  • 1. Traditional Lead Gen is as Outdated as the ScrunchieAngela Leavitt Mojo Marketing

2. Lets take a journey back in time... 3. Remember when...? 4. Remember when...? 5. Welcome to the Information Age 6. Those Were the Days! 7. Fast Forward to 2014 8. Email in 2014 9. 2014 Google 10. 2014 Google 11. How do you make buying decisions today? 12. How do we make decisions today? We researchonline. BlogsArticlesConsumer GuidesWhite PapersCase StudiesVideosInfographicsNewsPodcasts 13. How do we make decisions today?We ask our social network. 14. I hate to break it to you... 15. Welcome to The Connection Economy 16. Information Age Rules Spamming cold lists worked well So did cold calling It was more of a numbers game Biggest muscles would win Online gimmicks & tricks could work Sprinters could do well 17. Connection Economy Rules Thought leadership reigns Prospects are educated into your funnel Building a tribe or fan base is essential Reviews, referrals, testimonials = $$ Specialists & niches rule Strategic partnerships are invaluable 18. Connection Economy Rules (cont.) Giving, giving, giving is the principle Your value = your relationships People are just as important than the brands they represent Fewer sprints, more marathons 19. Connection Economy Rules (cont.) Marketing has always been a grueling and competitivesport not unlike running a marathon. With the changes in the buying process in media and technology, and managing expectations, its like running a marathon as the groundshifts beneath your feet.David Raab, Author, Winning the Marketing Measurement Marathon 20. Thanks a lot, Internet! 21. Is Content King?Creative Content Is King 22. Creative Content is King. 23. Change is hard, but necessary. 24. Generating leads is like gathering apples... 25. The Good News... It naturally weeds out fakers It continues to build on itself It multiplies exponentially The playing field is leveled Very few are willing to do what it takes 26. Your Goal: Harness the Power 27. Step-by-Step Guide Think of your largest/most recognized company Develop case study, video testimonial, other endorsement What industry are they in? Learn that industrys jargon 28. Step-by-Step Guide Develop messaging around your specialization Put it everywhere Website Business cards Collateral Social pages Video content Blog Infographics 29. Step-by-Step Guide Find the industrys associations Volunteer on their committees Write blogs/articles for their publications Participate in their LinkedIn groups SPEAK at their events Build relationships with their media people Record targeted videos Be creative Develop a TRUE PARTNERSHIP Work promotions through your partnership 30. Step-by-Step Guide Leverage Big Data Follow your prospects around the web (Google remarketing, Facebook ads, etc.) Never been easier to target your EXACT audience What theyve purchased What their interests are Everything is moving toward pay to play 31. The Results? Increased referralsMore trust (less having to sell)Shorter sales cyclesPrice becomes less of an issueProspects contact you pre-soldMore invitations to speakThe more of a Rock Star you become in that industry, the more leads and referrals you will receive 32. The Plan in ActionHere are some ways we leverage the Connection Economy. Feel free to borrow or steal! 33. The Plan in ActionNiche industry: Telecom Partner association: Channel Partners 34. The Plan in Action 35. The Plan in Action 36. The Plan in Action 37. The Plan in Action 38. The Plan in Action 39. The Plan in Action 40. The Results? 80% + growth each year since inception with no dedicated sales person Im calling because I see you specialize in telecom #1 on Google for Telecom Marketing Ive watched all your videos. I feel like I know you. You get me and my industry. How can we work together? 41. Q&A Tweet your scrunchie pics to @MojoMktg for a chance to win a free infographic!!!Angela Leavitt @MojoMktg