
All of us are familiar with having that one person in our life who manages to soak up all of our resources. For some of us it can be a classmate who takes up all of the teacher’s time and we don’t get the help we need with our homework, or maybe a brother or sister who always gets in trouble and takes all of our parents attention. Either way, this feeling of being cut short because of someone else’s needs are exactly what is taking place at this very moment across NFL locker rooms as New England Patriot’s four-time Super Bowl champion, Tom Brady and NFL commissioner, Roger Godell continue to duke it out in court over deflated footballs and air pressure.

Over one year has passed since that faithful night on January 18, 2015 when the Patriots humiliated the Andrew Luck led Indianopolis Colt’s and the NFL began what some pundits, such as ESPN’s Skip Bayless, would deem as a “Witch Hunt” for the New England Patriots and future hall of famer, Tom Brady. The NFL poured in millions to an internal investigation led by Ted Wells, which was later used to impose another Million dollar fine on the New England Patriots and suspend the Super Bowl champ four an outrageous amount of four games. The money spent on the Wells Report, the fine imposed on the Patriots, and the salary hit Brady would take from missing out on four games was only the beginning of the money trail, that could have been spent on some many other import things, like health insurance for former NFL players, community outreach events, or financial education for the leagues new players, but it seems like that will not happen no time soon as there is still yet a clear indicator of whether or not Brady will finally accept was deems to be an inevitable defeat, as his innocent verdict was quickly over-ruled in favor of the commissioner and powers that be. Everyday that passes, everyone other than the NFL is collecting big dollars from the

Deflategate scandal, and the players are draining their resources over one of the NFL’s wealthiest players in the league in Tom Brady. CBS. com reporter, John Breech, reported back in March this year about the multi-million legal extravaganza

Taking place, stating: “According to an estimate from, the three entities in this case (NFL, NFLPA, and the Patriots) will have spent almost $20 million on legal fees by the time Deflategate is finally settled” (Breach 2016). What really makes that figure of $20 million so painful to swallow is the fact that the NFL is one of the only leagues that do not offer guaranteed contracts, unlike the NBA and MLB, where players can get hurt and still collect their $200 million contracts, and if that’s not bad enough, Football is still hands down the most dangerous and physical professional sport out there! Put yourself in the shoes of the player and imagine your check going to support the rich four-time Super Bowl champ with super model wife having Mr. Tom Brady. It’s kind of bitter sweet! Yes, you want to know that your union is working hard to support your peers, but not that guy! When it’s all said and done, Tom Brady is worthy of every penny for the value he brings to the league, but cost of his pride is not gaining him any more supporters in a league where he is one of the most envied players to have graced the grid iron.

ESPN the Magazine

-Ali Alghwaizy Jr.

Tom Brady: Fighting at the Cost of Others

It’s kind of hard not to be jealous of Tom Brady, especially when he’s wearing all four of his rings.

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Reed Karaim

NFL Controversies/Reporting,Journalism,Novels

Kenneth Jost
