Page 1: Toward Economic Platform Studies

toward economic platform studies

Sebastian Deterding (@dingstweets) Digital Creativity Labs, University of York

April 18, 2016 cb

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how do economic conditions

game aesthetics

afford ?

economic platform studies


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why should we study this?

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»I’ve come to see sustainability as the most pressing issue for keeping the margins of indie games from fraying ... Support for games as an artform ... means recognizing the importance of creating an infrastructure to support the medium and not just the commerce.«

- john sharp on why he left indiecade

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what do i mean?

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economic conditions

game aesthetics

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economic conditions

game aesthetics


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»There’s no other word for it except evil.« - jonathan blow on social games

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game design

game play

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game design

game play

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game design

game play

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game design

game play


friend recruitment

business data


social games

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social game designers openly “talk shop”

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social games

economic conditions aesthetic forms

• Freemium revenue model • Game-as-a-service • Rich user analytics • High economies of scale • Vast reach

• Free-to-play • Hyper-casual difficulty,

positive themes • “Dark patterns” that

drive acquisition, retention, monetisation

• Maximise user acquisition and lifetime monetisation

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nothing new under the sun

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nothing new under the sun

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nothing new under the sun


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moral outrage

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design response

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coin-op arcade games

economic conditions aesthetic forms

• Luck-based gambling outlawed • Extracting money from public

space passer-byes• Flashy exterior • Skill-based gameplay, no

monetary payout • Limited attempts of

short duration • Easy to pick up • Steep difficulty curve • High replay value

• Pay-per-play revenue model

• Maximise desire to start and continue

• Minimise play per pay

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aaa games

137 mio. US$ development 128 mio. US$ marketing 60 mio. copies shipped since 2013 1 bn. US$ revenue in first 3 days

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aaa games

economic conditions aesthetic forms

• One-time, upfront purchase • high economies of scale • high purchase risk for consumers • saturated market

Heavily marketed blockbusters to reduce risk

• Few titles • Established genres,

stories, mechanics • Sequeling established IP • High production values • Marketable, “flashy”


• high risk/reward for producers

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game design

game play

aaa games

economic conditions

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how do we theorise this?

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context text

a contextualising question

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text ???

context ???

economic platform studies

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platform studies

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film style

mode of production

production studies

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business models

a suggestion

business ecosystems


styles, genres

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how do we study this?

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initial suggestions

• Comparing across cases, times, cultures, places, media surfaces the taken-for-granted.

• We need to identify in what wholes economic conditions and aesthetic forms occur “in the wild” and then taxonomise those.

• We need to trace in empirical detail how one affects the other.

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1. All game aesthetics are affected by economic conditions. 2. At any given point, certain forms and degrees of economic impact is normalised; deviations are met with moral outrage. 3. “how?” is the question of economic platform studies. 4. Answering it can help nurture the aesthetic forms we find desirable. 5. Economic conditions can be traced as functional wholes within functional wholes: business models in ecosystems. 6. Aesthetic forms can be traced as wholes of conventions: styles, genres. 7. Next steps are taxonomising the two and tracing their linkage.

in summary
