
Gut, 1978, 19, 787-793

Treatment of encephalopathy during fulminanthepatic failure by haemodialysis with highpermeability membraneJ. DENIS, P. OPOLON', V. NUSINOVICI, A. GRANGER, AND F. DARNIS

From the Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire St. Antoine, Paris, and the Rhone-Poulenc Industries ResearchCentre, Vitry, France

SUMMARY Forty-one patients with fulminant hepatic failure and coma underwent 180 periods ofhaemodialysis with polyacrylonitrile membrane (AN 69 HD). Hepatic failure was due to viralhepatitis in 40 and drugs in one. Total recovery of consciousness occurred in 17 patients (43*6%),and partial in seven (17-9 %)-that is, an overall figure of 615 %. Regain of consciousness was notrelated to liver regeneration as assessed by levels of factor V and hepatocyte volume fraction. At thetime of the first haemodialysis, neurological status was significantly impaired in the patients whocould not be aroused. Mean duration of coma grade IV averaged 6-1 ± 4X3 days and mean durationof illness until death or decerebration 8-6 + 8-3 days. Of the 17 patients who totally regainedconsciousness, nine recovered and eight died (three from intercurrent complications and five with noliver regeneration).

Although some recent experimental results show thathepatic regeneration may be enhanced by the syner-gistic action of insulin and glucagon (Farivar et al.,1976), no therapy for inducing restoration of livercell mass is yet available in man. On the other hand,during fulminant hepatic failure cerebral death isresponsible for 50% of deaths (Ware et al., 1971;Gazzard et al., 1975; Nusinovici et al., 1977), evenwhen liver regeneration occurs (Rueffand Benhamou,1973; Scotto et al., 1973; Opolon et al., 1975). Hence,the need for artificial support to prevent irreversiblebrain damage has led recently to numerous experi-mental and clinical trials: interhuman (Muller et al.,1971; Sicot et al., 1972; Rueff et al., 1974) orheterologous cross-circulation (Saunders et al., 1968;Hume et al., 1969), total body washout (Klebanoff etal., 1972), and charcoal haemoperfusion (Gazzard etal., 1974). Previous laboratory experiments showedthat haemodialysis with high permeability poly-acrylonitrile membrane (AN 69) allowed progressiveconsciousness and EEG enhancement in 60% ofcomatose animals after acute liver ischaemia(Opolon et al., 1976a). Dialytic permeability of such

'Address for reprint requests: P. Opolon, CHU Saint-Antoine, 184 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris,France.

Received for publication 22 March 1978

a membrane in the 5000 daltons range is 10-foldhigher than Cuprophan (Sausse et al., 1974). Morerecently, changes in brain neurotransmitters observedduring experimental liver coma appeared to be cor-rected after AN 69 haemodialysis (Opolon et al.,1976b; Bloch et al., 1978). Preliminary trials ofAN 69 haemodialysis in fulminant hepatic failureshowed a significant enhancement of the neurologicalstatus (Opolon et al., 1975; 1976b). This paperreports the results of such treatment in a series of 41patients with coma and acute liver failure.


PATIENTSForty-one patients with coma and fulminant hepaticfailure (FHF) were admitted to intensive care unitfrom November 1974 to March 1977. They weretreated by haemodialysis with AN 69 membrane andunderwent 180 periods of haemodialysis. Nineteen ofthe patients were male ((43-6 %) and 22 female(53 7 %). Mean age averaged 39 years ± SD 16 (range14-70 years). Viral hepatitis type B was confirmed in20 cases by positive HBsAg. Electroimmuno-diffusion titres ranging from 1/8 to 1/250 allowedcomplete subtyping in eight patients (ayw in seven,adw in one). Two more cases with 1/4 HBsAg titrewere determined as ay. Four HBsAg positive patients


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J. Denis, P. Opolon, V. Nusinovici, A. Granger, and F. Darnis

become anti HBs positive in a few days at a levelranging from 13% to 25% (RIA) while remainingHBsAg positive. Six other patients were HBsAgnegative but had anti HBs levels ranging from 15%to 80% (RIA). Another patient who had been treatedwith isoniazid and rifampicin for one year developedliver failure after undergoing halothane anaesthesia.In the 13 other HBsAg and anti-HBs negativepatients, the clinical history was consistent with typeA viral hepatitis. The interval between the onset ofjaundice and coma ranged from 0 to 64 days (mean10-6 ± SD 13 days).

EEG RECORDINGSThe levels of consciousness and EEG recordings wereclassified into the five grades previously described(Opolon et al., 1969, 1976b). These are summarisedin Table 1. Neurological status was evaluated everyeight hours. Continuous EEG recordings wereobtained in 15 patients who underwent 55 periods ofhaemodialysis. EEG readings were analysed by anindependent observer without knowledge of theclinical conditions of the patients. On admission

(Figure) three patients showed signs of grade IIIcoma, and 36 grade IV coma. Two patients showedsigns of grade V coma (Table 1) and are thereforeexcluded from the following results.

BIOCHEMICAL MEASUREMENTSDaily biochemical measurements were carried outfor: alanine aminotransferase and aspartate amino-transferase transaminases, ammonia (Berthelotcolorimetric method); coagulation studies includedthromboplastin time, factors II, V, VII+ X, fibrinogen,euglobulin lysis time, ethanol gelation test, plateletscount, FDP. In addition, measurements were madeof arterial blood gases, blood and urinary glucose,urea, electrolytes and blood creatinine, amylase,calcium and phophorus, total proteins and electro-phoresis, blood volume (Cr5' labelled red cells).Before and after each haemodialysis period, thefollowing measurements were carried out in arterialblood and dialysate: ammonia in all patients,amino-acids (AA) in 20 patients (by anion exchangeresin chromatography with a Technicon auto-analyser).

a 0/0 b 0/0

40 ~




* 0

RC Total Partial None

40 j






O.~ %' o"

R om t N

RC Total Partiail None






0* * 010WO ~~ .00

10 . * ** 0 ee


RC Total Partial Nane

Figure (a) Grade of clinical coma at the time of the first haemodialysis; (b) minimal value offactor V during thecourse of illness; (c) hepatocyte volume fraction in patients with or without recovery of consciousness (RC).* Survival. 0 Death.

Table 1 Details ofcoma and EEG gradesComa grade Mental state Asterixis EEG grade EEG profile

I Euphoria or depression. Mild confusion, slowness, + I Irregular background activity (delta and alpha)disorder in sleep rhythm

II Drowsiness. Inappropriate behavior. Accentuation of + II Continuous delta activity. Bursts of theta wavesstage I

III Stupor. Patient sleeps most ofthe time but is + III Prevalent theta activity. Polyphasic transients sharprousable. Incoherent speech, marked confusion (If patient and slow wave complexes


IVa Coma. Coordinated response to painful stimuli 0 IVa Continuous delta activity. Abundant sharp and slowwave complexes. EEG reactivity = +

IVb Coma. Hyperextension and pronosupination after 0 IVb Slower activity (theta and some polyphasic transients)painful stimuli EEG reactivity = 0

IVc Coma. No response to painful stimuli 0 IVc Discontinuous activity with silent periodsIVd Rare and flat activity

V Clinical decerebration 0 V Flat

comagradev i

lVc F





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Treatment ofencephalopathy duringfulminant hepaticfailure by haemodialysis

HEPATOCYTE VOLUME FRACTIONHVF (normal value 85 ± SD 5 %) was estimated bystereological counting (Caroli et al., 1971; Scotto etal., 1973) on immediate pre- or post-mortem liverbiopsy in 30 patients. Total necropsy was carried outin 18 patients.

All patients received full supportive measuresincluding continuous intravenous glucose infusion,intragastric administration of antacids and lactulose(300 ml/day); hypovolaemia was corrected by wholeblood, plasma, or packed red-cells infusion. Respira-tory assistance was required in 27 cases (six patientsrequired intubation before admission, eight forrespiratory arrests, 13 for bronchial stasis). Onepatient received hydrocortisone hemisuccinate (300mg daily), and one bta-1-24-corticotrophin (0 75 mgdaily). Blood, urine and bronchial aspirations werecultured daily and antibiotics prescribed accordingto the results.

HAEMODIALYSISA disposable RPO6 haemodialyser (Sausse et al.,1974), with a polyacrylonitrile (AN 69) dialysis mem-brane, and a closed loop closed batch delivery systemwas used. Dialysate volume averaged 52:1 for thefirst 25 patients and 72:1 for the following 16. Steriledialysate buffered with acetate was used. Blood flow-rate monitored by an ultrasonic flowmeter averaged200-400 ml/min, dialysate flow-rate 500-1000 ml/min, and ultrafiltration rate (balanced by intra-venous saline infusion) 100-300 ml/h. A forearmScribner shunt was used in all but three patients whounderwent venovenous haemodialysis. Local hepari-nisation (40-80 mg for each haemodialysis) withoutprotamine was carried out. Haemodialysis started sixto 48 hours after the onset of coma (usually 12 to 24hours). Haemodialysis periods lasted for three to fourhours and were carried out until consciousness levelsimproved or until signs of grade V coma developedor the patient died. The first 30 patients underwenthaemodialysis daily or every other day. In the follow-ing 11, haemodialysis was performed once to threetimes a day according to the neurological status.

Statistical analysis of results was carried out usingthe Student-Fischer t test and x2 test.


CLINICAL RESULTSEffects on consciousness andEEGThirty-eight patients in grade III-IVc (Table 1) comaon admission underwent 164 haemodialysis periods.Continuous EEG recording in 15 patients during 55haemodialysis periods showed improvement in 29(52.7%), no change in 24 (43 6%), and impairmentin two. Total recovery of consciousness (coma grade

I or 0) occurred after 28 haemodialysis periods(17-1%). Partial recovery of consciousness (fromgrade IV to grade III or II) followed 22 haemodialy-sis periods (13-5 %). Slight changes in clinical comagrade were observed during and after the other 114haemodialysis periods. Coma was fully reversibleduring the course of the illness in 17 patients (43 6 %)and partially in seven others (17.9 %)-that is,improvement of consciousness in a total of 61-5 % ofthe patients. Repeated partial or total recovery ofconsciousness with relapses of coma betwen haemo-dialysis periods occurred in eight patients: four ofthese showed no evidence of liver regeneration andsubsequently died; in the four others, liver regenera-tion occurred; three of these recovered and one diedof renal failure and shock. Improvement in con-scious levels was not related to the age of patients,HVF (Figure), or with the factor V level at themoment of the first haemodialysis or at its lowestvalue during the course of illness (Figure). Theminimal value of factor V during illness (Figure) wassignificantly lower (p < 0-02) in patients whorequired consciousness and subsequently died(8-7% ± 0-9%)than in survivors (187% ± 3-1 %).Coma grade on admission (Figure) was significantlydeeper (p < 0-05) in patients who did not recoverconsciousness: 4617% were in coma grade IVb-IVcas compared to 8 3% in patients who regained con-sciousness either totally or partially.

Clinical course and long-term follow-upOfthe 15 patientswho never recovered consciousness,only one showed histological signs of liver regenera-tion (HVF = 45 %) and this patient died followingcerebral coning. Fatal outcome in the other patientswas related to septicaemia (one), gastrointestinalbleeding (two), pancreatitis (two), cardiogenic shock(two), and in the remaining patients there was aprogressive flattening ofEEG leading to clinical andelectrical brain death (decerebration). None of theseven patients with partial recovery of consciousnessshowed histological signs of liver regeneration at themoment of death, which occurred after acute pan-creatitis (one), decerebration (two), and acutecirculatory failure (four). Eight patients who totallyregained consciousness subsequently died. Evidenceof liver regeneration (HVF > 34%.) was observed inthree, whose death was not directly related to liverfailure: ischaemic colitis at the eighth day, gastro-intestinal bleeding on the 25th day and renal failureand shock on the seventh day. HVF was not mea-sured in a patient who died of septicaemia in the14th day of illness. The four other patients died with-out evidence of liver regeneration (5 % < HVF <23 %). Their illness was characterised by a previousclinical story of progressive jaundice and decrease of


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J. Denis, P. Opolon, V. Nusinovici, A. Granger, and F. Darnis

clotting factors, persisting high levels of trans-aminases over periods ranging from 24 to 64 daysbefore the onset of coma. One of them completelyrecovered consciousness for four days and subse-quently died of gastrointestinal bleeding on theseventh day. The other three repeatedly regainedconsciousness after each haemodialysis period anddied respectively of peritonitis (after surgery forbleeding ulcer) on the 40th day, irreversible coma

and septic shock on the 20th day, and on the 15thday with a flat EEG. Nine of the 39 (23 1 %) patientsrecovered from the acute episode of liver failure. Inone case, five episodes of cardiac arrest occurredwithin the first five days of coma, leading to cerebralanoxia; although EEG recordings and liver functionimproved, he was left with major neurologicalsequelae and died two months after discharge ofpneumonia. In the other eight cases, brain functionwas fully restored. Liver function tests returned tonormal in six cases; however, one patient was stillHBsAg positive nine months later and refused toundergo a liver biopsy. One patient was lost tofollow-up after discharge. Another developed mildabnormalities of liver function and had histologicalevidence of chronic active hepatitis on the follow-upliver biopsy. He was treated with prednisone (15 mgdaily) and azathioprine (50 mg daily) from the eighthto 15th month after discharge, after which treatmentwas discontinued when a new liver biopsy showed anormal histological picture. This patient remainedHBsAg and anti-HBs negative throughout this wholeperiod. One patient who was in the eighth month ofpregnancy on admission was delivered of a normalbaby by caesarean section and mother and child arenow alive and well.

Side-effectsSystolic blood pressure remained stable during 160haemodialysis periods (88-9y%). Hypotension (sys-tolic BP < 80 mmHg) occurred in 15 patients duringthe course of 20 haemodialysis periods (11.1 %). Insix instances hypotension was promptly corrected byplasma volume expansion and, in one, blood pres-sure spontaneously returned to normal. Irreversiblehypotension during the course of the 13 otherhaemodialysis periods occurred in patients either

with pre-existing shock (two) or showing evidence ofcardiac failure (three), either with very deep comaand an. EEG grading of greater than IVc or IVd(eight). Blood electrolytes and acid-base balanceremained stable. Clotting factors levels and plateletcounts did not significantly decrease during haemo-dialysis.

Anatomopathological findingsNecropsy was carried out in 18 patients. Gastriculceration or haemorrhagic gastritis were found infive (26-3 %), of whom three died of gastrointestinalbleeding. Examination of the brain in 13 casesshowed cerebral oedema in five (38-5 %) withtemporal hernia in one. Pancreatic cytosteatonecrosiswas found in six cases, but was considered to beresponsible for death in only two patients. The clinicaldiagnosis of ischaemic colitis was confirmed atnecropsy in one patient.


Arterial blood ammonia level (Table 2) fell signifi-cantly in all patients during haemodialysis. Both thearterial blood levels and dialysate ammonia contentswere significantly higher in patients who did notregain consciousness.Plasma amino-acids were measured before and

after haemodialysis in 10 patients who totallyregained consciousness (34 haemodialysis periods)and 10 who did not (25 haemodialysis periods). Thebranched chain amino acids were slightly decreased inall patients (Valine = 0-19 ± SD 0-12 mc mol/ml;leucine = 0412 ± SD 0-06 mc mol/mi; isoleucine =0-06 ± SD 0 03 mc mol/ml) and did not change afterhaemodialysis periods (valine = 0 19 ± SD 011 mcmol/ml; leucine = 0 14 ± SD 0-07 mc mol/ml;isoleucine = 0-06 SD 0 04 mc mol/ml).

All unbranched amino acid levels were increasedin all patients before haemodialysis and the valueswere higher in those patients who did not subse-quently regain consciousness. In all patients bloodlevels significantly fell after haemodialysis, irre-spective of the effect of haemodialysis on consciouslevels. Amino-acids dialysate contents calculatedfrom dialysate concentration at the end of eachhaemodialysis period and dialysate volume were

Table 2 NH4 blood levels and dialysate content

No recovery ofconsciousness Recovery ofconsciousness

Patients (no.) 15 24Haemodialysis (no.) 46 113Blood (,ug %)BeforeHD 224-8 ± 90-2 <0-001 166-3 i 64 5

< 0-01 < 0-001AfterHD 173-6 + 69 <0-001 127-2 + 51 1

Dialysate(mg) 49-3 + 27-3 <0-001 33-7 + 23-2


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Treatment oJ encephalopathy duringfulminant hepaticfailure by haemodialysis

Table 3 Amino acid dialysate content*

No recovery of Recovery ofconsciousness consciousness

Patients (no.) 10 10Haemodialysis (no.) 25 34Amino acid (,mol)Tyrosine 4976 < 0 001 2738Phenylalanine 5517 < 0 01 2829Histidine 3117 <0 01 1852Proline 6672 < 0 01 4641Arginine 4154 < 0 01 2350Lysine + ornithine 12846 < 0 001 6966Cystine 2400 < 0 05 1326Glycine 10012 < 0 001 5397Threonine + glutamine 11396 <0 05 6481Valine 7352 < 0 02 3500Methionine 6792 5515Serine 5076 3447Alanine 8928 7388Leucine 4920 3997Isoleucine 1012 885Glutamic acid 12155 9109Aspartic acid 1238 2155

*Mean value ofall dialysate pools in both groups of patients

significantly higher for 10 amino acids (Table 3) inpatients who did not recover consciousness. Serialmeasurements either in plasma or dialysate, althoughshowing higher values in patients who did notrecover consciousness, did not allow us to predictneurological enhancement or deterioration. Themolar ratio valine + leucine + isoleucine/phenyl-alanine + tyrosine before haemodialysis wassignificantly higher (p < 0-05) in patients whorecovered consciousness (0 89) than in those whodid not (0 60) and was not corrected after haemo-dialysis.


Results on consciousness obtained with AN 69haemodialysis confirm preliminary studies in animals(Opolon et al., 1976b) and man (Opolon et al., 1975,1976b). In a previous series of 117 similar patientsconcerning the aetiology of fulminant hepatic failure,sex, age, biochemical findings, coma, and EEGgrades (Nusinovici et al., 1977) treated in this unit byconservative intensive care without any extra-corporeal assistance, only 26 (22 2 %) totally regainedconsciousness and none partially regained con-sciousness. In the 96 cases with fatal outcome, meanduration of coma grade IV and mean duration ofillness until death or decerebration were similar:respectively 4-3 ± 2-8 days (1-13) and 4-4 ± 3*3 days(1-16). Of the 39 patients treated with AN 69haemodialysis in the present study, 17 (43-6%) fullyregained consciousness (p < 0-02) and seven (179 %)partially regained consciousness; mean duration ofcoma in the 30 patients who died averaged 6-1 ± 4.3days (1-19) (p < 0-02) and mean duration of illness

until death or decerebration 8-6 ± 8 3 days (1-40days) (p < 0-001). With supportive therapy alone,transient total recovery of consciousness wasobserved only in five out of 96 patients who died(5-2%) and always associated with an increase infactor V levels and HVF (> 45 %). After AN 69haemodialysis, eight of the 30 patients who died(26 6 %) transiently regained complete consciousness(p < 0-01), only three of them showed histologicalevidence of liver regeneration. Moreover, none ofthe seven cases who transiently recovered partialconsciousness showed biochemical histological evi-dence of liver regeneration. Despite these hopefulresults on consciousness, AN 69 haemodialysis didnot change survival rate: 23 1 % against 17-9% withsupportive intensive care. The King's College liverfailure unit (Silk et al., 1977; Silk and Williams, 1978)reported rather different results regarding conscious-ness and survival. In a series of 65 patients treated byAN 69 haemodialysis, only one out of 21 (4-8 %) whorecovered consciousness subsequently died, com-pared with eight out of 17 (47-1 %) in our series. Theoverall survival rate of the King's series was 30-8 %.Liver failure was due to paracetamol overdose in 29cases (44-6 %) or miscellaneous diseases in five cases(7.7%) with a 35-3% survival rate in these 34patients. The 31 other patients (47-7% in 65 patients)were reported as fulminant viral hepatitis (withoutany details on HBsAg) and had a 25-8 % survivalrate. This latter figure is very close to the 21 %survival rate observed in the 38 patients with ful-minant viral hepatitis reported in this study. In ourseries, no difference regarding sex, regaining ofconsciousness, duration of coma grade IV and ofcourse of illness, or numbers of haemodialysisperiods was found between HBs positive and HBsnegative patients. HBs positive patients were younger(34 ± 14-5 years versus 47-1 ± 15 7 years-P < 0-05)with a lower survival rate (17-4% versus 31-2 %). Thismuch higher incidence of viral hepatitis in our seriesmay account for the higher mortality rate in ourseries compared to the results of the King's Collegegroup.

In previously published experiments (Bloch et al.,1978), simultaneous measurements of plasma andbrain amino acid levels in animals at an early stageafter liver devascularisation showed a net uptake intobrain of many amino acids. No information is avail-able about brain amino acid concentrations inpatients with fulminant hepatic failure during life,and studies of plasma amino acid levels have usuallybeen carried out at a relatively advanced stage of themetabolic encephalopathy. Hence variations in over-all or sequential plasma amino acid levels seem tocorrelate better with the severity of hepatic necrosis(Rosen et al., 1977) than with specific changes


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792 J. Denis, P. Opolon, V. Nusinovici, A. Granger, and F. Darnis

relating to hepatic encephalopathy (Fischer et al.,1975; Fischer and Baldessarini, 1976; Record et al.,1976). In previous experimental work (Opolon et al.,1976b), as well as in this clinical trial, the lack ofrelation between recovery of consciousness and aspecific variation of any water-soluble low molecularweight substance allows one to suppose that water-soluble middle molecular weight molecule(s) may beinvolved in the metabolic pathways of acute hepaticencephalopathy.The beneficial effect of AN 69 haemodialysis

appears to be limited to a restricted number ofpatients as well to a rather short period of time. Twofactors may be responsible for these limits: first, evenwhen patients are referred to intensive care units atthe initial stage of coma, metabolic disorders in thebrain are likely to have occurred up to 36 to 72 hoursearlier. Hence any extracorporeal detoxificationsystem will have to remove the previously accumu-lated pool plus the daily production of toxic sub-stances. Second, if middle molecules are involved inthe pathogenesis of acute liver encephalopathy, moreefficient techniques than haemodialysis are required.Thus the next step in extracorporeal liver assistanceduring fulminant hepatic failure should be (1) a bettertactical approach with earlier treatment-that is, atcoma grade II or III level-for longer periods oftime-that is, continuous assistance until recovery ofconsciousness; (2) technical enhancement of tech-niques for removing water-soluble middle moleculesand/or protein-bound substances.

The authors wish to acknowledge the nursing andclinical staff (ICU, Service du Pr F. Darnis, HopitalSaint-Antoine, 75012 Paris); Dr P. Bloch, Dr D.Gallot, and Dr L. Loygue for putting the Schribner'sshunt on the patients; the biochemistry staff (servicedu Pr J. Polonowski and du Pr H. Renault); Dr A.Robert for monitoring haemostasis; and the staff ofCentre de Transfusion Sanguine (53 Bd Diderot,75012 Paris).


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Comparative clinical impact of endoscopic pan-creatography, grey-scale ultrasonography, and com-puted tomography (EMI scanning) in pancreaticdisease: preliminary report P. B. COTTON, M. E.DENYER, L. KREEL, J. HUSBAND, H. B. MEIRE, AND


Computed tomography, ultrasound, and chole-static jaundice A. I. MORRIS, R. A. FAWCITT, R. WOOD,W. S. C. FORBES, I. ISHERWOOD, AND M. N. MARSH

G cell population of the gastric antrum, plasmagastrin, and gastric acid secretion in patients withand without duodenal ulcer c. M. S. ROYSTON,JULIA POLAK, S. R. BLOOM, W. M. COOKE, R. C. G.RUSSELL, A. G. E. PEARSE, J. SPENCER, R. B. WELBOURN,AND J. H. BARON

Postprandial duodenal function in man L. J.MILLER, J.-R. MALAGELADA, AND V. L. W. GO

Analysis of the effects of food and of digestivesecretions on the small intestine of the rat: III.Mucosal mass, activity of brush border enzymes,and in vivo absorption of galactose, sodium, andpotassium R. ECKNAUER, G. FEYERABEND, ANDH. RAFFLER

Transport of large breakdown products of dietaryprotein through the gut wall w. A. HEMMINGSAND E. W. WILLIAMS

Effect of dopamine infusion on gastric and pan-creatic secretion and on gastrin release in man R.CALDARA, C. FERRARI, M. ROMUSSI, L. BIERTI, S.GANDINI, AND G. CURTARELLI

Factors which influenced postoperative compli-cations in patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn'sdisease of the colon on corticosteroids J. R.ALLSOP AND EMANOEL C. G. LEE

Acid microclimate in coeliac and Crohn's disease: amodel for folate malabsorption M. L. LUCAS,B. T. COOPER, F. H. LEI, I. T. JOHNSON, G. K. T. HOLMES,J. A. BLAIR, AND W. T. COOKE

Prolyl hydroxylase activity in serum and rectalmucosa in inflammatory bowel disease M. J. G.FARTHING, A. P. DICK, G. HESLOP, AND C. I. LEVENE

Peliosis hepatis in recipients of renal transplantsC. DEGOTT, B. RUEFF, H. KREIS, A. DUBOUST, F. POTET,AND J. P. BENHAMOU

Response of the skin in dermatitis herpetiformis toa gluten free diet, with reference to jejunal mor-phology B. T. COOPER, E. MALLAS, M. D. TROTTER,AND W. T. COOKE

Effect of colchicine and vinblastine on rat intestinalwater transport and Na-K-ATPase activity D.RACHMILEWITZ, R. FOGEL, AND F. KARMELI

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