Download pptx - Today is October 3, 2012

Page 1: Today is October 3, 2012

Today is October 3, 2012• You need to finish your review sheet

from yesterday ON YOUR OWN!• There is no talking for the beginning

of class • I’m going to walk around and see

what you have done to take a grade so get busy

Page 2: Today is October 3, 2012

Give me five properties of METALS

• Shiny• Good Conductor of heat and

electricity• Ductile•Malleable • High Melting point

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Give me five properties of NONMETALS

• Dull• Poor Conductor of heat and

electricity• Brittle• Low Melting point• Half are gases

Page 4: Today is October 3, 2012

Give me two examples of Metalloids and tell me properties

of Metalloids:• Metalloids have properties of both metals and

nonmetals• Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony,

Tellurium, Polonium, Astatine

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What is the definition of an element?

An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into smaller

substances by ordinary means

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What elements are the most important on our earth? (Circle the one that is most important for

living things)

•Nitrogen •Oxygen•Hydrogen•Carbon

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What are the two compounds that we have been talking about A LOT? What elements are in

those compounds?

• Salt- Sodium and Chlorine•Water- Hydrogen and Oxygen

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Give me TWO examples of chemical change:

•Rusting •Burning • Toasting •Cooking•Baking

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Give me TWO examples of physical change:

•Melting•Dissolving•Boiling•Breaking• Tearing

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Explain what a “State of Matter” Change is.

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How does a compound differ

from an element?

Page 12: Today is October 3, 2012

What TWO elements is the atmosphere made out of?

And what percentage?

•78% Nitrogen •21% Oxygen

Page 13: Today is October 3, 2012

The property of metals that makes them easily pounded or pressed into new shapes is called – a. ductile.b. Bending pointc. malleability.d. melting point.

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The property of metals that makes them easily pounded or pressed into new shapes is called – a. ductile.b. Bending pointc. malleability.d. melting point.

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• In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged - -

A by atomic numberB alphabeticallyC oxidation numberD by number of atoms

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• In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged - -

A by atomic numberB alphabeticallyC oxidation numberD by number of atoms

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• Which symbol represents an element with an atomic number of 6?

A heliumB hydrogenC CarbonD boron

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• Which symbol represents an element with an atomic number of 6?

A heliumB hydrogenC CarbonD boron

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What is the correct chemical symbol for the element Aluminum?

A ALB AmC AlD al

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What is the correct chemical symbol for the element Aluminum?

A ALB AmC AlD al

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The simplest pure substances are - -

A cellsB elementsC compoundsD symbols

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The simplest pure substances are - -

A cellsB elementsC compoundsD symbols

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Which of the following is not an element?

A H2

B goldC oxygenD Water

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Which of the following is not an element?

A H2 B goldC oxygenD Water

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Which element found in Earth’s atmosphere is essential for most living things?

a. Carbonb. Ironc. Oxygend. Argon

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Which element found in Earth’s atmosphere is essential for most living things?

a. Carbonb. Ironc. Oxygend. Argon

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Which of the following is not a compound?

a. H20b. NaClc. CO2

d. O2

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Which of the following is not a compound?

a. H20b. NaClc. CO2

d. O2

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An element on the periodic table is described as being a solid, shiny, and a poor conductor of heat. This element is most likely:

A a metalB a metalloidC a nonmetalD a compound

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An element on the periodic table is described as being a solid, shiny, and a poor conductor of heat. This element is most likely:

A a metalB a metalloidC a nonmetalD a compound

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An element on the periodic table is described as being a brittle, poor conductor and located on the right side of the periodic table. This element is most likely:

A a metalB a metalloidC a nonmetalD a compound

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An element on the periodic table is described as being a brittle, poor conductor and located on the right side of the periodic table. This element is most likely:

A a metalB a metalloidC a nonmetalD a compound

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Which of the following is NOT a physical property of metals?

A shiny lusterB ductile

C brittleD good conductors

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Which of the following is NOT a physical property of metals?

A shiny lusterB ductile

C brittleD good conductors

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About two-thirds of the elements on the periodic table are ______________.

A metalsB nonmetalsC metalloidsD in group 3

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About two-thirds of the elements on the periodic table are ______________.

A metalsB nonmetalsC metalloidsD in group 3

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Which of the following is not a compound?

a. waterb. salt

c. goldd. carbon dioxide

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Which of the following is not a compound?

a. waterb. salt

c. goldd. carbon dioxide

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The property of metals that makes says they can easily be made into wires– a. ductile.b. Bending pointc. malleability.d. melting point.

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The property of metals that makes says they can easily be made into wires– a. ductile.b. Bending pointc. malleability.d. melting point.

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Which of the following is NOT a physical property of NONMETALS?

A poor conductorB dull

C brittleD shiny luster

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Which of the following is NOT a physical property of NONMETALS?

A poor conductorB dull

C brittleD shiny luster

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Which of the characteristics in the box above describe nonmetals?

A I onlyB I and II onlyC I, II, and IV onlyD III only

I. dullII. brittleIII. conductorIV. non-ductile

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Which of the characteristics in the box above describe nonmetals?

A I onlyB I and II onlyC I, II, and IV onlyD III only

I. dullII. brittleIII. conductorIV. non-ductile

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The substances shown in the box above are all made from one group of elements. Where would you find the elements from these substances on the periodic table?A on the left sideB on the right sideC along the stair step lineD mixed throughout the periodic table

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The substances shown in the box above are all made from one group of elements. Where would you find the elements from these substances on the periodic table?A on the left sideB on the right sideC along the stair step lineD mixed throughout the periodic table

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Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? A grinding salt crystals to a powderB the evaporation of water from a mud puddleC an egg cookingD paper tearing

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Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? A grinding salt crystals to a powderB the evaporation of water from a mud puddleC an egg cookingD paper tearing

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Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A a bike rustingB water boilingC an egg cookingD paper burning

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Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A a bike rustingB water boilingC an egg cookingD paper burning

Page 51: Today is October 3, 2012

Element % of Dissolved Salts in Ocean Water Sample

Chlorine 55.0%Sodium 30.6%Calcium 1.2%Potassium 1.1%Sulfur


Magnesium 7.7%Other 0.7%

As part of a field investigation at the Ocean Science Institute, Steven analyzed a sample of ocean water. The

table above summarizes the relative amounts of dissolved salts found in the sample. What percentage of the dissolved salts are substances other than chlorine and sodium? (that

means your have to do some math!)