Page 1: U1L5 - Science and Society

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

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Page 2: U1L5 - Science and Society

Water, water everywhere!

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

In what areas does science help us make decisions?• Science has led to lifesaving discoveries and has

taught us to protect our resources, too.

• Decision-makers use scientific information to help them make laws.

• Rules and laws may be enforced by government agencies on the community, state, and national levels.

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 3: U1L5 - Science and Society

In what areas does science help us make decisions?• Some decisions affect more than one country and

have to be made on the international level.

• In this case, nations adhere to agreed-upon rules.

• Science gives a country’s representatives the data they need to talk about and make decisions about these types of matters.

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Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 4: U1L5 - Science and Society

High Goals

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How can science and politics affect each other?• The direction of science is affected by many

things, including political, societal, and economic concerns.

• Science, in turn, affects politics, society, and the economy.

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 5: U1L5 - Science and Society

How can science and politics affect each other?• At times, politics or government leaders set a

direction or goal for science.

• Political support can increase funding for scientists studying certain areas.

• Political support can also encourage scientists to work together.

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Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 6: U1L5 - Science and Society

How can science and politics affect each other?• Some people question the value of certain

scientific projects.

• These people argue that our resources should be spent on solving more urgent problems.

• Others point out that even these scientific projects have benefited humanity.

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Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 7: U1L5 - Science and Society

Big Help!

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How do science, society, and economics interact?• Science is influenced by societal needs and


• If society sees no value in certain research, scientists may not get funding for the research.

• People may not buy or use new technologies if they do not think they are useful.

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 8: U1L5 - Science and Society

How do science, society, and economics interact?• Scientists look for ways to meet the needs of


• As scientists explore new things, they gain new knowledge that may improve upon or even challenge existing knowledge.

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Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

Page 9: U1L5 - Science and Society

How do science, society, and economics interact?

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society

• How did scientific advances reduce polio rates? How did that affect the U.S. economy?

Page 10: U1L5 - Science and Society

How do science, society, and economics interact?• Science and economics affect each other.

• Science can be expensive, and priorities must be set on how to spend money on science.

• Conversely, science makes improvements that allow people to live longer, make more money, and put more money back into the economy.

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Unit 1 Lesson 5 Science and Society
