
Town of Griswold

Town of Griswold

Board of Finance

Regular Meeting

December 19, 2017

7:00 PM

Town Hall Meeting Room


1. Roll Call/Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

Board of Finance Members Present:

Scott Davis – Chairman

Steve Mikutel – Vice Chairman

Brian Baker

Valerie Grills

Gary Levy

Gail Rooke-Norman

Daniel Webster

Also Present:

Erik Christensen, Director of Finance

Jeannette Bell, Recording Secretary

Sean McKenna, Superintendent of Griswold Schools

Todd Babbitt, First Selectman

18 Other People

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Forum

S. Davis asked if anyone wished to speak. No one came forward.

4. Approval of Minutes

a. November 21, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes

MOTION: S. Mikutel made a motion that was seconded by D. Webster to approve the November 21, 2017 minutes as presented. All in favor; motion carried.

5. Correspondence

a. Email from CCM regarding MBR

E. Christensen had asked if the MBR consideration for next year will be based on the ECS figures in the budget as passed or based on the ECS figures after the “holdback.” It appears to be we should be able to reduce our FY 19 MBR if our FY 19 ECS amount is less that our FY 18 ECS amount. However thing are still pretty much up in the air at this point.

b. Document from JCDPU regarding solar savings for school buildings

The document JCDPU presented was a projection of savings not an actual report of savings. It was also noted the document is dated September 9, 2009. The feeling of the BOF is that an audit needs to be done in order to get a true amount of the savings realized by the solar panels.

c. Letter from Scott Davis, Chairman regarding budget shortfalls

S. Davis had drafted a letter which was put on the town and the school website as well as Facebook in hopes of reaching the most people at the least expense. The letter explained the concerns regarding the State budget which has impacted the town budget drastically with loss of revenue being received.

d. Legal opinion regarding BOF authority

A letter from the town attorney was distributed regarding questions at the previous BOF meeting. The letter was an explanation of the legal requirements and procedures regarding employment agreements, contracts, legal claims and policies for the Board of Finance.

6. New Business

a. Finance Director monthly report

E. Christensen stated the revenues recorded to date are $14,745,091.50 or 41.53% of budgeted revenues. There has been no change regarding the State budget and we are still looking at a net loss of $919,724 from what we budgeted and a loss of $1,213,613 from what we received last year. Expenditures recorded to date are $9,642,541.70 or 27.16% of budgeted expenses. There are no major concerns at this point with only a few line items overspent.

b. Discussion and possible action on budget shortfalls

There was much discussion on how to best proceed in order to make up the money we were shorted by the State. E. Christensen stated our current unassigned balance is $4,085,121 which is 11.51%. If we were to take the $470,924 from surplus that would then leave our unassigned fund balance at $3,614,197 or 10.18%. S. Davis suggested in order to get through this current year’s budget the money should come out of surplus along with the proposed cuts in spending from the Town and the Board of Education. The Town has proposed a cut from their budget of $161,800. The Board of Education has proposed a budget relief strategy from their budget of $287,000. Those figures amount to a combined cut of $448,800. This amount along with the $470,924 proposed from surplus would equal the $919,724. S. Davis made it very clear that this would be a “one and done” use of surplus money. MOTION G. Levy made a motion that was seconded by G. Rooke-Norman to take $470,924 from the unassigned fund balance to balance the budget due to the shortfall from the State. There was further discussion. G. Rooke-Norman withdrew her second. MOTION: G. Levy made a motion that was seconded by G. Rooke-Norman to take $470,924 from the unassigned fund and to include the cuts proposed by both budgets of $448,800 to balance the budget due to the shortfall from the State. All in favor; with D. Webster and B. Baker opposed, motion carried.

c. Discussion and possible action on previous budget freezes

G. Rooke-Norman made a motion that was seconded by G. Levy to rescind all 7 budget freezes from the 10/11/17 meeting. There was discussion. G. Levy withdrew his second.

G. Rooke-Norman made a motion that was seconded by G. Levy to rescind the budget freeze items #2,3,4,5 and 6 listed in the 10/11/17 meeting with the provision all town entities operate with good faith. All in favor; motion carried.

d. Discussion and possible action on quarterly budget transfers.

E. Christensen presented the budget transfers. G. Rooke-Norman made a motion that was seconded by G. Levy to approve the budget transfers as presented. All in favor; motion carried.

7. Old Business

Discussion and possible action on BOF policies as recommended by audit

B. Baker made a motion that was seconded by G. Rooke-Norman to table this item until the next meeting in order for everyone to go over what was presented. All in favor; motion carried.

8. Any Other Business

G. Rooke-Norman recused herself at 8:08PM. Note: Quorum still in place. There was no other business.

9. Public Forum

L. Sorder- Believes there is a benefit to having one budget.

J. Barnie- Strongly opposed to one budget, would like to see a third budget for Capital. He would like to see the mill rate kept under control.

E. Berdick- Commends the board’s effort. He expects the Board of Education to give up more for the next budget season.

L. Sharkey- Believes it is impossible to achieve a 0% increase for the next budget season.

Due to contractual obligations the reality of zero is not possible.

R. Aubin- Welcomed any Board of Finance member to come visit the Youth Center.

10. Adjournment

MOTION: G. Levy made a motion that was seconded by S. Mikutel to adjourn the meeting at 8:19PM. All in favor; motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeannette Bell

Recording Secretary

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BOF Regular Meeting 12 19 2017