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The current situation of the industryBitcoin eraEthereum eraPoca era

Industry background


DataKeeperNomineeData minerTCP DAO

Role assignment

Trusted computingOn-link certificate + off-link transmission

Computing protocol

The origin of Trusted ComputingTrusted ComputingTechnical modelDesign safetyPrivacy protection principleMulti-layer fragmentation technologyDigital asset securityEconomic objectives

Introduction to TCP

Founding teamTechnical team

2.1 TCP Development Foundation



2.2 Core team

2.3 Ecological cooperation


Development routeVision for the future



Technical riskDisclaimer


Governance mechanismGovernance system

3.2 Governance mechanism

Consensus algorithmBlock reward

3.3 Certificate of interest

Cross-chain transmissionEncrypted informationCloud technology servicePrivacy protection

3.4 Ecological application








The development of blockchain can be divided into two stages before: the Bitcoin era and the Ethereum era. The real blockchain 3.0 will definitely bring the technical design and ideological philosophy of blockchain to a new height, and only Poca can do this.

The security of blockchain stems from the consensus on whether it is reliable. That's why the consensus mechanism has always been one of the most important components of blockchain. zWhen the state on the chain changes, all nodes need to reach a consensus, and the mechanism for reaching consensus is the key to whether the blockchain can achieve security.

Poca is the mechanism of PoS, which is a mixture of BABE and GrandPA. In the traditional PoW mechanism, people obtain bookkeeping rights through workload proof, while in the PoS mechanism, people need to pledge tokens, pledgers are also certifyers, stakeholders, they need to verify the status conversion certificates of parallel chains, and

BABE (Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension) is a block production mechanism running between verification nodes, which determines the generator of new blocks. To some extent, BABE can be compared with Euroboros Praos, but there are great differences in chain selection rules and slot time adjustment. BABE allocates production blocks to the verifier according to the amount of tokens pledged and the random cycle of Poca.

GRANDPA (GHOST-based Recursive ANcestor Deriving Prefix Agreement) is Poca's "final tool" that serves Poca's relay chain. As long as two-thirds of nodes are honest, and one-fifth of Byzantine nodes can be processed in asynchronous settings, it can work properly in partially synchronised networks. GRANDPA reaches a consensus on the chain (relative to the block), which is conducive to its faster finality, even in the face of long-term network partitions or other network failures.

The value of Bitcoin lies in its realisation of a structure of chain storage. Starting with the founding block, you can find the front block from the back block, and the transactions in the block are organised through the Merkel tree.

Bitcoin forms a peer-to-peer electronic information system to realise a non-tamperable account book. In the application of Bitcoin, the record of transaction information is stored. The birth of Bitcoin introduced the concept of blockchain, which can realise other functions if transaction information is converted into other data types. So blockchain is also called a decentralised database.

Bitcoin's innovation is groundbreaking, realising a process from 0 to 1. Although Bitcoin's trading speed has been criticized, Bitcoin still sits on the head of blockchain 1.0.

TOP Hash








( )Hash 0

+Hash 1


( )Hash 1-0+

Hash 1-1hash


L1 L2 L3 L4

( )Hash 0-0

+Hash 0-1


Ethereum realises a more complex data structure. Compared with Bitcoin, more complex data can be stored, and the value of variables on both accounts and chains can be regarded as a world state.

We can change the value of the world state through transactions, such as the balance of the account or the variable information in the smart contract. Based on this feature, Ethereum realises its Turing completeness, so Ethereum is called a world computer.

We can change the value of the world state through transactions, such as the balance of the account or the variable information in the smart contract. Based on this feature, Ethereum realises its Turing completeness, so Ethereum is called a world computer.

Poca realises a cross-chain system. In the middle of Poca, the relay chain is the main chain, surrounded by a pile of parallel chains, in addition to the secondary relay chain and transfer bridge, which can connect other chains such as Ethereum.

The technical implementation of Poca is based on the Substrate framework, under which the blockchain developed will be very easy to access the parallel or secondary relay chain of Poca, but this does not mean that the previous public chain cannot enter the Poca ecology.

How to timepolkadot?







Today, information technology has become an integral part of people's lives, and people get information and carry out various activities through computers and the Internet every day. But computers and cyberspace are not always safe. On the one hand, hackers will attack normal users by spreading malicious viruses on the network, such as the ransomware outbreak in May 2017;

On the other hand, many bad manufacturers and chambers of commerce "open the back door" in their own software, and take advantage of users' attention to obtain users' privacy or pop-up window advertisements, which pose great challenges to maintaining the information security of cyberspace.In order to enable people to carry out various activities on the Internet normally through computers, we must establish a safe and reliable Defence system to ensure that our computers can provide services in a stable manner as expected.

At present, most network security systems mainly consist of firewalls, intrusion detection, virus prevention, etc. This conventional security means can only be fortified at the network level and border layers, blocking illegal users and ultra vires access on the periphery, so as to prevent external aggression. Due to the lack of control over the client-user source of these security methods, coupled with the insecurity of the operating system, the various vulnerabilities of the application system are emerging, and their protection effect is becoming less and less ideal. In addition, the way to block is to capture the characteristic information of hacking and viral invasion, which are post-lagging information that has occurred and belongs to "ex post Defence". With the change of malicious users' offensive means, the more firewalls are, the more complex the intrusion detection is, the larger the malicious code base, and the increase in misreporting rate, which makes security input increasing, more complex and difficult to implement maintenance and management. The efficiency of information system use is greatly reduced, and there is no Defence against new aggression. Obviously, the passive Defence of traditional firewalls, intrusion detection, virus prevention and other "old three" blocking and killing has become obsolete, and cyberspace security is facing severe challenges.

Trusted computing is precisely a technical method to solve the insecurity in computer and network structures and fundamentally improve security. Trusted computing is a technological innovation in logical correct verification, computational architecture and calculation mode to solve the problem that logical defects are not exploited by the attackers, form a unity of offensive and defensive contradictions, ensure that the logical combination that completes the calculation task is not tampered with and destroyed, and realises correct calculation.

The trust root of the TCG definition includes three roots. Trustory root (RTM): responsible for integrity measurement; trusted report root (RTR): responsible for reporting trust root; trusted storage root (RTS): responsible for storing trust root. RTM is a software module, RTR is composed of TPM's platform configuration register (PCR) and endorsement key (EK), and RTS is composed of TPM's PCR and storage root key (SRK).

In practice, in the process of building a trust chain, RTM passes the information formed by integrity measurement to RTS. RTS uses the platform configuration register of TPM to store metric extensions and protect metric logs with cryptographic services provided by TPM.

RTR is mainly used in the remote authentication process, providing platform trusted status information to entities. The main contents include platform configuration information, audit logs, and identity keys (generally undertaken by the endorsement key or identity key protected based on the endorsement key).

The main function of the trust chain is to extend the trust relationship to the entire computer platform, which is based on the trust root. The chain of trust can obtain a variety of data that affect the credibility of the platform through a credibility measurement mechanism, and judge the credibility of the platform by comparing these data with the expected data.

The following three rules are followed in the confidence-building chain.

(1)All modules or components, except CRTM (the starting point for confidence chain construction, the code running in the first paragraph for credibility), are considered untrustworthy without being measured. At the same time, only modules or components that are credible and consistent with the expected data can be classified into trusted boundaries.

(2)The module or component inside the trusted boundary can be used as a verification agent to verify the integrity of the module or component that has not been completed.

(3)Only modules or components within the trusted boundary can obtain relevant TPM control, and modules or components outside the trusted boundary cannot control or use trusted platform modules.

TCG's trusted PC technical specification puts forward the trust chain in trusted PC. As shown in Figure 1, the trust chain of TTCG well reflects the mechanism of measuring stored reports. That is, to measure the feasibility of the platform and store the credibility value of the measure.

Measurement:The trust chain takes the BIOS boot area and TPM as the trust root, where the BIOS boot area is the credibility dimension (RTM), TPM is the trusted storage root (RTS) and the trusted reporting root (RTR). From the BIOS boot area to OS Loader, then to OS and apps, it forms a trust chain. Along this chain of trust, first-level measurement, first-level trust level ensures the integrity of Platform resources.

Storage:Due to the limited storage space of trusted platform modules, the method of metric extension (i.e., existing and new metrics are connected to the column again) is used to record and store the metrics in the PCR of the trusted platform module, while the details and measurement results of the metric objects are stored on disk as logs. Measurement logs stored on discs and metrics stored in PCR are mutually verified to prevent logs in discs from being tampered with.

Report:After measurement and storage, when the visitor asks, the report can be provided for the object to judge the trusted status of the platform. The report provided to the guest includes PCR values and logs. To ensure the security of the reported content, encryption, digital signature and authentication technology is also required, a function known as remote proof of the platform.


Hardware OptionROMs



New OScomponent


LoaderBIOSBIOS bootblock

Root of trustin integrity





Root of trustin intcgrityrcporting

At present, there are three main trusted platform modules: TMG, China's TCM and TPCM. This section only introduces TMG's TPM.

The trusted platform module is the trust root (RTS, RTR) of the trusted computing platform. It is an SOC chip, which consists of CPU, memory, I/O, cypher coprocessor, random number generator and embedded operating system. It is mainly used for credibility storage, credibility reporting, key generation, encryption and signature, data secure storage and other functions.

TCG has successively released several versions of TPM standards, of which TPM 1.2 is widely used, but with the continuous development of information computer technology, TPM 1.2 cannot meet the needs under the new technology. 2014 TCG released TPM 2.0, which is an improvement over TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 with the following improvements:① Absorb the advantages of original TPM (TPM 1.2) and Chinese TCM;② Improve the problems existing in the flexibility of the original TPM in cypher algorithms;③ Make it an international standard to meet the local needs of different countries and maintain better compatibility (for example, the domestic TPM 2.0 chip supports cryptographic algorithms allowed by the National Cryptography Bureau - SM3, SM2, SM4, etc.). The structure and module functions of TPM 2.0 are shown in Figure 2.

Asymmetric cypher algorithm unit:Support RSA and ECC algorithms,for remote authentication, identity and secret sharing

Cypher hybrid algorithm unit:Support HHA-1, SM3 and otherash algorithms,for integrity inspection and authentication

Symmetric cypher algorithm unit:Support AES and SM4 algorithms,for encryption password parameter

Authorised unit:Confirm to PTM that the user has permission to useTPM internal resources

Key generation unit:Generate ordinary keys and primary keys

Random number generator: generate true random numbers and keys

Non-volat memory:Store important data such as long-term keys, integrity information,owner authorisation information, etc

Loss-prone memory:Save temporary data.

Power management: Responsible for conventional power management

Executive engine: Execute the corresponding code sequence in TPM andcomplete the call command.

Management unit: manage TPM internal resources.

I/O: Responsible for communication between TPM and external and internalphysical modules of TPM.

Compared with TPM 1.2, the TPM 2.0 hardware architecture has increased

Symmetric cypher algorithm unit, providing AES and SM4 algorithms;

Asymmetric cypher algorithm unit: add ECC algorithm function;

Cypher hybrid algorithm unit:Added SM3, SHA256, SNA3 network, SHA-12 algorithm FIGURE 2: TPM 2.0 FUNCTIONAL MODULE

Asymmetric cypher algorithm uni

Cypher hybrid algorithm unit

Symmetric cypher algorithm unit

Management unit

Authorised unit

Non-volat memory

Loss-prone memory

Executing engine

Random number generator

Power management

Key generation unit


Trusted support software is a security application at the operating system level that can mobilise the trusted service interface provided by the trusted computing platform, thus providing trusted services for users.

TSS (TCG Software Stack) is the support software of TPM on a trusted computing platform. The role of TSS is mainly to provide interfaces using TPM for operating systems and applications.

At present, TSS mainly has two versions: TSS 1.2 and TSS 2.0. TSS 2.0 based on TPM 2.0 is the latest version, and its structure is shown in the figure below:

From 2018 to about 2024, the spatial growth rate of blockchain will be very rapid. By 2017, the total market size of blockchain products and services has exceeded 700 million dollars, and by 2024 there will be more than 60 billion US dollars of market space (according to the WinterGreen Research 2017 report), its overall growth rate is about 89%.

Breaking the island of data and realising data sharing can add greater value to data sharing. However, in actual business scenarios, the lack of mutual trust between different participants who need to share data leads to difficulties in data confirmation, resulting in many unnecessary barriers to the data sharing process. Data confirmation is the confirmation of data ownership and use rights. Among,

ownership can be owned by individuals (such as privacy data owners) or institutions (data providers), and ownership and use rights can be traded, or transferred and granted through laws and regulations. Blockchain systems with the characteristics of detrust, decentralisation, anti-tampering and traceability can easily establish mutual trust among multiple parties involved in data sharing, realise flexible and diversified data sharing rules through intelligent contracts on it, and provide a technical platform for open, transparent, credible and non-controversial data confirmation.

The most direct way to share data through blockchain is to link the shared data directly. but because blockchain only uses signatures to prevent data from being maliciously tampered with, the shared data is still saved in plaintext. If the data uplink transmission is carried out in an encrypted way, it will affect the normal reading of the data of the smart contract on the chain.

Therefore, although this way of directly chaining data can guarantee openness and transparency in sharing, data privacy is not properly protected. Considering the throughput of the system and data privacy protection, TCP proposes a data sharing method for on-chain certificate and under-chain data transmission. In this mode, only requests and responses to shared data will be recorded on the blockchain, while real shared data is transmitted under the chain. The transmission of specific under-chain shared data can be transited through a trusted cloud server or directly through point-to-point transmission. Because all requests and responses to shared data are recorded on the blockchain, which in turn ensures that it is difficult to tamper with, open, transparent and traceable, any participant can trace the migration process of the use and ownership of data by querying blockchain records, and the tracing process is not artificially interfered with by either party. In addition, the transmission of shared data is carried out under the chain, on the one hand, it protects data privacy, and on the other hand, it reduces the load on the chain, thus improving the throughput of the system. If there are high requirements for privacy protection of shared data, the security and privacy protection of off-chain shared data transmission can be realised by encryption and peer-to-point sharing keys.


The popularisation of smartphones, the interconnection of big data, and the application of personal data in more business scenarios have become the consensus of the whole society and an important resource for commercial competition. Although it is a general trend to attribute ownership of personal data to the individuals who generate data globally, due to the lack of convenient means and effective incentives for individuals to manage their own data, in the current traditional Internet ecology, it is still difficult to popularise "personal data is managed by individuals". Personal privacy protection of big data is still in its infancy. Although privacy protection is an important issue for users, enterprises are unwilling to make full use of user information or provide better services for users in order to implement privacy protection, so as to limit enterprise development or competitiveness in the market. Data economy ecology requires a comprehensive plan that can both guarantee user data ownership (meaning that you can use their own data, share your own data, and gain value from your own data sharing) and effectively apply data resources.

Trusted Computing (TCP) is a new generation of encrypted trust computing protocols based on the eco-wavecard. TCP is based on PoW-like economic excitation mode, which releases privacy computing power in countless CPUs that are applied to the Poca parallel chain, thus serving other applications such as Defi, data services on the Poca.

Relay chain is the basis of the Trusted Computing network. Its main task is to coordinate the consensus and transactions established among its branches and maintain the current status of account information, balances and transactions incurred on Trusted Computing.

On the relay chain, Trusted Computing reaches a mutual consensus on effective blocks through a modern asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm. The consistency algorithm is inspired by Tendermint (used by Cosmos) and HoneyBadger BFT, which provides Byzantine fault tolerance consensus mechanisms (as long as most certifiers are satisfied with honesty) under any network defect. To protect the relay chain, Polkadot adopts the PofS mechanism managed by four core players (to be introduced in the next section).

To support multiple links to be built on Trusted Computing, the Parity Technologies team has established as versatile as possible. Therefore, parallel chains built on Trusted Computing can have their own application logic, and as long as they realise specific functional interfaces that can communicate with the relay chain, they can build applications in any programming language.

Parallel chains provide security guarantees from relay chains. The blockhead of the parallel chain will be included in the block of the relay chain, followed by some confirmation information to ensure that there will be no chain reconstruction or double-spending, similar to the safety guarantee of the Bitcoin side chain and joint mining. Polkadot also strongly guarantees the validity of parallel chain state transactions.

Each parallel chain published on Polkadot is defined on the Parachain Registry. The parallel chain registry is a relatively simple database structure that manages static and dynamic information of each chain. Static information includes the indexing of the chain and the authentication protocol identity, which is used to distinguish different parallel chains. Only in this way can the verifier run the correct verification algorithm and then submit legal candidate blocks. Dynamic information involves transaction routeing systems, such as the need for a global consensus on the entrance queue of parallel chains.

For parallel chains issued on Polkadot, a referendum must be passed before it can be added to the parallel chain registry.For this process, Polkadot may take the route of Vickrey auction system and formal governance system, in which the governance system may also meet other governance scenarios.

There will also be pauses, restarts and deletions for parallel chains. The suspension of parallel chains is designed to be able to cope with some emergencies of parallel chains. Because suspension is an emergency measure, it will be used as a validator to vote dynamically, rather than through a referendum. The restart may be completed directly through the certifier vote or through the voter referendum. Deletion of the operation parallel chain can only be carried out through a referendum, and it will provide a loose smooth exit transition period, which can make them a separate blockchain or part of other consensus systems. This deadline may be several months, and it may be set by parallel chains according to their own needs.

The most critical part of Polkadot is cross-chain communication, which is a scalable multi-chain system because of the existence of some kind of information


channel between its parallel chains. According to Polkadot's white paper, communication will be as simple as possible: transactions executed in one branch (based on the logic of the chain) can assign transactions to the second chain, or relay chain.

In order to ensure minimum implementation complexity, minimum risk and minimum parallel chain architecture constraints, these cross-chain transactions are no different from current standards of external transactions. These transactions have a source field to identify parallel chains and an address that can be of any length. The handling fee for cross-chain transactions is not as similar as the current Bitcoin or Ethereum system, but must be managed through the negotiating logic of the source parallel chain and the destination parallel chain.

Every interchain communication is a transaction solved by the queueing mechanism, that is, each transaction must wait in the queue before it can be accepted by the queue. The task of managing the participants in the relay chain is to move the interchain transaction from one output queue to the input queue of the other chain, which uses the Merkle tree to ensure the authenticity of the data.

In order to prevent one parallel chain from launching a garbage trading attack to another parallel chain, a receiving chain is needed to limit its input queue. If the limit is reached, the queue will become saturated, thus preventing any transaction from being routed to the receiving link until the queue decreases. These queues are managed on the relay chain, allowing parallel chains to determine each other's saturation.





Although Polkadot is designed to support and protect parallel chains, its network can also support independent blockchain. Independent blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum can be connected to the Polkadot network by creating a bridge and using some of its functions. These functions depend on the finality of these blockchains -- for blockchains with probability finality,for example,Bitcoin and Ethereum, have longer waiting time than blockchains with immediate terminalisation.

Use state-secret algorithms that are consistent with national networks and information security strategies.

Key management. Key management includes key generation (account generation), key transfer and signature authentication, and requires the use of SM2 asymmetric encryption algorithms. How to use it:

(1)Generate a public-private key pair with SM2, and then encode the public key as base58 to get the account address.

(2)When transferring or transferring a symmetric cypher, encrypt it with the public key, and then decrypt it with the private key to obtain a symmetric cypher.

(3)When sending a transaction to the blockchain, the user must sign with his own private key and bring his own public key interest. When verifying the validity of the transaction, other nodes on the network use the public key to verify the transaction, confirming that it is the transaction sent by this account. When generating a block, the locality of a node will set up multiple trusted accounts and configure the public keys of these accounts, so that when receiving block data from other points, we only think the block is valid if it can be signed and authenticated.

Information proofreading: using SM3 algorithm in the process of proofreading file information can effectively prevent data manipulation. Combine multiple fields in a transaction, or some fields of a block, to generate a unique value that uniquely identifies the transaction or difference, that is, the hash value. How to use it: combine important fields in a data structure into strings, perform SM3, and get a unique value, 256bit.

Operation encryption and authorisation: use the SM4 symmetric encryption algorithm. When encrypting the operation of the database table, a symmetric encryption algorithm is used, so that even if others know the basic information of blockchain transactions, they cannot know the specific SQL operation for a table. How to use it: when creating a table, encrypt the public key of the owner of the table and put it in the table data structure of the blockchain, and the key is authorised to the user of the operation table. If user A is authorised, the owner of the table decrypts the symmetric key that he has encrypted with his own private key, and then encrypts it with the public key of user A and puts it in the data structure of A, so that A can get a real symmetric key through its private key and obtains the right to operate the database.

The system supports the implementation of TLS technology based on state secrets algorithm.TLS is a security protocol that provides security and data integrity for network communication. Before establishing a secure communication, the sender and receiver will exchange some necessary information, negotiate the password suite used for the secure communication, verify the identity of the other party, encrypt the data to prevent data from being stolen, verify the integrity of the data, etc.. In this project, cypher software with TLS functions can be integrated into each node without deploying hardware equipment.

Another particularly important issue in the current Internet of Things is user privacy. User privacy protection of the Internet of Things is extremely fragile. Because a large amount of user data is collected through sensors, it is very easy to predict user behaviour. And the current architecture model, even if the user desensitisation is carried out in the form of OpenID, as long as multiple dimensions are compared and analysed, it is easy to reversely derive the identity of the user. Aiming at this problem, we try to use the zero-knowledge proof algorithm and adopt our innovative behavioural private key (BPK) algorithm model. By passing user intentions to other hardware without passing user symbols, we can not only effectively protect user privacy in fact, but also solve the problem of worrying about user loss.

Our innovative BKP algorithm model is clustered as behaviour through unsupervised learning or strategy models of user data, and user desensitisation through zero-knowledge proof algorithm. So that the device can share resources from device to purpose, and does not need to share data based on users, which can solve user privacy problems very effectively.

TCP realises unique multi-layer fragmentation design, overcomes many challenges related to fragmentation, and achieves extremely difficult full-state fragmentation.

The goal of splitting is to realise linear expansion. Linear expansion means that the capacity can increase linearly with the number of nodes. Using pronunciation. Therefore, the amount of work that each node must complete should not depend on the total number of Nodes in the system or The total volume of global transactions. In order to realise linear capacity expansion, all resources of the blockchain must be partitioned, Including state (storage) fragmentation, computing (transaction verification and smart contract) fragmentation and network (block propagation, cross partition communication, etc.) fragmentation. If only computing fragmentation (transactions and smart contracts) are realised, then state (store) or bandwidth will eventually become bottlenecks.

In order to create a full-state fragmentation system, TCP has developed a novel hierarchical fragmentation architecture:

N 2 layer status fragmentationThe status fragmentation is realised between the advanced nodes in the cluster and the verifier nodes in the fragmentation.

N 3-tier network fragmentationzThe consensus network is divided into multiple regions, which are divided into multiple clusters, and then divided into multiple fragments.

N 3 layer computing fragmentationCalculate the separation between clusters and fragments. Then divide the fragmentation itself into multiple subsets and perform transaction verification in parallel.

TCP adopts a hierarchical point array data structure. Technically, it is in the form of directed ringless graphs (DAGs). However, unlike other DAG-based projects (such as IOTA), the dot matrix data structure is more organised and suitable for fragment architecture.Two different dot matrix structures used by TCP are unit-Lattice and block array.

Unit-LatticeEvery transaction record in an account is called a unit. Units are linked together to form a chain of each account, which means that each account itself is actually a microchain.

TCP has a total of four layers of parallelism:

multi-core and multi-threaded parallel computingThe first is a unlocked parallel framework, which divides multiple threads into multiple kernels. Using the unit dot matrix account chain model, transaction verification can be completed in parallel even in a single fragment. This means that nodes can use multiple kernels/threads to participate in multiple consensus groups at the same time.

multi-role node virtualisationA TCP node can play multiple roles at the same time. A physical node can be virtualised into multiple roles. For example, advanced nodes in routeing networks can also act as certifier nodes in consensus networks. This not only improves scalability, but also improves security. If a segment suddenly loses the verifier node and becomes vulnerable, the advanced nodes in the routeing network can enter quickly and ensure that there is enough collateral to prevent the segment from being attacked.

Subgroup in the fragmentationEach fragment has multiple subgroups to perform consensus in parallel at any given time, in other words, multi-layer fragmentation

Multiple fragments for parallel tradingFinally, of course, there is a parallel parallel of dividing the chain into multiple fragments. TCP is divided into multiple fragments, and each fragment is divided into multiple subgroups. Physical nodes in these subgroups can be virtualised into multiple types of nodes and transactions can be processed in parallel using multiple kernels/threads.

TCP generates the corresponding address for each investment landmark, keeps the user's mortgage and financial management assets, and the new address adopts multiple signatures to ensure the security of the mortgaged assets. Jointly held by the platform, business nodes and investors, it must be signed by either of the three parties before the transaction can be sent. The introduction of multi-party saving is mainly to prevent the loss of the unilateral private key, and the business node can judge whether to provide the private key according to the actual situation.

Shamir private key segmentation algorithm: The idea of key sharing is to split the key in an appropriate way. After splitting, each share is managed by different participants. A single participant cannot recover secret information, and only a few participants can work together to restore the key. More importantly, when there is a problem with participants in any corresponding range, the key can still be fully restored. A. Shamir and G.R. Blackley proposed (t, n) threshold key sharing schemes in 1979. The Shamir threshold assumes that the data to be protected is D, with the goal of dividing D into n blocks 1 2 3 4 n D, D, D, D, LD, and requires:

(1)It's easy to reconstruct D by arbitrarily selecting k (or more) blocks;(2)It is impossible to reconstruct D by arbitrarily selecting k-1 (or less) blocks.

Based on the Lagrange interpolation formula, taking a key pair with a number of k individuals can uniquely determine a polynomial with a number of times up to k-1. In addition, a reliable system can be obtained by using the 1 2 1,, k - a a La threshold that satisfies n = 2*k -1. Divide the key master key into multiple saves, and only more key shares than threshold can restore the master key.

The first step is to generate KeyShares.① Take the random value② Construct polynomials③ Take the random

Step two, restore the key. Take k key shares and replace them with the following polynomials:


Compared with the original trust computing, our family's grid-based original language is faster and the signature size is smaller. Generally speaking, because ring-LWE based on digital signatures can provide the least time complexity compared with other algorithms, the technology team proposed a ring-LWE-based signature scheme called RingTESLA. The key consists of a ternary polynomial.

And the coefficient of e1, e2 is very small.Polynomial

and calculationb1=(a1s + e1)%q和andb2=(a2s + e2)%q. sign

the message m. sample signature algorithm then calculate

polynomiallz = y+sc.The result of the signature is

an tuple. In order to verify the signature with information m,calculation of

verification algorithm

Polynomial ring definition , define subset of

rings. It consists of all polynomials with coefficients in the range of [-k, k].Sign

a message μ and need to encrypt hasch function in range.It consists of n - 1 polynomials with polynomial coefficients of 0, but up to 32 coefficients are ±1.First of all, we need to read 5-bit (r1r2r3r4r5) at a time. If r1 is equal to 0, put 1 in the position of r2r3r4r5.Otherwise, put 1 in the position of r2r3r4r5. In section 3.1, we will describe the modified GLP signature scheme.


We propose a decentralised anti-quantum key management system based on blockchain,because it uses the GLP digital signature scheme, which adopts a digital signature scheme based on a secure grid. So our architecture is based on anti-quantum cryptography, which is safe, resists quantum aggression, and can guarantee long-term security.

The main value of the Internet is mainly embodied in the application layer, resulting in Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Ali and Tencent. At the bottom, the IP protocol, HTTP and other basic protocols have not been reflected in the corresponding investment value. But in the blockchain era, with the development of application layer DApps, the user and popularity of smart contract platforms will increase, which will attract more people to invest in bottom-level network certification, resulting in faster value growth of the protocol itself than the value of the application portfolio on it. That is to say, most of the value will condense in the protocol layer, which means that the common evidence of the basic network will be of great value. Cross-chain, as a highway and railway between blockchains, will attract widespread attention and pursuit from the capital market by connecting many existing public chains with a large number of upcoming application chains.




The TCP Foundation was established in 2017 to focus on the development, deployment and maintenance of encrypted trust computing protocols.TCP Foundation is rich in resources. It realises the management and utilisation of resources by funding high-quality projects. Among them, they mainly fund the research and development team to build a decentralised network infrastructure, mainly focussing on technical research and development and application in the field of trust computing and decentralised software protocols,these financial support has a long-term positive impact on the ecosystem of confidence-based computing.

At present, the TCP Foundation has funded more than 100 projects in more than 20 countries, all of which are based on the Poca substrate, and most of the economic model design is similar to the Poca network, which can support chain upgrading.


The predecessor of the TCP founding team originated from the TCE laboratory initiated by the Ethereum Foundation. TCE laboratory was established in 2015 to specialise in Ethereum trust computing. With the development and update of technology, there are differences in the research direction of the TCE team. In 2017, the TCP team became independent from TCE laboratories and specialised in the field of cross-chain trust computing of Poca.

Peter Czaban-Co founderPeter is the co-founder of the Trusted computing, where he works on supporting the development of the next generation of distributed technologies. He obtained his Masters of Engineering degree at the University of Oxford, reading Engineering Science where he focused on Bayesian Machine Learning. He has worked across defense, finance and data analytics industries, working on mesh networks, distributed knowledge bases, quantitative pricing models, machine learning and business development.

Stephan Tual-once the COO of EthereumLeaving the Ethereum Foundation in 2015, it is responsible for the operation and promotion of overseas social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Media and Line.

Scott Dietzen BVS-chief operating officerBachelor of Economics, University of Chicago, a former Goldman Sachs Group, is mainly responsible for corporate asset management and information consulting, providing investment advisers and financial planning services for enterprises, financial institutions, governments and individuals.

Raul Falquez CEO-data acquisition architecture designCanadian Dr. Dalhousie Software Programming and founder of Epiphany has successively worked as CTOs in NEC. GemPlus, engaged in blockchain data communication and architecture research.

John McafeeGraduated from Harvard University and worked for the top 500 companies such as Intel, Boxee and Voltaire. He is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur with cybersecurity and cryptocurrency investment technology.

TCP's technical team was established by the former CTO Gavin Wood team members of Ethereum, attracting many senior programmers such as Ali, Huawei and Oracle. The TCP technology team has studied the most important privacy protection protocol in the Web3.0 infrastructure, and is committed to achieving a decentralised trusted computing environment through the underlying configuration of TEE technology with stable wavecard cross-chain technology.

Hon. Andrew Stoner AMManchester University MBA,Bachelor of Business Sciences, Queensland Institute of Technology,ANDREW STONER & ASSOCIATES president of the company,MOELIS & CO., a famous fund management company in Australia. Senior consultant. Have close and extensive contacts with governments, businesses and businesses in Europe, Asian countries, and China. He has worked in the financial investment industry and government relations for more than 40 years.

Kelvin Fox Kelvin, an honorary bachelor's degree in applied science and technology at Imperial College of Technology, has invested and operated IT business since 2011.

Guy RobertsonStanford University, with 10 years of various engineer team management experience, and with more than 10 years of management developer team management experience and more than 50 project implementation experience, Guy created a team of dozens of technicians.


The main source of funding for TCP laboratories is the TCP Foundation. Since its establishment, the laboratory has completed a number of rounds of financing, and investment institutions include well-known organisations such as coinbase and distributed capital.

In addition, TCP laboratories have established technical research and development communication cooperation with Omo Earth, Pygate, Unchained Index and Padlock to jointly study encryption trust computing technology.




In the TCP network, the core roles of maintaining consensus are DataKeeper, nominee, data miners and TCP DAO.

The DataKeeper is responsible for packaging new blocks and distributing keys in the management system, which needs to be online at all times. Data administrators need to pledge enough TCPs, some of which can be provided by the nominee.

Nominees can entrust the TCP deposit to the data administrator, and when the administrator is rewarded or punished, the nominee will also be rewarded or punished according to the voting proportion.

Data miner refers to the online TEE equipment during Epoch, a device we think is a miner. As long as the miners connect TEE devices to the TCP protocol and remain online, whether or not they have computational behaviour, they contribute to the supply-side experience, so we will provide some mining rewards.

TCP governance is participatory by developers, data administrators, investors, miners and the general public. As a DAO, it is responsible for community governance, development and financial decision-making, and is responsible for the value growth of the TCP network.

TCP governance will refer to Polkadot in power distribution, DataKeeper election, proposal referendum, etc., but it has adopted unique innovations in voting algorithms and decision committees:

TCP will adopt a chain secret ballot mechanism, that is, to guarantee the privacy of voting through a confidential contract.

TCP will adopt a "stream democracy" design, that is, a fully free democratic proxy system. Any person can entrust any vote to anyone for decision-making and can withdraw it at any time.

TCP's "committee" will be designed as a fully open "DAO", in which any eligible address can participate.


TCP DAO adopts a unique "anonymous voting" + "stream democracy" mechanism.

Most blockchain projects cannot adopt an anonymous voting mechanism because of the openness of the blockchain itself. This tends to lead to a low voter turnout for members who are unwilling to participate because they are unwilling to reveal their personal will. TCP can use its own confidential smart contract to ensure the validity and anonymity of voting at the same time, thus encouraging people to speak out for their true ideas.

Fluent democracy is an integration of direct democracy and indirect democracy. It can effectively guarantee democracy while preventing centralisation and extremism. Because of the huge cost of calculation, few projects are adopted. But TCP can use TEE technology to greatly improve network computing efficiency (almost one speed with local computing), thus realising complex public opinion statistics mechanisms.

TCP community governance tokens total 1 billion.The following allocation will be made:

Test network: 0.5%Airdrop: 1%Team: 6%Parallel chain auction: 4%Angel wheel: 1.5%Private equity: 2%Dig minerals: 85%

0.5% 1%6%





Test network 0.5%: test network excavation test tokens, weighted equalisation of 500W token after test network;

Airdrop 1%: all running PHA nodes participate in receiving airdrops, and the later built PHA nodes go to the official website for collection;

Team 6%: mainly used to buy ore machines for mining, development and construction of DApps. The cornerstone stage mainly verifies the rationality of the economic model, with 10% offline unlocking, 90% of the remaining linear unlocking of 3% per month, and all unlocking for two and a half years.

Parallel chain auction 4%: start the campaign auction after three months of operation of the main network; first go to the reserve network, and then go to the main network;

Angel wheel 1.5%: online release 10%, 3% linear unlock the remaining 90% per month, and all two and a half years unlocks;

Private equity 2%: 12% release in the first month, the remaining 8% per month, and release in one year;

Of which 85% of the minerals are excavated, 50% will be released directly, and the remaining 50% will be released antennaically;

TCP hopes that 30% of tokens will be mortgaged to the POV consensus system, and 70% of tokens will be used for resource spending and market circulation

The above parameters are not achieved through hard regulations, official announcements, and community shouting orders. The token model of TCP is to guide the market by realising the following three points:

When the mortgage rate is < 40%, the average annualised yield of mortgages > 12.5%, encourage more token mortgages;

When the mortgage rate = 40%, the average annualised rate of return of the mortgage = 12.5%;

When the mortgage rate is > 40%, the average annualised yield of the mortgage is < 12.5%, which encourages redemption rather than mortgage.

We believe that the annualised rate of return of 12.5% has a great advantage over traditional financial products.

Conceptual definitionMortgage rate X = total TCP mortgages/TCP supplyAnnual inflation R = (TCP end-year supply-TCP early supply)/TCP early supply

Quantitative parameters

Calculation formula

Available TCP inflation model:

In the figure above, the horizontal coordinates are the mortgage rate, the longitudinal coordinates of the blue line are the annual interest rate, and the vertical coordinates of the green line are the annualised rate of return.

Inflation rateR1=R0+ X*(Iideal - R0/ Xideal)

Inflation rateR2= R0 + (Iideal * Xideal - R0)*2(Xideal-X)/D

Inflation rateR = min(R1,R2)

Annualised rate of returni=I/x

Expected mortgage rate Xideal = 0.4

Expected annualised rate of return Iideal = 0.125

Inflation rate at zero mortgage rateR0 = 0.025

Attenuation rateD=0.02

Monero CryPtoRandomTrusted Computin Network is a decentralized  cryptocurrency. It uses a public distributed ledger with privacy-enhancing technologies that obfuscate transactions to achieve anonymity and fungibility. Observers cannot decipher addresses trading monero, transaction amounts, address balances, or transaction histories.

The protocol is open source and based on CryptoNote, a concept described in a 2013  white paper  authored by Nicolas van Saberhagen. The cryptography community used this concept to design monero, and deployed its mainnet in 2014. Monero uses ring signatures, zero-knowledge proofs, and "stealth addresses" to obfuscate transaction details. These features are baked into the protocol, though users can optionally share view keys for third party auditing. Transactions are validated through a miner network running RandomX, a proof of work algorithm. The algorithm issues new coins to miners, and was designed to be resistant to ASIC mining.

Monero has the third largest developer community among cryptocurrencies, behind bitcoin and Ethereum. Its privacy features have attracted cypherpunks and users desiring privacy measures not provided in other cryptocurrencies. It is increasingly used in illicit activities such as money laundering, darknet markets,  ransomware, and  cryptojacking. The United States  Internal Revenue Service  (IRS) has posted bounties for contractors that can develop monero tracing technologies.

TEE:Intel SGX [6] is a popular implementation of TEE. It runs code inside a special “Enclave” so that the execution of the code is deterministic, i.e., not affected by other processes or underlying operating system, and the intermediate states is not leaked. In a properly set up system, Intel SGX can defend the attacks from the OS layer and hardware layer.

To ensure the execution is finished as expected inside an enclave, a proof can be generated according to a protocol called Remote Attestation. The hardware can generate an attestation quote based on the details of hardware, firmware, the code being executed inside the enclave, and other user-defined data produced by the code. The quote is signed by the trusted hardware with credentials embedded during the production process.

Next, the generated attestation quote is sent to the Intel Remote Attestation Service. Intel will sign the quote iff the signing credentials are valid. As each credential is uniquely bound to an Intel CPU unit, fake attestation quotes will never pass the Remote Attestation Service check.

Finally, the attestation quote signed by Intel serves as the proof of a success-ful execution. It proves that specific code has been run inside an SGX enclave and produces certain output, which implies the confidentiality and the correct- ness of the execution. The proof can be published and validated by anyone with generic hardware.

Intel SGX and the Remote Attestation protocol is the foundation of confiden- tial contract. Except for Intel SGX, there are also alternative implementation choices like AMD SEV [1] and ARM TrustZone [2].

TCP:Trusted Computin Network aims to build a platform for general-purpose privacy-preserving Turing-Complete smart contracts. The basic requirements for such a platform could be as follows.Trusted Computin Network

Confidentiality. Unlike the existing blockchains for smart contracts, Trusted Computing Network avoids the leakage of any input, output, or intermediate state of confidential contract. Only authorized queries to the contract will be answered.

Code Integrity. Anyone can verify that an output is produced by a specific smart contract published on the blockchain.

State Consistency. Anyone can verify that an execution happened at a certain blockchain height, which implies the output of the execution is subject to a certain chain state.

Availability. There must not be a single point of failure such as disconnec- tion of the miner.

Interoperability. Contracts can interoperate with each other and external blockchains.

The existing TEE solutions, e.g., Intel SGX, can only prevent the leakage of sensitive information during the execution of isolated programs, and provide no guarantee on availability or verification of input data. Thus it requires a carefully-designed infrastructure to integrate TEE into blockchain to meet the requirements above.

We are going to introduce the design of Trusted Computing Network and how it fulfills the above requirements in the following sections.

Space-time probability calculation: space and time proof, that is, PoST.

This document outlines the basic design principles of the consensus layer (the blockchain) of the Trusted Computing network. It is inspired by and similar to the Bitcoin blockchain, which achieves consensus when a majority of the computing power dedicated towards securing it is controlled by honest parties. In Trusted Computing the resource is not computing power, but disk space.

To achieve this, the proofs of work used in Bitcoin are replaced by proofs of space. To get a mining dynamic like in the Bitcoin blockchain, Trusted Computing alternates proofs of space with verifiable delay functions.

We provide an initial security analysis of the Trusted Computing backbone, showing that as long as at least ≈ 61.5% of the space is controlled by honest parties Trusted Computing satisfies basic blockchain security properties.

GlossaryWe reserve the following letters throughout this writeup:

w ∈ Z+ a security parameter that we use for various things, W∈ Z+such as the output of H below or the size of a challenge:w = 256 is sufficient for all cases.W = 256H : {0,1}* → {0,1}w a cryptographic hash function, modelled as a random oracle

for proofs. H : {0,1}* → {0,1}wT ∈ Z+: Trusted Computing difficulty parameter (has a function similar to the

difficulty parameter in Bitcoin). κ ∈ Z+: honest farmers work on the κ best paths (presumably κ = 3 in Trusted

Computing). θi ∈ [0, 1]: speedup factor one gets by using κ = i compared to κ = 1 (illus-trated in Figure 2).

ιi = 1 − 1 ∈ [0, 1] fraction of space honest farmers must hold if they use 11+e·θiκ = i (illustrated in Figure 2).η ∈ R+: seconds required to compute one step(a squaring in a group of unknown order) of the verifiable delay function (VDF). ξ ∈ R+: max. fluctuation of T allowed in consecutive epochs Trusted Computing (in Bitcoin the corresponding parameter is 4, and this will be adapted in Trusted


EthPowEthash is a variant of the PoW (workload proof) algorithm used in Ethereum 1.0, which combines the Hashimoto algorithm with Dagger. It is characterised by the fact that the efficiency of computing is basically independent of the CPU, but positively correlated with memory size and memory bandwidth. So the miner chip deployed on a large scale through shared memory cannot grow linearly or hyperlinearly in mining efficiency.

The general process of the algorithm is as follows:

First calculate a seed according to block information (seedhash in c++ code). Use this seed to calculate a 16MB of cache data. Light clients need to store this cache. Through cache, calculate a 1GB (initial size) data set (DAG). DAG can be understood as a complete search space, all clients and miners need to store the complete DAG,In the process of mining, it is necessary to take duplicate randomly extracted data from DAG and other data to calculate mixhash. The generation of each element in DAG depends only on a small amount of data in cache. Every time you come to a new era, DAG will be completely different, and its size will increase linearly over time.

Because you can quickly calculate the data at the specified location in DAG with a small amount of memory based on cache alone,so light clients only need to store caches to efficiently verify.

EthPosPOW consumes a lot of electricity, and there is a lack of transaction throughput and scalability of the network; while POS consumption is small and efficient. ETH Proof-of-stake (POS) is an algorithm that achieves distributed consensus in the blockchain network of Ethereum cryptocurrencies. In Pos-based cryptocurrencies, the creator of the next block is selected by combining random selection, wealth value, or age.

Proof-of-stake must have a way to define the next valid block in the blockchain. If only based on account balances leads to centralisation results, because if a single richest member has a permanent advantage. On the contrary, several different selection methods are designed.

Random block selection

Nxt and BlackCoin use a random method to predict the next block generator, by using a formula that selects the minimum value of the user's share hash value. Because the shares are publicised, all nodes can calculate the same value.

IPFSInterPlanetary FileSystem interstellar file system is a peer-to-peer distributed file storage system.The vision of system IPFS is to build a distributed network worldwide to replace traditional centralised server mode,all PFS nodes form a distributed network, and each node can store files. Users can ? file in the form of DHT (Distributed HashTable distributed hash tables) from networks built by IPFS. Thus realising a new generation of completely decentralised networks, aiming to replace the existing World Wide Web.

First, take a look at the partial configuration of the IPFS network, as shown in the figure below.

The QUIC protocol was first proposed by Google,it has now been submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),become a formal network standardisation. QUIC network transmission protocol is faster than TCP.

The IPFS node is logged as shown in the figure below.,You can see that IPFS nodes listen to the following network addresses, including local, local area networks, wide area network addresses, and finally ,there is the/p2p-circuit addresses.

In TCP, for specific VLs, such as VL6 (IPFS), if Datekeeper behaves improperly on the network (e.g. offline, non-compliance with consensus agreements, etc.), it will be punished. His nominee will also lose the TCP in the percentage binding/mortgage.

Once the punishment occurs, the Datekeeper, who is more mortgaged, will be punished more than the Datekeeper, who is less mortgaged. So we encourage nominees to transfer their nominations to the less votes of Datekeeper, thus reducing the potential loss.


The amount of inflation and the inflation rate are not fixed, but are designed through exquisite algorithms.,rationally guide the amount of token mortgage, realise consensus security and token liquidity.

POV (Proof of Value) is a consensus algorithm of TCP. Validator operation nodes participate in production and confirmation blocks. Nominator can mortgage his own tokens to obtain the right to nominate,and nominate the validator you trust ,get the reward.

The reward of POV mainly comes from the increase in tokens.

The original intention of designing POP is that different blockchains have different algorithms.,each algorithm requires different software and hardware, as well as complexity. This requires a system to measure the value of various algorithms.

The main evaluation criterion of the POV measurement system is VL (Value Level),TCP defines the VL of each algorithm. The number of TCPs that need to be pledged by different VLs will be different, and the corresponding number of TCPs will be different for each block of reward. The specific method of reward is described in the chapter of 3.3.2 block reward.

Based on the concurrency characteristics of PolkaDot parallel chains. Each VL algorithm in TCP can be calculated in parallel. Rewards can also be distributed in parallel.

For each block generated by the TCP main network, the system will issue a certain number of TCPs, called block rewards. Because the interest rate is not a fixed value, it is related to the actual mortgage rate of the whole network, the block rewards floating. Block rewards are allocated according to the following rules:

85% is allocated to the Datekeeper that generates the block;

15% go into a decentralised financial system to provide financial support to community contributors and developers. The reward allocation will be regularly decided by TCP DAO.

Among,85% of the block rewards are distributed to the Datekeeper who generates the block. All Datekeepers have equal opportunities to generate blocks, that is, not related to the mortgage ratio.Each VL algorithm can be run in parallel, and the reward is also issued at the same time.

The number of TCPs to be pledged by VL (the level will increase as the project progresses) and the number of rewards are as follows:

Value Level

VL1 500 1






















Number of pledges

The number of rewards per block is equal to all the same

VL online miners.

Corresponding computing

Spatiotemporal probabilitycomputing

CryPtoRandom computing

TEE confidential computing

TCP trust computing






At present, cross-chain technology is not fully mature and widely used, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. At the same time, in the specific implementation process, it will generally encounter three difficulties: decentralised, safe and easy to use, which need to be weighed by many parties. Existing cross-chain technologies are mainly devoted to solving useability problems, and there is still a lack of research on cross-chain ease of use, scalability and security, but these aspects are prerequisites for large-scale cross-chain energy applications. The further development of cross-chain depends on the promotion of blockchain applications because cross-chain trading scenarios rely more on people's use of blockchain application functions and interests, not just trading, such as asset chaining, asset retention, etc. The establishment of cross-chain standards is that most projects follow a unified and easy-to-use agreement, and when this standard is established, it means that the foundation for rapid industrial development has been laid. Like the Internet-era TCP/IP protocol. The report believes that although the cross-chain project is generally in the exploration stage without large-scale application, but in the future cross-chain technology will continue to break the limitations of the existing state, explore new solutions, build a value network expressway, and realise the coordinated interaction of various blockchain systems to form a unified whole.

TCP can protect data in extreme privacy to prevent leakage. It can also enable the smart contracts to be successfully executed. When proof of use, users can also check whether the transaction is executed in the special space of TEE at any time. And only authentication is recognised. Each transaction has an encrypted certificate. It must also be signed, which also protects the privacy and security of users and can be verified at any time. In ETH, it is also the first to realise confidential contract combination interaction.

With the support of platform credibility, TCP actively develops a closed-loop business model based on cloud platform application scenarios,create a truly safe and efficient data cloud storage service, converge and incubate high-quality application projects in an all-round way, establish a strong flow pool, and realise the continuous appreciation of assets. Through trusted computing technology, TCP will build a data information transmission flow pool based on the decentralised characteristics of distributed storage, with general certification as the basic means of payment and circulation, bringing about epoch-making industrial transformation.

Through the application of traffic pools on TCP cloud platforms, data-related transactions are exchanged through through through-certified exchange, so that partners can obtain data services: traffic, data, behaviour analysis and intelligent marketing. At the same time, user data will be completely confidential, thus ensuring the privacy of users.

Digital currency anonymous trading and data storage privacy protection are important attributes brought by TCP. TCP ensures anonymous protection of information calculations from two aspects: unrelated and non-tracing nature of transactions, and continuously iterations to improve anonymous protection capabilities. TCP standardises the definition of transaction inassociability and non-tracingability, which is a property that must be satisfied by the blockchain of strong privacy protection. TCP uses primary key and ring signature technology to support unrelated and non-tracing. At the same time, TCP designs and implements a strict zero-knowledge proof model as an optional function, which can further enhance transaction anonymity. On the chain, TCP will heterogeneously cross-chain all mainstream chains, and all mainstream chains will be converted into parallel chains by TCP, monitored during the transaction process, and generated corresponding instruction logs, thus realising users' data tomography and privacy protection. At the same time, owners of TCP addresses can choose to disclose hidden addresses and transaction details to trusted third parties, such as meeting audit and regulatory needs, through observation keys and payment information disclosure, which is relatively more humane and flexible.


TCP laboratory was established.TCP laboratory was established.

TCP white paper releasedTCP white paper released

TCP released a technical white paper, which attracted widespreadattention in capital markets and attempted contact with capitalssuch as JPMorgan Chase.

TCP released a technical white paper, which attracted widespreadattention in capital markets and attempted contact with capitalssuch as JPMorgan Chase.

In July 2019, the Poca Ecological Link Project Trusted Computing(TCP) is now online.In July 2019, the Poca Ecological Link Project Trusted Computing(TCP) is now online.

The space race came to a perfect end, Trusted computing (TCP)participated in four rounds, and several nodes participated in thecompetition. In the process of the competition, effective storagecomputing ranked among the top in the world and was officiallypraised.

The space race came to a perfect end, Trusted computing (TCP)participated in four rounds, and several nodes participated in thecompetition. In the process of the competition, effective storagecomputing ranked among the top in the world and was officiallypraised.

The whitelist of the Poca Ecological Chain Project Trusted Computing(TCP) was officially announced.The whitelist of the Poca Ecological Chain Project Trusted Computing(TCP) was officially announced.



The TCP laboratory opens a new round of global recruitment.The TCP laboratory opens a new round of global recruitment.

TCP White Paper 2.0 is updated.TCP White Paper 2.0 is updated.

TCP test online line.TCP test online line.

Airdrop issuance and three mining agreements were opened onthe main online line.Airdrop issuance and three mining agreements were opened onthe main online line.

Docking the fourth mining agreement.November 2021: the mobile phonesystem was opened to mine and began more complex contract-basedresearch and development of the public chain.

Docking the fourth mining agreement.November 2021: the mobile phonesystem was opened to mine and began more complex contract-basedresearch and development of the public chain.

Multi-ecological application based on the public chain was launched.Multi-ecological application based on the public chain was launched.

TCP white paper 3.0 updateTCP white paper 3.0 update

The docking between TCP and major ecological scenarios was expandedto improve the ecological system;The docking between TCP and major ecological scenarios was expandedto improve the ecological system;


In many cases, data proof needs to be combined with existing centralised data sources and can also become off-link data sources. At present, the strategy to solve the above problems is to assume trustworthy service providers. TCP's vision is to build a decentralised trusted computing network environment and adopt the transverse performance expansion of multi-chain systems in scalability solutions, so that TCP can replace the current centralised cluster in performance and give TCP a decentralised application prospect to handle various types of privacy computing around the world.

From the ultimate vision of Ethereum, the former is to be a universal computer, a global economic settlement layer (proposed by Joseph Lubin, founder of Consensys, in Deconomy 2019), and TCP, which is committed to achieving Web 3.0, which is 「inclusive」 and 「producing a new global digital economy」. This will allow more feedback on consensus mechanisms and cross-chain areas. Cross-chain protocols will continue to evolve over the coming period, so as to provide a better user experience and more functions. The continuous iteration of cross-chain technology makes large-scale application of blockchain possible and will promote the further development of the whole industry. TCP believes that technology is expected to seek expansion in the new business, which may bring new breakthroughs to the public chain.




The ERC-20 token issuance standard based on blockchain technology is currently relatively compatible, but it does not rule out the new problems that may arise from future Ethereum upgrades. During the project update process, there may be loopholes, which will be fixed in time after discovery, but there is no guarantee that it will not have any impact.

The TCP white paper is only used for the purpose of conveying information and does not constitute an opinion on buying and selling TCP shares or securities. Any similar proposal or quotation will be made under a trustworthy clause and permitted by applicable securities law and other relevant laws. The above information or analysis does not constitute investment decisions or specific recommendations.

This document does not constitute any investment advice, investment intention or abetting of investment in the form of securities. This document does not constitute any investment advice, investment intention or abetting of investment in the form of securities. This document does not constitute or is not understood as any transaction, or any invitation to buy or sell any form of securities, nor is it any formal contract or commitment.

Clearly indicating that the relevant intended users clearly understand the risks of the investment, investors will express their understanding and acceptance of the project risks once they participate in the investment, and are willing to bear all the corresponding results or consequences for this. Make it clear that you will not bear any direct or indirect losses caused by participating in the TCP project, including:

(1)Economic losses caused by user transaction operations;(2)Any error, omission or inaccurate information generated by personal understanding;(3)The personal transaction of various blockchain assets and any behaviour arising therefrom.

TCP is not an investment. We can't guarantee that TCPs will definitely add value, and in some cases there is a possibility of a decline in value. People who do not use their TCP correctly may lose the right to use TCP, or even their TCP tokens.

TCP is not an ownership or control. Controlling the TCP token does not represent ownership of the above information applications. TCP tokens do not grant any individual participation, control, or any rights to decisions about TCP and applications.

TCP's built-in token is referred to as TCP. Although blockchain-based digital assets are already very secure and powerful cryptography can ensure that the private key can control everything, there is actually a greater risk. The loss of private key data files occurs from time to time. Users must pay great attention and don't let the sword go sideways so that they don't lose TCP coins. If you have Bitcoin and often put all the coins in one wallet, you need to note that the risk should be spread to different types of Bitcoin wallets. Prudent users should leave only a small part (perhaps less than 5%) of TCP in an online or mobile wallet, just like pocket money, and the rest should be decentralised using different storage mechanisms, such as computer wallets and offline (cold storage) wallets, which will provide multi-terminal wallets. When the holding TCP is collective, you should consider adopting a multi-signature solution. Multiple signatures require multiple signatures to pay, thus ensuring the security of funds. Multi-signed keys should be stored in multiple different places and controlled by different people. For example, in an enterprise environment, keys should be generated separately and held by several company managers to ensure that no one can own the funds alone. Multi-signed addresses can also provide redundancy, such as a person holding multiple keys and storing them in different places.

This white paper is only used as a product introduction to convey information, not as a reference for investment. This document does not constitute or is not understood as providing any exchange behaviour guidance, all swaps are voluntary principles. Relevant interested users are requested to clearly understand the relevant risks. Once investors participate in the investment, they will accept the project risk and are willing to maintain their commitment to all corresponding consequences.
