Page 1: Towards User-friendly Audio Creation

• Designing a usable interface

• Synthesizing new sound events based on the rhythmic pattern and the timbre evolution of a recording model

Output synthesis depends on the selected sound material

Towards User-friendly Audio Creation

MotivationHow to easily extendone’s sound design palette?

• By collecting and sorting petabytes of sound samples??

• By experimenting with sound synthesis algorithms in too many different platforms, such as Matlab, PureData, Max/MSP, Minim (Processing), Csound, SuperCollider...??

Goals• Creating sound events

• Offering a usable tool for manipulation, navigation and sound composition

Research Ideas• Composing audio grains in time

according to the rhythmic pattern and the timbre evolution of a recording model

• Managing analysis of sound material and synthesis of new sound events within the MediaCycle framework [1]

Method Future WorkExtendingour synthesis techniquewith a physical approach

• Modal analysis of CAD models

• Modal synthesis with user-defined force and location

• Interface navigation based on semantic (physical properties) and signal-based features

Conclusion• A method for automatic extraction

and classification of meaningful audio grains.

• A technique for automatic synthesis ofcoherent soundtracks

• A usable interface for database manipulation and sound composition

• Online video!:

• Stay tuned on http://www.numediart.organd

References[1] Stéphane Dupont, Christian Frisson, Xavier Siebert, and Damien

Tardieu. Browsing sound and music libraries by similarity. In 128th AES Convention, 2010.

[2] Cécile Picard, Nicolas Tsingos, and François Faure. Retargetting example sounds to interactive physics-driven animations. In AES 35th International Conference on Audio for Games, 2009.

C. Picard-Limpens1, C. Frisson2, D. Tardieu3, J. Vanderdonckt2, T. Dutoit3

numediart Research Program in Digital Art Technologies (2007-2012)1numediart Research Program, 2Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 3TCTS, Université de Mons, Belgium

Copyright (c) 2010 C. Picard-limpens, C. Frisson, D. Tardieu, J. Vanderdonckt, T. DutoitThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

• Automatic extraction of audio grainsbased on onset detection

• Sound material for synthesis= a recording model+ audio grains

• Synthesis process based on:similarity measurements+ onset detection

Implementation & Results

Browser controls

Visual display

Recording model

Audio grains

credits to
