
Transliteration DifferencesTransliterating the sounds of foreign words and names can accomplished in a variety of ways. Phonetically arranging Latin letters are all over the map, so there's technically no right or wrong if they "sound" the same. Phonology can be confusing, especially when teachers become insistent on a specific spelling, My approach is to erase the effects of alterations of the Hebrew language by a Karaite sect known as the Masoretes (8th - 11th centuries). This sect did not want the Name (Yod-Hay-Uau-Hay) to be uttered by anyone aloud, so they invented markings called niqqud to direct or que the reader to either mispronounce the Name, or say an entirely different word! The mutilation of the Hebrew vowels resulted from their attempts to divert Hebrew speech. The effects of their work is commonly seen in the KJV and modern concordances, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. There is so much misinformation among teachers today, that we commonly hear statements like, "There are no written Hebrew vowels." This is of course not the case. Yusef Ben MattithYahu (Flavius Josephus) wrote about seeing the headpiece of the High Priest with the Name written in four Hebrew vowels. The Hebrew vowels produced the Greek and Latin vowels we use today! Abraham's name begins with one of those vowels, the letter ALEF (A). The Masoretes altered the utterance of YAHU to YEHO using their invented niqqud markings. This infected other words, such that "ALAHIM" (which also begins with an ALEF) became "ELOHIM." The shift of the A/U to E/O is apparent. This is why I've changed back to the original, and found many other true Hebrew words correctly uttered by the Arabs, who derive their language (but not their faith practice) from their father Abraham. They name their children YUSEF (more accurate than Joseph) and DAUD (not David). The letter we write as V is a Latin letter, but did not take the sound of our modern "V." It was derived from the Hebrew letter UAU (U), and shaped "Y." Going to Greek, it maintained the shape "Y" and sounded like our modern "U" - as the letter UPSILON. When UPSILON went into Latin, the lower stem was dropped (becoming V), but still sounding as our modern U. GLADIVS (Latin for sword) is now spelled GLADIUS. Clement of Alexandria, Egypt (a circus father) transliterated the Name in Greek vowels: IAOUE. The other Hebrew vowels such as AYIN (E) and YOD (Greek IOTA) came through in our modern word EYE, and you can see these vowels come from a Hebrew origin. The letter AYIN in Hebrew means "EYE." The differences we see in transliterations are mostly because teachers are also "works in progress." This generation is still catching up with many things as the Hebrew Roots are being restored. The Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version - BYNV is a radically new translation of the Scriptures. The reader is able to transliterate Hebrew words without the effects of the Masoretes' man-made niqqud marks. The Name is restored in Hebrew script, not the Aramaic script (mistakenly called modern Hebrew). What caused us to reject the Truth?Tradition. The wineskins (hearts) are filled with traditions, the teachings of men (old wine).The festival of Yahuah called "Unleavened Bread" (Matsah) points to the removal of the "leavening" - men's teachings - which corrupt the pure instructions of love. We are to live by "every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuah," but instead the leavening of human traditions overshadows and strangles the Truth, replacing it with bunnies, trees, wreaths, and other fertility behavior.The corruption is vile, but our hearts embrace it because we have been sent a strong delusion.When our eyes are opened, we recognize it to be witchcraft (rebellion). Our teachers are blind to it.