
1. Towards a Global License? - the aliate perspec7ve 16 September 2011 - Paul Keller CC-Netherlands 2. 18 june 2004 3. yesterday 4. 11 x 1.0 licenses (2004)+ 6 x 2.0 licenses (2004) + 6 x 2.5 licenses (2005) + 6 x 3.0 licenses (2007) 29 licenses ported 5. so why do we did all this por7ng in the rst place? Ensure that the licenses would work with the specici6es of copyright law in our jurisdic6on. Assump6on: this makes it easier to convince local users Assump6on: this makes the licenses enforceable in local courts Build jurisdic6on teams & communi6es around the licenses. Eect: strong community (all of you in this room) Eect: improves understanding of the licenses among jurisdic6on teams 6. user jurisdic7on = license jurisdic7on? 7. prerequisite for enforceability? 8. What advantages will a global license have? Reducing (poten6al) incompa6bili6es Forces us to take a consistent posi6on on issues that are specic to certain regions (e.g moral rights, database rights) Will produce licenses that beJer meet users expecta6ons Will cover all jurisdic6ons, not just 55 9. What advantages will a global license have? Has the poten6al to ini6ate a inter-jurisdic6onal discussion on the substance of the licenses. Frees 6me for other ac6vi6es (community building, promo6ng adop6on, policy work, implementa6on advice,...) 10. user perspec7ve?
