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Elham Elshafie Mohamed, Cairo University


Changing into a Knowledge-based countries and, being able to apply an adaptive

learning strategy has become imperative for the university survival. This study target at

exploring the college of business school, CBA at King Saud University, using, the Dimensions of

Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ) model. The research will help in studying and

examining some important issues to develop KSU into a learning university.

A case study triangulation method has been undertaken, documents, interviews and a

survey. The Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ) was distributed to a

faculty member and the management as well in the CBA, followed by semi-structured interviews

with the Directorate. Data analysis has been focused on the identification of the main

dimensions of LO in the case.

This study is an attempt to build on and add to the current body of knowledge in the field

of a Learning Organization by investigating and illustrating the most important dimensions that

might have an impact on the learning organization as a valuable tool for achieving a sustainable

competitive advantage. Furthermore, this study will use these different factors to change Saudi

Arabia toward a knowledge-based society to cope with the 2030 vision, via creating a new

learning university.

Keywords: Knowledge-Based Economy, Learning Organization, Learning Universities,

Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ).


The notion of knowledge-economy “started to appear in the early 1960s. However; it

becomes an increasingly popular philosophy these days. There has been much interest in this

‘‘new phenomenon’’, with many studies trying to identify the concept and mechanism behind

this economy in which knowledge has become essential. This transformation was a natural result

of the shifts that has passed off the human socio-economic developing; The first wave was the

agricultural age; since the wealth was depending on possessing the land; The second wave was

the industrial age; in which the wealth was owning the capital. The third wave was the

knowledge age, in which possessing of knowledge determines wealth. This growing in the

importance of knowledge is stimulating the transformation of both the character of the wealthy

people possessed and the nature of organizations, which has been turned topsy-turvy by a shift to

knowledge-based-economy. Referred to the UK department of trade & industry (1998); the

knowledge economy is defined as” one in which the knowledge generation and exploitation have

come to play the predominant part in the creation of wealth”. Recently the world Bank used the

term “KE” to describe an economy that creates, sharing and implementing knowledge to enhance

its growth and development. Practically; Co-operation and Development (OECD,) World Bank

(WB) and Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) and others have provided practical steps

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to build the knowledge economy in both the developed and the developing countries. And it is

showed a high acceptance that changing organization into a new style called a learning

organization which is determined by many authors as the key prerequisite for the knowledge

economic. (Allam & Abdalla, 2013). The most important characteristic of learning university is

the ability to learn fast. King Saud University must actively respond to this new request and

follow the other learning universities. The most important issue is, do KSU success in becoming

a learning organization? This question will be answered through this research by using

Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ), to investigate the extent that King

Saud University has been committed to this new style of organization. The results show high

responding to many practices of the learning organization. However, few rooms need

improvement. This question was the core of many studiesand the answer was, as strategic

responses to changing environmental conditions and pressures, many universities these days are

applying new ideas and changing to new ways of operating. Yes, they have become learning

organizations. (Glenys, 1999; Mead, 1995; Ozlem, 2012). Recently, universities in Saudi Arabia

have been challenged in many ways, the high educational environment has become more

complicatedand expansion, that resulted in a larger and more heterogeneous student population,

which has challenged the traditional teaching methods. Also, The growing cooperation in higher

education within the European Union (EU) lead many students to compare the traditional

education system with the education abroad. Based on a recent survey, had been established in

2015, in the light of the bilateral relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia, through

the larger project of developing King Abdelaziz Al-Saud scholarship plan. The number of Saudi

students in the United States 84,709 (The Ministry of High Education, Report, 2015). In addition

to, the extensive use of information technology (IT), that has increased the qualification and the

number of both the academic staff and students. As a result, Saudi universities are nowadays

forced to compete in an international market, which creates a challenge situations for the Saudi

Universities. On the other hand, Align with the Saudi Arabia Vision 2030-announced by Deputy

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The most important characteristics of the learning

organization are the ability to learn fast and to expand its capacity to create, acquire, transfer and

use that knowledge by the way that is changing its behaviour to reflect this knowledge. Since

universities are recognized as organizations which are dedicated to learning; they create

knowledge; but are they learning organizations? As such, the application of innovative and

entrepreneurial approaches in universities. In this context, many types of research suggested that

universities should become learning organizations (Boyce, 2003; Mulford, 2000; Chen, 2001).

That is a comprehensive one which seeks to transform the entire state into a new country that

ranks high among the developed nations. Through social, humanitarian, developmental, military

and performance aspects. The education will play a significant role. Since the second theme of

this vision is, booming economy provides many opportunities for all, by building high education

system aligned with market needs and creating new opportunities for all the entrepreneur, the

small and medium business and the large organizations (Ages, 2008; Nelson, 1993). One of the

consequences is that the universities in Saudi Arabia must struggle to find successful learning

strategies enabling them to success in their vital role in achieving spiritual vision. This outcome

is agreed with the result of many researchers that found universities ought to develop more

adaptation learning strategies to be able to cope with the competitive situation. As such, the

application of innovative and entrepreneurial approaches in universities. In this context, many

types of research suggested that universities should become learning organizations (Boyce, 2003;

Mulford, 2000; Chen, 2001).The most important characteristic of learning university is the

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ability to learn fast. King Saud University must actively respond to this new request and follow

the other learning universities. The most important issue is, do KSU success in becoming a

learning organization? This question will be answered through this research by using Dimensions

of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ), to investigate the extent that King Saud

University has been committed to this new style of organization. The results show high

responding to many practices of the learning organization. However, few rooms need




Despite the extensive studies that have been developed in the field of the knowledge

economy, there is no agreement among authors about what does it mean (Smith, 2002; Drucker,

1993). For many authors,‘‘knowledge economy’’ is still vague. Moreover, Smith (2002) for

using the suitable economic theory to explain the knowledge economy, it depends on the

explanation of the role of knowledge in the knowledge economy. Based on an invaluable study

that has been developed by Duc & Katsuhiro (2009). There are many theories developed to

explain the knowledge economy as; a new growth theory, evolutionary theory of economic

change, triple helix theoryand the knowledge gap theory,

1. The new growth theory, the central ideas of this theory are; the change of knowledge is the result of

conscious economic activities, as endogenous rather than exogenous to the economy. Moreover, there are

significant externalities of knowledge, the synergy of these two results will derive the knowledge to be the

only source of sustainable long-term economic growth. The first and most obvious issue for educational work

using multimedia applications is how to integrate them into the curriculum structure. In this scenario,

Andresen et al. (2013) claim that multimedia with its multimodal resources and services can facilitate the

process of progressively moving towards higher-order thinking when integrated within the existing


2. The national innovation system (NIS) theory, the processes of creation, modificationand diffusion of

innovations of an economy are the results of activities and interactions of many different organizations within

it making a system of innovation. In a broad definition, the innovation system includes organizations

involved in searching and exploring knowledge and all parts of the economic and institutional structure.

3. The triple helix theory, the knowledge economy is a triple helix in two different layers: Functional layer and

institutional layer. Three functions of a socio-economic system include first novelty production; second

wealth generation and retention; third control at the interfaces of these sub-dynamics.The three most

important corresponding institutions are university, industryand government as Figure 1 shows



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4. The knowledge-gap theory: Various knowledge-gap models have been developed, such as technology gap

model, technical knowledge gap modeland digital gap model. The core assumption is that lagging countries

differ from leading ones mostly because the former have less knowledge than the latter. For catching-up of

lagging countries, it needs certain capabilities. Based on this theory knowledge can play a significant triple role

in the knowledge economy; knowledge-as-asset, knowledge-as-relationand knowledge-as-capability (Duc and

Katsuhiro, 2009).

5. Knowledge-as-Asset provides the most convenient way to reconcile with orthodox economic theories.

Knowledge or more accurately ‘‘knowledge in a state’’ is considered as input and output in the production

function. However innovation-induced dynamics of the knowledge economy. Many authors (e.g. Dolfsma and

Soete, 2005) have agreed that the possess of assets without activities does not guarantee a prosperous economy.

6. Knowledge-as-Relation has the advantage of suggesting an overall systemic picture of the complex structure of

knowledge economy and coherence within the structure. However, many different factors cause a lack of focus

in the picture.

7. Knowledge as capability, Enables a reflection of the dynamics of the knowledge economy. Many studies

suggest that the concept of capability can provide a link to the three views of knowledge. Organizational

capabilities comprise human capital, social capital (relationships) and organizational capital (processes,

technologiesand databases). The analysis of these emotional expressions can form a good indicator of their

satisfaction and performance. Moreover, according to the different multimedia presentation techniques, the

authors found a clear difference in the resultant emotional expressions of learners based on their gender! They

stated that female students are more easily affected by different multimedia material than male learners.

Learning Organization

The idea of learning organization surfaced in early 1990 as Senge began to explore the art

and practice of the learning organization and popularized organizational learning with his book,

"The Fifth Discipline” (Senge, 1990).The term learning organization is still difficult to define.

some authors found it as vagueness. As Watkins and Golembiewski (1995) noted; the learning

organization is “a tentative road map, still indistinct and abstract” and they observed that it is“a

never-ending journey”. Moreover, many authors defined it from a different perspective as such

Senge (1990) who tried to differentiate learning organization from another organization.He

defined the learning organizations as” organizations where people continually expand their

capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are

nurtured, where collective aspiration is set freeand where people are continually learning to see

the whole together”. He noted that the dimension that distinguishes learning from more

traditional organizations is the mastery of certain basic disciplines. Agree with this viewpoint

Smith (2001), who defined learning organization based on the people in this organization who

may have sufficient absorptive capacity to create new patterns of thinking by which they are

continually learning in a systematic manner. Nonaka (1991) also found the learning organization

as a knowledge-creating organization since the sole business of this organization is the

continuous learning and innovation. From different viewpoint Garvin (1993) found the learning

organization must have the capability to generate, acquireand share knowledge, which affects

behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights” in this context, Garvin et al. (2008)

conceptualized the definition of the learning organization, to contain three dimensions; first, the

supportive learning environment; the concrete learning processes and practicesand the third

aspect related to the leadership style and behaviour that encourage learning. In supporting this

idea, many researchers suggested that an organization that can not learn, being unable to

efficiently and continuously adapt, respond or predicts what change is required will be out of the

game (Stewart, 1999). For more specification, Smith (2001) noted that the learning organization

is characterized by high degree of employee involvement towards shared values or principles.

Also, Watkins and Marsick (2003) define learning organizations that have continuous learning

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process. They set seven critical dimensions to describe the learning organization; create lifelong

learning opportunities; collaboration and team learning; systematic capture and share learning;

empower people toward a collective vision; promote inquiry and dialogue connectionand single

out leaders who model and champion learning.Through these dimensions, the CBA at King Saud

University will be examined towards a learning organization.

Universities as Learning Organizations

Are the universities can be considered as learning organizations or not? this question is

extensively addressed via many authors’ viewpoints (Duke, 1992; Earl,1994; Clark, 1998; Negus

et al., 2008). Since the university is defined as an organization for research, learningand teaching

of students. The second approach focused on the entrepreneur role of the university in

performing partnership with the industry (Ottman, 1996; Clark, 1998; Michael, 1980). The third

approach had been studied the managerial practices in the University (Sterwart, 1998 & Tomson

2003b). The fourth approach addressed the primary barriers to becoming learning university;

their findings showed that; organizational culture, organizational structureand governmental

policies are the main obstacles for the learning university (Wong & Tierney, 2001). However,

there is still a shortage in addressing how universities became learning organizations (Ozlem,

2012; Ness et al., 2008; Darry & Carmel, 2006), that is why this study had been performed. It

targets at educating elite groups of intellectually skilled people dubbed as “professions” who will

be able to lead the entire society and improving the civilizations as well (Saul, 1999). Many

authors as Weathersby and White (2004) are positively answered this question and found

becoming the university as a learning organization is critical for higher education’s wellbeing. In

the same manner, many authors advocated that the university is a learning organization in which

all the faculties learn and use their knowledge to advance both the students and their societies as

well (Gaita, 1997; McClenagham, 1998; Ramsden, 1998). Based on the dynamic theory of

organizational knowledge creation that had been developed by Nonaka (1998), new knowledge

is created through two dimensions; the epistemological dimension where knowledge creation is

recognized as the conversion process between the two popular types of knowledge (tacit

knowledge and explicit knowledge) and the ontological dimension where knowledge is created

only by individuals. Since an organization cannot create knowledge without individuals,

therefore the role of the organization just support the creative people and provide a context for

such individual to create knowledge. So the University itself can be considered as a key (Ba) for

the learning process. In the same manner, Senge (1990) described the university as a learning

organization where people learn how to learn. However, many empirical studies in this area had

been applied, most of them were targeted at a profit-organizations while there is little attention

had been undertaken towards studying this phenomenon for the non-profit organizations (Senge,

1990; Kim, 1994; Flood, 2000; El-Shafie, 2009; Roth, 2009). Specifically, few studies had been

developed for studying the university as a learning organization. Four distinctive approaches

have been found in the literature; the first approach examined the university as part of business,

the authors viewed at the University as corporate units (Schwarz, 2001 & Healy, 1998).

Three limitations are arising from the research context. First, the data analysis methods

used in this study do not allow us to evaluate the quality of the research reported. It should be

recognized, therefore, that the papers included in our pool are of mixed quality. For instance, our

reporting on the adoption of latest digital tools does not necessarily inspect whether the

researchers used the tools correctly, rigorously or even uniformly.

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Second, while our data reflect some of the content of the papers analysed, they do not

reflect a full evaluation of the contents of the papers. Third, while non-English native speakers

author papers in English, the choice to exclude papers written in languages other than English

may have limited the size and diversity of the sample.

Learning University and the Knowledge-Based-Economy

The relation between the learning university and the knowledge based-economy can be

addressed by the concept of the Sustainable Competitive Advantages (SCA). The actual term

"SCA" first coined by Day (1984), who defined it as the organization's ability to maintain

consistently and earn a return on investments above the average for its industry (Porter, 1985).

For Barney (1991) "a firm is said to have an SCA when it is implementing a value creating a

strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitorsand when

these others firms are unable to duplicate the benefits of this approach". Invaluable contributions

have been offered in different fields to explore the sources of SCA. (Elshafie, 2009; Karlkapp,

1999; Nakpodia, 2009). Barney (1991) noted that not all a firm's resources hold the potential to

be SCA; they must possess four specific attributes; rareness, value, inability to be imitatedand

failure to be substituted. Prahalad and Hamel (1990) developed the notion of core competencies.

They claimed that firms should combine their resources and skills into core competencies in

which a firm does distinctively well about competitors. When we write with text, we reduce the

effective domain element of the learning environment, serving, in some ways, to neutralize the

impact of our cultural norms. Being mindful of this potential disconnect has allowed careful to

translate energetic tendencies into something that is more culturally neutral, by contextualizing

them as enthusiasm for the topic at hand.

Invaluable empirical studies had been performed for studying this important issue. They

concluded that; the intangible resources would be better suited than the physical ones to achieve

SCA. Spender (1996) suggested that an organization's ability to generate new knowledge is the

key to building SCA and Wiig (1997) mentioned that to be competitive and successful

enterprises, it must create and sustain a balanced intellectual capital portfolio. While others

found transferring knowledge within the firm is a base for SCA (Argot & Ingram, 2000). Zack et

al. (2009) postulated that SCA resulted from the strategic use of resources and capabilities, of

which knowledge is believed to be the most significant. Agreed with this Nielsen (2006)

suggested that knowledge integration and coordination capabilities are the sources of competitive

advantages. Kapp (1999) argued that the learning organizations generate knowledge and learning

faster than competitors and turn knowledge into strategic advantages. He added, such

organizations that succeeded in being learning organization remain more profitable than rivals

and thus survive longer than they can do. Based on the previous studies, we can confirm that

learning organizations are capable of creating the SCA rather than other agencies. In 1997 a

report titled “Higher Education in the Learning Society” from the National Committee of Inquiry

into Higher Education. A committee advise the UK government on the future development of

higher education gives emphasis to this notion of a universal lifelong regard for the role of

learning and knowledge in a changing world. (UK Report,1997). Famous model of the learning

university is the University of Phoenix as for-profit-provider of high education in the USA and

the enter rentier University as the Warick & Strathclyde Universities (Schwaz, 2001).

Additionally, based on the national innovation system (NIS) theory. Building the knowledge

economy is the synergy of the collaboration of three key institutions; one of them is the

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universities. Figure 2 simply clarify the relation between the learning university and the

knowledge based-economy.



In this context, we can argue that the learning university has an essential role in building

the knowledge-based economy through the following:

1. The output of the learning university is the primary source of all intangible assets and intellectual capital in

any country. The so-called knowledge-society; regarding; education, qualifications; medical doctors, lawyers,

teachers, engineers and other work related knowledge, competencies, know-how, Innovation capacity,

creativity, experience, employee flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, motivation, learning ability,…etc. That

can mostly cover the knowledge gap and help in catching the leading countries (Bui, 2012).

2. An essential role of the university is the social responsibility and servicing the community that can play a

critical role in changing the society to the best and protect the minority. As an example, the efforts of many

universities in disease surveillance for HPAI causing the swan flu) by laboratory capability and capacity,

containment of the out break and vaccination. The learning university can play an essential role in changing

the society culture, via more focusing on the positive attitude, values, norms and behaviours toward building

learning, sharing and doing a culture.

3. One of the most important responsibilities of learning university is covering the knowing-doing gap since the

SCA resides in the application of the knowledge rather than in the knowledge itself. The learning university

by encouraging the implementation of the MBA, Masters and Ph.D. projects. The efficient use of such

knowledge will create value and positively support in changing knowledge into action that affects the

development of new goods and services.

4. The learning university, by participating in the industry and the government, via this synergy. We hope that

societies have provided a creative and inspiring atmosphere that allowing new ideas to arise and good

practices to be exchanged that support in building the innovation and novelty system which determined as the

base of generating future cash flowsand the wealth retention for any country, that achieve SCA for the


Review of Learning Organization Characteristics

Learning organization has extensively been investigated through literature. The following

table (Table 1) summarizes some of the characteristics of the Learning Organization scales on

the literature review.

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Table 1


Authors Learning Organization Characters

GOH 2003

Clarity of mission and vision

Leadership commitment and empowerment

Experimentation and rewards

Effective transfer of knowledge

Teamwork and group problem solving

Garvin 2000

Systematic problem solving

Learning from experience

Learning from others

Transferring knowledge

LIN 2008

Managerial commitment

Systems orientation

Knowledge acquisition

Knowledge dissemination

Chiva et al., 2007


Risk Taking & Dialogue

Interaction with the external environment

Participative decision making

Jerez-Gomez et al.,


Managerial commitment

Systems perspective

Openness and experimentation

Despite the extensive research on the concept and the application of learning

organization. Many authors find the idea of LO is still vague (Burgoyne, 1997; Garvin, 2000;

Jacobs, 1995; Hodgkinson, 2000). On the other hand, many of the models that have been

developed for the LO have been criticized. As an example, The model that has been formulated

in the Fifth Discipline by Peter (1990); describes the learning organization through his famous

model; systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models and the shared vision have been

criticized by Anders (2007), for misunderstood and leaving too many questions unanswered.

Also, Garvin's (1993) developed his model that provides a comprehensive explanation of three

types of organizational learning using the cognitive perspective: Gathering intelligence, learning

from experience and providing opportunities for experimentation. Also, has been criticized for

making recommendations that are too abstract. Since he did not provide guidance or a

framework for action (Senge,1999; Knight, 2006). None of these models had an instrument

designed to help practitioner measure the extent that organization success as a learning

organization. Since there is an urgent need for a theoretical and a standard framework, for that

reason Watkins and Marsick (1998), proposed the Dimension of the Learning Organization

Questionnaire (DLOQ), (Watkins & Marsick, 1993). As they noted, the learning occurs at four

interdependent levels-individual, team, organization and society. They define six actions as

imperatives for the learning organizationand the seventh action imperative (providing strategic

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leadership or learning) was added in a later work (Watkins & Marsick, 1996). The (DLOQ) has

been chosen for this research for many reasons; first, it was specifically designed as a “diagnostic

tool to measure changes in organizational learning practices and culture”. Second; it is the most

comprehensive questionnaire (contains seven dimensions with 55 measurable statements towards

learning organization (Marsick & Watkins, 2004). Third, the specificity of this approach lies in

the expertise of the founders as adult educators who are interested in learning and organizational

change. Fourth, all the dimensions of this model have been extensively validated as a research

tool by many authorsand all of them confirm the construct validity of using the DLOQ in a

different context (Garvin, 2000; Gilley, 2000). Through the (DLOQ), CBA at King Saud

University will be examined towards a learning organization. As Table 2 shows.

Table 2


The Dimension Likely to Become a Learning Organization

Continuous learning

It means the learning becomes an everyday part of the job in the organization

and, it is built into routine tasks. The Employees are expected to learn not

only skills relating to their works but also the skills of others in their work


Dialogue and Inquiry

It is relating to ‘a particular variety of organizational culture that enables and

encourages people to create, share and implement knowledge for the benefit

and enduring success of the organization."

Collaboration and Team


It means that the work environment promotes and encourages the synergy of

learning; a group of people cannot become a team unless everybody has the

willing to act as a part of a team.

Establish system to capture

and share learning

(embedded system)

It highlights the importance of seeing the organization as a whole system and

its objectives where parts are considered within an integrated whole.

Empower people toward a

collective vision

It relates to how people are involved in setting, owning and implementing a

collective vision.

Connect the organization to

its Community and


It requires organizations to play a significant role in its community.

Providing Strategic

Leadership for Learning

It focuses on Leaders model, champion and support learning, which is why

leadership uses learning strategically for business results.

Developed by Author based on the (DLOQ)


King Saud University Contributions to the Research Field

This paper utilizes a case-study triangulation method, the Survey of the case study is the

appropriate method to use. The interview to insist the result had been undertakenand also being a

member of the Quality and Accreditation Committee in the management department provides the

author a chance for investigating documents through which many practices of learning

organizations had been discovered. King Saud University is a premier institution of higher

education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a comprehensive research-oriented university

located in Riyadh; KSU is comprised of 23 colleges, including the College of Business

Administration (CBA). KSU embarked on a strategic transformation process based on its 2030

vision “to be a world-class university and a leader in developing Saudi Arabia’s knowledge

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society”. Its mission is “to provide students with a quality education, conduct valuable research,

serve the national and international communitiesand contribute to Saudi Arabia’s knowledge

society through learning, creativityand efficient global partnership” (KSU; SSR, 2015). The

establishment and development of KSU reflect both the development of the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia (KSA) and the broader goals and directions of higher education system toward a

knowledge-based-country. In 2012, KSU was ranked 1st in the Arab world, 64

th in Asia and 420


globally according to Web metrics and 261st on the Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking.

College of Business Administration (CBA)

The CBA is one of the pioneer colleges of KSU, being established as the College of

Commerce in 1959. CBA has become one of the top colleges of KSU. During the five decades of

its prominence, the CBA has graduated many managers, entrepreneurs, business professionals

and leadersand its graduates' progress has been seen to prestigious appointments in Saudi Arabia

and other countries. It was given its current name in 2006. The CBA is importing knowledge and

skills to students that are required and preferred by potential employers and other stakeholders. It

offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs to students who are of top caliber with

excellent academic preparations in their school educations. The CBA has nine departments,

namely Accounting, Economics, Finance, Health Administration, Management, Management

Information Systems, Marketing, Quantitative Analysisand Public Administration. Moreover, it

offers a total of 15 programs, all of them are included in the scope of AACSB initial

accreditation. The CBA has developed a strategic plan (2011-2016) at the college level that is

very much parallel to vision 2030 and the mission of the University. Such strategic plan has

made remarkable changes in learning university. It is a public institution founded in 1957. It has

been regarded as one of the top institutions of higher education in the Gulf Cooperation Council

(GCC) region in the Middle East.

Data Gathering

Gathering data were developed through three crucial phases; The Documents, this

research began with an extended investigation into the main documents in the CBA, to address

the managerial practices of the CBA towards the learning organization. The documents were

selected based on its relevance of the theoretical model to the learning organization. As an

example; the strategic plan of KSU and CBA. The Self-Study Report (SER) of CBA, this report

was vital and added a lot to the study since it contains valuable information relating to; the

internal processes, using the system thinking, the ability to learn from experience and the

problem-solving process,...etc. The second phase of the case study included semi-structured

interviews (twenty in-depth interviews) included two as a representative in each department in

the CBA. They are including Vice Dean in the female section, Quality & Accreditation

Committee members, Key staff persons in different departments in both the male and female

sections. Questions in the interviews explored the two key areas indicated above, i.e., awareness

of the company’s aspiration to be a learning organization and the faculty member’ understanding

of that conceptand their perception of the development of a learning culture in the organization.

The interview was in line with the findings of the initial questionnaire. The qualitative element

provided richer insight into the divergent findings of First phase (Documentation). The follow-up

interviews helped to clarify and explain the findings using both critical incidents and individual

observations. The use of many lines of inquiry in this study eliminates what Van Maanen (1979)

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refers to as losing touch between the concept and the measure through the Triangle emphasis on

both discovery and justification (Curral & Towler, 2003). The Third phase is the survey based on

(DLOQ) by a random sample of staff, supplemented by interviews, to explore how the faculty

member, staffand other people perceived the reality of the learning in the CBA. Approximately

100 employees, would be sufficient to provide data for the research via the questionnaires. In

addition to 20 employees for the interview, were selected across the CBA, based on the criterion

developed by the researchers, that they should represent all levels of the CBA (Administrative,

Dean, vice dean, staff and key people). Those selected completed the questionnaires

anonymouslyand the interviews were conducted on a confidential basis and under the control of

the researcher. To assess the extent to what a CBA meets certain criteria as a learning

organization. A questionnaire based on what Watkins and Marsick (1996 & 2003) had

performed. The Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ), has been

chosen for two reasons; first, it was specifically designed as a “diagnostic tool to measure

changes in organizational learning practices and culture” as perceived by the employees (Marsick

and Watkins, 2003). Second, it extensively had been validated as a research tool (Yang, 2003;

Garvin, 2000; Templeton et al., 2002). The definitions of the seven action imperatives as they

termed, which are also the constructs for the DLOQ, are shown in Table I. For the seven

dimensions. A questionnaire based on the (DLOQ) was distributed to the selected samples

(members of each department that are directly linked to the department). The demographics of

the respondents varied between ages 23 to 56 and between long-term staff and newly appointed

staff (one to more than10 years). The questionnaire consisted of two sections. The first section

explored the demographics of the respondents and their experience in the department. The

second section was divided into seven lines of inquiry with statements based on the (DLOQ)

elements of organizational learn the questionnaire was sent to the respondents by the KSU

regular email.


The findings of this study are organized according to the characteristics of learning

organizations by (DLOQ) as follow.

The First Dimention (DLOQ): Continuous Learning Opportunity

In today’s workplace, learning must become an everyday part of the job; it must build

into the routine tasks. Employees are expected to learn not only the traditional channel of

learning called the formal education or even the skills relating to their jobs. However, also, they

need to learn the skills of others in their work unit and to find out how their work unit refers to

the operation and goals of the business; employees are supposed to teach, as well as to learn

from, their co-workers. In short, the entire work environment is geared towards and supports the

learning of new skills. In this context, the learning university must motivate the faculty for the

continuous learning opportunity. KSU today is looking for reliable people with throughout

transferable skills. Thus It creates the environment that supports, enables, encourages and

celebrates learning. There is an extensive transformation towards the lifelong learning for

participating in the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The CBA is dedicated to

continuous improvement of its academic programs; student-centered learning; building strategic

partners with leading organizations, leading business schools and scholarly academic and the use

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of instructional technology. CBA meets the ever-growing needs for a qualified workforce in

Saudi businesses, public sectors and other non-profit organizations. KSU through the Dean of

Skills Development provide the faculty member with the training system (in & out), as a holistic

approach for the Academy of Lifelong Learning through the following:

Training Courses: A system that provides applicants with training sessions and

workshops by the faculty, who can investigate the status of the request and follow-up the

development in all stages. Such as: Effective classroom management, achieving course learning

objectives; innovative teaching and learning methods; involving technology in education; using

Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as SMART boards,…etc.

Conference Attendance: A system that allows a faculty to fill out the forms required to

attend a conference outside/inside the Kingdom and obtain the necessary documents.

Support Unit for Demonstrators, Lecturers & Scholars: A program that aims to

clarify and define the necessary requirements to accept teaching assistants and professors at


Rewards excellence. A system that checks the procedures specifying and allocating

rewards for excellent faculty members automaticallyand in a comfortable and friendly manner.

ISI Web of Knowledge. A range of publications and intellectual contribution developed

by the research centers in various specializations, in line with the scientific and academic goals,

to publish the latest research and studiesand the conclusions they reached (Digital Library).

Funding also is available for any staff member since all these resources are 100% free. Not only

for the staff but the student and employees as well.

Moreover, most of them founded themselves are given time to support learning (95%

strongly agree) as the same manner, 87% strongly agree that they are rewarded for learning. We

can conclude that CBA pursues the implementation of its strategic initiatives that target at

improving its academic and extra-curricular endeavors and providing its students, faculty and

staff with best opportunities to grow professionally and personally.This result is supported by the

result of the interview since most of the interviewees rank lifelong learning as high on the CBA

agenda. One respondent said that “we are encouraged to learn 24h/day” this result lead to KSU

as a learning organization.

The Second Dimention (DLOQ): Dialogue and Inquiry

Part of the learning organization culture is the ability of people to high communicate in

small and large groups. New knowledge and learning take place through “Dialogue”. People can

perform a real dialogue if they gain productive reasoning skills and face to face interpersonal

skills to express themselves. Via a strong dialogue, no one tries to win, but everyone plays with

one another. As the same manner, an inquiry is based on open-minded people who judgments in

the interests of truth for a better solution. The inquiry is a tool for people to explore ideas,

questionsand potential actions. In a learning organization, people gain productive reasoning

skills to express their views and the capacity to listen and inquire into the opinion of others; the

culture of the learning organization play a vital role in supporting questioning, feedback and

experimentation (Watkins & Marsick, 1993). Thus any organization to act as a learning

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organization it must encourage questioning, feedback and testing. KSU promotes dialogue and

inquiry through some tools as such; the Query Transactions; the system that allows all the

employees of the university to have access to all the events in various departments and

administrative units in a straightforward and accessible manner. Moreover, Forms Builder; a

system that allows employees of the university to create forms and questionnaires, that can be

used in various fields and can get results in an easy way.

The result of the survey shows that the overall picture slightly negatively changed Under

this dimension; in regards to the statement that “faculty gives open and honest feedback to each

other”, to which 75 percent were in “disagreement”. Also, the respondents did not consider

themselves to be highly sharing their individual knowledge, the discussion of the statement of

“whenever faculty states their view, they also ask what others think”. The results seemed to

contribute negatively to the process of sharing learning (80% disagree). Similarly, most of the

respondents found themselves do not spend time in building trust with each other (73%disagree).

Many faculties found a hard problem in sharing their knowledge and these results agree with

Ozlem, (2012) who confirm that the truth is the main barriers to learning sharing. As a trail to

justify this conclusion, one interview regarding this result to the lack of freedom of expression or

inquiry and other said that “We do not have the dialogue discipline; since we do not have active

listening judgmental”. One stated that “We do not open the door for learning and some of us

quickly down the inquiry and don’t hold the space for differences since most of us speak from no

awareness”. On the same manner, one of the respondents said that “We had a Ruthless problem

in sharing our knowledge” and added that “We miss the face-to-face interaction skills”. The

author found it is a culture problem since Saudi Arabia like many other Arab countries, in which

people are used to keeping their knowledge apart from other, they do not have the willing to

share their knowledge. Moreover, this result is highly supported by many other authors who find

the learning culture can be seen as a double-edged. weapon (Carla & Cindy, 2011). This result is

showing the negative contribution to the Learning organization at KSU.

The Third Dimention (DLOQ): Team Learning and Collaboration

It means that the work environment must promote and encourage the synergy of learning;

a group of people cannot become a team unless everybody has the willing to act as a part of a

team.Through the group, people must think together and discover insights or knowledge that

they cannot achieve individually. The learning organization must encourage people to think

together as a team or a group. That means it must help them to think about (We) instead of (I).

And assist them to apply the collectivism instead of individualism approach, only by these ways,

people can discover many insights and knowledge that they cannot achieve individually and for

sure the synergy will be maximized since 1+1 will be more than two. In the CBA, the team

learning and collaboration also hadn't seen as central to human resources in the CBA, despite the

vision that was designed to be vital in encouraging policies for a collaboration working

environment, the idea of the group -driven and the partnership seems to be unpinned in the KSU


One interviewee said that “We have a lack of the trust to collaboration”. Other

respondents stated that “We are working in the divisive environment”. The statement “ the teams

or groups got the freedom to adapt their goals as needed “is used as a trial to evaluate the team

learning within the CBA. However, it achieved a higher percentage of strong disagreement

(98%). Also, “Team learning” in the questionnaire was explored with the following statement:

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“groups revise their thinking as a result of group discussions or collected information”. This led

to the highest disagreement with 82 percent. Additionally, there is a high percent of the

respondents refuse the idea of the “teams are confident that the university will act as their

recommendations (70% disagree). The survey result showed agreed with the myth of the

management team Senge thoughts who noticed that “Most teams operate below the level of the

lowest IQ in the group. The result is “skilled incompetence” (Seng, 17-26). The author may

regard this result to the culture and subculture problem. Since KSU has many faculties from

different countries; we may locate the Egyptian, Syrian, Indian, Moroccan or Sudanese in

addition to the Saudi, each is also coming from various regions, so it is so difficult to build a

shared culture.

The Fourth Dimention (DLOQ): Embedded Systems

It highlights the importance of seeing the organization and its objectives as a whole

system That insists the university to acting through an entire system and a very active feedback

and closing the loop is highly required. This idea is extensively developed in CBA through the

Institutional Effectiveness System (INSEFF) that is assessing the quality of the college upon

using 24 different tools lately. The primary aim of INSEFF is to assure that plans are developed

by institutional priorities, an annual systematic collection of data, analysis and dissemination of

such information in the form of reports and action plans. As the first step of the System involves

assessment of several areas of academic and administrative units such as Curriculum, faculty

performance, learning resources, administrative set-up, graduation and employment rates,

students’ academic performance, alumniand employer feedback. Secondly, the data collected

from areas of academics, administrationand other support services are analyzed, interpreted and

disseminated to departments concerned for their review, evaluation and development of action

plans. The departments/offices receiving the pertaining data are Academic Departments,

Administrative units, program review committee and Dean’s office. The third step; is the

discussion and providing the recommendation that the departments mentioned above develop,

based on the reports and forward to the decision-making bodies for approval. The fourth step is

that the recommendations of these departments/offices are forwarded to the College Council for

discussion, approval and updating in the Policy and Procedures Manual for references in the

future course of action. The fifth step is that the approved changes are implemented by various

departments namely academics, learning resources, academic advising, administration and


Moreover, the sixth step is that changes or adjustment and corrective actions are

monitored and any feedback after implementation is used for re-assessing the areas. Thus, the

cyclical process of institutional effectiveness system is completed and enhancement of

educational quality is achieved. The INSEFF system is intending to use 24 different mechanisms

to assess the overall efficiency of CBA that are found to be promising tools for continuous


The Fifth Dimention (DLOQ): Empower People Toward a Collective Vision

Nowadays all organizations have a vision statement, contains long-term objective,

strategic goals, values statement…etc. However, in many cases, it looks like a beautiful picture

on the wall because it is just coming down from the above. Learning organization must empower

people toward a collective vision. KSU had been selected to exploring the characteristics of LO

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for many reasons. The most important reason is that KSU has formally set down in its vision the

aim of becoming “A learning university. Moreover, the CBA vision is “To be a leader in

business education and research that contributes to building a knowledge-based economy”. For

Empower people toward a collective vision, they must be encouraged to share and participate in

drawing that vision actively, that will lead to well act towards achieving that vision, resulting

from the increasing of clarity, enthusiam and the most important thing is the commitment.

The INSEFF is real evidence that KSU is acting as a whole system and this result is

highly supported by the product of the interview with the key staff who found the CBA acting as

a system oriented. Most of the staff agree with the idea that the CBA “creates systems to measure

gaps between current and expected performance (80% strongly agree ). Moreover, 78% agree

that the CBA make more effort to let “its lessons learned available to all employees” by the

website. Most of the staff strongly agree that the CBA, “measures the results of the time and

resources spent on training” (93% strongly agree ). Such conclusion positively supports the idea

of a learning organization.

In KSU, the development of the vision can be recognized as a process. The Academic

Development, Quality & Accreditation (ADQ&A) Committee and the Assessments Committee

in the Department were concerned with the evaluation of (mission and objectives) process. The

members of these committees reviewed the mission, goals and objectives of the program,

program specification, the annual program reports and the activities of both the program and the

institution. They conducted interviews with faculty members and other staff in the department to

understand various processes as a measure of evaluating the mission appropriateness; there were

meetings held with members of other committees, i.e., Faculty Affairs Committee, Student

Affairs Committee, Scientific Committee…etc. The members of the department council oversee

the whole process for the preparation of this standard. The members of the Assessments

Committee and (ADQ&A) Committee conducted surveys to find out the “Overall effectiveness

of the program mission statement” from the perspectives of the current student body. In response

to the concern raised by NCAA on its review report, a total of 200 students both male and female

have been surveyed and the results show the overall ranking four stars out of five. Also most

respondents support the idea of their empowering toward the vision in the CBA. Since 84% of

them strongly agree that the CBA recognizes people for taking initiatives toward applying the

vision. Moreover, also, they agree that the CBA “gives faculty control over the resources they

need to accomplish their work” (91% agree). In addition to, most of them 75% support the idea

(agree) that the CBA “support the faculty who take calculated risks”.

The Sixth Dimention (DLOQ): The Systems Connections to the Environment

Learning organization must connect to its community and environment through what so-

called social responsibility. Located KSU in the heart of the Saudi Arabia, it offers the best

conditions for successful research and teaching. In addition to the international rankings confirm

the KSU’s leading role in Saudi Arabia. Social responsibility continues to be at the core of KSU

activities as some examples are shown in Table 3.

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Table 3


1. King Saud University’s Social Responsibility Club, under the sponsorship of Saudi Arabia’s Disabled

Children’s Association (DCA), has published a guidebook of charitable organizations to link these

associations and potential donors.

2. KSU’s Social Responsibility Club recently celebrated the International Day of Older Persons, a tradition

established by the United Nations in 1990 to recognize the contributions of the elderly and examine issues

that affect their lives. It is held annually on October and this year's theme was “Longevity: Shaping the


3. King Saud University, in cooperation with the National Anti-Corruption Commission, has organized the

first Arabic language anti-corruption training course. The course, “The Culture of Integrity and Anti-

Corruption” is sponsored by the Saudi Investment Bank to "protect the integrity and fight corruption."

More than 500 KSU students have already attended the course

4. The KSU student through the nurse club continues its efforts to spread its culture of service via

voluntary programs and cultural activities. The Club is guided in this endeavour under the supervision of

the deanship of the student affairs .

5. KU support dental awareness in all Ghat. KSU participated in an outreach program late last month for

school students organized by the Al-Rahmaniah Cultural Centre in Al-Ghat and the Saudi Dental Society.

An interesting finding toward the learning university that the CBA support the faculty to

connect with their community. 96% strongly agree that the CBA encourages faculty to think

from a global perspective.

The Seventh Dimention (DLOQ): Providing Strategic Leadership for Learning

It focuses on Leaders model, champion and support learning, that is why leadership uses

learning strategically for business results. One evident for the supportive leadership in the CBA

is President Badran Al-Omar is providing best practice in strategic leadership for learning. He

seems to be democratic, consultative and strategic. His target is the top and also he is sharp,

dynamic focused and able to articulate clear instructions. The leadership style in the CBA is

serving CBA particularly well. It has given CBA both a clear strategic leadership and acted to

ensure that the guidance was followed, acted upon and achieved. One example of the success of

the leader direction is that the programs at the CBA were delivered in an Arabic medium until

2008. At the beginning of the academic year 2008-2009, under the leader directions all the CBA

programs have been changed and delivered in an English medium, except few masters programs.

This initiative was the transformational leader outcome. It is argued that the current leadership

style of the CBA is likely to lead KSU to become LO. Another evident is that the CBA currently,

got the AACSB as part of accomplishing the CBA’s result of accelerating in academic

leadership. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) that was

established in 1916. This accreditation is awarded based on 21 standards, most of them for a

learning organization. The accreditation of AACSB is made at the institutional level. Moreover,

it is awarded to less than 10% of business schools worldwide. The survey shows that the

majority of the respondents strongly support the strategic leadership in the CBA. Since 98%

strongly agree of the respondents found that the CBA leaders mentor and coach what they lead.

Moreover, 94% agree with the idea that the leaders in the CBA are continually looking for

opportunities to learn. Also, the majority of the respondents strongly agree that the leaders in the

CBA, ensure that the CBA’s actions are consistent with its values (84%).

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Based on the result, we can argue that the CBA is driving KSU acting as a learning

university to a great extent. Five out of seven dimensions of the (DLOQ) is strongly supportive

and lead KSU to be learning university. While only two dimensions slightly result in the learning

university (Dialogue and inquiry) and (Team Learning and Collaboration) as a Figure 3 shows.



Some implications and recommendations would be addressed to help KSU and another

university towards a learning university.

Continuous Learning Opportunity for Learning University

All the respondents supported that they have many opportunities to learn, internally and

abroad. Based on the documentation, the CBA provides its members with great opportunities to

grow professionally and personally. For maintaining the continuous learning; learning by

applying the knowledge into a new scenario and gaining contextual learning from that

application. Furthermore, furthermore, since there is no learning without mistakes, learning from

knowledge application must include post-analysis and critical evaluation.

Dialogue & Inquiry Culture for Learning University

Most respondents found a lack of freedom of expression which negatively supports the

learning university.Consequently; a fundamental managerial role of the CBA should foster the

underlying culture that supported the establishment new knowledge through creating the chances

for the dialogues and questions. Many actions must be undertaken; Different channels (formal &

informal) must be opened to the debates, critical thinkingand critique, which are important in

fostering learning. Also, the social context must be created through the values, beliefs and

behaviours that create shared individual interpretation and increased the effectiveness of learning

the culture.

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Collaboration and Team Learning for Learning University

The idea of the group-driven and the partnership seems to be unpinned in the CBA, some

responses found themselves working in the divisive environmentand there is a lack of the trust

among them to collaborate which will be less support. The team learning and collaboration can

be built in the CBA through building a team of the suitable experienced, qualified persons who

have the willingness to participate in the group.Also, the soft HRM should focus on attracting,

trainingand develop the knowledge people to work as a team.

Embedded System for Learning University

Since 2010, the CBA has adopted a system called Institutional Effectiveness System

(INSEFF) to evaluate its performance, learning from mistakes and experiences. The primary aim

of INSEFF is to assure that plans are developed by institutional priorities, an annual systematic

collection of dataand analysis and dissemination of such data, informationand knowledge in the

form of reports, best practices, experiences and action plans. Such INSEFF is highly leading

KSU toward Learning organization. However for maintaining the embedded system; the result of

any evaluation process regarding changes, adjustmentand any correction actions must be

disseminating and sharing the various parts in the CBA. Moreover, the feedback after

implementation is vital for future re-assessing.

Vision for Learning University

The vision of the CBA is widely known, shared and acted upon all the respondents,

faculty members, administration, general staff or even the students. All the interviewees not only

recite the CBA vision on the wall of their rooms but also applying it to their role and working

environment. It is evident that the CBA vision is the one that is more likely to lead the KSU to

become a learning organization. However many initiatives must be undertaken for maintenance;

the ongoing assessment process to ensure that the current vision is in line with that objective and

the vision of KSU. Also, ensure that the vision is regularly updated and re-crafted by all the staff.

Communication System for Learning University

The faculty members have published 605 articles during the last five years in 201 peer-

reviewed journals. Also, the industry service, through the applied research, which dedicated

around 20% of the faculty time. It is the fact that the CBA is playing a role in differentiating

KSU through educating, training and developing outstanding graduates to become first-class

thinkers, problem solversand mature citizens who can engage in the society. Therefore, we can

argue that the linking with the community is playing a vital role that likely leads the KSU to be

LO. For maintaining this success; The role of the CBA in the society must be clearly defined and

linked to the KSU vision and also must be aligned with the Saudi Arabia 2030 vision. The results

indicate that the CBA strongly linkage to the community, through the outstanding graduates,

who can act appropriately and positively with the market demand. Also, the research was

extensively performed in the CBA.

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Leadership for Learning University

The leadership style in the CBA is serving CBA particularly well. We can argue that the

current leadership style of the CBA is likely to lead KSU to Learning organization. For

maintaining, many initiatives must be followed; Develop and implement formal and informal

programs to identify, developand monitor potential leadership talent of all the staff. Moreover,

all the current leaders must engage in an after action review to determine their suitability as a

leaderand if it proves they are unfit, they will accept that finding & voluntarily move aside to

another position within the university.


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