
« ~YN———^———————


Wv, (he iiBdern<|bci1 clliwma of Harnett County. announce that we

buve organised the LIULigton Ware ruse Company ami have purchased

tho properly in Lllllnc'da formerly occupied by tbc l.lllingtnn Live Stock

Company, oml will Iminedlalelr pr<v Tldo a tobacco .warehouse thnreon. • ail guarantc. to tbc pnhU; that I hero will be a tobacco uiarkot In Islington thle fall. We desire tn an

Lure thoea who have not eulhrlcnt •aperient:.- and skill to grade that H ere will bo u loo.c (eat r ;r-

kol eatabltsbod lot1 their benefli. Itnepcct fally,


The above aohonnooment Is being I ,-oailly circulated ami rcrrlc t!t< story of warehouse activity uad not i. oroly propaganda

The signatures to ibis announce* menl are those of tacn who have l.illb tn LlUtngton as a tobacco war* ket as well as In Harnett County as a tobaccn growing section. They are man who accomplish things when

nee they eel about to mure the wheels that grind out reeulta.

The actual doing ot thing* with (be least amount of “lip structure" I- whet the people of thli vicinity are

mums to bo tecerl with, and the reader may glance at the announce- ment and In a Jiffy decide fur him- self whether there will U u tobacco market In LillingUm this fall.

In another column Is n paragraph slating that there were good reasons for believing there will be a tobacco market hare this year. That para- graph wa* writtco before the an-

nouncement sis tnndc by these gen- tlomen. but It wus known they wore' hoay, and when such men are active there ts pood reason for the suppo- sition that something will move

The tobacco farmers of this coun-

ty can real aaaured that there will vc a msrsei m L-illingron in Inc IMM of this ysar.—Harnett County Nvwi.


15. M. Henley lo »r* W. R. Tur lingtor, 0 8-10 aero* in Grove Town- ship. Cousldorollon. $7il).

J. h. Hatcher to Welter J Junes, 1 104 la Dunn. N. C. Consideration. W«

n. O. Degree to I.. Dora Williams s lot In Angler. N. C. Consideration 118.

W F. Pearson to Cor C fliy.i-, s acres it, Nellis Crock Tottuxittis. Consideration 8.100

J. P. Parrish to H. 0. Dnpreo. 1 lot In Aaglsr. N. C CousidersUou. 8100.

D. W. Price to J. W Massrngill sad wtfa, t lots in Angler. N C. Conetderatloa 81.200.

U D. Spence to D W. Prjcs. 1 lot In Angler, N. C. Consideration, 8178.

L Dora Williams to J. W. Na«- senglll and wife, 1 lot ID Anginr. N. V. Consideration 8100.

Carence Leggett to Rosa Smith Pest, 1 lot in Dunn. Consideration 8881.28.

T. L. Won to Alfred Elliott. 8-4 cf an acre In Avuntnborn Township. Consideration. 878.

R. M. Coats Ui W K Dixou. I lot lo Coats. N. C. Consideration. $200.

W. B Dixon to Paul* I). Cnllom. 1 lot In Coau. N. C. Consideration. '1*00.

Mre. R. W. Juatlre to D. A. Hon- eycutt. 4 lota in Bulo'n Creek. Con- sideration, $200.

Norman P. Luces to W R. Greg- ory and wife. 18 acres In Areraeburo Township. Consideration, $2,800.

W. R. Oroworv to W J llmlsin II acres la Averssboro Township. Consideration 11,00.

J. K. Armstrong to Calvin McDon- ald, 4 acres In Ulllnrton Township. Consideration, 1160.

L. D Bnrwelt to C. McArtau. 1 lot in Lllltnolonj Consideration, $10 nod ofher vauablo considerations.

M. T. Moulton ol Msry 8. McKuy. 1* acres in Buka Township. rW idnratlon, |SI)(.

H. L. Godwin U> Cnrl H. Hodges, l

1 lock In Dunn, N. f. Consideration, ;»,ooo.

J. W. Wilson to A. T Wilson. «4

term In Aversshsro Town*hip Con- tldarHtlou. (10 and othor valuable Ajmelderatfona.

R. L. Oodwln to W P. Holt. 142 uereg in Avorasboro Townahip. 81s- ndO and olbar valuable cuustdnru- IIODS

Martliu C. Raynor to J O. Sure Z Ills In Dunn. Consideration. (700

W. H. Turlington,to Is J. Turling- ton, II 1-2 scree In Grove Township Conti deration, (1.00 and otbwr vnlu- nliln considerations.

I. U! Thompson to W. A. Weds, «T 1-1 seres in Nellis Creek Towa- liip Consideration, (2.005.


From the minute when the Cor msns began lawlessly ttf nos potsor im It WSJ certain that retaliation It triad was Inevitable. American eher* ills at once sat to work to make that retaliation go powerful that Carman) *h«UU Utterly regret her violation ol what had bee* supposed to he th< recognised laws ad warfare. Assert raa scientific Intelligence proved Knell superior to the boosted German eft cicacjr la this Said. H has beta kaewi ever since the ermtotiee wag -‘gni! that remarkable nauHi had hewn ah talaed la the mane farts re of peisei

I* *

iOm in this country. But the details hats not been msds public until quits recently

An exceedingly interesting account of the manufacture of "methyl" has just boon published in the New York Times It wan that MaJor^Jem- .ral Bibert. whs had command of ou*

cbaaaieol warfare, eemoe, planned to have three thousand tens of this ter- ribly destructive gas in readiness. In

liquid form, for uaos this spring. The assertion is made that ten tens would be more than enough to depopulate Mur.liutUii 1 What three thou- mak none would do might readily be imtKlncd.

"Methyl" is described as an oily, amber liquid having the fragrance'of geranium blonom and daarfly wj contact or by inhalation. It U even

said that “a drop on the hand would cause Intolerable agony aad death after a few houra.” Yet not one worker died from the effects of "methyl” while employed In He man- ufacture. So secret wae the proeom that eight hundred men who were

engaged in the work were voluntary prisoners in factories surrounded by .stockade* for three months previous to the armistice, and while actual manufacture was going on.

With the armistice came the pax- ,1 ing (juoition a* to whet should be done with the large quantity already complete. The- factory was situated near Cleveland. Ohio. It soesns im- possible to denaturalise the deadllaaaa of “methyl” by chemical action, yet "almost enough was on hand to de- stroy the entire people of the United States." It was proposed to dump the* poisonous staff into Lake Efle, but Cleveland objected seriously to suck a step—aad no wonder. Finally, It was brought ia largo Iron contain- er,_"methyl" does not rend on bon —In alow trains with exceeding pre- caution. to a point near Baltimore, anil then taken out fifty miles to sea, where the container* wero gently lowered into water three miles deep.

At this frightful chemical la mid to be seventy-two times deadlier than the German mustard gos. It would seem that a maximum of horror had

been attained. If we imagine a war

of the future in which through the | rulhleeenem and lawlessness of one

1'Dnuwiaiu wwium™ ■ —

vaMnt the in of such tlualul «•-

poundi should be adopted by Wh, It !■ miy aho to Imagine a which would be u mutually destructive aa thorn which have been fancifully de- scribed by writer* of Aetitious tain of future warm. On the other head, it la not unreasonable to hope that the impending terror of such a war would ">*m It inconceivable In actuality.— New York Outlook.


TAKEACALOTAB Wonderful How Youag aad Eaevpetle

You Feel After TaUae TV. De- K(klful Neuaaeleee Calomel

M y— >»T» ■* Calc take you have a delightful surprise awuHlag yt>o- The wonderful »- "Hill

land system porlfjrthg arofloitlaa, 3 1 calomel may now ho enjoyed without the slightest anpVaaMtnose for Calo-

I take are calomel with the liver beae- jflta loft la and the sting taken „t. A Oalotah at bedtime with a swallow of water, that’s all. No taste, do

n the morning foellag fine. Yotu liver la doom, r*m system b purihod, your oppotlU hearty. Kai what you wish, do dagger, aad no risk of mNvatlon. The h*»t thus you fool laay. mean, nervosa. Muo or dlaasor- aged give your Hear a thorough cleansing with a Oalotah. They sou so dalightfal aad sffooMvs that roui druggist la authorised to rofuad tha price as o guaraatee that you wll^ b

Announce ment Fertilizer Users

This Company is now installing at all its plants complete sty! up-to-date machinery for grinding and mixing ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP with 16 per cent ACID PHOS- PHATE. In due course we will put out thisprodnct finely ground in even weight bags, lagged and ready for immediate distribution by any make of drill or fertilizer distribu- tor. .

We wiU also supply you next season, separately if ytm ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP, 16 per cent ACID PHOSPHATE, SOFT PHOSPHATE, LIME or other ferti- lizer materials at lowest possible prices.

Write for our book of testimonials from farmers in North Carolina who have -rH our Acidulated Fish Scrap fertilizer.


Fisheries Products Co. Wilmington, N. C.

Th* Fisheries Products Company WILMINGTON, N. C.

p»ease ■and m# your testimonial book I 1 on Acidulated Fish Scrap Fertilizer.


w. We Are Red Cross Nurses to

AU Sick Batteries \X TR are prpviog every day that the right V V care at the right time fa as important to

batfaries aa it ia to woundad aoidfan. ■Boat «f than eon be sent back to active doty b ebort ate. Don't vrmit until the battery ahree to float kick ia the middle of some important job and rvfaeee to work.

Thtoittoverl Drive around end eee On.

Mo (tap far teat kg the bettary'e pulse end Mfag yarn Wfaat is the matter wfch k. This le the Oflfal Bsrv- ke Btetion far Remedy Battery, guaranteed fa writ, fag far lM years.

J. W. THORNTON. Dunn, N, C.

ss^EVERBUJY assas

»*ug **v~

Protf—sional Cards • •••••• #4 • 4 • DU. PAUL A. STEWART

Rpeaight BpaeMtot • Fourth Plane nm Mil Beak < • Bid*., Daaa, N. C. • * »•••••• • a

• ••••%•»« • •

• a r. young AttWHl-M-Ut--

• OBn Sad Beer GokDteia bid*. • Prompt attention given buinai eeeeveeeet «

• T. a DARDEN • Veterinary FLyalclaa. Sargeaa

• PHONES: Dap. SO, Night iio • DUNN, N. C • S444S4S4SS

• JESSE r. WILSON • ATTORNEY AT LAW • Doan. N. C. • Oflke over PlaMaaaa Bene* • Store formerly ocrupiel bpTL • L. Godwin. Praetiee In ell • Court*. Prompt Attention • to eD Boataom xpee neeeoeee

• 1. C. Cuword, N. A. TowtiMmd • CLIFFORD « TOWNSHND • Alter—y« at Lew • OOse aa *aJ Boor of Kret Nat- • heal Beak. Prompt attention • rleaa to nil kni'ne— .• I • > •

• 000*000 • JOHN A JEHNICAN • DENTIST • IMM1 Ftnt Notion*; Bank

NUti Pbone He. $1

• —“ _ __

i. • E. C. WEST


* Office; 8rd floor lit Nltfonal

i: .

* Practice in el Oearte Prompt aad PnwuiAtton-

J * CoBortloai Made • l|nlolty a




Two able, well-known bnalnaa« me goad Meade end mataal ndsirv

• ware dlvcuooina the Victory Libor

g One wet critical of what he calk •• "waste and ortriTigance" on tl

part ef the Oo—r—at la the eo S duet ef the War. He aUi “» think poaibly If the AdaUnl

“ tratlen wonld get a Httle Jar It add i

Is r- -«_ __ _ __

a Fa wtdek tha other replied it "Lat — eaaame far the sake d arg—a eat that the AdalaldraUon h y keen utnrapA waatafhl. aad la i- made thousand! ef adetakes. Nora d theta— the jab wm a bury ease.

* poadhty la aa ether way caald e

b- Hare -rod hundred! ef thousand! m Sr— aad bUtleae ef —aev. O 4- duty new is to pay honed dehta 1 it curled by ear Fred—at and Hay— w~ tatJr— aad aatherlaed by aa. Let

if Man—m— iheuld ha— daaa haa la, end heaaat hdaito before aalirtolrt a refer—He a."

a- 1 — 1

at Paaay^arter. The waddle* of Hto Ladto OaaM

doUphtod. Tor from protection, Calotaba arc ■old only in original, mated packagoa, price thirty-(W» cant*. At all drag ctoraa.— (adv.).

Jurr human.

tppearia* In Philadelphia Public Ladfar during the war. Neneaf the civilian organ laaUona

at the front hag Man nmplltily won ‘be hearta af the aaldiora than the ftaivatioa Army. To My thia la not to dlapnmge bi any way Ha friendly rival* la goad worlu. It ha* taken upon Iteelr fanctlona which brlaa it Into cIom r*lotion* with Man who are actually i» the AghUng Una. Ra cer- vical are offered at a tiaia whan any Mrvka k pilffllHr grateful. Every aotdlar who coma* back has the nne

mu-JS2 ISa 3"!SJSS not merely "doinc good” in a por-

isrs^s: »rx,nr as to It by a* ample. not by doctrine. They are above all alM hpman with a perfect ungrtMEb of tram fraOtka aid fafflaga, with a Mirk of brotherhood that draw* aa diet!notion* DIocipHno haddrewn all aorta and eo»- dltiana of bmo into a real onion; bet they roaank la a faidamipm mm all aorta and condition*. and teat and conunon aanaa am artOM rattan la aneeaaafnL dealing *dth thorn. Thaso auallUaa the moaban of the lelvn- k

bavc ahehyt goke rvaiark-

ItaM Booth, and arganlsod coder Me • praaant aaaaa aa long age aa lira, the

mtfl 1M* mw< m

bnw* euttinU

ra. Ttoi ■M|Ui t Utonll ad Mr >n. TkM aw kai m»<U I • NlW« Moral aa too v.i

Miky tl •rat Uw MM. K WI kaMoad na kaowi iwr nlffc pound k

to dla. rtfcUa M ■ dainty It a pata am m I* • gnt >U «&mu • toanx dad an a

i&a Mm aa •at* at f Croat tk

»d halla

rrfadat *a Ml m mtf O

0 «

Just the Daintiest Sommer

] Brocks Imaginable jj| : In printed and plain georgettes, in foul' | ard* and the handsomest and moat service' ; able combinations—the very best 1 range possible, in fact—we offer to die wo-

men of select tastes the daintiest rl reigns of : the season in late spring and summer dresses.

3 There are solid colors, as well ae a soft ending of color tones altogether charming;

I and we can assure you that in tailoring and* I g.veral quality a higher standard of mer- chandise cannot be produced. We are anxi-

| ous for you to see this line before you buy. ; We know where your selection will be made, j if you do see them first

Late Arrivals la Handsome Gins- j; ham and Veile Dresses

; ! <1 We are offering now both ginghams and | voiles in the best pattern*, the highest quality

materials—and, above all, dresses mat are

|| tailored in a manner to please the moat exact- 1 ing. ,')|

1 ►

-f |» Q—Thana sm mod just- "mdmaqr Tmhus- J !; dresses.*’ They are cool, highly stylish

frocks that can be worn on the ttreets, | can meet the requirements of moot afternoon ; occasions. They are attractively priced, too. | Make your selections now, while the range ; of pattern and style is good.

“Exclusive Styles in Women's Ready-to-Wear" *


1 ___%____ <


.*..■* > < ■/- ! Next week, May 16. 1919, lYlday morning, we will

open our sale. Look for oar «d in thie week’s imae. You will find many articles mentioned with the prices. We advertise this sale one, week ahead so we can give everyone a chance to make a purchase at low prices. We must sell our entire stock as you see In oar. big sd. Don’t foil to come a*. J tell yonr friends and neighbor* nbout it. It is no ne«. canary for us to tell yoa of our low prices, just feed fc yourself and then you will know. Sani Thomas will conduct thie sale.

* Yours for ’justness.

".... •nummmmmmmmmmmmmmA » —l; ■ rr-


» .• K’

Bro-Mal-Gine »■

» Only Headache Remedy told in the State re- commended by p; yuciana.

2 In 10-25-50 Cent Bottlei and at All Founts n illlW111 ■—

a Try Bro-Mal-Gine Juat Once—Twin Win U. ►f Wmb**^**-*^^^^_

El II m

l m

• I
