
Top 3 Home Gardening Methods

To Try This 2015 (Part II)

2. Pallet Gardening

Pallet gardening is the perfect method for gardeners who want to save space, reduce costs, as well as add a rustic feel to their home.

Using pallets is actually a great way to organize your plants.

The pallets serve as dividers for your vegetable crops so they can grow more evenly even in tight spaces.

Another benefit to pallet gardeningis affordability.

One can easily save money by using recycled palletsinstead of purchasing new ones.

Avoid pressure-treated wood though because they contain toxic chemicals that can destroy any garden.

Once the right type of wood has been obtained, creating a pallet garden becomes super easy.

Start by building a simple pallet planter, putting in some quality soil, adding compost and planting some non-GMO seeds.

These simple steps will provide you with a beautiful pallet garden that you can be proud of!

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