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TOUGHEST KICK: JODAN MAWASHI GERIThere are many leg techniques in Kyokushin Karate and if we ask which is the toughest leg technique or kick then we will get different answers. Some people will name some unorthodox or uncommon kicks (kicks used very rare in kumite) like different Kaiten Geri or Tobi Geri. Those kicks are special techniques and it depends on ability and skill of the karateka, requires very high level of physical fitness & body flexibility and lots more. So my definition of a tough kick is The Kick which is used very often, which every karateka can perform very easily but lack perfection and accuracy as shown by our respected Sosai .In my view, the tough kick or really the toughest kick is Jodan Mawashi Geri. Some readers may feel surprise why I have said so ,for them hope I will be able to make myself clear throughout the article. Jodan Mawashi Geri is one of the most popular and common kick in Kyokushin Karate. Jodan means Upper body, Mawashi means Roundhouse & Geri means Kick. So Jodan Mawashi Geri means Upper body Roundhouse Kick. The target of Jodan Mawashi Geri is to hit either in jaw or face or side or neck. Jodan Mawashi Geri can be of two types depending upon the part of the foot used for strike, namely-1) Jodan Mawashi Geri with Naka-Ashi or Ball of the Foot2) Jodan Mawashi Geri with Seashi or Instep of the FootThe Jodan Mawashi Geri with Ball of the Foot is targeted to hit mainly in jaw or face and the Jodan Mawashi Geri with Instep of the Foot is targeted to hit side of face or neck. Both the two types of Mawashi Geri are equally effective if applied in right manner and right timing. There are more variations of Jodan Mawashi Geri but it is not topic of our discussion rather our discussion is bounded to the basic Jodan Mawashi Geri which we already mentioned. I have personally felt Jodan Mawashi Geri to be the toughest kick and I thought that may be its my personal problem. I consulted my Sensei, Shihan and many other Sempais who were also of the same opinion with me. They said that may be this kick seems to be very easy but its really the toughest one and very less people can do a perfect Jodan Mawashi Geri. I have also watched many instructional videos, books and I have found in almost all of them they lead maximum emphasis on Jodan Mawashi technique. Jodan Mawashi Geri, if too right can cause enough damage even if it is blocked by Gaman Cover ( Hand Guard) or it may hit overcoming the block also. This kick is immense powerful and transfers a huge power if timing as well as technique is accurate and thus can prove very fatal if hit in temple of the skull. A perfect and timely hit Jodan Mawashi Geri is enough to make a Ippon or K.O. in tournament. Due to its immense power transfer it is often used in Tameshi-Wari by leg.Most people dont do the proper Jodan Mawashi Geri. Some do mistake in rising the leg, some do mistake in making the proper roundhouse, some do mistake in making the proper hit to the target, some do mistake in turning the leg and knee, some do mistake in hip movement and movement of opposite feet to apply power whereas some dont do it, some dont give the proper impulse in the kick instead they provide a jerk and cause injury to themselves and last but not the least some dont give Khiai. These problems arise mainly due to lack of normal physical fitness especially under the waist part of our body and then lack of our proper training, care and focus during implementation. For making this kick perfect, the prime requisite is to make your leg very much free. For this, practice these exercises regularly in order as given 1) Knee & Flexibility Exercise: - Bend your knees and lower your hips and balance your body on ball of foot. Then place your hand on your knee and straighten your leg pushing against the knee and balance your body on your heel. After that join your legs and hold the knee and rotate your knee both in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Now start the flexibility exercise by spreading your legs wide apart, now bend one knee keeping the other knee extended and lower your body. Place one hand on each knee and now try to touch the calf muscle of the extended knee to the ground by pressing the knee with your hand. Be careful that the heel of the bent leg should not rise from ground. Repeat with both legs alternately few times. Now standing in Heisoku Dachi try to touch the ground with your palms which helps to free your calf muscles. If you can do then hold at that position for few seconds, if you cannot then continuously give light jerk and try to touch. Then grab just the top part of the feet from back and try to touch your head between your knees.2) Stretching Exercise: - Left leg then Right leg then front stretching or both leg stretching. If your stretching is complete then remain at the full stretched position for few seconds. If your stretching is not completed then get at the maximum down position you can do, hold for few seconds at that position and then give light jerk continuously for few seconds. It will gradually make your left, right and both leg stretching clear. After completing these sit down fully on the ground at both leg stretched position. A very important thing to note here is while you do both leg stretching your Soko-ashi or arch of the foot must touched the ground totally and when you sit in the both leg stretched position your foot must be upward with the Kakato or heel touching the ground and the Seashi or instep must be pointed outwards. Now bent each leg with pressure to touch the Soko-ashi or arch of the foot to the ground from that position without lifting your body as during stretching. 3) Chest Touching Exercise: - After sitting in both leg stretched position try to touch the chest to the ground by giving slow jerk and then hold the chest with the ground for few seconds with hands kept in front. After that touch the chest to both left and right leg. You can do it alternately or you can do it one by one and dont forget to hold for few seconds. After that join the heel of both the feet together at the front, grab it and pull it closer to your body as close as you can then do the butterfly exercise by simply trying to touch the thigh to the ground giving slow jerk. After completing it gives jerk to your thigh with your knees to touch it with the ground. Then at the butterfly position try to touch your chest to the ground and hold for few seconds at that position. 4) Stretching Kicks Exercise: - After completing the above, stand up and stand in Heiko Dachi or Yoi Dachi. Then perform Maegeri-Age, Shotomawashi Geri and Uchimawashi Geri with both legs alternately. The best technique to do these kick is by holding your belt at the side which helps in proper body balance. All these exercises help in free movements of the ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint which is mainly required for this kick.Now we go for the technical part of doing the perfect Jodan Mawashi Geri. Stand in Heiko Dachi or Yoi Dachi. To make this kick perfect, I will suggest everyone to do the kick in 3 counts as follows- 1) Lift your leg on the side like in the form of Heza Geri with the knee pointing at an angle of 45 and keep the instep pointed upward tightly if you are going to hit by ball of foot and if you are going to hit by instep then keep the instep pointed downward tightly. Try to make body balance in this position for few seconds. Also try to raise the leg to the maximum height you can do and if you are unable then grab the leg at highest position by your same hand to hold it in that raised position.2) Now turn your entire hip and raised leg to the front from side and hold the leg at that position for few seconds with your hand as in previous step. Remember that the knee now point to an angle of 135 from the previous position i.e. if you are kicking with right leg then the knee must point entirely to the left and vice versa.3) Now release the hand with which you are holding the leg. Keep that hand down and hit the kick just by unfolding the knee completely and making the leg straight. The most vital part of the technique is that the feet of the other leg on which you are standing must turn 90 from the initial position and followed by a loud proper Khiai to imply the full power. But dont forget to keep the opposite hand up as Gaman Cover else opponent will easily hit you Jodan Mawashi Geri.Do the kick in this manner with both legs alternately. The more number of kicks you do in this manner, the more your kick will tend to perfection. After completing this follow the whole sequence in 1 count means normal kick practice. While doing the whole sequence in one count you dont need to grab your knee rather the same hand is lowered down at the back to keep the balance and the opposite hand is kept as Gaman Cover.The final touch to the kick to take it to the top most level of perfection are- Apply full hip movement in the kick keeping the body balance with the full feet movement of the opposite leg as said above and increase the speed of raising and hitting the kick i.e. in a sudden blow or impact. The application of hip and speed to the kick will imply more power and generate a very strong impulsive force which will make the kick perfect, powerful and very effective. Now, you know the secret to improve your Jodan Mawashi Geri. So all you need to do is regular hard training and practice of all the exercises and the kicking technique I have mentioned, all in the sequential manner as I have mentioned. Dont get too much involve in the kick at first. Try to focus on the mistake you are still doing and improve that point and go through this article repeatedly and practice till you reach perfection. I hope this article will be enough helpful for all. Wishing everyone a very good health, life and success. Train hard today, Train Harder tomorrow, Follow the Kyokushin Way of Life. OSU !! Jit Sarkar(4TH KYU) KYOKUSHIN UNION INDIA RECOGNISED BY IKO-1 & ALL JAPAN KYOKUSHIN UNION Email- [email protected]

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