Page 1: TTE LAVA · 3 CONTENTS IEVADS TTE LAVA INTRODUCTION THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 – Romanian Grammar Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns
Page 2: TTE LAVA · 3 CONTENTS IEVADS TTE LAVA INTRODUCTION THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 – Romanian Grammar Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns









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Page 3: TTE LAVA · 3 CONTENTS IEVADS TTE LAVA INTRODUCTION THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 – Romanian Grammar Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns


Projekta TTE LAVA dalībnieki


Elita Boliņa

Aiva Ozoliņa

Inga Baltace

Lidija Znotiņa

Iveta Meškovska

Silva Šaršūne

Violeta Teivāne

Dace Zarāne – Jemeļjanova

Ilmārs Zučiks


Egita Mačevska

Māra Pēterfelde

Jūlija Timofejeva

Nikita Besprozvannijs

Loreta Dzjadzina

Veronika Romaļska

Jekaterina Vilimane

Marija Kintija Lagune

Samanta Gribute

Normunds Pavļukevičs

Vlads Iļjins

Edgars Baltacis

Olga Lavrinoviča

Jevgenijs Petkevičs

Iļja Kudrjavcevs

Ēvalds Teikmanis

Sanita Skudra

Viola Risa

Elīna Leiskina

Agnese Sauka

Anželika Fjodorova

Viktorija Jakovļeva

Andris Bogdanovičs

Artūrs Romulis

Page 4: TTE LAVA · 3 CONTENTS IEVADS TTE LAVA INTRODUCTION THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 – Romanian Grammar Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns





PART 1 – Romanian Grammar

Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h

Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns – 2h

Lesson 3 - Basic Verbs – 1h

Exercises – 1h

Lesson 4 – Plurals – 1h

Test: Words and plurals – 1h

Lesson 5 – Articles and adjectives – 1 h

Lesson 6 – Subjunctive – 1 h

Lesson 7 – Future – 1 h

Lesson 8 –Past tense – 2 h

Test: Past tense – 1h

Lesson 9 –Reflexive verbs – 1 h

Lesson 10 - Possessives – 3 h

Conversational basics – 1h

PART 2 – Conversation in Romanian

Lesson 1 – Problems – PROBLEME – 1h

Lesson 2 – Numbers – NUMERE – 1 h

Lesson 3 - Time – TIMP 1h

Lesson 4 - Colours – CULORI 1h

Lesson 5 - Means of transport – MIJLOACE DE TRANSPORT 1h

Lesson 6 - Lodging – CAZARE 1h

Lesson 7 - Money – BANI 1h

Lesson 8 - Food.Places to eat – MÂNCĂRURI. LOCALURI 2h

Lesson 9 - Shopping – LA CUMPĂRĂTURI 2 h

Lesson 10 - Meetings.Invitations – ÎNTÂLNIRI. INVITAŢII 2 h

Bonus: Proverbs and Songs


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Eiropas Savienības Mūžizglītības programmas

Comenius apakšprogrammas

divpusējās partnerības projekts

Train Ticket to Europe: Language Awareness through Visual Arts

Līguma numurs:

2012-1-RO1-COM07-22631 2

Projekta akronīms:


Projekta ilgums:

2012. gada 1. augusts - 2014. gada 31. jūlijs

Projekta partneri:

• Liceul de Arte, Rumānija, Alba Iulia (koordinators)

• Daugavpils 12. vidusskola, Latvija (partneris)

Projekta apraksts:

TTE LAVA projekta pamatā ir valodas apguve un tās pielietošana. 16 līdz 19 gadus veci

skolēni no Rumānijas un Latvijas skolām projekta laikā mācījās partnervalsts valodu ar angļu

valodas palīdzību. Skolēni izmantojot dažādas vizuālās mākslas: teātra izrāde, zīmēšana,

gleznošana, fotogrāfija, skulptūra un e-māksla projekta laikā izveidoja rumāņu un latviešu

valodas apguves materiālus. Šie materiāli bija viņu bagāža vilciena ceļojumam, kas piestāja

Latvijas un Rumānijas stacijās. Ceļojuma beigās skolēni ir iepazinuši citas Eiropas kultūru un


Page 8: TTE LAVA · 3 CONTENTS IEVADS TTE LAVA INTRODUCTION THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 – Romanian Grammar Lesson 1 - Introduction and Pronunciation – 1h Lesson 2 - Subject Pronouns


Projekta aktivitātes:

1. Starptautiskās mobilitātes: 11 dienu gara Rumānijas skolēnu un skolotāju vizīte

Latvijā 2013. gada aprīlī un 10 dienu gara Latvijas skolēnu un skolotāju vizīte

Rumānijā 2013. gada septembrī.

2. 30 stundu intensīva partnervalsts valodas apguve, izmantojot angļu valodu: 20

stundas skolēni apguva partnervalsts skolotāju vadībā un 10 stundas savas valsts

skolotāju vadībā.

3. Valodas apguves materiālu izveide:

Valodas darba burtnīca (Textual Support)

Vizuālā vārdnīca (Visual Support): plakāti valodas apguvei un zīmējumi,

gleznojumi, fotogrāfijas, skulptūras, e-māksla

Audio-video materiāli (Audio support): darba burtnīcas materiāls ieskaņots

latviešu un rumāņu valodā un Šekspīra lugas fragmenta ieraksts

4. Projekta valodas apguves materiālu augšupielāde e-twinning, Twinspace „TTE

LAVA Language Store”. Skolēni un skolotāji var to apmeklēt un dalīties idejās.

5. Šekspīra lugas „Sapnis vasaras naktī” fragmenta dramatizējums dzimtajā un

partnervalsts valodā.

6. Rumāņu valodas apguves fakultatīvo nodarbību materiāla izstrāde.

Iesaistītie pedagogi un skolēni

Projekta darba grupa 9 pedagogu sastāvā. Projektā piedalās 16 līdz 19 gadus veci

jaunieši no 9. līdz 11. klasei. Mobilitātē uz Rumāniju no 2013. gada 18. septembra līdz 27.

septembrim piedalījās 21 skolēns un 6 skolotāji.

350 Daugavpils 12. vidusskolas skolēni bija iesaistīti gan tieši, gan netieši ar projektu saistītās


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The Romanian Language

The official language of Romania is Romanian, an Indo-

European, neo-Latin language. In terms of sonority, Romanian is

very similar to Italian. The Romanian language is the result of the

evolution of the Latin spoken in Dacia and Moesia after they were

conquered and colonized by the Roman Empire.

The province of Dacia was colonized rapidly, and Latin

proved to be strong enough to dissolve and assimilate the native

dialects. Rapid Romanization, early Christianity, the day-to-day life

that continued in Dacia after the withdrawal of the Roman

administration in 271 – all these elements prove that the

transformation of Latin into a new language began very soon after

the Romans started the colonization of the lands of Dacians, when

the symbiosis between the conquerors and the local population

became real. This was a very long process, and it is difficult to state

when exactly it was completed.

At the grammatical level, Romanian is one of the most conservative Romance

languages, which is due to the fact that the speakers belonged to a marginal area, isolated from

the rest of the Romance world. Some scholars consider Romanian the most "pure" Romance

language in terms of grammar, i.e. the closest to Latin. However, Romanian has also been

shaped by various historical influences noticeable in the assimilations of Slavic, Hungarian,

Turkish, and neo-Romance elements.

The grammatical structure and the basic word stock of the Romanian language have

been inherited from Latin. As in all the other Romance languages, in Romanian there is a

substratum (i.e. those elements of the native dialects which were incorporated into the Vulgar

Latin) and a superstratum (i.e. the new elements that penetrated the new Romanian language

as a result of the invasions of the migratory peoples). In Romanian, the substratum is Dacian,

and the superstratum is mostly Slavic.

It is important to mention that Romanian did not experience the influence of classical

Latin, as other Romance languages did. In the Catholic areas (Italy, France, Spain), Latin was

the language of culture and religion, while Slavonic was used in the Orthodox Church and in

the administration of the Romanian States. Until the 19th

century, Romanian texts were also

written in Cyrillic, with adjustments for certain phonetic features of Romanian. It is therefore

not surprising that at the end of the 18th

and the beginning of the 19th

century there emerged

among Romanian intellectuals a strong reaction against the Slavic elements present in the

language. A process of systematic re-Latinization of Romanian begun, mainly supported by

Romanian writers. As a result, a massive amount of terms borrowed from other Romance

languages penetrated Romanian.

However, there are many elements in Romanian whose origin cannot be established

precisely. The most intense and active influence in Romanian today, as in other European and

especially East European countries and languages, is that of American English.

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Limba romana

Limba oficială a României este româna, o

limbă indo-europeană, neolatină. În ceea ce priveşte

sonoritatea, româna se aseamănă cu italiana. Limba

română este rezultatul evoluţiei limbii latine vorbite

în Dacia şi Moesia după ce au fost cucerite ş

icolonizate de Imperiul Roman.

Provincia Dacia a fost colonizată repede, şi

latina a asimilat dialectele locale. Romanizarea

rapidă, creştinismul timpuriu, rutina zilnică au

continuat după retragerea administraţiei romane în

anul 271 – elementele acestea demonstrează faptul că transformarea latinei într-o nouă limbă a

început imediat după colonizarea ţinuturilor dacice de către romani, când simbioza dintre

cuceritori şi populaţia locală a devenit o realitate. Procesul acesta a fost unul destul de lungşi

este greu de precizatcând s-a încheiat.

La nivel gramatical, româna este una dintre cele mai conservatoare limbi romanice, fapt

datorat izolării teritoriale a vorbitorilor de restullumii romane. Unii cercetători consideră

româna ca fiind cea mai „pură” limbă romanică în termini gramaticali, cea mai apropiată de

limba latină. Totuşi, româna a fost de asemenea conturată de variate influenţe istorice

observabile prin asimilarea elementelor slave, maghiare, turceşti, şi neo-romanice.

Structura gramaticală şi fondul principal de cuvinte ale limbii române au fost moştenite

din latină. Ca în toate celelalte limbi romanice, româna conţine un substrat (elementele

dialectelor locale care au fost incluse în latina vulgară) şi un superstrat (noile elemente care

au pătruns în română ca rezultat al invaziei popoarelor migratoare). În română, substratul este

dacic, iar superstratul este slav.

Este important de menţionat că româna nu a suferit influenţa latinei clasice, precum s-a

întâmplat cu celelalte limbi romanice. În zona catolică (Italia, Franţa, Spania), latina era limba

de cultură şi religie, pe când în Biserica Ortodoxă şi în administraţia ţărilor române se utiliza

slavona. Până în secolul XIX, textele româneşti erau scrise cu litere chirilice, cu anumite

adaptări pentru anumite trăsături fonetice ale românei. Nu este astfel surprinzător că la sfârşitul

secolului al XVIII-lea şi începutul secolului al XIX-lea a apărut în rândul intelectualilor o

puternică reacţie împotriva elementelor slave prezente în română. A început astfel un process

de relatinizare sistematică a limbii române susţinută mai ales de scriitorii români. Astfel au

pătruns în limba română o serie de termeni din alte limbi romanice.

Cu toate acestea, există multe elemente în

română a căror origine nu poate fi stabilită cu

exactitate. Cea mai intensă influenţă în română

astăzi, ca şi în alte ţări şi limbi europene şi mai ales

est-europene, este cea exercitată de engleza


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Part 1: Romanian grammar

Lesson 1: Introduction and Pronunciation

Letter Pronunciation As in the English word....

a Ah father

e Eh bet

i Ee beet

o Oh pole

u Oo pool

ă Uh but

î, â Ew Two letters, but same sound. Not an English sound.

ţ Ts Pittsburg

ş Sh shower

c chbefore an “I” or

“e” beach

ch K bike

g j before an “I” or

“e” juice

gh G bag

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any Romanian word starting with “e” is pronounced with an English

“y” sound at the beginning.

Example: “este” is pronounced as yes-teh

Alfabetul Limbii Române – The Romanian Alphabet


(letter) ROMANIAN



a, A* acolo (there), cal (horse) art, car, far

ă, Ă* apă (water), masă (table) about, sun, but

â, Â* mână (hand), lână (wool) -

b, B burete (sponge), bine (good) bear, big

c, C casă (house), carte (book) car, come

d, D dar (gift, but), delfin (dophin) did, day

e, E* elefant (elephant), elev (pupil) egg, very

f, F film (movie), fată(girl) fizzy, photo

g, G gară (train station), greu (heavy) good, great

h, H harnic (hard-working), hai (come!) half, hard

i, I* iarnă (winter), inimă (heart) sit, fit

î, Î* îmbrăţişare (hug), înger (angel), a urî ( hate) -

j, J jar (remains of a fire), joi (Thursday) usual, visual

k, K ketchup, kilogram kilo, cat

l, L lac (lake), lumea (the world) long, last

m, M mâncare (food), mic (small), mare (big) milk, many

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n, N nucă (walnut), nepot (grandson) night, nose

o, O* os (bone), dor (longing) oil, on, pole

p, P pat (bed), pătură(blanket) pen, park

q, Q quipu (Inca writing system) keep

r, R rar (rare), raţă (duck) rock

s, S soră (sister), sarmale (meat rolls in cabbage) son, soft

ş, Ş şofer (driver), şapte (seven), şosete (socks) ship, wash, shower

t, T tren (train), timp (time) ten, topic

ţ, Ţ ţintă (target), ţară (country) Pittsburg

u, U* urs (bear), unt (butter), unde (where) cook, put

v, V vin (wine), verde (green) love, voice

w, W western (type of movie), weekend west

x, X xilofon (xylophone) , excursie (trip) ex-wife

y, Y yac (yak) yak

z, Z zi (day), zori (dawn) zebra, lazy


Diphthong Romanian English

ai mai (May), cai (horses) my

au dau (I give), aur (gold) how

ea pleacă (leave), stea(star) -

ei lei (money, lions), chei(keys), vrei(you




ia băiat (boy), piatră (stone), iarnă (winter) yahoo

ie băieţi (boys), pietre (stones), ierni



îi câine (dog), pâine (bread) -



oameni(people), şcoală(school)

nou (new), ou (egg)



uă două (two), plouă(rains) sure

! You don’t have to memorize these if you can remember just to put the two vowel sounds

together to make the diphthong sound.

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Letter Pronunciation English

C: cine (who), ce(what)

ciorbă (soup), cer (sky, ask for) ch before an ‘i’ or ‘e’


chair [tʃeər]

CH: chei. (keys), chec (dry cake),

chiriaş (tenant)

chipuri (faces)

k bike


G: gelos (jealous), geniu (genius),

girafă (giraffe)

ginere (son-in-law)

gh before ‘i’ or ‘e’ job [dʒɒb]

GH: gheaţă (ice)

ghiozdan (school bab), ghicitoare


g bag


!Romanian words starting with ‘E’ are pronounced ‘IE’ (yes): eu (I), el (he), ele (they), este

(is), eşti (are), eram (I was), erai (you were), era (s/he was).

Exception: ea (she) [ia]

Note: You don’t have to memorize these if you can remember just to put the two vowel sounds together to make

the diphthong sound.

Example: i (ee) + e (eh) = ie (yeh)

o (oh) + a (ah) = oa (wah)

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Lesson 2: Subject Pronouns

The English subject pronouns (I, you, he, we, etc.) are the same in Romanian. The only

exception is that Romanian, like the other Romance languages, has a singular and plural “you”

form. Here is the list with the pronouns:

eu - I noi- we

tu - you voi - you (pl.)

el, ea - he, she ei, ele - they (m.), they (f.)


1.The subject pronoun is not normally used before the verb in spoken Romanian. However, it

can be used to show emphasis.

El merge la cinema. = He is going to the cinema. (As opposed to someone else going)

2. If there is a group of masculine and feminine nouns, it is referred to by the subject pronoun


Victor şiIoanasuntaici. = Victor and Ioana are here. - Eisuntaici. = They are here.

3. If a person wishes to address someone in a formal tone, the speaker would use

the subject pronoun dumneavoastră. This pronoun is conjugated the same as voi.

Words in this Lesson:

aici – here

la – at, to

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Pronumele şi adjectivul demonstrativ

Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective

Pronumele Demonstrativ

de Apropiere (here)



Neutru (sg)

Acesta (this) Aceştia (these)


Neutru (pl)

Aceasta (this) Acestea (these)

Adjectivul demonstrativ + substantiv

Demonstrative Adjective + Noun


Demonstrativ de

Apropiere (here)



Neutru (sg)

Acest (this) Aceşti (these)


Neutru (pl)

Această (this) Aceste (these)


Demonstrativ de

Depărtare (there)



Neutru (sg)

Acel (that) Acei (those)


Neutru (pl)

Acea (that) Acele (those)

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Lesson 3: Basic Verbs

Two of the most basic verbs in Romanian are a fi (to be) and aavea (to have).

Below is the present tense conjugation of these verbs.

a fi

Eu sunt I am Noi suntem we are

Tu eşti you are Voi sunteţi you are (pl.)

El, ea este he, she, it is Ei, ele sunt they are

a avea

Eu am I have Noi avem we have

Tu ai you have Voi aveţi you have (pl.)

El, ea are he, she, it has Ei, ele au they have

Example sentences:

Undesunteu? = Where am I?

Aveţi o carte? = Do you have a book? (you - plural)

Euşi Elenasuntemacasă. = Elenaand I are at home.

Undeestecartea? orUnde e cartea? = Where is the book?


1. As you may have noticed, the conjugation estecan be shortened to e, and is done so in

spoken Romanian.

2. The negation of a verb is done by preceding it with nu. This can be abbreviated as n- before

a word starting with a vowel.

i.e.Voinu aveţi (n-aveţi)multecaiete. = You don’t have many notebooks.

Other useful verbs:

a merge

merg I go, I am going mergem we go

mergi you go mergeţi you go

merge he, she, it goes merg they go

a vorbi

Vorbesc I speak, I am speaking vorbim we speak

Vorbeşti you speak vorbiţi you speak

Vorbeşte he, she speaks vorbesc they speak

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a şti

ştiu I know ştim we know

Ştii you know ştiţi you know

ştie he, she, it knows ştiu they know


1. As you can see, the present tense is slightly different in Romanian. The conjugation vorbesc can mean “I

speak”, “I am speaking”. It is this way for all Romanian verbs, so as other verbs are listed later on, it is

understood that the “am” and “do” forms are also present, though only the first type will be listed. Basically, the

present tenses translate to English in the same way that French or Spanish does.

Words in this Lesson:

unde – where

cartea – the book

acasă – at home

multe – many (feminine)

uncaiet – a notebook

caiete – notebooks

VERBE / verbs

PREZENT (Present)

A mânca A avea A merge A citi A vorbi

Eu mănânc am merg citesc vorbesc

Tu mănânci ai mergi citeşti vorbeşti

El / Ea mănâncă are merge citeşte vorbeşte

Noi mâncăm avem mergem citim vorbim

Voi mâncați aveți mergeţi citiţi vorbiţi

Ei / Ele mănâncă au merg citesc vorbesc

a invita (invite)

a mânca (eat)

a pleca (leave)

a cânta (sing)

a avea (have)

a vedea (see)

a bea (drink)

a vrea (want)

A mânca A avea A merge A citi A vorbi

Eu mănânc am merg citesc vorbesc

Tu mănânci ai mergi citeşti vorbeşti

El / Ea mănâncă are merge citeşte vorbeşte

Noi mâncăm avem mergem citim vorbim

Voi mâncați aveți mergeţi citiţi vorbiţi

Ei / Ele mănâncă au merg citesc vorbesc

a vrea (want)

a face (do)

a merge (go)

a crede (believe)

a veni (come)

a întâlni (meet)

a citi (read)

a vorbi (speak)

a dormi (sleep)

a desena (draw)

a scrie (write)

a juca (play)

a întreba (ask)

a răspunde (answer)

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Exercises 1h

Here you have some exercises with subject pronouns and basic verb conjugations from

Lesson 2 and lesson 3.

Translate the following:

1. El ştie

2. Eu nu merg

3. Ele sunt

4. Voiaveţi

5. Noi nu ştim

6. Eusunt

7. Noimergem

8. Voi nu aveţi

9. Tu eşti

10. Ei merg

11. They don’t go (masculine)

12. I am not

13. You are speaking (pl)

14. He doesn’t have

15. You are going

16. She is not

17. We have

18. We know

19. She has

20. They are not going (feminine)

21. El nu ştie unde mergeţi voi.

22. Tu ai o prietenă.

23. Ştii dacă el este acasă?

24. Eu merg la cinema.

25. Ele au multe caiete.

26. She has a notebook.

27. I don’t have the book.

28. They are speaking with him.

29. He is with Maria.

30. I know where we are.


1. He knows.

2. I don’t go.

3. They are.

4. You have.

5. We don’t know.

6. I am.

7. We are going.

8. You don’t have (pl).

9. You are.

10. They are going (masculine).

11. Ei nu merg.

12. Eu nu sunt.

13. Voi vorbiţi.

14. El nu are.

15. Tu mergi

16. Ea nu este.

17. Noi avem.

18. Noi ştim.

19. Ea are.

20. Ele nu merg.

21. He doesn’t know where you are going.

22. You have a friend. (feminine)

23. Do you know if he is at home?

24. I’m going to the cinema.

25. They have many notebooks.

26. Ea are un caiet.

27. Eu nu am cartea.

28. Ei / Ele vorbesc cu el.

29. El este cu Maria.

30. Eu ştiu unde suntem.

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Lesson 4: Plurals 1h

Before we start into the plurals, let me first introduce the basic categories of Romanian

words. They are as follows:

Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular

Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural

You will see nouns and adjectives grouped into these categories. As you see more and

more words, you will pick up on certain patterns.

(Example pattern that you probably wouldn’t know yet: Neuter nouns are like the masculine

in the singular, but like feminine in the plural.)

MasculineThe plural for a masculine noun is made mostly by adding -ito the end of the word.

papagal parrot

papagali parrots

locuitor inhabitant

locuitori inhabitants

In some cases this will cause the final consonant to change.

copil child

copii children

băiat boy

băieţi boys

And words that end in a vowel have that vowel replaced by -i.

litru liter

litri liters

fiu son

fii sons

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Femininenouns are a little more diverse in their forms.

Those ending in -ă form the plural by substituting an -e or an -i.

oră Hour

ore hours

casă house

case houses

Those ending in -e, replace it with an -i:

carte Book

cărţi books

Those ending in -ură, replace it with -uri:

prăjitură pastry

prăjituri pastries

Those ending in -ie, replace it with -ii:

staţie bus/underground stop

staţii bus/underground stops

Those ending in -ea, replace it with -ele:

cafea Coffee

afele cups of coffee

Neuter - nouns have two forms in the plural.

Those ending in -ou, form the plural by adding -uri:

birou desk

birouri desks

Those ending in -iu, replace with -ii:

Fotoliu Armchair

Fotolii Armchairs

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-months of the year:

august (August),mai


-măr(apple tree)


unu(one),doi (two)

-letters: a, b, c, d


(professions): doctor



-fată (girl), femeie (woman), mamă (mother)

-lucruri (things): carte (book), casă (house)

-fructe (fruits): pară (pear), caisă (apricot)

-anotimpuri (seasons): primăvară (spring)

-momentelezilei (moments of the day):

dimineaţă (morning)

-flori (flowers): lalea (tulip)

-sentimente (feelings): bucurie (joy), iubire


-continente (continents): Europa, Asia

-zilelesăptămânii (days of the week): luni


-limbi (languages): româna (Romanian),

letona (Latvian)


(desk), caiet


-simţuri (senses): auz


-sporturi (sports):

fotbal (football),

baschet (basketball)

-măr (apple)

minut (minute)

lac (lake)

-consoană -Ă, -(I)E - consoană

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Test: Words and Plurals 1h

Pluralize the following:


1. prieteni

2. băieţi

3. copii

4. litri

5. fii

6. cîini

7. papagali

8. maşini

9. case

10. mese

11. cărţi

12. prăjituri

13. staţii

14. cafele

15. stele

16. hoteluri

17. valuri

18. birouri

1. prieten friend

2. băiat boy

3. copil child

4. litru liter

5. fiu Son

6. cîine dog

7. papagal man

8. maşină Car

9. casă house

10. masă table

11. carte book

12. prăjitură pastry

13. staţie bus/underground stop

14. cafea cup of coffee

15. stea star

16. hotel hotel

17. val wave

18. birou desk

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Lesson 5: Articles and Adjectives 1h

In English, the indefinite articles (a, an, some) AND the definite article (the) precede

the noun to which they refer. However, in Romanian, the indefinite articles come BEFORE

the noun and definite articles come AFTER the noun, as a suffix.

That is, unless the planets are aligned or all road construction is finished, but we all

know how rare those are.

Indefinite Articles

un “a, an” for masculine and neuter singular nouns

o “a, an” for feminine singular nouns

nişte Some

Acestaeste un băiat. = This is a boy.

Ai unprietenînRomânia? = Do you have a friend in Romania?

El cumpără o carte bună. = He is buying a good book.

Cunosc o fatăîn Alba Iulia. = I know a girl in Alba Iulia.

Suntniştecopiidrăguţiînfaţaşcolii. = There are some nice children in front of the school.

Definite Articles

If the word ends in a consonant, add -ul:

om man (human being in general)

omul the man

oameni people

oamenii people (a specific group of people)

If ending in -ă, substitute -a:

fată girl

fata the girl

fete girls

fetele the girls

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If ending in -ea, add -ua:

cafea coffee

cafeaua the coffee

cafele cups of coffee

cafelele the cups of coffee

If ending in -ie, substitute -ia

călătorie voyage

călătoria the voyage

călătorii voyages

călătoriile the voyages

If ending in -u, add -l:

metrou metro

metroul the metro

metrouri metros

metrourile the metros

If a MASCULINE word ends in -e, add -le:

Cîine dog

cîinele the dog

cîini dogs

cîinii the dogs

Examples: frate(brother),munte(mountain), rege(king).

If a FEMININE word ends in -e, add -a:

minge Ball

mingea the ball

mingi Balls

mingile the balls

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Examples: mare (sea), floare(flower).


Metroul este foartevechi. = The metro is very old.

Mingeaeste mare = The ball is big.

Floareaalbastrăestefrumoasă. = The blue flower is beautiful.

Călătoriilesuntfrumoase. = The voyages are beautiful.

Cafeauaestebună. = Coffee is good.

Fata estedrăguţă. = The girl is nice.

Fetelesuntdrăguţe. = The girls are nice.

Oameniisuntbuni. = People are good.

Călătoriilesuntscumpe. = Voyages are expensive.

Călătoriaesteieftină. = The voyage is cheap.

Câineleestedrăguţ. = The dog is nice.

Câiniisuntfrumoşi. = The dogs are beautiful.

Mingilesuntieftine. = The balls are cheap.


There are some instances where the definite article would not be used in English but MUST

be used in Romanian.

1. When speaking about something in a general sense:

Mâncarea românească este foarte delicioasă. = Romanian food is very delicious.

(Speaking about Romanian food in general)

Nu-mi place berea.= I don’t like beer. (Speaking of beer in general)

2. When showing possession:

Prietenulmeu vine mîinedimineaţă.= My friend is coming tomorrow morning.

Dani are ceasultău. = Danny has your watch.

Words in this Lesson:

om – man

prieten – friend

fată – girl

copii – children

înfaţa– in front

foarte – very

brânză – cheese

veche – old (for objects)

stea – star

albastră – blue

frumos, frumoasă– beautiful (m, f)

mâncare- food

bere – beer

mâine – tomorrow

dimineaţă– morning

ceas– watch

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Masculin sg. Masculin pl.Feminin

sg.Feminin pl.

student bun

(good student)

studenţi buni

(good students)

studentă bună

(good student)

studente bune

(good students)

băiat drăguţ

(nice boy)

băieţi drăguţi

(nice boys)

fată drăguţă

(nice girl)

fete drăguţe

(nice girls)


(Agreement of adjective with the noun in gender and number)




with one


Adj, with

two form

Adjectives with three


Adj. with four forms








– mari



– verzi


•mic – mică – mici


•lung – lungă –

lungi (long)

• roşu – roşie –

roşii (red)

•alb – albă –albi – albe


•ieftin – ieftină – ieftini

– ieftine (cheap)

Exerciţiu. (Exercise). Scrieţi cele patru forme ale

adjectivelor: puţin, frumos, scump, albastru.

(Write the four forms of the adjectives.)

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Lesson 6: Subjunctive 1h

In other languages if one wanted to say “I want to go” or “He needs to buy”, the

infinitive form of the second verb would be used (i.e. “to go” or “to buy”). To say these phrases

in Romanian the speaker must use a form called the subjunctive.

Speakers caught not using the subjunctive are usually dragged into the street and beaten

with clubs (ciomege).

Examples of the subjunctive:

Trebuiesămergem la Bucureşti. = We have to go to Bucharest.

Nu pot săvorbes cungureşte. = I cannot speak Hungarian.

As you can see, the subjunctive is “să+ present tense”. Just as with the normal present tense,

the subjunctive is conjugated so personal pronouns are unnecessary.

Trebuiesămerg I have to go

Trebuiesămergi You have to go

Trebuiesămeargă He/She has to go

Trebuiesămergem We have to go

Trebuiesămergeţi You (pl) have to go

Trebuiesămeargă They have to go

(“Trebuie” is like the French “ilfaut”, meaning “it is necessary”).

You may notice that the 3rd person form (meargă) is a bit different than the normal 3rd person

present tense (merge). This change in the 3rd person form will be common when forming the

subjunctive, but everything else stays the same.

The rules for this change in the 3rd person are fairly simple. Here are the rules and some

examples using merge, întreba, and vorbi; meaning to go, to ask, and to speak, respectively.

Change Condition Example

e ->ea middle of word merge ->meargă

e -> ă end of word merge ->meargă

ă -> e end of word întreabă ->întrebe

ea -> e middle of word întreabă ->întrebe

eşte ->ească end of word vorbeşte ->vorbească

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Constructions using the subjunctive are usually started with “putea”, “vrea”, and “trebui”.

Here are some example sentences containing the subjunctive.

Pot săscriufoarte bine. = I can write very well.

Nu poţisăciteştiprea bine. = You cannot read too well.

Trebuiesăvorbim cu el. = We need to speak with him.

Trebuiesăvorbeascăcunoi. = He/She must speak with us.

Nu trebuiesăplecămmîine. = We don’t need to leave tomorrow.

El trebuiesăpleceînsearaasta. = He needs to leave tonight.*

Eatrebuiesăplecemîineseară. = She needs to leave tomorrow night.*

* The personal pronoun is used here to avoid ambiguity, as “săplece” can imply “he”, “she”

or “they”.

Vreausămerg la Alba Iulia. = I want to go to Alba Iulia.

Vreausămergi la Alba Iulia. = I want you to go to Alba Iulia.

Vremsămergeţi la Alba Iulia. = We want you all to go to Alba Iulia.

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Lesson 7: Future 1h

The future tense in Romanian can be constructed in three different ways, or avoided

like the plague/potholes/Al Gore for those of us with lesser linguistic abilities. If you would

still like to use it, the constructions are:

1. present tense + time expression

2. “o” + subjunctive

3. conjugation of “voi” + verb infinitive

Confused? Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to understand yet! Just keep reading....

1. Present Tense + Time Expression

Here is an example of what we’re talking about.

Mergem la muzeumîinedimineaţă.

We’re going to the museum tomorrow morning.


My friend is coming from the mountains the day after tomorrow.

You can see that the verbs (in bold face) are conjugated in the present tense, but the time

expressions that follow imply the future tense. Here are some more time expressions that can

be used:

mîine tomorrow

poimîine day after tomorrow

răspoimîine 3 days after today

mîinedimineaţă tomorrow morning

acumaseara tonight

săptămânaviitoare next week

lunaviitoare next month

anulviitor next year

mîineseară tomorrow evening

searaasta tonight, this evening

2. “O” + Subjunctive

Another way to form the future is by combining “o” and the subjunctive. For example:

O săbemapăminerală la casa lui Victor. = We will drink mineral water at Victor’s house.

O săvezituînsuţicînd vine. = You will see for yourself when he comes.

Nu ştimdacă o săvinăşi ea. = We don’t know if she’s coming too.

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3. Conjugation of “Voi” plus verb infinitive

The third way to form the future is by using “voi”, a form of the verb meaning “to want”

(much like the english “I will do this”).

Below you will find the conjugation of “voi” needed for the future tense:

eu voi

tu vei

el, ea va

noi vom

voi veţi

ei vor

The verb infinitive for “to see” is “a vedea”. The “a” before the word is like the “to”

in English verb infinitves (“to see”). The “a” may be ignored, all we need is voi+ vedea. See

the examples below.

Voivedeafilmulpoimîine.= I will see the movie the day after tomorrow.

Andrei vavizita Alba Iulia săptămânaviitoare. = Andrew will visit Alba iulia next week.

Vavenişi Maria. = Maria will come too.

Victor şiIoanavor fi la bisericăastăzi.Victor and Ioana will be at the church today.

Words in this Lesson

biserică – church lună– moon

film– film apăminerală– mineral water

munţi – mountains prietenă– friend (feminine)


A mânca A merge A citi

Eu VOI mânca merge citi

Tu VEI mânca merge citi

El / Ea VA mânca merge citi

Noi VOM mânca merge citi

Voi VEŢI mânca merge citi

Ei / Ele VOR mânca merge citi

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Lesson 8: Past Tense 2h

There are about four different ways of forming the past tense in Romanian. In this lesson

we will cover two kinds of past tenses called the “compound past” and the “simple past”. We

will also review some time expressions often used in conjunction with the past.

We usually use the compound past to describe an action that happened only once:

I ate dinner at Raul’s house last night. We went to a movie.

The compound past is formed by a conjugated form of “to have” plus the past participle

of the verb. The shortened form of “to have” as used for past tenses follows:

eu am I’ve

tu ai you’ve

el / ea a he’s / she’s

noi am we’ve

voi aţi you’ve

ei / ele au they’ve

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The past participle is formed from the infinitive of the verb following a few fairly

simple rules. It might be easier at first to simply memorize the past participles of the more

commonly used verbs (note: past participles can also be used as adjectives!).

For starters, let’s look at the past tense of a face meaning “to do” or “to make”:

The past participle of face is făcut. You would use this in conjunction with the shortened form

of a avea to form the past. Confused? Just look at the examples!

am făcut = I made am făcut = we made

ai făcut = you made aţi făcut = you made

a făcut = he/she made au făcut = they made

You may notice the past tense for eu and noi is exactly the same: am făcut. You can use the

personal pronouns to stress who is the doer of the action.

Eu am făcut. = I did.

Noi am făcut. = We did.

Here are some examples of basic verbs and their past participles:

Infinitive Past Participle Definition

a face făcut make / do

a vorbi vorbit speak

a merge mers go

a da dat give

a mînca mîncat eat

a primi primit receive

a bea băut drink

a veni venit come

a spune spus say

a avea avut have

a fi fost be

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Here are some simple rules to follow to divine the past participle. There are a number

of exceptions to the rules however, so a list of common irregular verbs will follow.

Rules for Past Participles

• add a -t to verbs ending in -i or -a

• subtract last two letters of verbs ending in -e, then add an -s


a alege = to choose

alege -> ales

a zice = to say

zice -> zis

a alerga = to run

alergat -> alergat

a şopti = to whisper

şoptit -> şoptit

To negate a past tense you add a nu in front of the avea helping verb. This often gets

shortened to n-.

Nu am băut -> N-am băut = I did not drink

Nu ai venit -> N-ai venit = You did not come

Romanian language also has double negatives. That means that in Romanian we also use the

verb with the negation ‘nu’ and a negative word like the following:

nimeni = nobody

nicăieri = nowhere

niciodată = never

nimic = nothing

Example sentences:

Aţi venit ieri? = Did you come yesterday?

Copiii au mâncat toate merele. = The children ate all the apples.

Noi nu am văzut nimic! = We didn’t see anything!

Ea niciodată n-a auzit nimic. = She never heard anything.

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Ieri am primit o scrisoare de la el. = I got a letter from him yesterday

Duminica trecută au mers la o biserică de lemn. = Last Sundaz they went to a wooden church.

Am vorbit toata ziua. = We talked the whole day.

N-au spus nimic despre voi. = They didn't say anything about you.

Nu a găsit cheile nicăieri. = He (She) didn’t find the keys anywhere.

The simple past is used to denote an action that happened more than once or over a

period of time. Examples in English would be “We were writing each other everyday” or “I

went to the library on Sundays”. It is constructed by adding a suffix* to the end of the verb

infinitive. The suffixes used are as follows:

Person Suffix

eu -am

tu -ai

el / ea -a

noi -am

voi -aţi

ei / ele -au

*If the infinitive ends in an - i, change the - i to an - e when adding the suffixes.

Example using a vorbi (to speak): Ea vorbea cu noi. = She was speaking with us.

These suffixes look familiar? They should! They are the same as the forms of “to have” used

in the compound past. Below you will see examples of some verbs with this suffix added:

merge = go

singular Plural

eu mergeam noi mergeam

tu mergeai voi mergeaţi

el mergea ei mergeau

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avea = have

singular plural

eu aveam noi aveam

tu aveai voi aveaţi

el avea ei aveau

fi (irregular) = be

singular plural

eu eram noi eram

tu erai voi eraţi

el era ei erau

1. He didn’t say anything.

2. We made a cake.

3. They ate sweets last week. (girls)

4. She had two dogs last year.

10. I received many letters.

1. (Eu) am mers la şcoală ieri.

2. (El) a fugit după câine.

3. (Noi) am venit acum două zile.

4. (Ei) au băut ceai dimineaţa.

5. (Ea) a mâncat o prăjitură săptămâna trecută.

6. (El) nu a spus nimic.

7. (Noi) am făcut o prăjitură.

8. (Ele) au mâncat dulciuri săptămâna trecută.

9. (Ea) a avut doi cîini anul trecut.

10.(Eu) am primit multe scrisori.

You may note the personal pronouns are in parenthesis. Everything in parenthesis is

optional. You can leave it out if you want, but you may need it to specify gender or number, or

to otherwise stress to the doer of the action.

For example: Eu am băut cafeaua. = I drank the coffee (and not somebody else).

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Lesson 9: Reflexive Verbs 1h

As probably all European languages, Romanian has reflexive verbs. In this lesson, you

will learn how reflexive verbs are constructed in Romanian and we’ll start you off with some

of the most important ones you’ll need to know.

Following is a list of the forms for the personal pronouns as used in reflexive verbs.

Pronoun Reflexive

eu mă

tu te

el se

ea se

noi ne

voi vă

ei se

ele se

The following are 5 of the most commonly used reflexive verbs:

a se uita (la) to look (at), to watch

mă uit ne uităm

te uiţi vă uitaţi

se uită se uit

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a se spăla to wash oneself

mă spăl ne spălăm

te speli vă spălaţi

se spală se spală

a se trezi to get up / wake up

mă trezesc ne trezim

te trezeşti vă treziţi

se trezeşte se trezesc

a se întoarce to go back / return

mă întorc ne întoarcem

te întorci vă întoarceţi

se întoarce se întorc

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a se duce to go (somewhere)

mă duc ne ducem

te duci vă duceţi

se duce se duc

Mă spăl pe dinţi. = I’m brushing my teeth.

El se duce la piscină. = He’s going to the pool.

Ne trezim la opt dimineaţă. = We’re getting up at eight in the morning.

Ea se întoarce în România. = She’s returning to Hungary.

La ce vă uitaţi? = What are you looking at?

Mă duc la biserică. = I’m going to church.

Te speli pe faţă? = Are you washing zour face?

Se duc la şcoală să se uită la noua clădire. = They’re going to the school to see the new


Vă întoarceţi răspoimâine? = Are you coming back three days from now?

O să te uiţi la televizor? = Are you going to watch television?

Te vei duce la spectacol deseară? = Are you going to the show tonight?

O să se trezească după mine. = He will get up after me.

Trebuie să se ducă şi Daniel. = Daniel has to go too.

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Lesson 10: Possessive 3h

There are three ways to denote possession in Romanian. One of them is achieved by

means of the possessive adjectives. The other one involves a construction with ‘al’ (showing

that something belongs to somebody / something) and the last one is linked to the cases Dative

and Genitive.

1. Possessive Adjectives

The easiest and perhaps the most familiar form of possession corresponds to my, your, his, etc.

English Masculine





Singular Feminine Plural

my meu mei mea mele

your (sg) tău tăi ta tale

his/her său săi sa sale

his lui lui lui lui

her ei ei ei ei

our nostru noştri noastră noastre

your (pl) vostru voştri voastră voastre


(formal) dumneavoastră dumneavoastră dumneavoastră dumneavoastră

Remember that words of neutral gender behave like masculine nouns in the singular and

like feminine nouns in the plural. Note also that the thing that is owned MUST be in the definite


The nominative of dog is câine. The definite for masculine nouns ending in e is -le thus

the dog would be câinele. The word is masculine so you use the masculine singular from the

chart above: meu. The possessive adjective follows the noun: my dog = câinele meu.

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For the definite form of maşină (car) you would change the ă into an a: the car =

maşina. Then just add the corresponding possessive adjective from the chart above: maşina

mea (my car). The neuter word Hotel would take the masculine possessive adjective in the

singular: Hotelul meu (my hotel) and the feminine plural in the plural: Hotelurile mele. This

is of course much simpler for his, her, or their because lui, ei and lor do not change for plural

or gender.

Example Sentences:

Ceasul meu e stricat. = My watch is broken.

Unde e maşina ta? = Where is your car?

Aceştia nu sunt pantalonii mei. = These are not my pants.

Dă-mi banii tăi, cheile tale, şi portofelul tău! = Give me your money, keys and wallet!

Casa noastră e mai mare decât casa voastră. = Our house is bigger than your house.

2. The AL Construction

If you want to say mine, yours, or his you must use the AL construction:

Male Female Neutral

singular al a al

ai ale ale

GRAMMAR NOTE: Notice that words of neutral gender in the singular behave like

masculine words, but they behave like feminine words when in the plural. You will see this

pattern often.

If the object owned is masculine and singular, for example, you would use al instead

of the object, followed by the corresponding meu form.

For example: prietenul meu (my friend) becomes al meu (mine)

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Prietenul meu nu este încă aici. Nici al meu. Nici al meu, nici al tău nu este aici.

My friend isn’t here yet. – Mine isn’t either. – Neither mine nor yours is here.

(nici means nor and is repeated before each noun)

HINT: try to think of al meu as just being the English word mine although it is two words. a

friend of mine.

In order to say a friend of mine in Romanian we use de for of:


a friend of mine.

o prietenă de a mea


a friend of mine.

un prieten de al meu


Nişte prieteni de ai mei. = Some friends (masculine or mixed) of mine.

Nişte prietene de ale mele. = Some friends (feminine) of mine.

Nişte scrisori de ale lor. = Some letters of theirs.

3. Dative/ Genitive Case

The third method of expressing ownership is to use the Dative/ Genetive case. This case, like

the definite article, is a suffix.

Gender Singular Plural

masculine - ui -lor

feminine - ei* -lor

*Often this ending is -ii. We’ll cover the important words that take this special ending.

The masculine dative/genitive suffix is added to the singular definite form of any

masculine or neuter word in the singular, and the feminine suffix is added to the plural

indefinite of feminine words.

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The following chart shows three typical feminine words in the singular


Nominative/Accusative Plural Dative/Genitive

fată fete fetei

declaraţie declaraţii declaraţiei

casă case casei

The following chart shows three masculine words and one neuter word in the singular


Nominative/Accusative Definite Dative/Genitive

bărtbat bărbatul bărbatului

cîine cîinele cîinelui

om omul Omului

hotel* hotelul hotelului

* Hotel is neuter but remember that neuter words act masculine in the singular.

For any word in the plural regardless of gender you add -lor to the plural indefinite form.

Singular Plural Dative/Genitive

băiat băieţi băieţilor

om oameni oamenilor

familie familii familiilor

fată fete fetelor

hotel hoteluri hotelurilor

And now to cover those -ii words. Unfortunately there is no solid rule, you’ll just have to

learn which words take it. One great help is that ALL words ending in -tate change to -tăţii,

and words ending in -are change to -ării.


stare -> stării (state of being)

facultate -> facultăţii (university)

omenire -> omenirii (humanity)

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Other important words that take the -ii suffix:

maşină -> maşinii (car)

biserică -> bisericii (church)

limbă -> limbii (tongue, language)

ţară -> ţării

IMPORTANT GRAMMAR NOTE: Adjectives can also take the dative/genitive endings!

Don’t forget that objects owned must be definite!


Maşina bunului meu prieten. = The car of my good friend.

Prinţul păcii. = The prince of peace.

Cauciucul maşinii albastre*. = The blue car’s tire.

Casa tatălui meu. = My father’s house.

Toate cuvintele limbii Române*. = All the words of the Romanian language.

A fost rucsacul soţului meu. = That was my husband’s backpack.

*REMEMBER that to get the Dative/Genitive form of feminine words you must build off of

the plural form, even when the word is in the singular. Keeping that in mind, adjectives

following singular feminine nouns take plural endings:

Fata frumoasă = The beautiful girl

Fete frumoase = Beautiful girls

Fetei frumoase = of/to the beautiful girl

Fetelor frumoase = of/to the beautiful girls

One last note: When using the Dative/Genetive form of

people’s names you use the word lui (i.e. not the suffix) for

men’s names and the regular suffix for feminine names:

Casa lui Florin. = Florin’s house.

Fiul lui Emil. = Emil’s son.

Casa Elenei. = Helen’s house.

Fiul Mariei. = Maria’s son.

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Conversational Basics 1h

Basic Travel: Romanian

This page was made with the intention of giving the traveler or the trip taker all the



English Romanian Pronunciation

Good afternoon! Bună Ziua BOO-nuh ZEE-wah

Good morning! Bună dimineaţa BOO-nuh dee-mee-NYAH-tsah

Good evening! Bună seara BOO-nuh SYAH-rah

Good night!

(only said when going to bed)

Noapte bună NWAHP-teh BOO-nuh

Hi! Hello! Servus, Ceau SEHR-voos, chow

NOTE: Servus and ceau are informal and they mean

both hello and good-bye.

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Conversational Basics

English Romanian Pronunciation

How are you? (informal) Ce mai faci? cheh my fahch?

How are you? (formal) Ce mai faceţi? cheh my fah-chets?

Fine. Bine. BEE-neh

Thank you Mulţumesc mool-tsoo-mesk

You’re welcome Cu plăcere coo pluh-cheh-reh

Yes Da Dah

No Nu Noo

Nice to meet you Îmi pare bine um PAH-reh BEE-neh

I’m sorry Îmi pare rău um PAH-reh row

I am... Sunt... sunt

...happy ...fericit (man)





...sick ...bolnav (man)





...angry ...supărat (man)





...tired ...obosit (man)





I am lost. M-am rătăcit. mahm ruh-tuh-cheet

Where is the... Unde este... OOHN-deh YES-teh

...the train station? ...gara? gah-rah

...the bathroom? ...toaleta? twah-LET-ah

...the hotel? ...hotelul? hoh-TEL-ool

I have lost my... Mi-am pierdut... mee-ahm pyehr-DOOT

...glasses. ...ochelarii. OH-keh-LAHR-ee

...wallet. ...portofelul. POR-toh-FEL-ool

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Talking on the Phone

English Romanian Pronunciation

Hello Bună ziua BOO-nuh ZEE-wah

This is Mr. Ionescu. Domnul Ionescu la telefon. DOHM-nul Ionescu lah teh-leh-


This is Ms. Ionescu. Doamna Ionescu la telefon. DWAHM-nah Ionescu lah teh-


I would like to talk with

Mr. Popescu.

Aş vrea să vorbesc cu

Domnul Popescu.

ahsh vra suh vor-besk coo

DOHM-nul Pop-ES-coo

Care este numele tău? - WHAT IS YOUR NAME?

Numele meu este … MY NAME IS...

Cine eşti tu? – who are you?

Eu sunt… - I AM

Cine este el? – who is he?

El este …- HE IS

Cine este ea? – who is she?

Ea este … - SHE IS

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PART II: CONVERSATION in Romanian (13 hrs)

Lesson 1 – Problems – PROBLEME 1h

1.Leave me alone.

Lasă-mă în pace!

2. I'll call the police.

Sun poliţia.





5.I need your help. (formal)

Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastră.

6.I need your help. (informal)

Am nevoie de ajutor tău.

7.It's an emergency.

E o urgenţă.

8.I'm lost.

M-am rătăcit.

9.I lost my case.

Mi-am pierdut valiza.

10.I lost my wallet.

Mi-am pierdut portofelul.

11.I'm sick.

Mi-e rău!

12.I’m injured!

Sunt accidentat!

13.I need a doctor.

Am nevoie de un doctor.

14. Can I use your phone?


Pot folosi telefonul


15. Can I use your phone?


Pot folosi telefonul tău?

16. I have a headache.

Mă doare capul.

1.Where can I find a pharmacy?

Unde pot găsi o farmacie?

2.I would need an umbrella. Where can I

buy it from?

Aş avea nevoie de o umbrelă. De unde

pot cumpăra una?

3. I don’t know this town

at all.

Nu cunosc acest oraş


4.I’m afraid I have lost

my way.

Mă tem că m-am rătăcit.

5.I have no idea. I am a

stranger here


Habar n-am. Nici eu nu

sunt de aici.

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1. I was there two years ago.

Am fost acolo acum doi ani.

2. How long will it take?

Cât timp va dura?

3.I’ll be back in time.

Mă întorc la timp.

4.It’s a matter of time.

Este o chestiune de timp.

5.It’s just a waste of time.

Este o pierdere de timp.

6. I had to leave early. – A trebuit sa plec devreme.

7. He came too late. – El a venit prea târziu.

8. It’s lunch time. – Este ora prânzului.

9. It’s time for a break. – Este timpul să facem o


10. I’ll see you in five minutes.

Ne vedem peste cinci minute.

11. I met him the day before yesterday.

L-am întâlnit alaltăieri.

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Lesson 2 – Numbers- NUMERE 1h

1. one - unu

2. two - doi

3. three - trei

4. four - patru

5. five - cinci

6. six - şase

7. seven - şapte

8. eight - opt

9. nine - nouă

10.ten - zece

11. eleven - unsprezece

12. twelve - doisprezece

13. thirteen - treisprezece

14. fourteen - paisprezece

15. fifteen - cincisprezece

16. sixteen - şaisprezece

17. seventeen - şaptisprezece

18. eighteen - optsprezece

19. nineteen - nouăsprezece

20. twenty - douăzeci

30. thirty - treizeci

40.forty - patruzeci

50. fifty - cincizeci

60. sixty - şaizeci

70. seventy - şaptezeci

80. eighty - optzeci

90. ninety - nouăzeci

100. one hundred - o sută

1000 – one thousand - o mie

1,000,000 – one million – un milion

1,000,000,000 – one billion – un miliard

Extra words

1. number _____ (train, bus, etc.) - numărul _____ 2. half - jumătate

3. less - mai puţin 4. more - mai mult

1. How old are you? – Ce vârstă aveţi?

2. I’m fifty. – Am 50 de ani.

3. I was forty-two last June. – Am împlinit patruzeci şi doi de ani în iunie.

4. I’m getting old. – Am început să îmbătrânesc.

5. How many children do you have? – Câţi copii aveţi?

6. I have three children. – Am trei copii.

7. How old is your son? – Câţi ani are fiul tău / dumneavoastră?

8. He is twenty years old. – El are douăzeci de ani.

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Lesson 3 – Time – TIMP 1h

1. now - acum

2. later - mai târziu

3. before - înainte de

4. morning - mâine

5. afternoon - după


6. evening – seară

7. night - noapte

8. morning - dimineaţă

Writing Time & Date – Scrierea orei şi a datei

-16 aug 2009 7:30 (or 16 august 2009 7:30).

The date may also be written 16/08/09 or 16-08-09.

-1 Febr 2011 21:00 (or 1 februarie 2011 21:00).

The date may also be written 01/08/04 or 01-08-04.

Note: The first day of the month is called ‘întâi’ not one. For

example the first of August is întâi August.

Days – ZILE

1. today - astăzi 2. yesterday -


3.tomorrow - mâine

4. this week - săptămâna asta

5. last week - săptămâna trecută

6. next week - săptămâna viitoare

Days of the week – zilele săptămânii

Sunday - duminică

Monday - luni

Tuesday - marţi

Wednesday - miercuri

Thursday - joi

Friday - vineri

Saturday - sâmbătă


January - ianuarie

February - februarie

March - martie

April - aprilie

May - mai

June - iunie

July - iulie

August - august

September - septembrie

October - octombrie

November - noiembrie

December - decembrie

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1. Although 12-hour clocks are common

in Romania, time is almost always stated

according to the 24-hour clock.

- one o'clock AM - ora unu

- one o'clock PM - ora treisprezece

- two o'clock AM - ora două

- two o'clock PM – ora paisprezece

- noon - prânz - at noon - la


- before noon – înainte de masă

-at dawn – în zori

-at midnight - la miezul nopţii

-during the day / night - în timpul


Note: Normally, to say "at" a time, one

precedes the time of day with "la"; -

often, we use "la unu după amiaza"

instead of

“la ora treisprezece” (one o'clock PM)

Duration - DURATA

- one minute -un minut

_____ minutes - _____ minute

- one hour - o oră

_____ hours - _____ ore

- one day - o zi // ___ days - ____ zile

- one week - o săptămână

_____ weeks - _____ saptamâni

- one month - o lună

_____ months - _____ luni

- one year - un an // __ years - ___ ani

SEASONS – Anotimpuri

spring – primăvara summer – vara

autumn – toamna winter – iarna

1. I was there two years ago.

Am fost acolo acum doi


2. How long will it take?

Cât timp va dura?

3.I’ll be back in time.

Mă întorc la timp.

4.It’s a matter of time.

Este o chestiune de timp.

5.It’s just a waste of time.

Este o pierdere de timp.

6. I had to leave early. – A trebuit sa plec devreme.

7. He came too late. – El a venit prea târziu.

8. It’s lunch time. – Este ora prânzului.

9. It’s time for a break. – Este timpul să facem o pauză.

10. I’ll see you in five minutes.

Ne vedem peste cinci minute.

11. I met him the day before yesterday.

L-am întâlnit alaltăieri.

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Lesson 4 – Colours – CULORI 1h

1. black - negru

2. white - alb

3. grey - gri

4. red - rosu

5. blue - albastru

6. yellow - galben

7. green - verde

8. orange - portocaliu

9. purple - mov

10. brown - maro

Extra Work!

1.This is a black dress.

Aceasta este o rochie neagră.

2.This is a white blouse.

Aceasta este o bluză albă.

3.These are grey trousers.

Aceştia sunt pantaloni gri.

4.These are red skirts,

Acestea sunt fuste roşii.

1.That is a blue scarf.

Aceea este o eşarfă albastră.

2.That is a yellow t-shirt.

Acela este un tricou galben.

3.Those are green shoes.

Aceia sunt pantofi verzi.

4.Those are purple boots.

Acelea sunt cizme mov.

1.What’s your favourite colour?

Care este culoarea ta preferată?

2.My favourite colour is ….

Culoarea mea preferată este….

1.What colours do you like?

Ce culori îţi plac?

2.I like……

Îmi place…….


1. Aceasta este o rochie neagră.

2. Aceasta este o bluză albă.

3. Aceştia sunt pantaloni gri.

4. Acestea sunt fuste roşii.

5. Aceea este o eşarfă albastră.

6. Acela este un tricou galben.

7. Aceia sunt pantofi verzi.

8. Acelea sunt cizme mov.

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Lesson 5 – Means of transport - MIJLOACE DE TRANSPORT 1h

1. How much does a ticket to __cost?

Cât costa un bilet până la _____?

2. One ticket to _____, please.

Un bilet până la _____, vă rog.

3. Where does this train/bus go?

Unde merge trenul /autobuzul


4. Where is the train/bus to _____?

Unde este trenul/autobuzul pentru


5. Does this train/bus stop in _____?

Trenul/autobuzul acesta opreşte la


6.When does the train/bus for __ leave?

Când pleaca trenul/ autobuzul spre

__ ?

7. When will this train/bus arrive in


Când ajunge trenul/ autobuzul acesta

la ____?

Taxi - Taxi!

1.Take me to _____, please.

Duceţi-mă la _____, vă rog.

2.How much does it cost to get to


Cât costă pentru a ajunge la _____?

3.Take me there, please.

Conduceţi-mă la __, vă rog.

Directions - INDICAŢII

1. How do I get to _____ ? - Cum ajung la _____ ?

...the train station? - ... gară?

...the bus station? - ...staţia de autobuz?

...the airport? - ...aeroport?

...downtown? - centrul oraşului...?

...the youth hostel? – căminul de tineret?

...the _____ hotel? - ...hotelul _____ ?

...the American/British consulate?

- ...consulatul american/britanic?

2. Where are there a lot of ___ - Unde sunt multe ___ - ...hoteluri?

...restaurants? - restaurante?

...bars? - ...baruri?

...sites to see? - situri turistice?

3. Can you show me the street on the map? (polite)

Puteti să-mi arătaţi strada pe hartă?

5. Turn left. (formal/polite) - Întoarceţi la stânga.

6. Turn right - (formal/polite)- Întoarceţi la dreapta.

7. left - stânga

8. right - dreapta

9. straight ahead - drept înainte

10. towards the _____- spre _____

11. past the _____ - după _____

12. before the _____ - înainte de_____

13. intersection - intersecţie

14. north – nord east – est

south – sud west - vest

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Lesson 6 – Lodging – CAZARE 1h

1.Do you have any rooms available?

Aveţi camere libere?

2.How much is a room for one person / two


Cât costă o cameră pentru o persoană /

pentru două persoane?

3. Does the room come with...

Camera vine cu...

...bedsheets? - ...aşternuturi?

...another blanket? - ...înca o patură?

...a bathroom? - ...baie?

...a telephone? - ...telefon?

...a TV? - ...televiziune?

4. May I see the room first?

Pot să văd camera întâi?

5. Do you have anything quieter?

Aveţi ceva mai liniştit?

...bigger? - ...mai mare?

...cleaner? - ...mai curat?

...cheaper? - ...mai ieftin?

6. OK, I'll take the room.

Bine. Vreau camera.

7. I will stay for one night.

Eu rămân pentru o noapte.

8. I will stay for _____ nights.

Eu rămân ____ nopţi.

9. Can you suggest another hotel?

Puteţi recomanda un alt hotel?

10. Do you have a safe?

Aveţi seif?

...a coat stand? - ...cuier?

11. Is breakfast/supper included?

Preţul include micul dejun / cina?

12. What time is breakfast/supper?

La ce oră este micul dejun / cina?

13. Please clean my room.

Vă rog să curăţaţi camera mea.

14. Can you wake me at _____?

Puteţi să mă treziţi la _____?

15. I want to check out.

Aş vrea să achit nota şi să plec de la hotel.

1. Have you got a flat of your own?

Aveţi un apartament proprietate personală?

2. How much do you pay for the rent?

Cât plătiţi pentru chirie?

3. I have moved in a new flat.

M-am mutat într-un apartament nou.

4.On which floor do you live?

La ce etaj locuiţi? (formal)

La ce etaj locuieşti? (informal)

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Lesson 7 – Money – BANI 1h

1. Do you accept dollars / euros?

Acceptati dolari / euro?

2. Do you accept British pounds?

Acceptaţi lire sterline?

3. Do you accept credit cards?

Acceptati cărţi de credit?

4. Can you exchange money for me?

Puteţi să schimbaţi bani / valută pentru


5.Where can I get money changed?

Unde pot schimba bani / valută?

6. Can you change my bus ticket?

Puteţi să-mi schimbaţi biletul de autobuz?

7. Where can I change my ticket?

Unde pot să-mi schimb biletul?

8. What is the exchange rate?

Cât este rata de schimb?

9. Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?

Unde este un bancomat?

1. What can you buy with 10 lei?

Ce poţi cumpăra cu 10 lei?

2. How much does this blouse cost?

Cât costă această bluză?

3. How much money do you need?

De câţi bani ai nevoie?

4. What can you give me for 10 lei?

Ce îmi puteţi da de 10 lei?

5. How much is it?

Cât costă?

6. Is this the price of the item?

Acesta este preţul produsului?

7. Can you count …..?

Poţi să numeri ....

8. What will you do with the money?

Ce vei face cu banii?

9. Here is your change.

Poftiţi restul.

10. Where is the information office?

Unde este biroul de informaţii?

11. Need I pay in cash?

Trebuie să plătesc în numerar?

12. Can you change this banknote?

Puteţi să-mi schimbaţi această bancnotă?

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1. What can you buy with 10 lei?

Ce poţi cumpăra cu 10 lei?

2. How much does this blouse cost?

Cât costă această bluză?

3. How much money do you need?

De câţi bani ai nevoie?

4. What can you give me for 10 lei?

Ce îmi puteţi da de 10 lei?

5. How much is it?

Cât costă?

6. Is this the price of the item?

Acesta este preţul produsului?

7. Can you count …..?

Poţi să numeri ....

8. What will you do with the money?

Ce vei face cu banii?

9. Here is your change.

Poftiţi restul.

10. Where is the information office?

Unde este biroul de informaţii?

11. Need I pay in cash?

Trebuie să plătesc în numerar?

12. Can you change this banknote?

Puteţi să-mi schimbaţi această bancnotă?

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Lesson 8 – Food. Places to eat – Mâncăruri. Localuri 2h

Meals of the day - Mesele zilei

Breakfast - micul dejun Lunch - prânz Dinner - cină

1. A table for one person / two people, please.

O masă pentru o persoană / pentru două persoane, vă rog.

2. Can I look at the menu, please? - Pot să văd meniul, vă rog?

3. Can I look in the kitchen?- Pot să mă uit în bucătărie?

4. Is there a house specialty? - Aveţi o specialitate a casei?

5. Is there a local specialty? - Aveti o specialitate locală?

6. I'm a vegetarian. - Sunt vegetarian.

7. I don't eat pork / beef. - Nu mănânc carne de porc / carne de vită.

8. I only eat healthy food. - Mănânc numai mâncare sănătoasă.

9. I want a cup of lemon tea. - Vreau un ceai cu lămâie.

12. I would like a hot chocolate. - Aş vrea o ciocolată caldă.

13. I want a dish containing _____. - Vreau o mâncare care conţine _____.

14. Can you bring me a fork / spoon / knife, please?

Puteţi să-mi aduceţi o furculiţă / o lingură / un cuţit, vă rog?

Extra words!

Chicken - pui duck – raţă fish - peşte

Ham – şuncă sausages - cârnaţi cheese – brânză

eggs – ouă salad - salată yoghurt - iaurt

mushrooms – ciuperci tomatoes – roşii bread – pâine

toast - pâine prajită noodles – tăiţei rice – orez

beans - fasole milk – lapte cake – prăjitură. tort

butter – unt pancakes – clătite apple pie – plăcintă cu mere

(fresh) vegetables - legume (proaspete) (fresh) fruit - fructe (proaspete)

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1. May I have a glass of juice? (polite) - Aţi putea să îmi aduceţi un pahar de suc?

2. I would like a cup of coffee with milk / without milk, please.

Aş dori o cafea cu lapte / fără lapte, vă rog.

3. May I have a cup of tea? - Aţi putea să îmi aduceţi un ceai?

4. I would like a cup of hot tea. - Aş dori o ceaşcă de ceai cald.

5. May I have a bottle of wine? - Aţi putea să îmi aduceţi p sticlă de vin?

6. Can you bring me some sugar, please? - Puteţi să-mi aduceţi nişte zahăr, vă rog?

7. Can you bring me some salt / pepper / butter / vinegar, please?

Puteţi să-mi aduceţi nişte sare / piper / unt / oţet, vă rog?

8. Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of waiter) - Ospătar!

9. I have finished. - Am terminat.

10. It was delicious! - A fost delicios.

11. Thank you for this great meal! - Vă mulţumesc pentru această masă foarte bună!

12. Please clear the plates. - Puteţi să strângeţi farfuriile.

13. The check, please. -Nota, vă rog.

14. Would you like another piece of cake? - Mai doriţi o felie de tort?

Specific words!

coffee – cafea tea (drink) - ceai

juice – suc (bubbly) water - apă minerală

water - apă (still) water- apă plată

beer - bere red / white wine - vin roşu/alb

beverages – băuturi hot chocolate – ciocolată caldă

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Lesson 9 – Shopping – La cumpărături 2 h

1. Do you have this in my size?

Aveţi asta pe măsura mea?

2. What’s your size?

Care e măsura dumneavoastră?

3. How much is this?

Cât costă asta?

4. That's too expensive.

Este prea scump.

5. I can't afford it. - Nu-mi permit.

6. I don't want it.

Nu o vreau. (feminine)

Nu îl vreau (masculin)

7. I'm not interested.

Nu sunt interest / interesată.

8. OK, I'll take it.

Bine, îl iau / o iau.

9. Is there a supermarket in the area?

Este vreun supermarket în zonă?

10. Where’s the nearest shopping centre?

Unde este cel mai apropiat centru


11. Can I have a bag?

Îmi puteţi da o pungă?

12. I need...

Am nevoie de...

13. Where can I buy clothes / toys?

De unde pot cumpăra haine / jucării?

14.What can I do for you?

Ce doriţi? / Cu ce vă pot servi?

15.I’d like a loaf of white bread, please.

Aş vrea o pâine albă, vă rog.

16.Have you got whole-meal bread?

Aveţi pâine integrală?

17. You can buy that from this shop.

Puteţi cumpăra asta de la acest magazin.

18. Where can I try this blouse?

Unde pot încerca această bluză?

19. Does it suit me?

Îmi vine bine? / Mi se potriveşte?

20. Can you bring a magazine or a


Poţi să-mi aduci o revistă sau un ziar?

Specific Words!

expensive - scump

cheap - ieftin

too expensive – prea scump

toothpaste - pastă de dinţi

a toothbrush - periuţă de dinţi

soap - săpun

shampoo - şampon

cold medicine - medicamente de răceală

stomach medicine - medicamente de


an umbrella - o umbrelă

a postcard - o carte poştală

shelves – rafturi

shopping basket – coş de cumpărături

shoe shop – magazine de pantofi

jewelry store– magazin de biijuterii

bookshop – librărie

library – bibliotecă

newsagent’s – chioşc (de ziare /


post office – poştă

baker’s – brutărie

dairy products – produse lactate

envelope – plic

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postage stamps - timbre

batteries - baterii

writing paper - hârtie de scris

a pen - un stilou / un pix

bag – plasă

cashier – casier (casieră)

customer – client (clientă)

wallet – portofel

purse – poşetă

good quality – de calitate

thank you – mulţumesc

Is there a guarantee? – are garanţie?

price – preţ

seller – vânzător, vânzătoare

cafe – cafenea

travel agency – agenţie de turism

for sale – de vânzare

try on (a coat) – probează (o haină)

at the market – la piaţă

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Lesson 10 – Meetings. Invitations – ÎNTÂLNIRI. INVITAŢII 2 h

1. Are you free tonight?

Sunteţi liber deseară?

2. When can we meet?

Când ne putem întâlni?

3. What time do you leave work / school?

La ce oră plecaţi de la serviciu / şcoală?


La ce oră pleci de la serviciu / şcoală?


4. Would seven suit you?

Ora şapte v-ar conveni?

5. I’d rather meet you after eight.

Aş prefera să ne vedem după ora opt.

6. Let me know if you can’t come.

Anunţaţi-mă dacă nu puteţi veni.


Anunţă-mă dacă nu poţi veni.

7. You can count in me.

Puteţi (Poţi) conta pe mine.

8. Sorry, I’m busy tonight.

Îmi pare rău, sunt ocupat deseară.

9. Is Mr Brown at home?

Este domnul Brown acasă?

10. I am sorry, he is not.

Îmi pare rău, nu este acasă.

11. Do you know when he will be back?

Ştiţi când se întoarce?

12. I will come back later.

Voi reveni mai târziu.

13. This way, please.

Pe aici, vă rog.

14. Please, sit down.

Luaţi loc, vă rog.

15. Thank you for your visit.

Vă mulţumesc pentru vizită.

16. I didn’t expect to meet you here!

Nu mă aşteptam să te întâlnesc aici.

17. What is the news?

Ce veşti ai? Ce mai e nou?

18.I am on a visit to some friends.

Sunt în vizită la nişte prieteni.

19. I came by car last night.

Am venit cu maşina aseară.

20. Are you free this afternoon?

Eşti liber astăzi după-amiază?

21. I’m really sorry, but I can’t accept your


Îmi pare foarte rău, dar nu pot accepta

invitaţia dumneavoastră (formal) / ta


22. Would you like to come to my birthday


Ai vrea să vii la petrecerea de ziua mea?

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1. Let me introduce you to ……

Faceţi cunoştinţă cu ……

my father - tatăl meu

my mother – mama mea

my brother – fratele meu

my sister – sora mea

my friend – prietenul meu /

prietena mea my teacher

– profesorul meu(masculine)

/ profesoara mea (feminine)

my neighbour – vecinul

meu (masculine) / vecina mea (feminine)

my classmate – colegul meu de clasă

(masculine) / colega mea de clasă (fem)

my cousin – verişorul meu (masculine)

/ verişoara mea (feminine)

2.Pleased to meet you!

Încântat de cunoştinţă.

3. I’m glad to meet you.

Mă bucur să vă cunosc. (formal)

Mă bucur să te cunosc. (informal)

4. We haven’t met before, have we?

Nu ne-am cunoscut, nu-i aşa?

5. Allow me to introduce myself.

Daţi-mi voie să mă prezint.

7. My name is ….

Numele meu este…..

8. I’m a student in the tenth / eleventh


Sunt elev (masculine) / elevă (feminine) în

clasa a zecea/ a unsprezecea.

9.May I introduce myself?

Îmi permiteţi să mă prezint?

10. I’m your teacher of Romanian / Latvian.

Sunt profesorul vostru (masculine) /

profesoara voastră (feminine) de limba

română / limba letonă.

11. This is professor ….

Vi-l prezint pe profesorul…(masculine)

V-o prezint pe profesoara…(feminine)

12. It is a great pleasure to meet you!

E o mare plăcere să vă cunosc!

13. It is a great honour for me to meet you!

E o mare onoare pentru mine să vă


14. May I introduce my classmate?

Pot să ţi-l prezint pe colegul meu?


Pot să ţi-o prezint pe colega mea?


15.Please shake hands with

Vă rog, daţi mâna cu …

16. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.

Sperăm să vă placă aici.

17. Do all your relatives live in a town?

Toate rudele tale locuiesc la oraş?

18. Where does he work?

Unde lucrează el?

19. I hope to see you again soon!

Sper să ne revedem curând!

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BONUS: PROVERBS (on music) and SONGS


*Bine faci, bine găsești.

= You do good, you find good. HIP HOP

Când pisica nu-i acasă, joacă șoarecii pe masă.

= When the cat isn't at home, the mice dance on the

table. R&B

* Nu iese fum fără foc.

= There's no smoke without fire. HIP HOP

* Cine aleargă/ după doi iepuri/ nu prinde


= Who runs after two rabbits doesn't catch any. WALTZ

* Cine/ râde la urmă/ râde mai bine.

= Who laughs last, laughs better. WALTZ

* Întreabă/ şi ţi/ se va răspunde.

= Ask and you will be answered. WALTZ

* Mai bine/ mai târziu/ decât/ niciodată.

= Better later than never.WALTZ

* Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poţi face astăzi.

= Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. R&B

* Pe-o ureche intră şi pe alta iese.

= It enters through one ear and it exits through the

other. HIP HOP

Cântec - Song Dacă vesel se trăieşte fă aşa… If life is happy, do like this…

Dacă vesel se trăieşte fă aşa… If life is happy, do like this…

Dacă vesel se trăieşte If life is happy,

Unul altuia zâmbeşte Smiling to each other

Dacă vesel se trăieşte If life is happy,

Fă aşa… Do like this…

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1. Avram Mioara, Gramatica pentru toți, ediția a II-a revazută și adăugită, București, Editura

Humanitas, 1997.

2. Drăghici Cosmina, Dicţionar de expresii uzuale - Engleză, Editura Booklet.

3. Iliescu Ada, Gramatica practică a limbii române, Editura Corint, 2005.

4. Mihalache Oana, Ghid de conversaţie Român-Englez, Editura Booklet.

5. Cojocaru Dana, Romanian Grammar, SEELRC, 2003.


6. (lessons 1-10, tests from lessons 3, 4, and 8)

7. (Problems, Colours, Time, Transportation,

Lodging, Money, Eating, Shopping)




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Domas par projektu „Train ticket to Europe:

Language awareness through visual arts”.

Jau sākumā, kad uzzināju par šo projektu, es biju sajūsmas un satraukuma pilna. Fakts,

ka mana dalība šajā projektā bija tik reāla, bija neticama un vārdos neaprakstāma. Visa projekta

laikā es dzirdēju un redzēju tik daudz jauna, pat neiedomājama, guvu tik daudz neaizmirstamu

un pat vārdos neaprakstāmu iespaidu.

Bija ļoti grūti noticēt tai veiksmei un laimei, kad apstiprināja manu dalību projektā. Man

tā bija jauna pieredze, jo nekad nebiju piedalījusies šāda veida projektos. Man bija ne tikai

iespēja bez maksas iemācīties jaunu valodu profesionāļu vadībā, bet arī iespēja bez maksas

doties un iepazīt jaunu kultūru, jaunu valsti. Nebiju pat iedomājusies, kādu pieredzi es varēšu

gūt, piedaloties projektā.

Liekas, ka es vēl nekad nebiju jutusies tik pārbijusies un laimīga, kā tajās nedēļās, kad

Latvijā viesojās divas skolotājas no Rumānijas - Livia un Nikoleta. Tajā brīdī sajutos kā bērns

Ziemassvētku vakarā, jo biju pilna gaidu un satraukuma. Rumāņu valodā es iemīlējos jau no

pirmās nodarbības. Tajā pirmajā dienā es jau zināju, ka ceturtā valoda, kuru apgūšu, būs rumāņu

valoda, tā ir tik temperamentīga, ātra, ar raksturu un savu attieksmi.

Protams, ka rumāņu valodas mācīšanās nebija viegla. Es centos no visas sirds, jo

nevēlējos palaist garām nevienu minūti, kurā man ir iespēja iemācīties tik daudz kā jauna. Bija

vārdi, kurus atcerēties bija viegli, bet bija vārdi, kuri bija vairākkārt jāatkārto, lai tie paliktu

prātā. Ik dienas centos izmantot rumāņu valodu, piemēram, sasveicinoties vai atvadoties no

rumāņu skolotājām.

Pirms mācību uzsākšanas mūsu latviešu skolotājas parādīja video ierakstu, kurā

redzējām, kā svešvalodu, t. i., latviešu valodu, apguva rumāņu skolēni un skolotāji. Viņiem, kā

likās, tas padevās tik viegli. Tāpēc mums bija jācenšas tikpat cītīgi, lai mēs sevi neapkaunotu.

Divu nedēļu laikā mēs bijām spējīgi apgūt rumāņu valodas pamatus, kas man likās

neiespējami. Pēc divām nedēļām mēs varējām veidot vienkāršus teikumus, arī skolotāju sarunā

spējām atšķirt un atpazīt atsevišķus vārdus. Panākumi nodarbībās pamudināja mums gūt vēl

augstākus rezultātus, kas atspoguļojās mūsu valodas eksāmenu vērtējumos.

Kad Ziemassvētku vakars tika aizvadīts, sākās ilgais gaidīšanas laiks – rumāņu skolēnu

atbraukšana uz Latviju. Gaidas bija mokpilnas, ātrāk gribējās satikt rumāņus, lai kāda no

rumāņu meitenēm kļūtu „par manu māsu”.

Šajā laikā abas projektā iesaistītās puses skatījās prezentācijas par otrās valsts projekta

dalībniekiem. Katrs meklēja sev domubiedru, lai projekta laikā izveidotos cieša draudzība ar

savu „māsu” vai „brāli”.

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Beidzās ziema, sākās pavasaris, tāds, kāds nekad agrāk nav bijis – ar sniegu un salu.

Taču nekad neaizmirsīšu to saulaino un satraukuma pilno dienu, kad pa logu redzējām

piebraucam rumāņu autobusu. Ceļi un rokas sāka nevaldāmi drebēt, likās, ka aizmirsu ikvienu

vārdu ne tikai rumāņu vai angļu valodā, bet arī latviešu valodā. Varēja redzēt, ka satraukušies

bijām ne tikai mēs, bet arī rumāņu skolēni un skolotāji, jo viņiem viss bija tikpat satraucošs un

nezināms kā mums.

Kad rumāņu skolēnu komanda, kura nu jau ir kļuvusi par mūsu tuviem draugiem, ienāca

pa mūsu skolas durvīm, panikas līmenis bija tik augsts, ka neviens no latviešiem nebija spējīgs

pakustēties, lai iepazītos. Iepazīstināšanu mēs atstājām skolotāju ziņā.

Līdz pat pēdējam brīdim es nezināju, kura no rumānietēm kļūs par manu māsu, bet man

ļoti paveicās. Oana saprata manas bailes, es sapratu viņējās, tieši tādēļ es tik ļoti centos šajās

nedēļās sagādāt viņai visu labāko šeit, Daugavpilī.

Kad sākās svinīgais pasākums, kura laikā latviešus iepazīstināja ar jauno ģimenes

locekli, visi bija neziņas pilni, neviens nezināja ko gaidīt. Kad izsauca mani, manas rokas

nevaldāmi drebēja, bet Oana manā priekšā bija mierīga, nobijusies, bet mierīga. Viņa izstaroja

labestību, un tas mani nedaudz nomierināja. Tad mums deva iespēju tuvāk iepazīties un es

atklāju Oanai, ka esmu nevaldāmi satraukta, bet viņa mierināja mani, ka viss būs labi.

Pirmais vakars bija satraukuma pilns, jo es gribēju būt droša, ka manu ciemiņu viss

apmierina un nav nekā, ko es vēl varētu piedāvāt. Visas nākamās dienas tika pavadītas,

iepazīstot savu „māsu” tuvāk. Un, lai arī mūsu starpā bija ļoti draudzīgas attiecības, es visu

laiku domāju un uztraucos par to, vai viņu viss apmierina. Kad rumāņi devās visas dienas

ekskursijā pa Latviju, es jutos kā mamma un uztraucos par to, vai Oanai pietiks ēdiena, vai viņai

būs silti, vai telefons ir uzlādēts, utt.. Tā – uztraukumos un lielā, lielā nogurumā - pirmā nedēļa

arī tika aizvadīta. Rūpes par jauno ģimenes locekli, kas jāapvieno ar mācībām un citām projekta

aktivitātēm, „izsūc” spēkus, tomēr piepilda ar gandarījuma, laimes un veiksmes sajūtu par to,

cik daudz jauna mums lemts iepazīt.

Otrās nedēļas laikā jau pamazām kļuva vieglāk, vieglāk bija apvienot abas dzīves, kuras

tad izdzīvoja visi projektā iesaistītie latvieši, tomēr nedēļas vidū sāka parādīties biedējošā

skumju sajūta par tuvajām beigām.

Dienas turpināja skriet vēja spārniem. Visi centās dāvāt rumāņiem iespaidus, kurus viņi

atcerētos visu savu dzīvi. Sākām pārdomāt to, kas kopā piedzīvots, sākot ar nervozo pirmo

dienu, tad par Šekspīra lugas dienu, pēdējo rumāņu vakaru pilsētā un visām piedzīvojumu

pilnajām dienām pa vidu.

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Lai cik skumji tas arī nebūtu, divas nedēļas pagāja nemanot, pienāca laiks atvadīties.

Lai gan zinājām, ka drīz atkal redzēsimies, deviņpadsmitais aprīlis bija asaru pilns... Likās, ka

rumāņi tik tikko ieradās un jau viņiem bija laiks doties mājās.

Sēžot un gaidot, kamēr atbrauc autobuss, kas vedīs prom mūsu draugus, visapkārt varēja

redzēt tik daudz mīlestības pilnu atvadu asaru, tik ciešus apskāvienus, kas atklāja šī projekta

pamatideju – iepazīt svešu tautu, svešu mentalitāti, sadraudzēties ar savu ģimeni, neņemot vērā

valodas barjeru, iemīlēt cilvēku tā, ka atmiņas par piedzīvoto paliks iegravētas uz mūžiem. Ar

asarām acīs un smaidu uz lūpām vēroju, kā projekts izveidoja spēcīgu draudzību starp divām


Klusām un nemanot piebrauca autobuss, bija laiks pēdējām atvadām. Bija grūti noticēt,

ka mūsu laiks kopā jau ir pagājis, jo vairāk vai mazāk bijām sadraudzējušies ar visiem projekta

dalībniekiem - gan skolēniem, gan skolotājiem. Kad autobusa durvis aizvērās un mēs varējām

māt viens otram atvadas, prāts patiesi sāka aptvert to, kas notiek, un asaras no jauna kāpa acīs.

Turpinot māt atvadas, caur asaru plīvuru vērojām, kā autobuss pazūd mūsu skatienam.

Lai atvadas būtu vieglākas, Oana man atstāja atvadu vēstuli, kurā pateicās par visu, ko

es viņas labā biju darījusi šo divu nedēļu laikā. Viņa ikdienā bija izjutusi manu gādību, manus

pūliņus, lai viņas laiks šeit tiešām būtu lielisks. Izsakoties viņas vārdiem, es papildināju viņas

vizuālo kabatu. Oanas vēstule bija tik īsta, tik pilna patiesu jūtu, ka visi pārdzīvojumi un

nogurums, kas bija piedzīvoti viņas ciemošanās laikā, kļuva niecīgi, un sirds pildījās ar

gandarījumu par paveikto.

Atkal sākās jauns gaidīšanas posms, un mēs gaidījām savu piedzīvojumiem bagāto

braucienu uz Rumāniju. Šis laiks bija vēl saviļņojošāks, jo mūs gaidīja vēl lielāki piedzīvojumi.

Pavisam nemanot, pienāca rudens, un jau astoņpadsmitajā septembrī mēs lūkojāmies uz

Rumānijas burvīgo dabu. Es zināju, ka mūs sagaidīs valsts, kas ieskauta skaistos kalnos, tomēr

pat manās visspilgtākajās fantāzijās es nevarēju iedomāties to skaistumu, kas pavērās mūsu acu

priekšā. Pati pilsēta, Alba Iulia, mani sajūsmināja gandrīz tikpat ļoti, cik kalni tai apkārt. Pilsētā

bija redzama vēsture, bija redzamas atmiņas, tās bija dzīvas. Ēku fasādes bija neticami skaistas,

bija saglabātas skaistākās arhitektūras tradīcijas, kas mani ļoti sajūsmināja, jo mūsdienās pārāk

daudz visu mēģina modernizēt, aizmirstot, ka arī pagātne ir skaista, un tieši to sevī glabāja un

atklāja Alba Iulia.

Taču vairāk par Rumānijas dabu un Alba Iulia pilsētu, mēs priecājāmies ieraudzīt savus

rumāņu draugus. Gaisā prieks un satraukums likās sataustāms. Atkalredzēšanās bija brīnišķīga!

Mums visiem vienam otra pietrūka, kas bija redzams pēc ciešajiem un biežajiem apskāvieniem.

Kad pirmais satraukums norimās, bija laiks iepazīties ar savām jaunajām ģimenēm. Visi

latvieši iztēlojās cilvēkus, pie kuriem dzīvos, tomēr mūsu iedomas nespēja sagatavot mūs tai

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mīlestības, gādības un laimes sajūtai, kuru guvām, satiekot savu rumāņu ģimeni. Satiekot „ savu

rumāņu mammu un rumāņu tēti”, es sajutos, kā atgriežoties mājās, jo tieši tā mani uzņēma –

nevis kā ciemiņu, bet kā ģimenes locekli. Tajā mirklī es zināju, ka mans pavadītais laiks

Rumānijā būs ļoti īpašs.

Pēc pirmās dienas jau radās pirmie iespaidi par valsti, par tautu, par cilvēku patriotismu.

Patriotisms tik tiešām ir tas, kā latviešiem nedaudz pietrūkst, turpretī rumāņi nekautrējās par to,

no kurienes viņi nāk, viņi ar to lepojās. Kur vien veries, visur varēja redzēt zilo, dzelteno un

sarkano karogu krāsu, kas arī atklāja rumāņu lepnumu par savu valsti un tās simboliem.

Drīz jau arī iepazinos ar citu ģimeni, kura arī kļuva par maniem draugiem, cilvēki tik

tiešām bija ļoti atvērti un draudzīgi, izpalīdzīgi un laipni. Visu ceļojuma laiku „vilku” paralēles

ar latviešu tautu, un, tiesa, ne vienmēr salīdzinājums bija mums glaimojošs, bet tas nenozīmē,

ka Rumānijā viss bija ideāli, protams, bija arī kaut kas tāds, ko latviešu mentalitāte nevarēja

saprast un pierast. Piemēram, vēsais ēdiens, atļauja smēķēt kafejnīcās, neobligāta gaismu

slēgšana transportlīdzekļiem dienas laikā un citi sīkumi.

Nepagāja necik ilgs laiks, kad mēs visi sākām ilgoties pēc mājām, tomēr tas nemazināja

mūsu sparu darboties, jo darba mums tik tiešām bija daudz, sākot ar visām projekta aktivitātēm,

Rumānijas kultūras un vides iepazīšanu, beidzot ar Šekspīra iestudējumu partnervalsts valodā.

Dienas jau atkal skrēja nemanot, tomēr tās aiz sevis atstāja daudz jo daudz neaizmirstamu


Vienā no mūsu ekskursijām es biju spiesta skatīties acīs savām vislielākajām bailēm –

bailēm no augstuma. Mēs bijām sāls raktuvēs, kuras bija ievērojami dziļi zem zemes, un skats

no augšas uz leju izraisīja manī lielas bailes, kuras stiprākas padarīja klaustofobijas sajūta,

atrodoties zem zemes. Tālāk mēs devāmies uz Turdas Kanjonu, kur mēs izmēģinājām vienu no

rumāņu iecienītākajiem hobijiem – kalnos kāpšanu. Taču šeit manas bailes bija nesalīdzināmi

mazākas, jo skats uz leju nebija stāvs, bet augstuma starpība bija redzama tikai tālumā.

Tā pagāja viena piedzīvojumiem bagāta diena pēc otras, un pienāca diena, kad bija laiks

spēlēt Šekspīru partnervalsts valodā. Šķita, ka rumāņiem atbildības līmenis bija nesalīdzināmi

zemāks, jo viņus sapratīsim tikai mēs, tomēr mūs sapratīs vai, tieši otrādi, nesapratīs visi zālē

klātesošie, ne tikai skolas skolotāji un skolēni, bet arī preses pārstāvji un amatpersonas.

Atbildība bija neizmērāmi liela, es darīju visu, ko spēju, un tas vainagojās panākumiem –

gandarījuma sajūta pēc labi padarīta darba, skatītāju ovācijās un rumāņu skatītāju komplimenti.

Šo divu nedēļu laikā mēs garīgi augām un satuvinājāmies. Kopā piedzīvotais un

redzētais veidoja kopīgas atmiņas, kuras vienmēr būs mūsu sirdīs. Viss, ko mēs ieguvām, ir

vārdos neaprakstāms, tomēr tas krasi mainīja mūsu dzīves, uzskatus un nedaudz arī nākotnes

plānus. Es, piemēram, esmu apņēmusies apgūt rumāņu valodu un atkal atgriezties pie savas

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rumāņu ģimenes. (Pat nopirku grāmatu rumāņu valodā, lai būtu papildus stimuls sevi attīstīt.)

Es nebiju vienīgā, kurai pēc šī brauciena radās šāda veida apņemšanās.

Pienāca pēdējais vakars, kuru, atšķirībā no citiem vakariem, pilnībā pavadīju kopā ar

savu ģimeni. Mēs kopā priecājāmies un atcerējāmies patīkami pavadīto laiku kopā. Pirms

izbraukšanas uzrakstīju atvadu vēstuli savai (rumāņu) mammai un tētim, pilnu ar pateicību par

viesmīlību, gādību, rūpēm, man veltīto laiku un atmiņām un – galvenais - par to ģimenisko

sajūtu, kuru viņi man dāvāja.

Aizbraukšanas diena uzreiz jau sākās ar atvadām no mana rumāņu tēta, kuram jau bija

jādodas uz darbu. Un kopš tā laika asaras nepameta manas acis, jo es jau biju pieradusi sev

visapkārt - ielās, pa televizoru - dzirdēt rumāņu valodu. Bija žēl, ka drīz tā nebūs. Braucot ar

mantām uz skolu, gremdējos patīkamās atmiņās, kas man jau saistījās ar šo maršrutu no mājām

uz skolu un atpakaļ. Māca skumjas, tādēļ ka zināju, ka braucu pa šo maršrutu pēdējo reizi.

Atkal jāsaka, ka skumjas ar jaunu spēku piepildīja mūsu sirdis, jo mums atkal vajadzēja

pamest savus draugus un nu arī jauniegūtās ģimenes. Es tiešām jutos kā daļa no Oanas ģimenes

un nevarēju beigt pateikties savai Rumānijas mammai, tētim un māsai, kuri man lika justies tik

labi pilnīgi svešā vidē.

Gribējās runāt pretī savam prātam, kurš teica, ka piedzīvojums ir beidzies, jo sirds tam

vienkārši neticēja. Šīs divas nedēļas bija piepildītas ar visām iespējamajām emocijām

vienlaikus, kas nogurdināja un uzlādēja vienlaikus, tomēr šis piedzīvojums bija tikai sākums.

Tas mums pierādīja, cik draudzīgi un atvērti cilvēki mēs īstenībā esam, ja jau mēs bijām spējīgi

uzņemt savā ģimenē svešu cilvēku no svešas valsts un likt viņam justies kā mājās, tas pierādīja,

cik daudz mēs patiesībā spējam, ja jau bijām spējīgi iemācīties Šekspīra lugu rumāņu valodā

un pienācīgi to arī prezentēt, veidot valodas materiālus, lai varētu tos citi izmantot mācoties

valodu, tas pierādīja arī to, cik iecietīgi viens pret otru spējam būt, jo divas dienas, pavadītas

autobusā lielu cilvēku grupā, prasa daudz pacietības un „dzelzs” nervus.

Līdz pat šodienai es ik pa laikam sarakstos ar savu rumāņu ģimeni, jo viņus tāpat kā

mūsu kopā pavadīto laiku es tik tiešām nekad neaizmirsīšu.

Šis projekts bija prātam un sirdij neaptverams piedzīvojums, kurā mēs - gan rumāņi, gan

latvieši - piedzīvojām tik daudz, tās izjūtas, emocijas un pārdzīvojumi vienmēr paliks mūsu

sirdīs. Es tik tiešām jūtos priviliģēta, jo man bija iespēja piedalīties šajā projektā un gūt

neaizmirstamas emocijas un iespaidus. Projekta laikā mēs visi ieguvām tik daudz - satraucošu

pieredzi, jaunu valodu, jaunus draugus, jaunu ģimeni -, vai to maz aprakstīt ar vārdiem? Projekts

savu mērķi ir sasniedzis – tas satuvināja divas pilnīgi dažādas tautas un izveidoja draudzības

saites starp tām, kuras saglabāsies, iespējams, pat mūžīgi.

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Māra Pēterfelde

11.kl. skolniece

Daugavpils 12. vidusskola

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2012. gada 26. novembris – 7. decembris

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2013. gada 14. janvāris – 25. janvāris

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2013. gada 9. aprīlis – 19. aprīlis

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2013. gada 18. septembris – 27. septembris

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