  • 7/28/2019 Tube Town (TV sitcom addresses)





    Felir and 0scar (JackKlugman and TonyRandall) shared anapartmenl in the big brickbuilding at 10,89 Park Ave.,al lett; headquarlers lorthe S.einfeld bunch isTom's Reslauranl, dbsvs,a real-life student hanguutnear Columbia University.

    t24th Streets in the shadow of the el. myself, 'That building is in L.A.' " ft'sBut instead of shooting an existing New also in New York, at least in spirit: TheYork bar exterior, everything's done on real 129 W. 81st St. is a five-stbry, Say-theWarner Bros. "NewYork Street" lot brick walk-up between ColumbuJ anain Burbank. At least "The Nanny" real- Amsterdam Avenues.y"'h"Jin#mlg!:'o- brownstone'snHFEru' SSFFEE s''p[,ong Island, of course, has its own The de facto "Seinfeld" clubhouse hascharms, as evidenced by the Plainview bcen immortalized beflore: It's Tom'sIocale of Fox' "Monty," and by such past Restaurant, a Colurnbia Universityshows as "The Hamptons" (ABC, 1983), hangout at Broadway and 112th Street,"The Pruitts of Southarrrpton" (ABC known around the world from Suzanne1966-67) and "Growing Pains" (ABC Vega's song, "Tom's Diner." The inside1985-1992). But there's nothing like looksnothinglikethedecorontheshow,New York, New York - even if it is }l.lew though, but then, stars always look big-York, California * and here are our 10 ger on TV.favorite landmarks of NYTV - .rllE 000 c0up[E' APARTMEIIT Al{D.SEIIIFEID' APARTTk!Efl T PHOTO STUDIIIOne of the most famous urban land- Felix and Oscar's big apartmentmarks in New York City isn't evcn irr house at 1049 Park Ave., in the East 80s,NewYorkCity-JerrySeinfbld'sapart- belonged to a friend of "Odd Couple"ment, given on the show as 129 W. 81st producer G*ry Marshall - thus chang-St., No. 5A. Yet, the exterior is actually ing the original Broadway-play localein Los Angeles - nooooo! - near the from Riverside Drive. Curiously, it wascorner of Sixth Street and Vermont Ave- referred to at least once on the show asnue. Sharp-eyed Angelenos couid al- 1050 Park Ave., though the awning

    ready tell. "All brick buildings in L.A. clearly says otherwise. And although itare reinforced, in case of earthquake$," doesn'f exist in real life, the two divorcedsays "Seinfeld" watcher Jim Gordon. rnen shared apartment 1102 without"Those square or rectangular metal driving each other erazy.plates going all.around the top of the Felix Unger's studio, F.U. Enter-building, spaced about a foot-and-a-half prises, was given as 380 Madison Ave. -part,that'sthereinforcement.Isaidto';''depicted as arnid"a Pottery Barn, J&D

    l,Ioreday / Bnrce Gilbert

    Enterprises and one of the old Serendip-' ,ity restaurants. The real 380 Madison is, .:however, merely an ollice building, But,,pa1'be R"lph Kramden drives by it on,his bus route..]IYPO BLUE' PRECIIICT HOU$EJust the facts, ma'am: There reallyisn't a 15th Precinct, any more thanthere is a 36th ("Law & Oider"), a 12th("Barney Miller"), a 65th ("NakedCity"), a zTth (ABC's 196?-69"\1"1'1>p"), or a b3rd (allegedly on Tre-mont Avenue in the Brorx in "Car 54,Where Are You?"). What there is is adressed-up 9th Precinct at 321 E. FifthSt. Incidentally, the exterior of Laura's(Det. Kelly's ex-wife) apartment is shotin Astoria, Queens - but the cop's barnear the station is all Pox studio backlot..MAD ABOUT YOU' APANTMEITT AI{OBARAlthough it's hinted that Paul and.Jamie's home is in Greenwich Village -:. ,and indeed, the exterior is that of an,apartment building on Fifth Avenueand West 12th Street - the producersremain vegue about the young mar-rieds' fictional locale. Same with that ofRiffs, the watering hole Paul and palshie off to. That exterior, though, showsthe genuinely old-town Old Town Bar &Restaurant, 45 E. 18th St.,ALL I]I THE FAMILY' HOUSEShots of that stolid home on the fic-tional Hauser Street in Astoria, Queens,opened and closed each episode of Nor-man Lear's sitcom classic. Nobody atColumbia Pictures Television or atLear's ollice, however, knows anlthingabout where it actually was shot, orwould look up 2?-year-old locationsheets. And while the "AIl in the Fam-ily" abode is scheduled to resurface inCBS' mid-season series, "704 Hauser,"no one can say if it'll be with old or newfootage.In any event, borough loyalish shouldbe used to fake locales by now - the titleof a 1978-79 ABC series with Jerry VanDyke and Eileen Brennan was the ludi-crously addressed "13 Queens Blvd.".THE DAYS AilN ilIGHTS OF MOttYDOOI}' EMPIRE OIHERYou can't miss it, on the corner of 10thAvenue and 22nd Street - a black-and-white, hip, art-deco eatery that servesattitude with every dish. The EmpireDiner lives forever in the end-credits ofthis shot-in-New-York seriocomedy(NBC / Lifetime, 1987-91), filmed atKaufman Astoria Studios in Queens,where "The Equalizer" and "Ehautyand the Beast" interiors were filmed,and some Eeasons of "The Cosby Show"were taped.,H OI{ EYM OO ]I ERS' APARTTIIEilTAlthough we saw the outside of thebuilding only once or twice - and'as asoundstage m,ockup at that - Ralph andAlice lftpmdgn'g .tyvo:room apartment

    tlews Photo AqrsE / Georgp L,ang

    TffiW& guide try tfit r#{xf$y $Enpwntwnt fimndss**x"ks ffi$ ffimw Ysrk:Where Jerqy snd ffieorge hsng sL$?, fre$l:q *$"]d ffiscryr feudffdfrnd Lucy snd Ricky chsffiEed disptrFs. &v FnAN K LovEcEEW YORK CITYmay never beknown as "thegreat outdoors,"but in Holly-wood, at least,it's known /or itsgreat outdoors -he exterior shotsthat help anchor5 E New York-setshows like "Seinfeld," "MPD Blue,""MadAboutYou" and "The Nanny," allof which are otherwise shot in Los Ange-les. Indeed, some New York TV localeshave become landmarks - all thosestock shots of Jerry Seinfeld's cornerdiner have made it so famous foreigntourists actually seek it out.

    So why aren't more shows shot here intheirentirety, d la "Law & Order"? "Weall live here in Los Angeles," sayg Greg-ory Hoblit, co-executive producer of"hIY?D Blue." "Our homes are here,our families are here, and it's easier tocontrol the production if the productionis here. But New York," he allows, "isjust a visual feast. You cannot turn asorner, you cannot walk around withoutsomething wonderful to look at."Not all producers necessarily agree -ox'"The George Carlin Show" is set atthe long-gone Moylan Tavern, whichr'"w&E on Broadway,between 123rd,&nd'

  • 7/28/2019 Tube Town (TV sitcom addresses)


    l rli -..4 $utton Pt, ifttf * The home ,,,,,r,oJ"Plg,+a'r (N.EC':,19?S?4)r'',,, starringf Diana Rigg

    .',*' .^ -:, :;f.i,- __, tr:r11.1,,.r4,,i,,f|,,:,.l li,, tt'.".] .,,,,i r:',ii. . -:,i:.i,li;-.r,1: :, .,,1:;,,, -, ,,,,1 .1 ..1 ,. :. . . ..,; .. - ,, .'82I E'54t[ 8tF- Anrt Marie'swater] second address on "Tbat

    ,.,,,., l9if lFr f llll| 9fr; f,lF :Jr llfg rh:.,r'r, ,,fogrr at-lr4T: o'Reiu/s BoadingHoirse' tttat belonged to "My , :Fsbad*Irua!'1,(CBS* 1952ff),:,,, ,r ' ''fEru$,*.,*1i.r:,', #:,.";t,,'';;.:,,;,;. itr,,,,,.,;,"f,1.., .'.,,j ,:;t,:i, .;tIJi$t*,jd:,+t'''-d-1 , .1.t,.: .,....:.-.:...,,: . .r:.. , ., u. :g{4"*- ?E& tt.l *lu - *Tba3 :. , Girltfl$pn Marig'E, titqt ". 1; ,,,r,1r.;,, ',,.,apartment,.i; :,.. . .. ::., .. ;.:,.:. i '..,i,, ,,..,,, :.1 fi.::. , ",,:i;.:,,,.!:.,,,,,i: . t,:, , ....., ,, ,,,,, ,'-tioso lffiont. i#ffii" m:mii, , BlollI.F ,homg of

    ttThg : , :, i,i . ,, 1 , ., ,i,a!xl,l|^l,i;*l'! /frElc!,tltrlf-r I ,.. . 'r.:.,;,:,'1,' 9*{*.,xH]i{qEFtiNqC l i'f ,,trffi. D'#ond:$t-6*):rbefomr !hey$,i''.m6ied'to the tburbe (fint'ruhtIy*ffi,tri rggo.5o)'' i ., .,,r1,''.i,,, I ,,' ,, ::.1."r' ::.. .... ::.,,_ .,.,.

    8 Benson Dr., Brooklp Holghtr,,.:' .r* home to Patty and Cathy on"The Patty Iluks Sbow't'' (ABC;'tgO-3-66) r'', ' ''.. 1.1-. I i.'i:,,. ,,., -..i,,,,.:,: i,._['U'CO ,,,r1 . Lr:....:r.rt..f.. 1:: : r:r .r..., j,...:.,j,.i:.. | .. .;,',::1,':,: .;',,r 1 , ',.,' ';. .t,',,' ,'11 , ' .:. t ,r ,,t,,', ',t ,.: r ,', '.. -at 328 Chauncey St. is etiil a New Yorklandmark- It'e algo a real street, whereJac.kie,Gleason lived growing up - al-though, in the Bushwick section ofBrookllgr and not Bensonhurst, as grv-en o41fhe show. Maybe "Elensonhurst"soundg{ funnier..I LOUE LUCT APARTMEIIT-Lihe,the'.'Homeymooners" place,Lugy'and Rieky Ricardo'g two succes-sive apartments at 623 E. 68th St. werenever:mgcJr glimpsed from the outside.Anywiiy, bpth their initial one-bedroomplace and'their subsequent two-bed-room (#38),wouldlve been hard to see- the street address puts their recon-verted;'brownstone somewhere in theEast Siver" Maybe the Ricardos werereally,on'Roosevelt Island all along..TATI''GARAGE

    ThU;$nnshine Cab Co. was and is anactual flace - the Dover Garage at 534Hudson in the West ViUage. It whs oneof two real taxi companies scouted bythe "Taxi" creators (the other beingDing-a-ling located at the time on 67thStreet and t lth Avenue). Every episodehas at least one shot of the Dover exte-rior - and the Queensboro Bridge, too,of course, in the opening eredits. Youcan't make him ouf but that's TonyDanzadrivingthecabacrossth.esp,an. E[F n;ffi lfrb'a\t i[fb' trabY dfc [' illinifii!'r c I rA
