total footballing experience...

What We Do: Training 2 hour coach led sessions on high quality astro turf may sound like a dream but it is all part of the package. Runs on Wednesdays, 6pm, at the UEA Sportspark and followed by the union bar for a slice of champions league football.

Matchday Saturday's the day and we couldn't think of a better way to ease those early morning headaches then taking on Norfolk's finest at their own unique brand of the 'beautiful game.' KO's at 2, 11 a side, and all wrapped up, once again, by the obligatory warm down in the local pub. Tour The highlight of any year and your opportunity to compete against medical schools countrywide in the National Association of Medical Students (NAMS) tournament. This year taking in the footballing hotbed of Newcastle. Social Whether its our old boys weekend, Norwich

Medics very own fantasy football or a guaranteed social a month there should always be something to keep you out of trouble and coming back for more. How Do I Join? If that all sounds like your cup of tea then find us on Facebook by searching 'Norwich Medics Football Club' and request to join or come and see us at med mart and sign up for your NMFC track suit. Looking forward to seeing you soon. X

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Women’s Football

Ever imagined what it

feels like to score for

England…... well it’s more

or less the same feeling

as scoring for Norwich

Medics WFC!!! So tell me

more, you say…

Well, we’re the most

fabulous, beautiful and

friendliest girls you could

ever meet and of course,

we’re extremely modest!

Training’s every

Wednesday between 2-

4pm at Eaton Park/UEA

Sportspark, with weekly

matches against ladies

teams in Norfolk and


All skill levels are

welcome, whether you’re

a keen player or have

never kicked a ball


Alongside playing

football, we also have

many socials including

Norwich Football Club

matches, team meals out,

Go Karting and LCRs!

The stunning city

of Newcastle

(maybe a wee

exaggeration!) is

our host for the

annual NAMS



between all

medical schools –

our most epic

night out of the


As you can see,

we’d really love

to get to know you and

welcome you into our


Still need another reason

to join? Really!!! How

about a free drink in the

union bar after our first

training session!

Whether you’re

interested in joining to

make great friends, go on

the most epic socials or

just to play football,

come along and sign up

at Med Mart.

We can’t wait to meet

you all in September!!

Norwich Medics Womens

Football Club

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Medics Netball

Norwich Medics Netball

is a club that comprises

several teams with a wide

range of ability for all to

get involved.

Our firsts play in an

indoor league which

requires a dedicated

team to train and play

competitive matches.

Our second team plays in

an outdoor league, this

again requires a

dedicated team but the

matches are on a friendly


Balancing competitive

and friendly matches

with incomparable social

nights out is what we’re

about, combining a love

of sport with a thirst for

fun! So whether you’ve

never played netball

before, or if you’re a

serious player, there is no

shortage of fancy dress

and crazy nights out with

us. Our incredibly

devoted and enthusiastic

committee continue to

make this club what it is;

giving you the chance to

play friendly or

competitive matches

combined with a group of

girls who take socialising

extremely seriously,

together we bring you

the craziest and best

socials ranging from

drinking Olympics, pub

crawls (often with boys

teams) and as of this year

TOUR! This promises to

be an incredible weekend

of netball, socials, and no

doubt the infamous fancy


- The one that everyone’s

talking about, come and

get involved at Med


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GP Soc

GP SOC is a fun and

enthusiastic society,

appealing to all

interested in finding out

more about a career in

General Practice as well

as exploring all aspects of

medicine. We

hold events displaying

practical applications of

medicine based

on experiences ranging

from military

medics converting to

General Practice,

to General Practioners in

Norwich facilitating

services for the homeless.

Events involving

motivational speaking

to patients through


programming in addition

to revision programmes h

eld annually, amongst

those being ‘Feather

Does Finals’ routinely

being a sell-

out. Newcomers to first

year will undoubtedly

gain benefit from the


‘Introduction to OSCEs’

talk, which will form the

basis to the majority of

exams at UEA medical

school. Furthermore, our

society is blessed by

having the Honorary

President being Professor

Amanda Howe, who is

Honorary Secretary for

the Royal Society of

General Practitioners, a

valuable asset and

regular attendee at our

events. We are open to

all and hope you can all

join and deliver a whole

new breed of attendees

Cardiology soc - we’ve got the beat!

As the new kid on the

block, the Cardiology

Society is looking to jump

start its freshman year

with a BANG!! The

Cardiology Society

combines course


community outreach and

exam preparation. This

year we will be raising

money for the charity

organisation CRY UK,

which provides research

and support for young

people suffering from

cardiac disease. Our first

event of the year is the

Norwich Half-Marathon

and we are currently

looking for active people

to train with us and take

the challenge.

The Cardiology Society

has something for

everyone, no matter

what your year of

medicine or what area of

medicine that interests

you. Every physicians

needs to have the

knowledge and skills to

be able to work with

patients suffering from

cardiac illness. It is our

hope to not only increase

the interest in the field of

cardiology but to also

provide a liaison between

students and consultants

already working in the


Make sure you join our

Facebook group

(Cardiology Society) and

sign up to be a member

at the MedMart. If you

have any more questions

please email our

president Rachel


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at rachwamboldt@hotma ‘Feel the rhythm,

feel the rhyme, get on up

its Cardiology time!’

Anatomy drawing


This society offers students opportunities to demonstrate anatomy (in a style similar to Anatomy SSS), a chance to use previously acquired knowledge, practice for exams and to apply learning skills. Presentations on the topic to be covered will be given before, in between, and after each drawing session. Medical students, a specialist consultant and an artist will be available to help at these workshops. There is no requirement to be an artist or good at drawing.

Our aims include aiding the learning process, equipping ourselves with the fundamental tools to

grasp and understand anatomy. Of which the goal is to improve our exam grades and observation skills and be better prepared for our future careers, where a good knowledge of anatomy remains paramount, underpinning clinical practice.

Send us an email on [email protected] to sign up for newsletters and receive emails for future events and workshops.

More information can be found at

Surgical soc

The surgical society is

UEA’s second largest

medical society. We run a

variety of educational

events and schemes, such

as early tuition of clinical

skills, extra surgical skills

sessions, extra theatre

experience and the

opportunity to be

mentored by surgeons.


- Super cheap skills sessions (Including suturing, laparoscopy, plastering, surgical knot tying, gloving and gowning. ) - FREE OSCE revision sessions - FREE Extra radiology/ anatomy - Trips to conferences- we will be advertising student conferences and helping organise transport cheaply- great CV boosters and networking! - Research/audit opportunities - More theatre experience

- Mentoring from consultants

Surgery not your thing?

We also run loads of

events designed to be

benefit everyone,

regardless of whether or

not you are an aspiring

surgeon. These include

revision sessions, extra

anatomy and radiology

sessions (free for

members), and trips to

national conferences. We

are also setting up a

research and audit

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scheme to join you with

doctors who need a hand

with projects. More than

enough to make

membership worthwhile!

Membership is just £20

for your entire time at


To join, email


.com or come and find us

at medmart!

For more info visit


Christian Medical


UEA Christian Medical

Fellowship is part of the

National CMF network

which aims to support

Christian medical

students throughout their

degree and faith. It

provides an opportunity

for you to get to know

other Christian medical

students from all years

and explore the

complex ethical and

spiritual issues faced by

us throughout medicine.

We usually meet once a

month, giving you a

yummy meal to help you

unwind from a busy day.

Examples of topics

discussed at our meetings

include “Matters of life

and death: abortion and

prematurity” and “How

to survive exams”, we

also hold socials like

summer BBQ’s and curry

nights. Once a year we go

to the National CMF

student conference


CMF groups from medical

schools all over the

country meet up for a

weekend in February. If

you’re interesting in

signing up or want any

more information visit us

at Med Mart, add us on

facebook (UEA CMF) or

drop us an email at

[email protected]


What do we do?

Our main aim for the

society is to raise

awareness of mental

health in schools; running

small workshops with

children and teenagers to

tackle common

misconceptions about

mental health issues and

to tackle associated


Why do we do it?

It is thought that about

50% of lifelong mental

illnesses are established

by age 14. In total,

mental illness affects

about 10% of young

people and most of these

young people do not seek

help. Despite this, in most

schools there is very little

or no mental health


We believe that as

medical students we are

in a good position to

reach these young people

and be a part of tackling

this important issue. In

running these workshops,

we will also develop our

own skills and awareness

along the way - after all,

we will have patients

affected by mental health

problems whichever

medical specialty we


How do we do it?

The workshops are

activity-based and focus

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on unveiling myths, giving

a basic awareness of

mental health and

signposting to

appropriate help. They

are run by small groups

of the society's members

and we will give you all

the training you need to

be part of these groups.

Anything else?

We also aim to run talks

and workshops for

members of the society

during the year on topics

surrounding mental

health, delivered by

professionals and

organizations working in

the area.

To join- find us at the

Fresher's Fair, on

facebook, or email us-

[email protected]

Teddy Bear

Hospital Society

“Doctor, doctor my

teddy’s got no brain,” is

just one of the

challenging presentations

that will face you as a

doctor at the Teddy Bear


Teddy Bear Hospital

provides an invaluable

opportunity to learn

communication skills

with young children in an

informal and fun setting.

We have little exposure to

younger patients during

our medical school

training, and working

with children can be quite

daunting. The Teddy Bear

Hospital Society is a great

opportunity to practise

essential skills and

improve your interaction

with young children

which will prove to be

very helpful in many

branches of medicine.

Teddy Bear Hospital is a

society where young

children (between the

ages of 3-7) can bring

their sick teddy bears to

come and see you – the

teddy bear doctor, and

where you can use

equipment such as

stethoscopes, plasters,

thermometers and

syringes (of course,

without needles) to help

diagnose and treat their

sick teddies. This simple

role play aims to make

children feel comfortable

with hospitals and

doctors, allowing children

to familiarise themselves

with common equipment.

You will also guide

children through various

activity stations where

they play the roles of the

medical team, dressing up

as surgeons and

performing operations,

looking at x-rays and

“taking blood” from their

bears. You can also teach

children about healthy

eating, exercise and the

human body through


This society is great if

you’re considering

paediatrics, want to try

something new and

challenging or if you’re

just looking to be

thoroughly entertained by

children’s imaginations

(you’ll hear some


So sign up at the

Fresher’s fair and literally

come care for a bear!

Any questions or queries

feel free to email me at

[email protected]

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Like skiing/snowboarding??

UEA MedSoc Ski and Snowboard Trip This year will mark the first ever UEA MedSoc Ski and Snowboard trip with UEA medics heading to Les Deux Alpes high within the french alps. This promises to be a truly memorable trip including a fantastic introduction to 2013, thats right we're going over new years, with plenty of varsity inspired rivalry as a host of medical schools descend from across the country join us in an Apres-Ski paradise. Whether you're a world class boarder, skiing novice or if you just can't resist building a giant snowman, we hope to organise a trip which will serve as great introduction into the delights of the UEA Medical School. The package includes transport to and from resort, accommodation and lift pass with extra offers on equipment hire, lessons and day trips. Prices and finer details are still being ironed out but further details will be revealed on the MedSoc website and freshers fair very soon. If you have any questions feel free to add me on Facebook, thanks Alex Perry.

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Welcome to UEA! Your path to graduating in 2017!!

As the excitement of fresher’s week looms, its my job to tell you what this course is really about. We’ll

discuss what to expect this year and in the years to come!

Year 1 – I’ll focus on this one as it’s the most imminent for you all otherwise it will be a whole novel!

This year has two modules:

1) The human Life cycle, a holistic approach – Your introduction to the medical world, module 1, takes you from birth to death giving you an insight into the basic building blocks

that you will use for the rest of your medical career. It may seem chaotic but stick with it,

from the physiology to the pharmacology, the ethics to the law and the biochemistry and the anatomy and you’ll be well set for the years to come (as well as the cheeky little end of

year exam). And when the chaos seems too much, remember that the clinical is around the corner.

2) Locomotion – After your whistle-stop tour through some of medicines finest, ‘Locomotion’

provides you with your first clinical subjects; rheumatology and orthopaedics. Taking you from your muscles to your bones with a few fundamental bits of medicine in between,

Locomotion is a fantastic module to get started with a perfect balance between medicine and surgery. Challenging at first but hugely rewarding ‘Locomotion ‘ brings your first year

to an end.

Year 2

3) Blood and skin - Dermatology and Haematology

4) Circulation - Cardiology, Vascular and Stroke medicine

5) Respiration - Respiratory

Year 3

6) Homeostasis / hormones - Endocrinology, Renal medicine and Urology

7) The senses - Neurology, Opthalmology and ENT (Ear, nose and throat)

8) Nutrition / digestion - Gastroenterology

Year 4

9) Reproduction - Obstetrics and Gynaecology

10) Growth and development - Paediatrics

11) Elective - The fun part of travelling the world! So exciting!

Year 5

12) Psychiatry - Pretty much that...

13) Emergency medicine - A&E

14) Shadowing - Doctor stuff

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Ash, black, Carolina

blue, dark chocolate,

forest green, irish

green, light blue, light

pink, navy, orange,

purple, red, royal blue,

sports grey, white


S (34-36”), M (38-40”),

L (42-44”), XL(46-48”),

XXL (50-52”)

Price: £28

Polo shirts


White, black,

magenta, pink, purple,

red, royal blue, bottle



Men: XS(32/34”),

S(36/38”), M (40”),

L(42”), XL(44”)

Women: 8(30”),

10(32”), 12(34”),

14(36”), 16(38”),


Price: £20

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Black, navy, red,

sports grey


S(26”),M (28”), L(30”),

XL(32”), XXL (36”)

Price: £28

Tickets and membership

Life membership £50

Becoming a member of medsoc is a must. Your one off payment is pumped straight back into providing top class entertainment at student prices. Your membership will get you free access to numerous club nights, subsidised entry to our biannual balls along with a plethora of other events throughout the year. Also included is a medsoc photo ID card which entitles you to medsoc discounts at shops, services and bars throughout Norwich.

Super Saver Freshers week ticket £25

Includes all freshers week events ↗

and a really cool wrist band!

[Only available to new medsoc members]

Individual event prices

White t-shirt night: £5 members, £10 non-


Norwich tour: free

Doctor’s mess (open bar!): £5 member, £10


Campus orientation: free

mentor/mentee and Pub quiz: £2 all

Anything but clothes: free.

Fight night: £5 members, £10 non-members

Sports night: £10 non-members, £5 members

Fresher’s ball: £15 members, £25 non-members

Bring a passport photo. You will need it

for your medsoc card!

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In order to match you with your perfect mentor family, we need to learn a little more about you.

Answer the questions in the form below and send them to [email protected]. Please

do so by September 10th.

Fresher’s questionnaire – answer sheet

General info

Name: ………………………………………………………………………….

Gender: Male Female

Education: undergraduate(first time at uni)

post-graduate(have done a degree before)

Getting to know you (one answer only)

1. Which of these activities is most important to you?

a) Studying

b) Drama/music

c) Sport/fitness

d) Drinking/going out

2. Which is your favourite group of authors?

a) Kumar and Clarke

b) Terry Pratchett/ Jane Austin/ T.S. Elliot

c) Dan Brown/Antony Horowitz /J.K. Rowling

d) What’s a book?

3. Why did you choose medicine?

a) Academic interest

b) To make a difference

c) Parental pressure

d) So I can put Dr in front of my name

4. How would your friends describe you?

a) Thoughtful, sensitive and caring

b) Outgoing, fun but knows his/her limits

c) Party animal

d) I don’t have any friends

5. Which Mr Man/Little miss are you?

a) b) c) d)

Going deeper

(2-3 sentences)

6. What’s your idea of a

perfect Sunday?

7. What’s the best thing

you’ve ever done and why?

8. What most scares you

about starting uni?

9. If you won the

Euromillions tomorrow,

what would you do with the


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A-Z of UEA

A – Acronyms, you’d best practice them on the DL ASAP as med is full of them! B – Balls – get those gowns and tuxes dusted down!! C – Colman House – The main stay of Medics accommodation D - Davidson’s – get into the library early and grab this baby!! E – Eaton Park – Your local little beauty. F – Fresher’s – Love you guys. G – Golden Triangle, the hallowed ground for student houses H – (Steven)Hawkings - cheap and effective - the standard for a night in the LCR!! I – ICE, the most awkward set of questions in the world! J – Jaigerbomb’s, yummy! K – Kumar & Clarke, the basis of every PBL worth it’s salt! L – LCR (there are 4 more you’ll become familiar with though) M – Mercy, the reborn clubbing venue

N – Norwich, of course! O – OSCE – Shudder! P – PBL – the bane of every Friday morning Q – Quazar – standard PBL social R – Richard Holland <3 S – Scrubs – they make the best pajamas, and they’re free! (Theft not condoned) T – Tastebuds – everyone’s favourite post-night out pizza. U – UFO, your convenient foods store! V – Vaccines – Your first months will be full of them W – Wednesday afternoons off for sport or, more likely, naps. X – X-rays – because what else begins with x? Y – Yellow, canary yellow to be specific, is the color of your new favorite team! Z – Ziggurat inter-school tournament!

Each year UEA medsoc handpicks a charity to fundraise for. This year our chosen charity is the Hamlet

Centre Trust, a local charity based in Norwich who work with children and young adults with special

needs. The charity have a number of projects, each aiming to help these children and young people to

develop their full potential and learn to be as independent as possible.

This year we will also be supporting the charity Hands of Hope, who work with disadvantaged children

living in extreme poverty in Romania. As well as fundraising for this charity, we will be running

voluntary trips to the charity's projects in Romania.

We have many exciting fundraising events planned for the year, including the charity ball (because we

love balls at uea), and of course our annual MRAG charity week, with the highly anticipated event

'meds got talent', as well as many others. Following on from the success of last year, we will also be

running another charity jailbreak (more info to follow on this soon!).

Last year we raised a grand total of nearly £5000. And we believe that this year we can beat it, but of

course we can only do this with your help! We hope that all of you will get involved as much as

possible this year. As always we are extremely grateful for any help, so feel free to contact us with any

fundraising ideas or any worthy causes you know of. Drop me an email to [email protected]

with any suggestions.

Thanks guys,


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1. You'll meet several loves of your life, even if fleetingly at the LCR. 2. You'll suffer a case (or 3) of kissers remorse 3. You'll decide that you’re definitely, 100% going to start going to the library

everyday and stop going out… and then go out the next night. 4. You'll be in debt. 5. You'll come up with a mind-blowing, world changing idea in someone’s

kitchen post LCR… that could never work. 6. You'll wake up somewhere strange 7. You'll have great intentions about doing your PBL on Friday morning 8. You'll pull far too many all nighters 9. You'll get locked out 10. You'll consider pot noodles, cheese on toast and rustlers as ‘fine meals’ 11. You’ll come back from an LCR fancy dress in a completely different outfit

to what you left in. 12. You'll lose several socks to the laundry room (its fine though because you

have another one exactly the same!) 13. You'll get 500 new Facebook friends, and know barely half of them. 14. You'll incur a ludicrous number of library fines 15. You'll live off pro-plus and red bull 16. You’ll fall asleep in a lecture 17. You’ll make best friends with a taxi driver 18. You’ll try something new and exciting and love it 19. You’ll attain more fancy dress than normal clothes 20. You’ll meet the best friends you’ll ever have and will never look back.

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Appointment wash and cut

(save 20%)

Check medsoc website

for updated deals

Check medsoc website for

updated deals

Check medsoc website for

updated deals

Use voucher (inside) to get a

free loyalty card. 20% off with NHS card

50% off with NHS card

+ loads more still to be confirmed.

Check medsoc website for updates

Medsoc have searched far and wide across the whole of …Norwich, in order to bring you some cracking deals with local businesses. Just present your medsoc membership card to receive discounts. Check our website (launching September 2012) for updates.

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Arrival day!

Friday 14th September

If you’re living on campus:

Visit accommodation office to pick up your room key

Armed with a passport photo, visit your friendly medsoc committee, stationed on the grass

beside the LCR between 12-6pm. Here you can pick up your tickets, medsoc membership

cards and t-shirts for tonight’s event. Bring your parents- we love meeting parents.

Go and find your new home

Say a fond farewell to Mother. She will miss you.

Shake father’s hand, but avoid eye contact.


Knock on your neighbour’s door. Offer a token of friendship, food always goes down well.

Find something to talk about other than A-levels

Suggest to your new best friend that a drink is in order and head to blue bar.

Make sure you are there by 6.45pm for the start of your 1st night of fresher’s week!

If you’re living off campus

Come and say hello anyway to grab your tickets, membership and t-shirt.

Make sure you’re at blue bar by 6.45pm sharp for white t-shirt night

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