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TOPIC Question/Comment Staff Response

1 ARB Process How many submissions (blueprint reviews and requests for permit) has the HOD ARB reviewed since its inception. How many times were design changes required and made to each submission before HOD ARB “approval” was granted? How does this compare with the regular Fairfax County permitting process, where special approvals and permits are not required for many basic and ordinary home modifications or additions?

In the last 5 years there have been 192 cases approved by the ARB, and additionally 142 case were brought for workshop items.

2 ARB Process How do we obtain a copy of the original architecture drawings for our homes to facilitate renovations in the future?

In staff's analysis, we were unable to find the original architecture drawings for each home. Staff used building permits and aerial images to look at the evolution of the buildings over time. However, it should be noted that the goal of the HOD is not to preserve the houses as they were when they were constructed, but rather to create compatible additions to the historic features.

3 ARB Process Are there any controls that can be put in place to help the non-contributing properties remain as contributing as they are now? If I understand correctly, they are not subject to ARB review, and any normally permitted changes can be made.

Even the non-contributing buildings are subject to review by the ARB for any new exterior changes. Because the non-contributing buildings are within viewshed of contributing buildings they still need to be reviewed for compatibility.

4 ARB Process Just to be clear, my understanding is that regular maintenance (including things like replacing windows in kind or putting in a new furnace), painting, and interior changes of any kind won't require HOD review. Is that correct?

Yes. The ARB only reviews exterior modifications that require a building permit.

5 ARB Process If you don't get to me for oral questions, can you tell me, in rough terms, how many

General research that was completed estimated about 9 or so reviews that would rise to the level of ARB review from the 2019-2020 time period.

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projects in Hollin Hills would be expected to go to the ARB in a typical year?

6 ARB Process Does the County provide guidelines on who can/should serve on the Hollin HIlls Design Review Board?

The Hollin Hills Design Review Committee (DRC) is a private entity. The county has no purview over the DRC or who is on the board.

7 ARB Process Of the nine projects guesstimated to have warranted ARB review in the past, what is the guestimate on how much more time would have been added to those nine projects?

Heritage Resources staff is alerted to a project within a historic overlay district as soon as it is accepted by the zoning building permits division. As soon as we are notified, we determine if the proposal needs ARB review. If so, we coordinate with the property owner to schedule for the next available ARB meeting. Ideally, this process is concurrent with the review and would not add additional time for review. The limiting factor is that the ARB only meets once a month.

8 ARB Process What size examination board (ARB) will be required and how often must it meet to satisfy the permit applications for a suburban residential community of 450 homes?

The maximum size of the ARB is 11 members as stipulated by the zoning ordinance. Currently, the ARB meets only once a month and we have an average of 3-5 items per meeting. If a need develops to meet more often than once a month to review proposals, the issue can be addressed at that time.

9 ARB Process Has there been a detailed study and assessment of historical data to determine if it is feasible for the ARB to administer an HOD that encompasses 450 residential homes?

A detailed study has not been completed. However, the ARB currently has jurisdiction over the Lorton Workhouse and Penitentiary. The ownership is a mix of Fairfax County, Fairfax County Park Authority, and private ownership, including private residences in the penitentiary area. On average, we have one item to review related to the Lorton penitentiary monthly. For scale, the Spring Hill Over 55 community has approximately 180 single family residences and the Liberty development has approximately 407 housing units total in the historic area (including single family detached, townhomes and multi-family).

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10 ARB Process Does this extra step in the permit process require home owners to attend an architectural review hearing? Does this replace the HH DRC?

The addition of a Hollin Hills HOD does not replace the HH DRC. If a homeowner is making changes to their home that requires a building permit, for example for a deck or addition, either the homeowner or a representative for the homeowner such as the architect must attend an ARB to present the application.

11 ARB Process does the ARB not review the building design until Permit submission? Seems very late for any changes

An applicant may come to the ARB as a workshop item before a permit is submitted. During a Workshop, the ARB will review and make recommendations on what the applicant has presented. This will help the applicant go to the ARB with any modifications the ARB recommended.

12 ARB Process Who appoints/elects the ARB membership? The ARB members are appointed by a vote of the BOS. The ARB is comprised of 11 members that must include at least two licensed architects, one licensed landscape architect, one lawyer, one archaeologist, one historian and the rest shall be drawn from the ranks of related professional groups.

13 ARB Process if the ARB doesn't like something about your plans and you have to go back to your architect, does this delay the process until the next meeting a month later?

Yes, if you go to the ARB and they request you make changes, you will need to come back to the ARB at the next meeting.

14 ARB Process But I heard that the review board would only come into play if a building permit is required. It that true? If so, why would a review be needed for window replacement? -

It is true that the ARB will only review an action that requires a building permit. However, if for instance the application was for a new addition that included windows, the ARB would make recommendations on the style of windows per the design guidelines.

15 ARB Process • Increased volume and workload for a community of 450 private residential homes.

General research that was completed estimated about 9 or so reviews that would rise to the level of ARB review from the 2019-2020 time period.

16 ARB Process • Additional HOD/ARB meetings and labor hours required to deal with HH reviews.

The reviews for the HH HOD would not be any different than review for projects within other existing historic overlay districts.

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17 ARB process • Additional impact and adjustments necessary to accommodate another large-scale, community-wide, solely residential HOD program, such as Holmes Run?

DPD is currently hiring two new planners in the next few months. However, these planners will not be solely dedicated to one historic overlay district. If it becomes necessary, modifications to the duration and frequency of ARB meetings can be modified by the ARB.

18 ARB Process How does the County intend to deal with the added administrative burdens associated with two or more large suburban residential communities (Hollin Hills and Holmes Run)?

DPD is currently hiring two new heritage resources planners in the next few months. However, these planners will not be solely dedicated to one historic overlay district. If it becomes necessary, modifications to the duration and frequency of ARB meetings can be modified by the ARB.

19 ARB review process Does HOD status in any way limit contractor selection or increase contract labor for future work projects due to potential specialization or registration?

There is no limitation to the choice of contractors. The homeowner is allowed to select the contractor of their choice. The materials can be negotiated with the review by the ARB.

20 ARB review process Section C of the "Proposed Hollin Hills Historic Overlay District Draft Text" states that "all improvements...must be designed and installed to be compatible with the Hollin Hills Design Guidelines." Further, page 44 of the Draft Design Guidelines includes language allowing for enforcement reach beyond the primary façade. Separately, we have been told review and approval is only needed where improvements trigger a county building permit. Can you state whether all or only permit-required improvements will trigger ARB review?

The building permit review (or site plan) triggers the review of the Architectural Review Board. If no building permit is required, then the ARB does not get a courtesy review. However, that being said, if a item for a building permit or site plan comes in, the ARB can comment on the items that do not require a building permit. For example, a fence by itself does not require a building permit. However, if that fence was being proposed with an addition, then the ARB can comment on it. The design guidelines also offer guidance on things that do not require building permits. Also, the design guidelines are just recommendations and meant as a starting point for negotiation/mitigation.

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21 ARB review process What is the time impact of the typical ARB review?

The impact of the typical ARB review. The application process for the ARB is fairly simple, an application form and supporting documents including photos, elevations, renderings, landscape plans etc. Most of these items are required with building permit and building design submission, so these same documents can be used for the ARB process. The ARB only meets once a month, so sometimes there is a little bit of a delay in order to allow the ARB to review the materials. After the ARB reviews and acts on the proposal, the letter goes back to the building permit branch and can be issued almost immediately (if nothing else is outstanding).

22 ARB review process We are contemplating the construction of a carport and an addition on our house. Though it is our intention to perform such construction in a manner that complements our home’s architecture, is it likely that, under this new framework, approval for such projects could be denied? (from HH HOD meeting chat)

The ARB very rarely denies an application. The ARB strives to work with property owners to meet their needs while continuing to maintain the historic character of a HOD. Also, the design guidelines are created to aid property owners/applicants to design appropriate additions and modification.

23 ARB review process Since the ARB is a government entity with responsibilities presumably broad and multiple, what is the turnaround time on approvals? In all cases other than immediate approvals, how interactive and protracted is the collaborative process? In case of denials, what is the appeal process? (from HH HOD meeting chat)

It will depend on the proposals. Minor modifications that meet the design guidelines and zoning ordinance may be able to be approved at one ARB meeting. More complicated additions or modifications may take more than one meeting, depending on what the design is, but often can be completed with two meetings. The process at an ARB meeting with the ARB is a discussion and takes into account the property owners needs and why they would prefer their design a certain way. Generally, the discussions are collaborative and fruitful. For the appeals process, please visit and see the appeals process on page 7-16.

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24 ARB review process Does landscaping or development that requires ground disturbance such as home additions or creating garden beds require the commissioning of a Heritage Resource Study? What is the cost of such a study and who pays the invoice? (from HH HOD meeting chat)

If an applicant is proposing more than 2500 square feet or more of land disturbing activity within a HOD, the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) will need to be consulted for archaeological concerns. The FCPA archaeologists will review the information and determine if further study is needed. If an archaeological investigation is needed, the applicant will be responsible for the cost of the study.

25 ARB review process As for my question, where would the Architectural Review Board to be located and would their people with HH specific knowledge on it. (from chat during meeting)

The ARB currently meets virtually via the Webex platform. Pre-COVID the ARB met at the Fairfax County Government Center. There is no requirement that the members on the ARB have specific knowledge of Hollin Hills before being appointed. However, the ARB is required to be made up of professions in the historic preservation field including architects, architectural historians, landscape architects among others.

26 ARB review process But I heard that the review board would only come into play if a building permit is required. It that true? If so, why would a review be needed for window replacement? (from chat during meeting)

It is true that the ARB will only review an action that requires a building permit. However, if for instance the application was for a new addition that included windows, the ARB would make recommendations on the style of windows per the design guidelines.

27 Building permits How many Fairfax County building permits have been requested and granted for additions to Hollin Hills’ homes over the past 70 years?

General research that was completed estimated about 9 or so reviews that would rise to the level of ARB review from the 2019-2020 time period.

28 Building Permits Did the Fairfax County HOD staff review the annual number of permits for new additions to determine if there are trends or corollaries with relevant economic factors?

Staff analysis as outlined by the zoning ordinance does not include analysis of economic factors.

29 C/NC 2005 Bedford lane. that is listed as non-conforming on the National Register and VA list, , but it's not clear why. It does seem to fit into the landscape, and though the front is pretty much blocked off from street view, that

Staff determined that the multiple additions leaves little of the exterior architecture visible.

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doesn't appear to be sufficient grounds for de-listing.

30 C/NC 2101 Pickwick . I raised this point earlier when we saw pictures taken by your staff. The fact that there is a shed attached to the house doesn't make it non-conforming-- it doesn't overwhelm the house, and if the picture were taken a few feet away you could see most of the house from the street.

Staff determined that the massing of the addition overwhelmed of the structure.

31 C/NC 2103 Pickwick. That is listed as non-conforming on the Historic District, but it's not entirely clear why, since the addition is at the back of the house and it doesn't appear any larger than many other additions that weren't designated as "non-conforming"

The property was listed as non-contributing in the National Register nomination and staff concurred.

32 C/NC Why NC? 7308 Stafford. The addition on the front does not overwhelm the house, and while it is not cookie-cutter, it doesn’t seem to merit designation as non-conforming. (I think that the general idea of mid-century modern – big windows, modest additions, etc— shouldn’t require absolute conformity . Levittown is not what we should be aiming for)

Staff believes that the massing of the additions overwhelm and obscure the original architecture and that the additions do not conform to Hollin Hills characteristics.

33 C/NC Why NC? 7310 Stafford. What is the justification for designating this as non-conforming? My guess is that it might be because the additions aren’t wide-open to the street, but it is indeed important to have privacy (and that was included in DRC guidelines.

Staff believes that the additions cover the majority of the contributing facades and the chimney.

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34 C/NC Why NC? 7314 stafford. 'Again, it's not clear why this is now proposed as non-conforming

Staff determined that the multiple additions overwhelm the structure.

35 C/NC i also question the justification for adding 2005 Bedford lane, and perhaps 2003. While I am strongly opposed to additions that have clearly violated the idea of gently sloping roofs with additions that often go close to 30 feet high, 2005 Bedford Lane does not appear to overwhelm the landscape.


36 C/NC 1820 Drury Lane is listed as NC- should be C and description needs to be changed

Staff believes the property is non-contributing due to number of additions.

37 C/NC I still question the addition of a number of properties to the non-conforming list -- and haven't seen any explanation of the reasons for adding some of them, The Historic District designation did not list any on Stafford Rd as non-conforming, it's not clear why most of these were added. (i agree that 7219 is non-conforming, but 7303,7308, 7310 and 7314 appear to blend into the landscape.

Will discuss at 3/29 Work Group meeting

38 C/NC Why does Fairfax County object to allowing county property to be included in the HOD?

There is county property included within the historic overlay district. Two properties owned by the Board of Supervisors located on Rippon Road and also Fairfax County Park Authority property were included. Staff made the decision to not include the Hollin Meadows Elementary School .

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39 C/NC However, I do have one serious concern and that is the placement of 7305 Rebecca Drive in the “contributing” category. This house has a steep slope gable roof which is clearly contradictory to your roof guideline recommendations which state “Retain original flat and/or low-slope roof forms”, and your roof not-recommended guidelines which state “Altering the original roof shape, form, height, or roof pitch; introducing steeply pitched roofline”. The roof at 7305 Rebecca Drive is a steep slope gable roof just like the one shown below: Additionally, one of the major contributing factors to the overall “look and feel” of Hollin Hills is the low-slung, flat, or butterfly roofline. I do not believe that this house complements the neighborhood, adheres to the guidelines, or represents the character of this mid-century modern community. Therefore, I am strongly opposed to including 7305 Rebecca Drive in the category of “contributing” properties.

Staff has determined that 7305 Rebecca Drive is contributing. Staff asserts that it is clear where the modifications to the building have been made from the original design. Staff looked at the following pieces for each structure in Hollin Hills 1- chimney,2- windows,3- roof 4- landscape 5- modern movement. The residence still maintains the chimney and the wall of windows, as well as the landscaping that are uniquely Hollin Hills. The gable roof has clearly been modified and is a non-contributing change; however staff does not believe this determines that the entire structure to be non-contributing. The work group was split on the status of this house. Some work group members felt that the roof overwhelms the house and that the roof does not have the attributes of modern architecture. The work group will have an opportunity to comment on their disagreements with staff findings.

40 Community Petition This is more in the nature of a comment than a question, but saying that there was not widespread support for the proposal to explore an HOD seems wrong to me. The petition drive resulted in a very large majority of the community supporting the proposal.

Around 2 years ago, an initiative was started by the homeowners of the Hollin Hills neighborhood to work towards gathering community support in the form of a petition aimed at establishing a Historic Overlay District designation for the neighborhood already listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The petition was completed around July 9th, 2018. There were 461 households surveyed, and there were 375 total responses received. 335 households voted “Yes”, 31 households voted “No”, 9 households abstained. 126 households did not vote. These

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results showed overwhelming support amongst community members to move forward with this initiative.

41 Community Support/Opposition to HOD

Supervisor Stork said that he would be looking for a "consensus" to move forward. What level of feedback will be needed from the community? In other words, will there need to be responses from a certain percentage of the community in order to move forward?

see answer below

42 Community Support/Opposition to HOD

Also, the calls for requiring unanimity in order to go forward with an HOD is a highly questionable proposition that risks empowering a small number of objectors with veto power that undermines the progress of the community as a whole (from chat during meeting)

The survey that is scheduled to go out during the summer of 2021 to gather community input on their support or opposition to the Hollin Hills HOD will be sent to every property owner in the Hollin Hills neighborhood.

43 Community Survey Will the summer survey be mailed to every property or every property owner. Some homes are renter-occupied.

The Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County will have the final say on whether a Historic Overlay District will be established. Before the BOS vote, the proposed HOD will go before the Fairfax County Planning Commission, for their recommendation. The public will have 4 opportunities to provide public comment in this process: 1) comments to the Hollin Hills HOD Working Group, 2) the summer 2021 survey, 3) providing testimony at the Planning Commission Public Hearing, and 4) providing testimony at the BOS Public

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Hearing. Both the PC and BOS public hearings are currently scheduled to occur in September 2021.

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44 Design Guidelines Goodman was a futurist and used new ideas and methods to create the neighborhood as it sits. Would an innovator truly like the idea of prohibiting new innovation like Solar roof tops or low e reflective glass? This is antithetical to a Goodman philosophy

The Design Guidelines encourage innovation such as use of solar panels and window glazing that provides better insulation for homeowners. The guidelines provide recommendations for how to integrate these new innovations in a manner that does not overwhelm or detract from the modernist character of the houses. Solar Panels (discussed on pages 68-69 of the design guidelines) are encouraged. The design guidelines provide general recommendations for how to locate solar panels in a manner that will minimize harms to historic characteristics or materials. The ARB will take into consideration specific project requirements (i.e. orientation to the sun) when reviewing and approving proposed solar panels. In regards to window glazing, the design guidelines encourage use of clear low-emissivity (low-e) glass or film without noticeable color in historically-clear windows to reduce solar heat gain (see pages 60-62 and 81). One defining characteristic of the Mid-century modern homes in Hollin Hills and elsewhere is the use of extensive floor to ceiling clear windows that brings in natural light and connects the interior with the landscape. Adding highly tinted or reflective films or glass can alter the visual character of the house as seen in some of the example images in the design guidelines. Because of the visual impact of highly tinted or reflective coatings, they are not recommended. As a general reminder, the design guidelines are not requirements and provide general recommendations. If there are case-specific needs for installing coatings or glass that have a tint or are extremely reflective, the ARB will take into consideration the specific project requirements when reviewing and approving the proposed work.

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45 Design Guidelines As I mentioned before, I do not believe that using 2003 Bedford Lane as an example of House design A is appropriate. That house was completely remodeled a few years ago by a developer without DRC approval. The windows were changed, the entrance was changed, and a totally inappropriate tall fence was added. The original house already had a very large 2- story addition. I suggest using a photo of a model that hadn't been so significantly remodeled.

2003 Bedford Lane was removed from the examples of Unit Type #1 (see page 32) in the latest version of the document. The following addresses are used as examples for Unit Type #1: 1805 Drury Lane, 7308 Rippon Road, and 7310 Rippon Road.

46 Design Guidelines And shouldn't there be specifics about the angle of roofs? that does seem to be a major cause of non-conformity-- too many houses have large additions with sharply angled roofs that overwhelm the sites.

The design guidelines encourage use of flat or low-slope roofs throughout the document with images of both recommended and not recommended examples. We do not want to be prescriptive about the specific roof pitches as there is some differentiation within the neighborhood. When reviewing future projects for additions and new construction, the ARB will evaluate the proposed roof pitch and the appropriateness to the existing house and the HOD. For discussions on roofs see pages 53-56 and 77-78.

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47 Design Guidelines (DG) I'm confused by the reqs for windows, especially iron/metal ones. The original metal windows are drafty & draw moisture into the house, why did you recommend replacing them with iron or iron clad ones vice other materials that retain look&better for house?

As a reminder, the guidelines provide recommendations but are not requirements. Project specifics, such as the conditions of existing windows, will be taken into consideration by the ARB when they are reviewing projects. Consistent with the SOI Standards for Rehabilitation (which the ARB uses in their review of projects), the design guidelines recommend a treatment hierarchy that starts with repair of existing features followed by replacement where necessary to address deteriorated conditions or the concerns you mention. Where replacement is needed, the guidelines recommend replacement with new windows that match the original design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Alternative materials such as use of aluminum-clad windows are regularly approved by the ARB as long as the windows are able to replicate the appearance of the historic (such as the overall size, frame dimensions, and profiles). For more information see page 60 for more information on recommended window treatments.

48 Determination of HOD Who will decide whether there is an HOD? In order for Supervisor Storck to feel comfortable that there is sufficient community backing to the establishment of a Historic Overlay District in Hollin Hills, the results of the Summer 2021 survey will need to show that a significant majority of Hollin Hills homeowners/residents support the creation of a Historic Overlay District.

49 Design Guidelines The HOD Guidelines must acknowledge the covenant’s requirements for several reasons. First, the covenants are built into the legal title of the land and are recorded in the Fairfax County land records a “Deed of Dedication,” which subdivided the land into individual lots and included language restricting the use of those lots. Hollin Hills residents are bound by law to comply with the

Design Guidelines do reference the Design Review Committee and Civic Association in a few locations (see references on pages 3, 8, 24, 98, 108); however, as the HOD is governed by a separate process and the Guidelines will be used by the ARB there is no discussion of the covenants and their requirements.

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covenant’s requirements. I am aware of no legal principle that allows residents to abandon the covenant’s requirements because something better, in the form of the HOD, has come along.

50 Design Guidelines Pg. 69 – Solar Panels – Virginia state law requires that solar panels be placed where they will work. Our ecological needs should not override the desire for architectural integrity.

Solar Panels (discussed on pages 68-69 of the design guidelines) are encouraged. The design guidelines provide general recommendations for how to locate solar panels in a manner that will minimize harms to historic characteristics or materials. The ARB will take into consideration specific project requirements (i.e. orientation to the sun) when reviewing and approving proposed solar panels.

51 Design Guidelines The Guidelines should explain that while its Recommendations cover all aspects of the exterior of the house and its surrounds, it is recognized that, in many instances, the Guidelines will be applicable primarily as an educational vehicle to educate the homeowner of the steps that may be taken to ensure the architectural integrity of his/her property. The Guidelines should also make clear that homeowners will not be required to make changes to already existing conditions in order to obtain ARB approval.

We will add a note on Page 45 under “What Design Guidelines Can and Cannot Do” to make it clear that homeowners will not be required to change existing conditions or reverse past alterations to meet the design guidelines. Please see page 44: “Not all categories covered in the design guidelines are items that require a permit. Rather, the guidelines are meant to be comprehensive document providing general guidance covering a wide range of project types.”

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52 Design Guidelines To the extent that the proposed Guidelines contain pictures of individual homes with an “X” by the picture (indicating disapproval of some design element) those pictures must be removed. The pictures are divisive and unnecessarily critical of the homeowner’s design decisions. The illustrative point can be made by drawings depicting the issues that the “X” photo is meant to depict.

The pictures are not intended to be divisive or critical but are instead intended to provide visual representations of what the design guidelines recommend and do not recommend. The real-life examples should be helpful for future users of the document when making changes to Hollin Hills houses. While we understand the concern, we have tried to crop images, remove house numbers, and have added filters in some instances so that the specific houses are less identifiable.

53 Design Guidelines While the HOD Guidelines set out some of Hollin Hills’ history, that history is neither complete nor factually accurate without acknowledging that Hollin Hills’s is worthy of architectural protection because of the community’s adherence to the shared design covenants of “harmony and conformity.” These covenants govern all alterations to the exterior of Hollin Hills houses. Among other things, it requires that: “No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any building plot . . . until the plans have been approved in writing as to conformity and harmony of the external design with the existing structures in the subdivision, and as to the location of the building with respect to topography and finished ground elevation.”

The Design Guidelines do acknowledge the excellent integrity of the neighborhood and the important role that the DRC has played in protecting the neighborhood and ensuring that alterations “maintain harmony” with the original designs (see page 8). The covenant requirements you note are addressed within the design guidelines as it relates to respecting the existing topography and location of buildings in the surrounding area. As discussed, the Design Guidelines are largely complementary to the DRC Design Guidelines. Some examples from the document: “Additions should be thoughtfully designed to be compatible with the existing building in terms of scale, material selection, and design. Guidance outlined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards directs that additions should be compatible yet differentiated from the original building, to avoid being mistaken as part of the original architecture. It is important to note that differentiation does not mean inharmonious. Successful additions within the HOD should provide additional living space while also complementing the existing neighborhood character” (see page 70-71).

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54 Design Guidelines Second, the covenant’s requirements are neither contrary to the basic concept underpinning the designation of Hollin Hills as an HOD - to protect the architectural design of Hollin Hills, nor are the proposed HOD Guidelines contrary to the design covenant’s requirements of “harmony and conformity.” The HOD Guidelines need to state clearly that the HOD Guidelines are not intended to supplant the covenants and do not violate the covenant’s requirements. Without that acknowledgement I am concerned that the HOD Guidelines will be subject to legal challenge on grounds that they violate the basic contractural agreement between Hollin Hills’ homeowners expressed by the design covenant.

See Page 3: “It should be noted that the Fairfax County HOD Design Guidelines are distinct from the Hollin Hills Civic Association Design Review Committee (DRC) guidelines. The DRC reviews all new construction and all alterations that affect the visual appearance of any building or structure, as well as fences, decks, detached accessory structures (sheds, carports, pool/tennis enclosures, greenhouses, etc.), gazebos, trellises, awnings, retaining walls, and freestanding walls.”

55 Design Guidelines Similarly, the HOD Guideline’s comments about driveways fails to consider that gravel driveways are not permeable. Less than 10% of Hollin Hills homes have gravel driveways, as they were long ago abandoned by homeowners as impractical.

The guidelines for driveways and parking pads have been revised to recommend the “paving material best suited to site-specific topography and soil limitations” (see page 92). The guidelines continue to recommend minimizing these features to reduce their visual impact on the overall landscape.

56 Design Guidelines Pg. 94 – what is the purpose of the comments about landscape design? This is not a matter that requires a building permit and the guidelines serve little purpose.

As noted in the document, the guidelines are meant to be comprehensive, providing general guidance covering a wide range of project types including projects that don’t necessarily require a building permit and ARB review (see page 44). The landscape guidelines provide general guidance aimed at preserving the open and natural woodland setting, recommending against significant topographical changes or formal landscaping that is not consistent with the neighborhood’s midcentury modern aesthetic.

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57 Design Review Committee

3. Will two separate reviews, one by the DRC and one by the ARB, be required under the proposed HOD?

I cannot comment on the review process that will be in place by the DRC if the Historic overlay district is adopted.

58 DRC vs. ARB What is the proposed relationship between the Hollin Hills DRC and the ARB?

The Hollin Hills DRC process is a completely independent process from the county HH HOD proposed ARB review. After consultation with the current president of the DRC, a homeowner should review the proposal with the DRC before submitting a building permit. That being said, the county cannot require the homeowner to consult with the DRC before submitting a building permit or coming to the ARB.

59 Heritage Resources Staff Additional staff required to coordinate and monitor requests from HH residents.

The county is currently in the process of hiring two additional heritage resource planner positions. We anticipate onboarding them in the summer. However, these positions will not be solely dedicated to the HH HOD residents.

60 HH HOD website info As you know, I never managed to make it on to the website for the last work group meeting. Without any summary of meeting actions, it is hard for anyone to know how things are being decided-- expecting all to spend several hours looking at a video is not productive. Again, i request that the County provide written summaries of the meetings that have been conducted virtually.


61 HOD boundary While currently excluded from the proposed HOD, I am concerned that someone would put the rest of Elba Rd that is not part of Hollin Hills, including my house under the HOD. I base this on reading the minutes where the elementary school and swim clubs are being considered for inclusion in the HOD. I find that ridiculous, since the HOD is to preserve the appearances of the homes designed by Mr. Goodman. These structures do not have any of those characteristics of the homes in

7814 Elba Road- Address not within HOD and is not being considered for inclusion in the future. The school and Hollin Meadows Swim club are not in the HOD.

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the proposed HOD. In addition, making county property, i.e. the school conform in the future to whatever design would be imposed upon any changes to that property would be a waste of the taxpayer funds.

62 HOD in deed/legal As I understand it, each property owner must agree to change their deed to allow HOD to be adopted. Do I have that correct?

No. The enabling authority does not require a change to a deed for the adoption of an historic overlay district. Because the enabling legislation doesn’t provide for such a requirement, localities cannot impose it. Moreover, a deed shows intent to convey property between parties. Establishment of an HOD doesn’t implicate ownership of property or affect an owner’s ability to buy, sell, rent, or otherwise convey any interest in the property.

63 HOD process What have other states done under similar HOD enabling legislation? Describe and validate their experiences.

Comparisons with other states may be illustrative but not instructive because different states have different enabling legislation and thus different regulations.

64 HOD Process What is the County’s cost estimate for creating the support necessary for an unprecedented and large suburban HOD?

Staff does not have the analysis to respond to this question.

65 HOD Process Who will pay for this additional workload? All taxpayers in Fairfax County?

Staff does not have the analysis to respond to this question.

66 HOD Process What evidence supports that a HOD provides a “Return on Investment” to private property owners? Has research produced conclusive evidence?

Staff does not have the analysis to respond to this question.

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67 HOD process One of the fundamental characteristics of HH from the beginning is flexibility for innovation. How will this Historic Overlay District continue the forward thinking and innovation that is part of our history?

The Design Guidelines are formulated as recommendations. They give guidance on defining characteristics and methods to preserve them. Ultimately it is the ARB's final decision or recommendation to incorporate new technology and innovation. In other HODs there have been new innovations such as the use of solar panels within viewshed of a historic site and Trex materials used on historic contributing buildings.

68 HOD process Can people still join the working group? The working group was determined almost 2 years ago. Staff and the supervisors office asked for volunteers. As there have been over 12 work group meetings, at this point we are not anticipating the addition of any new task force members.

69 HOD process Why did HOD staff fail to conduct a feasibility study. Why did HOD staff launch directly into selecting properties for an HOD and creating and copying civic association design review guidelines? Did HOD staff complete a thorough examination of state-wide HOD examples relevant to an HOD covering a large suburban solely residential community.

A feasibility study is not required for the creation of a HOD, according to state legislation or the county zoning ordinance.

70 HOD process Has any other Virginia county ever imposed an HOD on a large suburban solely residential community, and if so, how was that process accomplished?

An example is Maywood Historic District in Arlington, VA. Staff in Arlington County completed a similar process to this one. The historic district was requested to be reviewed by a local historic board.

71 HOD Process How will Fairfax County assure individual homeowners that “Opt Out” of the HOD?

If certain sections of the subdivision did not want to be included that could be analyzed by staff for consideration of omitting it from the historic overlay district, but it is unlikely that an individual property owner will be able to opt out of the subdivision.

72 HOD process How many other large communities are petitioning Fairfax County to become an HOD?

Currently one other community is requesting an HOD analysis- Holmes Run Acres.

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73 HOD process What benefits and/or motivation make the HH HOD proposal worthwhile to all homeowners?

The HOD would allow a level of protection against modification of the houses and against demolition of the contributing structures. In addition, and provides resources to homeowners to mitigate new additions and renovations to their homes while retaining significant features that relate to the historic district.

74 HOD Process Who benefits from a HOD? Contractors, a variety of vendors, real estate agents, that market their expertise with “historic homes” and use it as a marketing tool, i.e., the cache of a Mid-century Modern community?

From the county Zoning Ordinance: Section 7-201: "Historic Overlay Districts are created for the purpose of promoting the general welfare, education, economic prosperity, and recreational pleasure of the public, through the identification, preservation, and enhancement of those buildings, structures, neighborhoods, landscapes, places, and areas that have special historical, cultural, architectural, or archaeological significance as provided by Sect. 15.2-2306 of the Code of Virginia, as amended and which have been officially designated by the Board of Supervisors. Regulations within such districts are intended to protect against destruction of or encroachment upon such areas, structures, and premises; to encourage uses which will lead to their continuance, conservation and improvement."

75 Insurance Rates/ Tax Rates

How is an HOD status likely to affect our tax rates? Insurance rates? (from HH HOD meeting chat)

Tax Rates- The proposed historic overlay district designation does not have any effect on the tax rate for the property in Fairfax County. Insurance rates- Staff consulted with the National Trust Historic Preservation Insurance Services and asked them to run an estimate on the insurance costs of a typical house within Hollin Hills. The estimates came back with Safeco, Penn National and Travelers Insurance company and the range of insurance rates was from $1027-$1050. Staff encourages homeowners to reach out to their own insurance companies to inquire about any modification to their insurance rates.

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76 Noticing Will I receive any notice if my property would now be proposed to be placed in the HOD, as I currently have no covenants for any type of HOA on my property?

Yes- but it is the same notice if you are inside or outside of the proposed district boundary

77 Other examples of Residential HODs

Are there other residential HODs in NOVA? How has an HOD affected the marketability, salability, and property values of residences located within them? (from chat during meeting)

An example is Maywood Historic District in Arlington, VA. There has not been an analysis on the marketability, salability or property values based on the designation of the historic overlay district.

78 prop description update inaccuracies for 2200 Marthas Road- note from Ms. Lardner, I've attached a zip file with documentation that the Northeast elevation addition, referenced below as being built in 1957, was built at the same time as the house itself. Both of the additions, 1997 and 2002 were designed by Eason Cross. Existing text: 2200 Martha’s Road Contributing House Unit #3 was constructed in 1952. In 1957 an addition to the Northeast elevation was added. In 1997 an addition to the Northeast elevation was added, designed by Eason Cross. In 2002 on the Southwest and Southeast elevations additions were added. Also, I just noticed that the house unit type and build date may also be off in the description in the draft documents. The title block, sent to you yesterday and dated 9/25/50, states the model number is a 2B4K4, not a Unit #3. Perhaps the initial survey saw the 1997 addition and assumed it was part of the original house as it is in the manner of the Unit #3 approach - which fits since Eason

C/NC list has been updated.

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Cross designed it and he was a draftsman for Charles Goodman and probably worked on that unit plan.

79 prop description update i would also note that in a draft version that may still be active, my house was described as having closed in the porch. (2004 Bedford lane). That is not accurate-- the architect (a HH native) redid the original entrance and added more space to that section of the house , adding more light to what became an extension of the living room, while moving the 'porch' entrance toward the middle of the house.


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80 prop description update and as i mentioned before, although my house (2004) is not listed as non-conforming, the list states that the remodeling removed the "front porch." As i noted previously, the remodeling added a small amount of space to the former entrance that included full windows on three sides while moving the "porch" a few feet west for the changed entrance.


81 prop description update The description of homes also fails to note that 2003 Bedford Lane was remodeled by a developer a few years ago with major changes to the windows, as well as a very high, solid fence surrounding most of the property (this apparently done without DRC approval, and possibly without County approval)

As previously stated, the County of Fairfax does not require a permit for a fence to be built. The descriptions where written based on visual observation and permit research. Staff has updated the contributing structures report.

82 prop description update 2203 Martha’s Road Non-Contributing, House Unit #3 was constructed in 1952. In 1970 an addition to the North and South elevation was added. In 1995 an addition to the South elevation and the Northeast corner were added. For these reasons the status has changed from the NR nomination of contributing to non-contributing for the potential Hollin Hills HOD. --1995 addition to the South elevation (library at end of driveway?) --What’s the Northeast corner? Is it the very small shed attached to the back of the house? --Greenhouse added off 1970 addition at front of house Free-standing tea house in back replaced earlier Free-standing studio building on same footprint

Staff has determined that 2203 Martha's Road is non-contributing. Staff looked at the following pieces for each structure in Hollin Hills 1- chimney,2- windows,3- roof 4- landscape 5- modern movement. The building was originally a Unit 3. In 1970 an addition was constructed that was perpendicular to the original structure. It is unclear when the addition on the NE corner was constructed.

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83 prop description update 7221 Beechwood Road Contributing House Unit #2B42LB was constructed in 1952. In 1961 an addition was added on the Northwest elevation. In 2006 an addition was added on the Northwest elevation. --1997 screened in existing porch – didn’t change footprint

Information updated.

84 Recommended vs. Required

One thing I am confused about: several times during the 1/25 presentation "recommended" vs "required" was mentioned and I didn't know when each was applicable. Is it that with exterior changes to our homes that do not require a permit (updating windows, siding, gutters, paint colors, etc.) certain styles are recommended but not required? Whereas with exterior changes that require permits (additions, changes to the roofline, etc.) the changes will be required to be submitted to the architectural review board for approval? For changes that do not require a permit, will there be any review process or the architectural review board would just be a source of information that we could choose to use or not to?

Any proposal that involves a building permit requires ARB review and approval. The proposal must be approved by the ARB before it can be approved by the building permit authority. This would include additions, roofline. Any proposal that requires a site plan requires ARB review and recommendation. The final approval authority lies with the Land Development Services. If an exterior modification does not require a building permit or site plan then it does not need to be reviewed at all by the ARB (painting, windows, siding, etc). The ARB can be used, however, on a consultation basis if requested.

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85 support "The Board of Directors of the Civic Association of Hollin Hills supports the County’s adoption of an Historic Overlay District in Hollin Hills. We have read the drafts of the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan amendments and the 136-page draft Design Guidelines. We find, and conclude, that the HOD as envisioned will provide substantial benefits to maintaining the historic architectural fabric of our community, the value of our properties, and the mid-century modern aesthetic of our neighborhood. The County’s inclusive public process has been excellent and the work product admirable. Our thanks go to all involved. Hollin Hills is a special place. We wish to ensure that we continue to be the premier, mid-century modern community in Virginia and the Washington, DC area. The HOD recognizes this. We look forward to continued county support to prevent the chipping away of our unique architectural treasure -- including the benefit of HOD-related expert review and comment on proposed changes to our homes."


86 tax credits Additionally, I know in many areas of the country, including Los Angeles, homeowners in HODs are given tax breaks and credits. Will Fairfax County be giving us any reduction in property taxes if we approve the HH HOD? Why or why not?

At this time, the county does not offer tax incentives for owning a property within a historic overlay district. There are however, federal tax incentives and state tax incentives that can be utilized for properties that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, which Hollin HIlls will continue to be. For more information please use this website:

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87 ZOA Does the creation of an HOD raise the standard for variances? I.e. side property line setbacks. (from HH HOD meeting chat)

No. The county standard for variances remains the same.

88 Zoning Ordinance Are fences considered disruptive to the preservation of open spaces and therefore prohibited and are there reasonable variances? (from HH HOD meeting chat)

Under the Zoning Ordinance, fences, or walls are permitted as an accessory use in any yard of any lot, subject to the height limitations that are provided in Par. 3 of Sect. 10-104 of the Zoning Ordinance. Under these height limitations, on all lots in the R-2 District, where the proposed Hollin Hills Historic Overlay District (HH HOD) is located, a fence or wall not exceeding four feet in height is permitted in any front yard, while a fence or wall not exceeding seven feet in height is permitted in any side or rear yard. Fences, except those used as a barrier around a swimming pool or required for pedestrian safety, do not typically require a building permit, therefore a review by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is not required. As such, fences in the potential HH HOD would not necessarily require ARB review and permit approval. However, as fully outlined in the draft Design Guidelines, the absence of fences is identified as one of the district characters of the neighborhood as it creates a sense of flow between lots and providing shared views of natural features. Fences and screens are not an original feature of the Hollin Hills community as they disrupt the natural landscape in a way the neighborhood was originally proposed and as a result, fences and screens are largely discouraged. However, in instances where fences and walls are proposed, it is recommended fences be design to be compatible with the neighborhood by being as transparent and open as possible.

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89 Zoning Ordinance While the recommendations of the consultant seemed far too specific in many cases, we have yet to hear of any serious attempts at dealing with height limitations. Although the zoning does permit 35 heights, that is totally inconsistent with the idea that these houses should fit into the landscape. While small towers might be acceptable at the top of hills, there should be a clear limitation of height of additions -- perhaps 20-23 feet for homes on flat properties (including pitched roof) ?; and no more than 25 feet total for those built into hills.

Height is limited by the Zoning Ordinance and applies to all principal and accessory structures within each district. The height limit in the R-2 Zoning District, where the Hollin Hills Historic Overly District (HH HOD) is located, is 35 feet for detached single-family dwellings and 60 feet for all other structures. As part of the establishment of the HH HOD it is proposed to keep the 35 feet height limit of detached single-family dwellings and reduce the maximum height limit for all other structures to 35 feet. Building height is defined as the vertical distance to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs; to the deck line of mansard roofs; and to the average height between eaves and the ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs measured from the curb level if the building is not more than 10 feet distant from the front lot line, or from the grade in all other cases. Any new construction or additions to existing buildings will require review and approval of the proposed new construction or addition by the Architectural Review Board (ARB), who will work with the applicant to ensure the new construction or the addition is designed to be compatible with the existing building on the subject property and the neighborhood. The ARB will review new construction or additions to ensure the proposal will not result in detrimental impacts to the existing buildings or neighborhood in general. The review by the ARB includes reviewing the proposed height to ensure the proposed addition would be subordinate to the existing building or if new construction, it will be compatible in overall height with existing buildings on adjacent properties and will not overwhelm the existing buildings. As fully detailed in the draft Design Guidelines, the height of existing buildings in the HH HOD is primarily one-story or split-level on flat or low-sloped properties while two-story or split-level buildings are built into steeper slopes. The draft Design Guidelines do not recommend changing the original shape, form, height, or roof pitch of existing buildings.

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As such, the ARB in reviewing new construction or additions to existing buildings will utilize the recommendations in the Design Guidelines, including in reviewing the height of the additions and/or new construction, for compatibility with the existing buildings on the subject property and the neighborhood (adjacent buildings). As such, it is not recommended to indiscriminately limit the overall height to no more than 25 feet on all properties in the proposed HH HOD, as it would not afford the ARB the flexibility to review and approve a design that is compatible yet subordinate to each individual property while still being designed to be consistent with the character of the neighborhood. In addition, restricting height in just this area may create unnecessary hardship on properties that may have different or unique property configuration, orientation, or topography.

90 Legal As I understand it, each property owner must agree to change their deed to allow HOD to be adopted. Do I have that correct?

Applying an historic overlay district to property involves a change to the County’s Zoning Map, not to any deed for property located within the district.

91 Legal What specific VA Code and statutory authority provide VA counties the precise powers to create an HOD?

The statutory authority for localities to create historic overlay districts in Virginia is found in Virginia Code § 15.2-2306. The related Zoning Ordinance provisions are in Art. 7, Part 2. These documents will be uploaded to the HH HOD website.

92 Legal What was the “Legislative Intent” of the Virginia historic preservation enabling legislation concerning HODs?

The General Assembly doesn’t typically express its legislative intent other than through the legislation it enacts. Thus, its intent in this context was presumably to protect and preserve areas of unique architectural value by delineating and designating historic landmarks, buildings, and structures. Please see Virginia Code § 15.2-2306.

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93 Legal What legal basis does Fairfax County have to selectively change individual property rights without homeowners’ consent?

As a legislative action by the Board of Supervisors, the establishment of an HOD requires a public notice and hearing process in which citizens can express their views, but it doesn’t require landowners’ consent.

94 Legal What legal basis and public policy objective does Fairfax County have to use the county HOD program to create and administer a de-facto Homeowners Association (HOA)?

The establishment of an HOD does not create an HOA; the County’s Architectural Review Board would administer the HOD regulations, in furtherance of the purposes set out in Virginia Code § 15.2 2306.

95 Legal As envisioned, the proposed HOD would constitute a taking of property rights currently held by each homeowner and, as such, proportional compensation would be due. How does Fairfax County plan to determine the compensation due to each homeowner? Will homeowners need to individually seek payment or will payments occur automatically?

The proposed HOD would not be a taking of property rights requiring payment of just compensation.

96 Legal Since the state legislation says a legal manner is required for a taking such as this, I hope you will also be speaking to how adequate notice to each individual homeowner has been achieved.

Affected landowners will receive written notice of, and an opportunity to be heard at, the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings on the proposed HOD.
