

AID COORDINATION NEWS - MOLDOVA A newsletter published by ‘Support to the State Chancellery’ (TTSIB) project EuropeAid/130480/C/SER/MD

Issue N°1

I N F O C U S As the year 2011 draws to an end the Aid Coordination Unit of the State Chancellery and their new colleagues of the ‘Support to the State Chancellery – TTSIB’ EU Project can look back on a successful launch of the project together with some well organised, new activities and events. From the start of the TTSIB project in September 2011, a main aim was to create a strong partnership between the project staff and their beneficiaries, so that in the years to come, both parties receive the planned benefits and achieve successful and important results. The Aid Coordination Unit team and the TTSIB team are delighted to wish You a Happy and Prosperous New Year! May it be a successful one and lead all of us towards new achievements, good health, happiness and prosperity! Steering Committee of the TTSIB Project gathered for the first meeting The Steering Committee of the “Support to the State Chancellery” (TTSIB) project gathered to assess work

of the project in the Inception period and discuss the plans included in its Inception Report. The meeting gathered together national - Ruslan Codreanu, Head of Policies, Strategic Planning and Foreign Aid Division of the State Chancellery, Lucretia Ciurea, Head of Foreign Aid Coordination Unit, Andrey Vrabie, Project Manager of the European Union Delegation to Moldova, Dumitru Udrea, Advisor to the General Secretary of the Government as well as international counterparts – Ivelina Dilovska, Project Director of Human Dynamics, Dr Janos Zakonyi, Team Leader of the TTSIB project and Boris Smolin, Deputy Team Leader. The participants discussed the Inception Report and agreed it reflected well the work carried out so far. The plans, set up together with the direct beneficiary - the Aid Coordination Division of the State Chancellery - were also found to be in line with the expectations of the

Moldovan partners of the project. It has been stressed that the TTSIB project should concentrate its efforts on the improved application of the Twinning, TAIEX and Sigma, as well as the CIB instruments at the line ministries and agencies - however, also undertaking necessary steps to increase capacities of the Foreign Aid Coordination Unit of the State Chancellery. It is especially the efficient utilization of the more than 41 mln Euro allocated for 2011 – 2013 for the CIB in Moldova that would demand considerable efforts of the project to identify specific tasks and assignments in strong cooperation with other stakeholders involved. The Steering Committee members unanimously agreed to suggest the Inception Report, the work done and the envisaged activities of the project to be approved by the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova and implemented by the project and its partners.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

TTSIB project: a brief presentation The TTSIB project is designed to assist the beneficiaries (Director of PAO and the Division for Policies, Strategic Planning and External Assistance at the State Chancellery) and main recipients (other public administration institutions which benefit from Twinning/TAIEX/SIGMA and the CIB programme) to increase their capacity to make the best use of the assistance provided by the European Commission in the implementation of the reform agenda.

The project includes three specific objectives as Project Purpose. The first of them is aiming at building the capacity of the State Chancellery for technical leadership in the identification, preparation and implementation of activities funded by external assistance. It is planned that on completion of the project the NCU organizational and working capacity to prepare high quality programmes and project proposals will be enhanced; the procedures for monitoring and evaluation of external assistance will be elaborated; internal and external information exchange and communication system, including IDEA project database are enhanced; a system for producing an annual report on external assistance, including a directory of Development Partners is in place; stakeholder institutions are aware of their role for pro-active approach in project cycle and capacity has been built for stakeholders to carry out their role.

The second project aim is to support

the Programme Administration Office (PAO) at the State Chancellery as the central institution for promoting, planning and implementation of the use of EU instruments, specifically Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA. By the end of the project the PAO capacity for annual programming and identification of Twinning projects is enhanced; Focal Points and potential beneficiaries have sufficient awareness of and knowledge of Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA procedures; procedures are in place to efficiently process LMs requests for assistance; PAO is able to provide support to Twinning projects in all stages of the project cycle and promote the use of and inform stakeholders about Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA procedures.

The third of the specific objectives aims at building the capacity and assisting the State Chancellery in the preparation and implementation of the Comprehensive Institution Building programme (CIB). Having absorbed assistance provided by the project, the State Chancellery is well placed to assist beneficiary institutions in preparation of multi-annual reform plans and subsequent projects proposals and coordinate the CIB programme in Moldova; projects prepared under CIB programme are properly coordinated with other donor initiatives and have clear linkages with the MTBF and sector expenditure plans.

All envisaged activities of the Project are in line with the mentioned objectives and staff, along with direct beneficiaries, is working intensely to achieve them.

TTSIB project, to provide training to line ministries and NCU staff According to the timetable of activities envisaged for the TTSIB project, a series of trainings on various topics is to be provided to line ministries, NCU staff, as well as specific groups of people from central public administration authorities.

Currently, TTSIB project staff is working on the organizational issues of the trainings scheduled for the nearest future. A tentative list of main training topics that may be provided includes, as follows: Twinning (Taiex and Sigma)

regulations and procedures: Project identification, ToR preparation, TWG Fiche preparation, Selection, Contract preparation, Twinning implementation, monitoring and evaluation;

Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach

The European Union, its Institutions, functioning and rules;

Aid coordination and aid effectiveness, the role of NCU/PAO in coordination of foreign assistance;

Twinning English / Professional Skills.

The above topics will be implemented through the following training forms and sessions:

1. Regular Twinning English / Professional Skills Training Course, for two groups of participants involved in TTS and proposed by the ministries / agencies (10 months, 160 hours, evenings, certificate. Start: February 2012).

2. Demand based TWG English / Consultancy Skills Training Sessions for members of the

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

This project is funded by the European

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

Twinning/Taiex/Sigma Working Groups, - organised at the requesting institutions, 5-8 times two hours, during work hours (ongoing; requests are welcome);

3. Specific training sessions for new and ‘old’ staff of the Aid Coordination Unit (ongoing);

4. Meetings of National Focal Points for TWG, TAIEX and SIGMA – min. twice a year (ongoing);

5. Open Seminars organised once a month on agreed and advertised topics – everybody is welcome (start in February 2012);

6. Resident Twinning Advisors Club / Networking Meetings, as demanded, two-three times a year (start in March 2012);

7. Resident Twinning Advisors’ Counterparts’ Club /Networking Meetings, as demanded, two-three times a year (start in April 2012);

8. Train the Trainers Courses – for achievers of the best results in other forms of training, monthly, from September 2012;

9. Friends of Twinning Meetings, demand driven, after September 2012.

10. Specific training sessions requested by national /international institutions and/or projects.

All trainings to be provided are in line with the project’s expected outcomes and have one major aim – to build the capacities of people involved in the implementation of Twinning (TAIEX, Sigma and CIB), so that, eventually, there is a team of professional, motivated people who can speed up and promote the progress in the respective fields.

Twinning networking strengthened by conference organized by the State Chancellery and TTSIB The conference “Strengthening of Twinning (TAIEX, Sigma and CIB) Networking in Moldova: How Do We Progress?” took place on December 14 and gathered about 100 participants – Twinning focal points within line ministries and agencies and officials of the State Chancellery and the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova. The Conference was organized by the State Chancellery (Policies, Strategic Planning and Foreign Aid Division) and the EU Project “Support to the Government of Moldova in building the capacity for application of Twinning, TAIEX and Sigma instruments, as well as in preparation and implementation of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme (TTSIB)”. During the first part of the Conference, participants were briefed on various aspects related to the design, implementation and utilization of EU assistance instruments, Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA and on key issues of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme (CIB). Presentations were done by employees of the State Chancellery, TTSIB project staff, as well as people directly involved in the implementation of Twinning projects. During the second part of the Conference, participants – in two working groups – have discussed practical aspects of identification and preparation of Twinning projects on one side, and lessons of implementation of Twinning projects in Moldova – on the other. Through experience exchange, possible challenges that can arise during various phases of a Twinning project, were pointed out. These were collected and a list of recommendations was drawn up, that will provide good orientation for future. Both the participants and the organizers of the meeting felt that the objectives of the event were achieved. Representatives of Moldovan central governmental institutions received

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

abundant information and initial training about state of affairs and plans regarding the subject areas.They could inform each other and the organizers about their own progress, approaches and recommendations, and, through exchange of opinions, to start formulation of an informed and motivated network of officials and experts that can promote and speed up progress in the field of Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA as well as the CIB.

At the end of the meeting the Conference Recommendations were accepted. It was agreed that such events should take place regularly, in order to ensure continuous communication among all stakeholders.

DISCUSSION Is Twinning Worth Doing in Moldova? (What Did Our Project Staff Learn to Date) Dr J. Zakonyi, Team Leader Twinning, as one of the assistance instruments of the European Union to ENP Countries has immense opportunities once prepared and implemented correctly. Based on experience of more than 2000 Twinning projects in many countries we can clearly state that using the Twinning tool may have a significant effect on implementation of public administration reforms in the respective countries. Through improving legislation and supporting institutional reforms, Twinning is addressing a crucial task for all of us: improve the ways how Governments are serving their citizens and how different governmental organizations are managing the resources that they have.

Without professional and appropriately working civil service there are no well-prepared proposals for the legislative bodies and there is no good implementation of laws and regulations either. Twinning as a tool of direct cooperation between governmental employees of the Beneficiary Countries and the EU ones may prove very useful on this road - together with all other forms of assistance that the European Union and other donors are providing to different countries.

When talking about opportunities and results that Twinning may provide we have to realize that Twinning is not only a possibility, but also a complex task. We all have to see not only the benefits it may provide, not only the rights, which it may land to different participants, but also the obligations that are involved in proper implementation of Twinning.

What are these obligations? They are like the opportunities, numerous. Everybody who is participating in

Twinning, both in management or in coordination posts, or as implementer of specific tasks, must be open to changes and must stand on the side of progress. In our complex circumstances it is not always easy to establish where this side is. Twinning and the accumulated experience of 27 countries of the European Union may help to find it.

However, one has to be able to listen and learn, to openly exchange views on different subjects and be ready to change, if necessary. Therefore, Twinning requires appropriate human capacities. It requires that the participating ministries and agencies and their staffs are put in the centre of attention and action, because appropriate human relations, face-to-face direct consultations, sincere exchange of opinions and finding solutions with joint efforts are crucial requirements and elements of Twinning. It also requires that all those who are managing and coordinating Twinning are credible to those managed and be the best examples in everything they want others to follow and implement.

Twinning is a learning process for everybody: Governments and the European Commission, leaders and staffs, sectors and mass media alike. During the last months we have learned a lot in Moldova while started implementing our project and supporting Twinning in this country. What did we learn?

We learned that a significant number of Moldovan ministries and agencies are interested to improve their work whatever the general conditions are.

This is a good background for a relatively quick qualitative development that is planned to be achieved in Twinning in the coming years.

We also learned that there was a significant interest to Moldova shown by different countries of the European Union, and the Calls for Twinning Proposals did not remain without responses. However, as time goes and more and more Twinning projects are ‘utilizing’ the available ‘resources’ from the EU MS-s, intensive ‘marketing’ of the country wishing to cooperate with EU MS becomes more and more important. Hence, visibility and information are receiving much higher emphasis then earlier.

We learned that preparation of Twinning projects is time consuming and complex task, and that without good design and preparation there is no good project implementation. Identification, design and preparation cannot be successfully performed without knowledge and experience in certain key subjects, such as project design as part of project cycle management, networking and negotiations skills, appropriate time and other resources for the work, not mentioning one of the key preconditions of a real success – some level of knowledge of foreign languages.

It is possible to translate thousands of pages of EU Directives and other legal documents, and it is possible to understand each other through an interpreter. However, no doubt, it can prove much more efficient and effective for the partners to comprehend each other without interpreting.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

We have to be realists though: it is clear that much more should be done to achieve this status. However, in such a situation all those efforts which are aimed at increasing knowledge and experience of participants of future Twinning projects - in professional and soft skills, coordination of work, knowledge of languages and other related issues - must be required and supported by leaders, coordinators and staffs alike. There are a growing number of good examples that prove that leaders and specialists of numerous ministries and agencies are ready to learn during both their work and free time to be better prepared for the tasks ahead. They all are convinced together with us that this is a good investment and serves not only the public, but also private interests of the individual involved, and hence serves as some kind of motivation.

What other issues did we learn? We also learned that effective partnership building is necessary and that Twinning requires established legal background, good coordination and efficient procedures. We must appreciate the time of the foreign experts involved and refrain from unnecessary meetings. It is necessary to utilize time of every stakeholder more efficiently and effectively, hence spreading experience regarding effective meetings is also an important message.

Given the realities, Twinning requires high-level political support in Moldova as an important mean of motivating potential participants and solving emerging problems. We hope once this will be achieved, all other necessary preconditions, such as material and financial support and progress in legislation, will also be ensured.

The sometimes still existing administrative / bureaucratic / command-driven style of management does not coincide with the spirit of Twinning. Civil servants should be ‘bureaucrats’ in the good, progressive sense of this word, since the other style is jeopardizing collaboration, killing initiatives, destroying motivation, which all are inevitable parts of a successful Twinning preparation and implementation.

Twinning needs the support of the media. It is not enough to learn and improve by Twinning, but people must be informed about progress, and must feel the results. However, transferring what is happening in Twinning to the public is not easy. In many cases there is no direct and immediate

connection between the results of Twinning and the everyday life of people. Here is another important task: we must learn how to translate processes and results of Twinning into a language that public understands and supports. We hope that professionals of the mass media will help the ‘Twinning side’ in achieving progress in this field.

Twinning in Moldova is in the growing, developing phase. It can already ‘speak’, it has even ‘finished the primary school’, but is not yet at the ‘university level’. Hence, the opinions on both the results and problems must be balanced, realistic and reflecting the truth and public interests. And beyond the optimism it is realism and readiness for action that must pave the way in this direction.



















State Chancellery – Aid Coordination - NCU/PAO - Republic of Moldova

TAIEX statistics

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

Edited by: I. Pustovaia, TTSIB Information and Comm. Expert in cooperation with I. Sobieski, Operational Assistant Responsible for the edition: Dr J. Zakonyi, TTSIB Team Leader, Chisinau, December 2011


Justice AGEPI Material Resources, Public Procurement and Humanitarian Aid Agency

Competition Protection Agency

The General Inspectorate of Seed Control and Phytosanitary Surveillance ( GIPSSC)

Ministry of Finance Accreditation

Centre/Minist ry of Economy

Main State Inspectorate for Market Surveillance, Metrology and Consumer Protection/Mi

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction

(MRDC) Institute of Standardisati on and Metrology (under Ministry of Economy

Court of Accounts Agency of

Land Relations and Cadastre Transplant

Agency Public Property Agency Ministry of

Interior National Bank

# of LoI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … TWG light

Phase / Step Project

Parliament Support Support to Mo ldova in Prison syst em up grading the Penal R eforms

Support to the implimentation of Intellectual Propert y R ights in


Support to the p rocurement syst em in the Repub lic of Mo ldova

Support to the implimentation of competition policy and public aid in the R epublic of Moldova

Support to Mol dova in the field of nor ms and standards in food safety for plant origin produc ts

Support to the impli mentati on of the public i ner nal financial


Strengthening the C apacity of the C entre of Accr edi tation in the Fiel d of Pr oducts Confor mity Assessment of

the R epublic of Mol dova’ Strenghtening the capaci ty of in the fi eld of mar ket sur veill ance and costumer

protecti on rights Capacity Buildi ng in Regional Devel opment in the R epublic

of M oldova’, Mi nistr y of Cons truc tion and R egional Devel opment

The fortification of National Standar dization Body capacity of par ticipation i n the Eur opean standar dization and

the promotion's impl ementati on of Eur opean


Supporting the refo rms of the Supreme Court of the Accounts

in Moldov a Harmon ize, steamline and comput erize p rocesses im mapp ing in the Republik of

Moldova Implementation and insurance of the Transp lant

Agency activities in the Republic of Molodva Strengthening of the Administrative Capacity

of the Public Property Agency and other relevant stakeholders for implementation of

Twinning Number CRIS Nr. 140961 CRIS Nr. 212535 MD09/EN P-PC A/OT /04 MD09/EN P-PC A/F I/05 MD09/EN P-PC A/F I/03 MD10/EN P-PC A/AG/06 MD10/EN P-PC A/F I/07 MD10/EN P-PC A/TR /08 MD10/EN P-PLA/TR/09 MD10/EN P-PC A/0T/10 - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Phase 1. Development of Twinning (TWG) Concept 1 General promotion / awareness raising regarding TWG in Moldova 1 2 Awareness raising regarding potential Beneficiaries 2 3 Consultations with potential Beneficiaries about TWG possibilities 3 4 Indication of Interest by specific potential Beneficiary 4 5 Preparation of TWG Project Concept 5 6 Analysis and verification of the TWG Project Concept 6 7 Resource allocation for TWG Project development and implementation 7 8 Approval of the Twinning Concepts / Inclusion in the Annual (Indicative) Work Plan 8 9 Distribution of the approved Annual (Indicative) Work Plan 9

Phase 2. Development of ToR for Framework contract (FWC) process 10 Study of background documentation for ToR 10 11 Consultations 11 12 Preparation of 1st draft of the ToR 12 13 Commenting on 1st draft of the ToR 13 14 Preparation of final draft of the ToR 14 15 Acceptance of ToR 15 16 Submission of accepted ToR 16 17 Approval of ToR 17 18 Launching the FWC process for developing the TWG Project Fiche (TWGF) 18 19 Evaluation of offers and signing the relating contract 19 20 Provision of information about the selected Contractor 20

Phase 3. Development of Twinning Project Fiche 21 General briefing of TWGF experts 21 22 Preparation of and sending the Mission Plan to stakeholders 22 23 Acceptance of the Mission Plan 23 24 Provision of information about arrival 24 25 Joint briefing meeting of the 1st Mission 25 26 Consultations during the 1st Mission 26 27 Joint de-briefing meeting of the 1st Mission 27 28 Submission of the Inception Report (IR) by FWC 28 29 Commenting on the IR 29 30 Approval of the IR 30 31 Submission of the 1st draft of the TWGF 31 32 Commenting on the 1st draft of the TWGF 32 33 Preparation of and sending Mission Plan to stakeholders 33 34 Acceptance of the Mission Plan 34 35 Provision of information about arrival 35 36 Joint briefing meeting of the 2nd Mission 36 37 Consultations during the 2nd Mission 37 38 Presentation of the 2nd draft of the TWGF (if feasible) 38 39 Joint de-briefing meeting of the 2nd Mission 39 40 Submission of the 2nd amended draft of the TWGF 40 41 Commenting on the 2nd draft of the TWGF 41 42 Preparation and implementation of the 3rd Mission (if necessary) re. steps 22 - 27 42 43 Submission of the final draft of the TWGF 43 44 Commenting on the final draft of the TWGF 44 45 Acceptance of final draft of the TWGF (BA) 45 46 Acceptance of final draft of the TWGF (PAO) 46 47 Acceptance of final draft of the TWGF (EUD) 47 48 Sending the final draft of the TWGF 48 49 Acceptance of final draft of the TWGF 49 50 Adaptation of the final agreed draft of the TWGF 50 51 Preparation and submission of the Final Report by FWC Contractor 51 52 Final approval and authorization of Call for Proposals 52

Phase 4. Call for Proposals / MS Partner(s) Selection and Evaluation 53 Setting timetable for Call for Proposals 53 54 Publishing Notice about Call for Proposals 54 55 Circulating TWGF to MS NCPs / MS Embassies 55 56 Questions (if any) 56 57 Answers (if any) 57 58 Registration of MS proposals 58 59 Screening for eligibility and administrative compliance 59 60 Dispatch Twinning proposals 60 61 Invitation to Selection / Evaluation Meeting 61 62 Provision of assistance to BA (if required) 62 63 Selection / Evaluation Meeting 63 64 Notification of stakeholders on the results 64

Phase 5. Twinning Contract Preparation and Finalisation 65 Visits of the MS partner to BA 65 66 Drafting of the Work Plan and Budget 66 67 Submission of the 1st draft of the Contract 67 68 Commenting on the 1st draft of the Contract 68 69 Consolidated Comments 69 70 Finalization of the 1st draft of the Contract 70 71 Registration of the final draft of the Contract 71 72 Prior formal approval 72 73 Sending the proposed draft of the Contract to Line DGs 73 74 Adaptation of the draft of the Contract 74 75 Final formal approval of the Twinning Contract 75 76 Signing of the Twinning Contract 76

Phase 6. Implementation of Twinning Project 77 Notification of the Twinning Contract 77 78 Preparation for starting the TWG Project 78 79 RTA training 79 80 Information about RTA arrival 80 81 Start of RTA’s assignment 81 82 Registration of the Twinning Project 82 83 Start-up Meeting of the Project 83 84 Submission of the 1st interim quarterly report (QR) 84 85 Commenting on the 1st interim quarterly report (QR) - Monitoring 85 86 Meeting of the Project Steering Committee 86 87 Approval of the 1st QR 87 88 Submission of the 2nd interim quarterly report 88 89 Commenting on the 2nd interim quarterly report (QR) - Monitoring 89 90 Meeting of the Project Steering Committee 90 91 Approval of the 2nd QR 91 92 Submission of the 3rd interim quarterly report 92 93 Commenting on the 3rd interim quarterly report (QR) - Monitoring 93 94 Meeting of the Project Steering Committee 94 95 Approval of the 3rd QR 95 96 Submission of the 4th interim quarterly report 96 97 Commenting on the 4th interim quarterly report (QR) - Monitoring 97 98 Meeting of the Project Steering Committee 98 99 Approval of the 4th QR 99

100+ … (amend accordingly for the proper duration of the project) 100+ 101 Preparation of the Final Report 101 102 Submission of the Final Report 102 103 Commenting on the Final report - Monitoring 103 104 Meeting of the Project Steering Committee 104 105 Approval of the Final Report 105 106 Closure of the Twinning Project Implementation Period 106

107 Submission the expenditure verification report by independent auditor 107 108 Legal Closure of the Twinning Project 108

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

JOINT STATUS of the Twinning Pipeline and Indicative Work Plan

as of 15/12/ 2011



The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG (Austria)

There are 18 Twinning projects or project proposals in the Twinning Pipeline as of 15 December 2011. Two Twinning projects have been completed: Support to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Support to Moldova in Prisons System Upgrading and Penal Reform, Four Twinning projects are in the implementation phase: Support to the Public Procurement System in the Republic of Moldova; Support to Implementation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Support to Implementation and Enforcement of Competition and State Aid Policy. (All of them are being

completed in 2012) Public Internal Financial Control – Ministry of Finance Four Twinning projects are planned to start up by the end of 2011 – beginning 2012 (Standards in food safety, Accreditation and conformity assessment, Capacity building for regional development and Market surveillance and consumer protection).

Five Twinning projects are under preparation

Proposals are expected to be received from line ministries/agencies for new Twinning/TAIEX/SIGMA-CIB
