Page 1: UCL ALPSP Overview of Scholarly Publishing October 2013

Everything you ever wanted to know about

scholarly publishing

(but were too afraid to ask)

Suzanne Kavanagh

Director of Marketing & Membership Services

[email protected]

T. 020 8670 4244



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What is ALPSP?

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A little bit of history…


• Launch of the ISBN


• ALPSP formed by 24 UK based learned societies


• Membership reaches 85


• Publishers Licensing Society formed by ALPSP, PA and PPA


• First HTTP client and server communication


• ALPSP celebrates 21 years, Adobe launches PDF


• Launch of Google


• Launch of


• Launch of Twitter and Sony eReader


• Inaugural ALPSP conference launched


• Membership exceeds 320 organisations in 40 countries

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Publishing trade associations (amongst others)

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We like to think small…

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And geeky…

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So what exactly do we do?

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Like all good publishers…

• Highlights video from the ALPSP International Conference 2013:

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Together we are big…

Source: Creative Skillset (2011) Publishing – Labour Market Profile

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Learned Societies

Geographical area % of total (2001) Number (2001)

World 100% 25,000

UK 8% 2,000

Europe (exc. UK) 22.5% 5,625

North America 27.6% 6,900

Australia & NZ 4% 1,000

Source: Scholarly Societies Project (2001)

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Do you ever wonder what the future holds?

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So do we…

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What does it all mean?

Risk of falling behind or missing opportunities in:• New or existing markets• Extending reach into new product areas• Scaling up or extending capacity• Keeping up-to-date on new initiatives• Increasing revenue • Mitigating changes in market place• Ability to innovate

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7 things you can do to find out more…

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1. Follow @alpsp on Twitter

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2. Join LinkedIn

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3. Look at ALPSP’s website

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4. Read research

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6. Look at ALPSP YouTube

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7. Read industry blogs

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What do publishers think about the future?

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Here’s what they said…

• Reflections on what the future holds for scholarly publishers from attendees at the ALPSP International Conference 2013:

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Pub Quiz

1. How many members does ALPSP have?

2. How many countries are they in?

3. In which year was ALPSP set up?

4. Name 3 ALPSP members

5. What does DRM stand for?

6. What is open access
