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Type of questions you

can use in a survey


Page 2: Type of questions you can use in a survey

Choose the right question, and find the right way to capture it in your survey

Page 3: Type of questions you can use in a survey

Imagine you need to prepare and execute a survey for a specific project. At this point, you already have determined the goal of the survey and you know who is your target audience. Now, you're at the stage of the design of the survey.

Probably for many people the most difficult step in the process is when they have to structure questions. If you are one of them, don't worry, we'll help you understand this point.

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Why is this step difficult for some people? Well, it is because you want to collect all the information you need, and you want your survey be easy and pretty for users. But, sometimes people make the mistake of prioritizing only one thing and at the end they just get one thing of these two options: A beautiful and easy survey, but with useless information.

You won’t gain a thing if your is so boring and unappealing that users don't want to respond.

These two aspects should not be at odds. The key is to choose the right question, and find the right way to capture it in your survey.

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So you have to think about the information you need and then you could choose the kind of questions more useful to get that information.

You can choose between different types of questions. Here is a brief explanation of different types of questions Survmetrics offers. Check them and analyze what are the most useful questions for your survey.

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In Multiple Choice Questions, you write a question and provide a list of two or more possible answers. Also, you have the option to choose if people must select just one answer or several answers. If you are looking for specific answers to some questions you should use this type of question.


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This type of question is similar to the previous. You write a question and provide two or more possible answers, but the difference is in this case you can include images in your answers. You can choose if people can select just one or more images. This is a way to give context to your survey and make it more attractive.


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This is the kind of question used for making a Likert Scale. Each question is an item, which can measure attitudes, behaviors, experiences or opinions about a specific topic. The answer is the rating that users assign on a scale of 1-5, 1-7, 1-10 (we give you the option to choose the scale from 3 until 11). Response scales goes from one extreme to another and users have to select one number according with their opinion.


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Open Text Questions are useful to collect opinions, suggestions, comments or descriptions about a specific topic using their owns words. You just have to pose the question and the respondent will write in an open space the answer according to his opinion.

This type of question is common to get feedback or to find keywords associated with the product from the customer.


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Net Promoter Score (NPS)* is a system used currently for many companies to measure the type of customers of the company with one simple question: “How likely is it that you would recommend [your company] to a friend or colleague?”


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This method classifies the customers on three groups, according with their answers on a scale from 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely):

• Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others.

• Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied, but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.

• Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

Then, to calculate your NPS, you have to apply the next: % of promoters - % of detractors. If your company is focused on customers, this is a good question to ask.

*Net Promoter Score is a trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., F. Reichheld, and Bain & Company

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With Rating Questions people can assign a rating to an item or question. You will make the question and also you provide a scale with icons or small images for the answer (for example stars). Then, the more stars assigned by the user, the higher will be the rating of the item evaluated. This is an easy way to rate a specific element and is very illustrative for users. Survmetrics offers the option to choose the scale, it can be from 3 to 11.


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Smiley Question is a fun and intuitive way to get feedback and to rate a specific question. Users have to represent their feelings towards something, using a scale of 5 faces, between a range positive (happy face), neutral or negative (sad face).

Survmetrics offers scales of 3 and 5, and you can choose which you prefer.


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Simple Matrix is a version of a multiple choice question but using two dimensions. That means, if you imagine the matrix like a table, you will have the questions or elements on the top row and the possible answers on the left column. Users can select the answer for each item and change from one element to another using a button. This kind of matrix is useful and practical if you have several elements that respond to the same specific answers determined by you.


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Likert Matrix is like a Simple Matrix, but in this case is a version of a Likert question using two dimensions. When you imagine the Likert Matrix like a table, you will have the questions or elements on the top row and the scale of responses on the left column. Users can rate each element of the matrix using the numeric scale determined by you and they can change from one element to another using a button.


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Rating Matrix is a version of Rating Questions, where people can assign a rating to several items or questions using icons or small images. If you imagine the matrix like a table, you will have items or questions on the top row and the scale of answers on the left column. Users can rate each item with icons and change from one element to another using a button. The more icons assigned the user, the higher will be the rating of the item evaluated. Use this type of question when you want your customers to rate several related items using the same scale.


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Smiley Matrix is a version of Smiley Questions but using two dimensions. That means if you imagine the matrix like a table, you will have the questions or elements on the top row and the smiley scale on the left column. This kind of matrix is useful and intuitive if you want to measure feelings of your customers toward several related elements, using the same scale.


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You can combine several types of questions within the same survey. The important thing is to optimize the size of the survey and gather as much information you need, without neglecting the design or the visual appeal of the survey.

Here is a sample of different types of questions that Survmetrics has for you.

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If you want to make an awesome survey, sign up at and start creating your survey now.

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