Page 1: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also


• The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also very different from each other.

• Not only is the school divided by economic differences, the neighborhoods where both live are as well.

Page 2: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Inner City of Mission District: Neighborhood

I. People of Mission live in run down apartments, and the noise and pollution is at an all time high.

• There are “…littered streets and graffiti covered walls” (9).• “[…] the Number 43 bus leaving shreds of black smoke hovering in the dank

city air” (p. 6).• “…the ghetto blasters shouldered by shirtless vatos” (2).• “…jackhammers cutting up the street early in the morning” (2-3).

a) They live in apartments and flatsb) They can not afford nicer homesc) Streets covered in trash and graffitid) Cars and busses leave black smokee) people do not take pride enough in their community to take care of it.f) The only form of landscaping they would be able to have would be in

planters or potted plants.g) People to not seem to have respect for others

Page 3: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Sycamore – NeighborhoodI. Unlike Missions District, Sycamore’s suburbia has quiet

neighborhoods with neatly kept yards and nice homes.• “…the peacefulness of sprinklers hissing on green lawns and

the sycamores that lined the street…” (7).• “…splashes of flowers and neatly piled firewood…” (7).• “… hedges where jays built scrawny nests and bickered when

cats slithered too close” (7).a) People take pride in their neighborhood and keep it clean.b) They can afford to have nice houses and to keep their yards nice.c) The area is serene and peaceful.d) There are no buses or ghetto blasters to bother peoplee) People in this area have higher expectations in the way their

homes lookf) People in this neighborhood keep to themselves and respect

each other’s privacy

Page 4: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Mission District - transportationI. Another difference between the two are with the cars

they drive. People who live in the Mission District can not afford nice cars. Instead, they drive inexpensive, used cars or take the public transportation.

“ down Chevys and fender-buckled Ford Torinos bleeding black oil” (2).

a) They do not have jobs that allows them to afford nicer cars.

b) They do whatever they can to keep the ones they have running.

c) Children have to walk or ride the bus to school.d) This contributes to both the noise and air pollution

Page 5: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Sycamore – Neighborhood/transportationI. However, people who reside in Sycamore can easily afford

nicer cars.“…most of them dressed in suits start off to their jobs in BMWs,

Saabs, and Volvos with their private school sons and daughters in the back seats” (7).

a) The people have careers that allow them the financial freedom to buy luxuries like expensive foreign cars.

b) They take pride in their things, so naturally their cars are well maintained.

c) Because they are newer models, there is no noise or air pollution

d) Their kids do not ride a bus; instead, they are driven by their parents to school.

e) Noisy buses would never be seen going down the street.

Page 6: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Mission - CrimeI. Crime is another area where the two communities differ. Mission

District is riddled with crime.• The graffiti-covered walls call out “‘Con safos’ and ‘F-14’” (7).• “… small Victorian flat ransacked… The window screen was slashed,

and the TV and stereo were gone. Left in their place were a couple of crushed beer cans and cigarette butts” (3).

a) People have to keep their homes locked upb) They may not be able to afford adequate security systemsc) They have to be careful at nightd) It was common for a someone to come home from work and find

their home robbed.e) It is clearly not a neighborhood one would want to raise children in.f) The kids have become tough in order to survive the environment.

Page 7: Transition The schools are not the only thing they have in common that have an economic division between them. The neighborhoods both live in are also

Sycamore – No CrimeI. Because Sycamore is an upstanding neighborhood, crime

is not a problem.• “People seemed distant…” (7).

a) People tend to keep to themselves and not bother the other neighbors.

b) Is not the type of neighborhood where criminals would be.

c) Possibly have good security: patrolling and/or alarm systems; there could be a neighborhood watch as well

d) Areas such as this can also be gated, or have sections that are gated

e) It is a rarity for a crime to happen
