
Traveler Food- Your culinary paradise on wheels

There is no dearth of the low cost flights flying across at least 80 cities of the country, still they cannot beat the footfall of the travelers who travels across the various parts of the country via Indian Railways.

How would it be if fresh and hot food is served right at your seat while you are travelling on a train? The food in train has always been one of the major issues in front of the individuals who love to travel on wheels. The problems they face include, the food being unhygenic, very limited number of food items served and the quality of the food that is served is usually substandard. Traveler food has been working in the direction of providing healthy food in train for the past few years. We have successfully provided the food of customer's choice over 400 stations situated across the country.

Our food menu is not just limited to dal and rotis, but we provide an exclusive range

of sumptuous food items for our guests, which include, briyanis, North Indian and

South Indian food. At each and every location, we have tied up with restaurants

who are the reputed ones. The vendors which are associated with us are

renowned in their respective locations for providing tempting dishes belonging to

different cultures of the country. We bring to you the food parcels from vendors

who have their forte in Mughlai, Chinese, Italian, North Indian and South Indian.

We are known for providing briyani to guests over almost 400 stations present across the length

and breadth of the country. The name briyani is enough to make us salivating as we crave for this

dish. Rice with the right amount of spices and chunks of chicken is what we call as briyani. We

serve it all, from the Hyderabadi briyani to Lucknowi briyani to Sindhi briyani. The classic mutton

briyani is a rich mix of chunks of mutton and strong spices. This is one of the most lovable dishes

of the carnivore population.

We also serve the vegetarian briyani where the meat is replaced with healthy vegetables and the

result is simply delicious. Nothing can ever beat the signature taste of the Hyderabadi briyani

which is a fine blend of Andhra and Mughal style of kitchen. The perfect amalgamation of rice,

mutton and spices makes something utterly lip smacking.

Thus, when we are here, you are surely not required to get worried about your

meals while travelling by train from any part of the country to any part of the

country. There is no requirement to compromise on your food habits just because

of the fact that you are out of the comfort of your home. We bring for you home

away from home.

You can get your food delivery in train by booking your meals by using our

mobile app or by making use of our website or by simply calling us on our

helpline number. All your queries related to your order, menu and payment

get resolved. If you are travelling with a huge group, you can certainly make an

online food order in train and mention your destination for delivery. Make

sure to check the halts as well as the timings of the train you are travelling in

and then choosing your destination for the delivery of the food.

The food items for the entire group in accordance with their food

preference will be delivered at the railway station mentioned by you while

placing the order for food. The rates for each and every dish is mentioned

on the website in a crystal clear fashion, so as to avoid any sorts of

confusion in the minds of the guests while booking their food order. All

you require is to visit the menu sheet and then select the food items

which excites you and also falls in your pre-decided budget.

We provide a high quality food which is well packed in foil wrap so as to make sure

that the food stays hot by the time it reaches its recipient. Each and every food

serving of ours is fresh and we maintain great levels of hygiene while making the

food preparations. We make sure that the guests get value for the money spend by

them in placing food orders with us.

We make sure that you get the worth you spend. When there is the presence of

such an amazing food delivery facility right on your berth, don't forfeit your health

by eating what you don't like.

Call Us for Food in Train Delivery (8am to 10pm)

