Download pdf - TREASURE ISLAND Web Quest


Ye Olde WebQuest (for serious gentlemen and gentlewomen of fortune ONLY)

Welcome to our People’s Light Panto WebQuest.

This could be a dangerous journey. It is not for the faint of heart!

If ye choose to participate, ye will sail uncharted waters to hide a magnificent treasure!

The Terms of our Treaty:

Ye will create a pirate identity, select yer crew, and determine the treasure ye would

like to hide. Ye will use the clues and portholes (otherwise known as “hyperlinks”) to

create an adventure that ends in “X Marks the Spot!”

For yer service, ye have the chance to receive free passage for ye and three

crewmembers of yer choosing on our next charter. (aka the show “Shipwrecked”)

The Dread Pirates of Treasure Island will choose the three best pirate adventures to

receive this adventure. The lucky pirates will also receive a swashbuckling lesson

(WITH SWORDS!) from one of our resident pirates at People’s Light.

If ye accept the terms of our treaty, ye must also commit to the ARTICLES OF BARTHOLOMEW ROBERTS.

Ye can find them on the last page of our PNC Arts Alive Discovery Guide, here:


…click on the red skull and crossbones in the bottom right corner to jump to the next page!

Yer Adventure Begins! Create Yer Pirate Identity

First, ye must choose if ye are a human or a fantastical creature.

Second, what do ye look like? Have ye got a big warty nose and bulgy eyes?

Are ye covered in barnacles? How will we know ye are who you say ye are?

Third, ye must disclose yer “pirate power.” Can yer big warty nose sniff out

extra rations of mouldy cheese? Do yer barnacles shoot poisonous pus?

Fourth, ye must determine how ye will travel. Boat? Skateboard? Jet Pack?

Finally, ye must decide what your treasure is. Is it a lifetime supply of

Tastycakes? Fabulous jewels and gold? A key to a secret book?

The next piece of parchment is for ye to draw a self-portrait

and describe all yer piratey characteristics.

(We will not disclose these to the “Dangerous “Pirate Database”…..unless ye commit mutiny!)


Pirate Portrait Do a nice job for yer dear olde mum.

Pirate Profile

Here there be dragons!

Human or fantasy creature? Appearance? Pirate Power? Mobility? Treasure?

Choose the Crew! Ye must choose three crew-men, crew-women, or crew-creatures.

They must follow yer orders. YER the boss!

They need to be loyal, useful, and fierce. This could be a dangerous journey.

They will need a name and a pirate power.

Crew Person One:

Real Name

Pirate Name

Pirate Power

Crew Person Two:

Real Name

Pirate Name

Pirate Power

Crew Person Three:

Real Name

Pirate Name

Pirate Power

Do these three fellow pirates agree to the ARTICLES OF BARTHOLOMEW ROBERTS? You can find them on the last page of our PNC Arts Alive Discovery Guide, here:

Do you trust your crew…..?

Hide Yer Loot! Ye should choose a location for hidin’ yer treasure.

There’s three portholes below that will take ye to maps…



Indonesia …or ye can choose whatever place ye like! Draw it below, but KEEP IT SECRET!!!

Dead Men Tell No Tales

On to Adventure! Do some exploring of your own to discover famous pirates, learn some pirate lingo, and see some

spectacular swashbuckling. Go through the portholes below to begin your adventure!

Princess Bride Sword Fight

One of our favorite movies. This clip features the duel between Inigo Montoya and the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack and Will Fight Scene

A great example of clever sword work and swashbuckling.

The Three Stooges - Pie Fight

Every one of our panto plays features a ”messy bit.” Here’s a classic clip of a pie fight.

A Professional Pirate - Tim Curry Muppet Treasure Island

We chose this one because Tim Curry makes a pretty amazing Long John Silver…and he sings…with Muppets!

How to talk like a pirate

Famous Pirate Flags

Famous Pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy: 1690–1730

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Ned’s Song

How did sailors keep themselves entertained? By making up crazy lyrics and singing! (song is @ 2:58 minute mark)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Giant Squid)

Sometimes sailors and pirates encountered terrifying monsters--check this out:

Yo ho ho & a Bottle of Rum

Tell your Tale Now if ye be wantin’ yer loot (free passage for ye and three crewmembers of yer choosin’ to see to see our play

SHIPWRECKED) ye need to earn yer braggin’ rights. Th e Dread Pirates of Treasure Island are fierce and they’ve

heard a lot of sea-farin’ tales. Fill yer tale with plenty of dangerous encounters, swashbuckling, and don’t forget to

include the perils involved in hiding yer treasure. The best three tales will get the loot! Ye can send yer tale to the

Dread Pirates by the following means:

1. Type yer tale at the end of this document, save the file as “YOUR NAME WebQuest”

and e-mail it to artsdiscovery @

2. Send yer story as a message in a bottle (or an envelope) to:

The Dread Pirates of Treasure Island

c/o People’s Light & Theatre

39 Conestoga Road

Malvern, PA 19355

We must receive yer tale by JANUARY 8th. Or ye will walk the plank!

“X" Marks the Spot!