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Período de Práctica: Tercer período Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección postal: Brown 99, BarilocheSala/Grado y sección: 4to y 5to año Division ACantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: En el bosqueClase Nº1Fecha: 25/09/2014Hora: 10:45 hsDuración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 16/09/2014

Teaching points: In the rainforest – conjunctions


Ss will be able to learn new vocabulary to refer to the rainforest. Ss will be able to identify and learn new conjunctions. Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through

motivating activities. Ss will cooperate with each other in order to complete an activity.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Interpreting a text and an interview.

Vocabulary related to the rainforest: nature, animals, main characteristics, beach, mountain, lake

Conjunctions: and, but, or, because, when, as

/b/ /a/ /r/

New Identify conjunctions

Vocabulary related to the natural world: cliff, cave, desert, forest, rainforest, waterfall

Conjunctions: although, as soon as, while, since, in order to, despite, unless, so

AlthoughSinceAs soon asSoDesertforest

Teaching approach: Communicative approach.

Cecilia A. Zemborain, 24/09/14,
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Materials and resources: Pictures, a news article, computers, internet, course book: target PET

Seating arrangement: We will work at the tables. In each table there are three or four students, and the tables are situated in front of the board.

Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will use visual aids and they also have the possibility to use on-line dictionaries.

Assessment: The ss’ ability to use the new vocabulary will be assessed through a cooperative activity.



Routine (5 minutes)

The T will greet students and she will write the date on the board. Icebreaker: The T will stick a line of masking tape on the floor and she will ask ss to stand up near the line. Then, she will say some sentences, such as: I like studying English, I hate pop music, I don’t like one direction, I love romantic films, among others. And she will ask ss to stand up on the line if they agree with those statements. First, she will model the activity while she explains it.

Warm – up (10 minutes) Brainstorm

The teacher will tell students: “The other day I was watching TV, I was watching “Nat Geo” channel, do you know any of its programmes? Do you like them?” and she will encourage ss to answer and share their opinions. Then, she will tell them: “I watched a programme about the Natural world and it contained a lot of amazing pictures about fantastic places” and she will stick different pictures about those places.


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Desert forest

Lake mountain

Rainforest waterfall

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After sticking the different pictures she will encourage ss to name them and she will write the names. Then, she will encourage ss to brainstorm about places that they know, for example “The Iguazo Waterfalls”. She will guide them with some questions such as: “ What famous lake do you know? What famous mountain do you know?” while ss will be answering the questions the T will write the names next to the pictures. The T will also ask them to brainstorm about the climate, animals, plants and the main characteristics of those places. She will ask them some questions such as: Which of these places is your favourite? Why? Which one is the ideal for family holidays? What kind of activities can you do there?

Presentation (10 minutes)

The T will tell them: “After looking at these pictures I think that my favourite place is the beach! I like to go there with my friends or family. Moreover, I love the colour of the water and the landscape. Once I saw a sea elephant which was swimming near the seashore, it was fantastic! What other animals do you think that we can find on a beach/sea?” the T will encourage ss to brainstorm about the different animals that we may find at the beach.

Then, she will tell them that around the classroom there are some names of animals or objects written on some paper which are hidden and they belong to a certain place. She will ask them: “You have to look for those names and to stick them next to the picture where it belongs. You have to do it while we listen to a song and when I stop it you have to be still like a statue. There are 21 words and we start now” After explaining the activity, she will check ss’ understanding while she encourages ss to complete the instructions. For example: Ok! First you have to look for some ......... that are hidden in the.......while you will be listening to ......... but when it stops you have to be as......... and so on. The T will monitor ss’ work and then, we will check all together.

Words: monkey - dolphin - trees - flowers - parrot - bird - fish - leaves - grass - water - bear - tiger - shark - sun - sand - sky - rocks - insects - spider - clouds - snakes -

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Activity 1 (10 minutes)

The T will ask ss to open their books (target PET) to work with a new unit (6.2). She will tell them: “Now, we are going to focus on the rainforest. Can you see the picture on the book? Please, name the animals/objects in the picture! Can you notice anything strange in the picture? What? Why?” Ss will name the different objects/animals and we will share our opinions about the animals that do not belong to the rainforest. Then, the T will ask ss to complete the activity where they have to match the pictures with the names. She will say: “you have to complete the activity, can anybody explain the exercise please?”

She will also tell them that they have 5 minutes to complete the exercise and that they will work alone. . While ss are working, she will monitor their work. Then, we will check it all together. If ss do not know a certain word, they will look for it on an online dictionary, they use the wordreference dictionary.

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Activity 2 (5 minutes) – Before listening activity

The teacher will tell ss: “Now, we are going to listen to an interview with an explorer. Her name is Sally and she went on an expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Why do you think she became an explorer? Do you think that she enjoys nature? Do you think that it is dangerous to be an explorer? And to go on an expedition to the Amazon rainforest? We will share our opinions.

Activity 3 (10 minutes) – Listening activity

The T will ask ss to focus on the listening activity from the book, she will choose a certain student to read the task. Then, she will say to them: “As I said before we are going to listen to an interview and you need to listen to Sally’s answers to tick the correct one. But, first take one minute to read all the questions and the possible answers of the exercise. She will tell them: “if you do not understand a certain word, underlined it and we will discuss it all together” Before we start working with the activity, she will ask to the class to explain the activity to check their understanding.

Then, we will listen to the interview twice.

Unit 6

Lesson 2, Activity 4Interviewer: Good evening and welcome to Our World. Tonight’s guest is the explorer Sally

Brendle. Sally, you’ve been on expeditions to some of the most unspoilt forests on the planet. What is it like?

Sally: Fantastic. There’s nothing better than being the first scientist to see a particular river, for example, or to find a new plant or animal. On my most recent trip, we were looking for a rare crocodile in a rainforest in Asia but we discovered a previously unknown snake. Although it was tiny and completely harmless, it was still very exciting.

Interviewer: It sounds it! So, tell us about your early life. How did you become an explorer?

Sally: Well, I’ve been interested in nature ever since I was a young child. While my friends were playing games, I used to go fishing or looking for animals in the fields near my home. I wasn’t interested in protecting creatures in those days. In fact, I used to catch them to put them in my own little zoo!

Interviewer: And what was your first expedition?

Sally: As soon as I was eighteen, I went to Africa, with an organisation called Africa Exchange. They run different projects. Things like helping to build schools or studying how monkeys behave. My job was to count how many lions and elephants there were in a certain area every day. That was a fantastic introduction, and really important for the protection programme.

Interviewer: And what did you do after that?

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Sally: While I was at university I met a famous Brazilian explorer. He was planning an expedition to the Amazon rainforest in order to study the plants that people use for medicine. A team member broke her leg so he asked me to go in her place.

Interviewer: Can you describe what it’s like to be in a rainforest?

Sally: Well, the thing I always notice is the atmosphere. Although it’s not silent, the noises are all natural, which I find very relaxing. Despite the heat and the wildlife, it’s quite safe if you’re careful. Modern technology means you can’t really get lost nowadays.

Interviewer: Mm. And finally, Sally, would you like to tell us a bit about your new TV series?

Sally: Yes, of course. It’s called Secrets of the Rainforest. Of course, it’s no secret that many animals will disappear unless they are protected. The idea is to show people that it’s not just popular animals like tigers that are in danger. There are lots of animals in the world’s rainforests that no one has heard of and many of them need our help too. So in this programme we introduce people to some of those.

Interviewer: Well, it sounds really interesting. I can’t wait to see it!

Activity 4 (10 minutes) – After listening activity –

Once ss have finished with the multiple choice activity, the T will tell them that in order to correct it they will work in pairs. She will say: “Now to check the activity you are going to work in pairs. I will hand out the script of the interview for you to check your work, but the interview is mixed up! So, first you have to put it in order. One of you will be the interviewer and the other will be Sally.” Before we start working the T will ask ss to explain the exercise, she will guide them with some questions, such as: What do you have to do with the mixed up interview? Why? What do you have to check? Are you going to work alone or in pairs?

And she will hand out the worksheets. She will also tell them that they have 10 minutes to put the interview in order and to check the listening activity.

(If we have time the T will ask a pair of ss to come to the front of the class to role play the interview in order to check it.) Finally, we will check answers all together.

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Activity 5 (15 minutes)

Then, the T will ask ss to focus on the highlighted words in the interview script in order to classify them, and she will show them a poster containing a chart:

TIME (tell us when)

CONDITION(tell us what might


REASON(tell us why)

CONTRAST (link two different


The T will tell them: “look at the words that are highlighted in the interview, please. Can you read them aloud? (we will read them and she will write them on the board). Let’s focus on the first one” and she will choose a student to read the entire sentence aloud: On my most recent trip, we were looking for a rare crocodile in a rainforest in Asia but we discovered a previously unknown snake. Then, she will ask ss to classify the word but we will do it all together. She will tell them: “The highlighted word is BUT. Is this word telling us about the time of an episode? Is it telling us about what might happen? Is it telling us the reason about the discovery of a snake? Or is it linking two different ideas? What ideas?” she will encourage ss to answer the questions and then we will write it in the correct part of the chart. We will also work in the same way with the following words.

Then, the T will ask ss to classify the other words while she monitors their works and we will check it all together.

Key: Time: as soon as – when – while - Condition: unless - Reason: since – as – in order to - Contrast: but – although -despite

Activity 6 (10 minutes)

The T will say to the ss: “Let’s go back to the book, please.We have to read a text about another adventure. It’s about some friends that set off on a trip but the text is incomplete. So, you have to complete it with the words given in the exercise.” And she will choose a student to read them aloud. Then, she will choose another S to explain the activity. She will say: “Let’s complete the first one all together” and she will read the first passage and elicit the missing word from the ss” Then, she will tell them “we have only 8 minutes to complete this exercise and then we are going to check it all together. You are going to complete this exercise in pairs”. We will check all together.

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Closure (3 minutes)

The T will tell ss: “We have homework for the next class, you have to complete activity 5. Let’s look at it” and she will choose a S to read the task aloud. Then, she will ask ss some questions to understand the exercise: “What do we have to do? Why do we need to pay attention to the highlighted words? What do we need to do with those words?” She will enocurage ss to answer them.

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