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.......... .:., 1· '

. ' I . . •.


~HE LOOIC 'AND SCCFE OF VOLUHES II !>ND I:L! OF C~I'ITAL (including _I~_teories ~f ~urpl~!L.:lf!.l:.~!~-)

11 iihareVer there 1a mo";e-. m.:t11t,:- ·i•i!urc-vs:r: i.l:·t:ij'-2 16 lii'~:~ ·v;h~rcv-er any~hins, is ca~ri<>:'l into effect iri- the p:r.~-:tc·t.ical '·to.r·J.rl, ther•a Di<tl•ctlc ia at. ,..ror~'::. It ls' v.lou t}h':'l soul of «11 lmowlca:oo t;h.ich 1o truhy scle:otlflc."

Hegel,. _Jnc ycl~)P..n.c.::l~.~

11 All sc1cnc·o \fOi.dcl_be lf t.iiU il..r:l>•:ta'i:•;;-un;£;1• i:..!1~ foim P.rid -~!--:c nnture ~or· .t.ll:lncs were w1~olly ident.~oo.l. 11

--: .. ~a.l":{, C:!Tji tal, ~To1. !II, p95).

t.ruialllt»": C_epi tnliam i.G n f.-:::-:.: of oociet.y in \-th.tch the m~anv ot_

:Product.ion _and t.he :!.and arG the pr:l v~t.o. ~pro~0:r.•hy 9f thP f\!l!'i t.-'!..;Lists

and tho ·11or'~<>I' is ompellon to ooll hi a lRbOI' ))Olier at tha cost

:;b:f'·h1a·.priiduotion and repr•oduction 1n ord<ll' to ·De e.blE' to live,

Th•~ mot1 ve r·orce of. tl~l a mode of prod\lt\ ti 01!' ia th& dae<ira . of. the [· .. ·

. ··- ~ '; -

capitalist ~ai•" proi' 1 L·. Thla profit is e,~J.tncd. in the tollo~·lns_ ·

D'l/lilner s capi:t.n~igt. :Production produce_ a cc-r.1mod! tioa; coi"lmodftfqa

a_re sold. for money. The· money c.:mtatno 'tlh3-t .th.c ca~'ltG:11st e_~ent_

phs a eurplua, p art of ""-1ch is profit. In cwder that the

have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g calli tal. tot-,

buy~ns of lnbor '9D'·lc?· and of: produ(' tion, th'e }J:roduction of

coJ:m.odl t . .ier.;, tho sell:lr:.s of the commoditiee on tlhl mar:cot for

mo't'c ~on3y, etc. All thi~~ 19 t:rua, but it la r.~ot tho whblc truth.

l-~s.rx did not have t.·J _ opond rt.ll the ·.:cnrs to pl'ove th~.t.

a.naly:t.ed COiil!noG.i tl~s l!nc1 oi·Joi·tecl that the oxchance of OO!!imoclit.1F

is an cxch:-:n ·c oi' cc.-Ptc.ln qUt?.:.;tlt.ic~. of lnbol". ltow cm-1·.oditler

'h'Ort;l excho.nt:ed n:)Or'fHllc:llly for ccnt.urios b~for·o cap1 tali sm.


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• I ·.·f. I


a&pit~l!Qm begins when the ~unction of the laborer buoomes a

OO!lJJl!Odity. A8 we aaw in I, it is .only ff'cm t,l;,. ~!!!~!!.~

thtd, the dil'&t't :lll'od•Joer mus.t •tnuten.:l or a oommodi t:r aoll. his ·

own cr.pao1ty to lo.bOl' ~:.a c. COllllnodit,;r" (p,59) thM, commodity

produotioa becomes oap1tnlist oom,.odity prol:ttot1ono Hence 1t is

moroil oorrMt to ~all tho Marxist theory or capital not a labor

theory of volue, but a value th~ory of l~tor,

Mo.r-x :r·llpudill:t;es entirely th·~ 1<lota that t!'le sale an!l

.. :Pit\'(<ha&& of labor power is the aseential mr.rk of e&pi tali at

aoo utiiJ.Ilho peoulb.r charaot&rint1o .~,..,_..,.,.,,t;;uali&!lcrUtn·ct~ -t~& not that tho COmillod1t;y; lnbor power, :111 saleable, but

that. labor po~sr appe:;moo in tho shape of a oocunod.t t;r." Th1o

' poriovereity ir. dv.o to ti>e pe>M<tl'ee nntttl:'G ot oo.pit.lllimn wherE!

dead lr!.bor dominll.tes ov1u• liVing lFlbQr an<l. tlhere .rele.tions between • ·

men e&ppom-> aa 1t tho:r were relatione betwiJen thinc;s •

. ··- --.....: · · In Volumo I be ailot~ad how thiG po.:rta.1ned only on the surface, \

war. on:J.y. "an apparent exohangoa,, .The relo.t1on of exclie.nge auli!J1stii1j~: batw&en tho capi te.llstl aud ·~he l>lborsr become a mora a em blanco pertaining to. 1,he oiraulat.ion, s. mel'll form,· tore18J1. to t,hs real n~ture. Of· the- tre.nnccticn :md. onl;r to myct1fy 1L. ·rhe ·ever · re prel> t.ed snd so.le or labor power 1 a now mere :f'orm 1 . ~1at l~ally to.kes place is this--the capitalist again anc again appropriates w1tho!lt oqu1valont, e. portion of the prev1ottsl;y materialised l.abor of ()·~hers nnd exohnngos it for a granter quantity or living lnbor, "(p,659. In Volume II he l'lritess

"It 1s, holfevol• quite charooter1st1c ot' the bourgeois horizon,

vhioh is entirely boundod ty tha craze tor malting ruonay, not to

aeo in the r:harnoter of the mode of production tl>e bao\s or the

correo:;>ond1ng modo of circulation , but vico ;oraa," (!I,;;lp.l32-3"


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.. . "':


lt ·is cbv1ouo fro tho ·tory nom0ncl~turo tlto.t, u.a p1•lmnry

f~n.-t.ure_ ·of_ ?ommtldlt,i0o in ge~&.:J,~l, <Jf commoC_ltiee Of co·;.-:mercial

t,-ap1 t3.1isn.:., 5.~ tllo.t t~he:y G.FO ~olc'i o.n tllG·· rJfl:C"ito.-·t.. It ~l"..OHI.d. be ·' aquolly obv.touc thn.t tllO fon<lnr.:cnt&.l fonturc of 1o.bor po11er as a·y 1fl. D.2.1 th'l.t it. ic or ~old 0.1 1..-h·.!' mnrket, but

·t.ho a-p~o11'ic: f~U1.1Jt1on it pe:rfo'.. .. li!!~- ln tho 1-'!"'c•r.ons of -:j~ .. o·~uct.1.on,

where it is 11~':!:....~!.£..~--!!~t_·JQ:!.Y ... '?i._:u:~'~l.~J-'-~~-l~-q_~~ lll~tE: .• Y9L~~-" t.h&n

1t\.ttselM," T<1is ln the iao1w. Thl.o ia t.ll0 lmb ;:troun:l "hl.oh

···-""' c.l1 Me.r:<.lst economic t,heorJ,', '1pro,Juctlnn•' (Vvluril~ I), "cj_rc:ulot.ion"

(Vol.:ti", and "i'orms of thc proc0tls M u llhl:llo"~· (Vol.II1)1•evclvves.

f;8.X'~ rlaveiOpB hiS tmaljslz 'J'f C~i-pit.a.l:i$tl} On diffa'I"Ol1t

lovo 19 <:>1' abct.ra.~tion and <3och le·>'el, of cc;ta•o~, ha.c J.t~ own

dialectic. I" Voluma I ·t,[1e Clltee:orl.os >rh1e':t enabl?~<l ua to ~ ~ +-1 :M!:L...-~:t2'1W'.!fol!ll~l<R taM e. gr~a,t; atep forward in-.... • .·

. · . . · . Uh-' t'eali ties of. 7~_.i:on:...l ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~<;re 1. constant

In vol~tmo ·I I ~rhere ,.,,., are ·en th" aurfaoe, ·.

~·:!.n tho mf.c.rY.ei, ~h..e categcri.eG whicb sho\f ua the innet" i!U3ChAn1sm

are: of .. ~£(}.E_(lti·J"n r.r;d ~ns 01: _ ·It ~.e 1mpos­

e.ll:>le0 in fact, t~· ;·,DvA th" sll.:;J1teot <l<>r.r;>rol;anaion of thG ~conomic laws oi' oe.p1 to.li2t produc<l...!.,)n Hi thout beine opprosni \"Oly

o:C the ,l!,rJ.terloJ. for;.: of c::ms te.nt en pi tnl ae mPnna of pr~1v.Gt16n, us tho im;dano~ 11rr.ou:r.t. of lltel'o.turt? on volume Ir. w.onc Harxi~ts proves. ~lh1lo gcleiciC ls not outsi,Jc of t!1e actunl clavolopment

of tho c:t' VOlUti.t.1 II, \·;c \·till d.eo.l ~ttl th this n.rlti-!·ia.rxist


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2) lll~niflnanr.EI of ¥.9.1"-"'~!1 \r;i'l..t_~~ d}lfl~") The Q~ t:.;tn.n ~:d.~ri~·: cha!"'e.u i:.(-:rl ·: i~lc o·l VOl-~mc JI,

l.s tho

1 s .!!.2!:

Gl1' cn.r;.l~::.~l l~e~ i~l tho 0.:1(~lrr.1n ·!:.~i[t<l;:. ti·.;(' ,~cry ££ntinult.:y of the

!o~l"oc'ese o'£ c1rc1.tlt..r. tic:-! lli :;ol 1T€D Db-:> r.r-:~.~re of :t·<lproduc t ion. Jtiarx' a

point o! deprJ.rtu.r·e ·in r.:.p!-'r·oaci'iin;: p.:::rt t.!"Jree den.l.~~n.s Hi th rCj1Y.Od\~.o-:· .·

t1on in that it. muut, be POflod "ln ita fundCtmontaJ.

~1.oeeai tate a not get tin.:; lo:-;~ i~1 ua vic ioun clrcle

.:-of constantly e;olnc to tunrkct 111 th ~ho products produc"d a11d

''· roturnill('; fl'Om r.un•l<:et >Ti th. com6od1 t10o bought •. :;

To en~ t.ill'C•ugh. tho tol1!j.e" of IDSJ'!t~ts l!nrx divide a . . . C~· ~·-ro-v..v .

naciol prod.uct •. l!'lt6 l;DI; 'fl:~ nihil! tot!Jlllrt.o' DapflrtCJant. I '•

the ant1rG

prodf:1Cil?S Jaeo.!JS ot prod.1w~ion, and Dopar·tillotit rr rne~!J

of ccw;uruption. Marx e3tabl.lshaf) that .the total e.ocl:>l product

c~mo't. ba 1'e1t.her'1 I:!Oe:.t:;,s ot··groduction '1o!' 11 of ooneurnption.

Thera is a prepoHdel•o.r,ce 01~ m\wns of -produt~tlt'ln ~ mt:Nlns of con~

sumptlon. !·1o.rx1 e point he11e 1s th:1.t t~1t!l bo(';.i~ .fot)m of' vr.1.ltt,3

:Pl"·eue te rmincc th9 d~::s't.inat1on of CoL'ir:.o.:llt.ic:·s: Iron 1n not con-

sumed by peOJ.>lA but by si.ecl; onr.;~r is not cono'-lr.led by m'lchl.nes

but by pooplo. ~!uJ.uc may bo indlf.f'oront to tugc\i.l fo1 .. r.1 in j::; butnti, hut it rr.uo3t ho lncor··.m:·nted ln 3ome us-9-vnlua to

be renlizod. JU -,t, becr.uiJO tl':c OHTli t<.'.li !:; t. 1~ onl.'! interostod ln

3Urrlu.s v~:lao (•_ol~oflt) r:l:.o!';t: 1 t. mcn.n that ;·~.o cun dsiembod,,r tram ~',;j •

t;;0 urtlclo d>Jl 11i:ich 1 t. ls "" into :~r·n1 port, f:ihus the dl.·<ision

of tila whOlo 'Croduct lnt.o buf". in ........... ., . ...... .., ~ hypothesis.

It is a. fact, It not only io oo, It ~ bo eo for ;cho uae-­

'U' !>'!'Oduco d. m'c not t.~,oeo uaoil by >~orkcro, nor e·<er. by


Page 5: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~

-5-eap,,talb:ts, bUt b:y cupit.lll""' xn the united sto.tes, for er.ampl.e,

90 per· oent ot pig iron :L~; .. ' oonllUmed' b;y ootrpan1ea· wh1oh · · the produo ts of 't.he

:p::c:.~= 1t:;50 ,-per .~n.t ~"'~•,:""\'ll'l!:tt~~ .r~lst.~el. ·• ~:1!-~1~~).._. J,h• ti"Ult:?,OraUon i.ltdUll~ • ,, . lll,lctl'\f 'all u~.1Ut!U'j,!Jlf .. ce~~!!.Om11!t~ •· .~~ ..

tlCilln~rlJIZd.n .~c.lkinl;~Of ·iltOiO'(&l\1.1111 b9ee.ua_e .t.~•:r ;~or<> ta111:1ng

Qf ertl.olec or convumpt1on 1 Marx tlbowc that th~ uso-'Value or .

.!!!!!! ol m:,ot!.uot1on tshows hc.w important ts "tho d .. tet'l111nat1on or

UB,...W.luli 1n the dotermtna.t ion of 3a:moQi.c ON19rl!," (Thooriee,

I,l'a:-t II,p.l70t lhlder oapital1J!l!l tilco ~~oano ct' :;!%'Oeuot1on !'<:>r•m11

the grea.tur pert or the ~wo depart~ents or social production ~

]Jll!rGfgre also of the "market. 'lbat 111 What Mar:~ call:ed •tho x>&l\1

1x1wi ·or capital" tU'Id that 1s llh;r the market ,wu not the problem~

~o Ulustl'at& th!ll tor both simple and GXP&~~W~~c~ .. ·. Marx's :f'!Uilous :i'om11iae in ?lll't fir or Vol.ume II were de·. dl~ci4•.:;'j

to servo two pUrposes I 1) On th~. "ne . hlllld ll.!ll"X l'ishecl to e:q,oce

the ~1no_redibla abbn•at,.or•'' ,of Adnill Smith, who"apirit:ed a>l'ny" ·

the cunstllll.t. port ou of onpi td bj aoa'ert1ne-, that 11 1r. the final

anal.ysis11 it dlaaolv..,d itoalf into wages. 2) on tho other hMd,

Marx wanted to answe~ tho undorconsumt1on1ot arsumont that

continued capital accumulation was lmposalbls because or 1nab1l.ij;y

to tL ell or "overproduction 11 •

Hlirx sponds a seemingly 1 nterminllbJ,e time in expoa1ng the ·

• ·, error of Zm1th. This i>l because' it is tho.· sroat divide not alone '

between bourgco1a econouic;o a.nd ;.:nrxism but also bot·o~eon petty

bourgr oia cri tiois"' or utopinn socinliem nnd acientitic aoo1al1om~·

*(ftn.t.o p.lf on 2 de;;>"l'tn:ente) It't only the l-~arx~.stewho thnt thin di v.tai<>n had more theorot1o acnae than nll ~'mioh po:l1't1•)al~c econoncy- has yr<lduood on tha qUoetiou or "mn7'ket". ,\tter tho 1929 cratlb some academic economists roalizod tho.t 1i' thay are goiug to ge .t any distance in understnndlng the crio1e the;r will have to undet·ote.nd production bnttcr, D:r 1942 Joan Robinson admitted th&.t Marx hr-d dovls"d "a s1mplo nnd penetrating a.rgume" b;y this di vis.ton of tlotal output into ·two ~·IS«""I' and cnJ.:r two major groupo, (Cf,Jonn Robinson, An Ensa:r on v.nrx1an :sconomios, p.5l.)


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it r1..ovt.Jta.llad. w:lth tho clhs.!;! lntc1·oni..n of thE· bo:.ll"C~~e.ti£·.iP. to 11ave

·that er!"'Ol' retal:ned~ lf', .<:J.s D.!n1th mnv1· e.:!.no(l, the- c 'H' ... ·D1.1L port,ion ·

o:· capltnl .. ·in· the· finu.l annlss.1E.;\' diiJoovnd 1t:•s·l!' J;:~·.o "\·H.tCtc:'':i,

:ga1nst the mastery over th(.' .livi!lC l:or!ror. t1topi:.n socieli~ts 'I-Illo

didn't grasp ~ i~Cl'e froej.ns theiilnel V9V fror:l ·~ho c~e;tl!el :t t.1eS of '

the clasi'. r.\C2'U&1h), •lila< '))he. dJ. viol on of tllC uociaJ. produ~t into

two dep~r·, each of w~·dch in tho formuJ.o.o ia, of couruo,

composed not only .of. var·i('.b.lo en pi tnl &no aurpluo value but oonitant ·

ca.Pi.t."J.l ~as ifVll, is.rwt tneroaly e. t0c!:nit~nl (me but ie root-ed in

tho r·ele.tionsh1p of Hvrk-or to c·nr-it~.list. 1'his, ho_,·lovor, 1s not a

\·. mora~ qu.eotlon bu.t i:cocp(':rl!blo fl"V!il the inherent lo.,·!s or. capi taliot


1'It 10· j:)L:rely &. tcv.tolosy to aar thr t. crin0n rue caused _by the OC'l.I;city of oolveut c•jnGUr!uro, or of n. p&jtinr. coneu~tption. The_ ;:np.i.tnlist cyot€lm docn net kr..0"\>1 un~ot..hcl'· modes of ccn­eump·c.ion but !!. pn,y1n3 one, e:>:ccpt thntJtho pauper or· of th~_ 1 ••• But ii' oi1e >rm'o t•> attempt to clothe t!1ia tautology wlth c. SC!!ttlanc e of profoundar Jn~t.1f1co.t~L0!1 by sayine; that the wor kins rocoi·1e to') o:null a. portion of their own product, nnd- the ev.!.l wottla be ror.ted1oc1 by giving

them a la.l'£8!' si:w.rc of it, or rais~~:ng thoir ~<~aE(.:)S, we should rGply that. crLEoa nrc al1mys proc<lded by n perlocl :tn -Which :·111gca .f.iec SOYo.ere.lJ.y :=tnd ~he ~·TOl"~.-::l:l::clatSS actually go t. ~ la.rser ::t-:; oi' t:-ifJ ~nmtnl pr·Jduct intone£·~ for con­e.Um!)\'.1 on. Fror:J tho point of ·rim-; oi' t::o ndvoco.ter--1 of 1 s!.reple' { t)co::-.. ~~on s::>;.1sc, sue:·. a porlr.:-<1 ol\OIJ.l•l rather l'er:1o\~o a crisis. u (~I ,pp.47S-6)

Poll tinal oconcmy ht.s protlucocl ti·/o thcorlos between which

it has Wlrlcil: l) tho.t productlcm cx·en.t€d i t,o 0\'111 mnrkot, s.nd

2)thnt it '"ne lm.vos:d.blc for t::c Horl-;c~r '1to bny bacl: 11 tla£1 proclucta


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be hi!L,FJolt _proJucecl. 1·;o.~x' .s r.roat contribution .ccnslst.ed in

dlalect.1c,llly cointlnl.n;:;: t.·weB. Tha ·1o'r!lnunt fcu.tur· rec;o.lnBd the

f&ct th&t prc<:uc1;lol1 ereetc· J.t.a o~;r: owrlcot, But thia clid net

noge.te the existel":!CO of' und.orconsumpt!on. 1t rno:r·cl;.r :".~o'ded ths.t

w1th~n capi~e.lint pl'·oduction tr.;are rsoiJ.o~ 1=1 .~~or;ar·d for .the

limits or cons:iJ:.yrtion. ~ewn~~EUW~~mlt\Rll$Net.

& i ·- @ijf~fYfJJKiiiil)ff'!fJ .... e!ili\itfw, ... 1Dhe cn:iHmi11~tJ.un 11tnrkct··1a ·c'ho'"{n·

. to be l,,mitad to the lu:ruriea of :Oho c!\p!tal1Btr.l,and tlle '<IO!'k<>re.

· pa:ld at value, It c::~m1ct i>e lare;er. The only ;r,,ork~t thnt. ca.n

Gxpand beyoaii tho llmltu of t lw '<corkers pdd at val~!O h: tho

c~pite.l goods !Gllr·kot. Md t!.wt means of production. d~p_e.rtm.>nt ' - -"'- .. ·:--;-::·.·: ·.

lit'erally shoots up to tl:<o ok:j. ;·

_·'i'~uB--.produl)tion c:r• it~ o-..m mark0t, It \muld l;,e tho

·h<>J.ght or ~.tupiiii ty,·•O'rGr, t0 thtni' t!':nt ther·,by ( th.3 so-collod

_ 1-!arxian formul,.)m<·&l'lo thnt th"l'O in a ! lFtl'een ;::reduction

anrl · oonsumpt.ion. The ezact OJ.Jpoolte ln t.h·: r::asc. In these for­

mulae Ua.rx is. bnui:a;~ hi~uol.f on t.hc- la.'\'TB of o.ccumulat.ion ho ana.lyzori ·

in '!oll.trne I (:,>.690): "tvltt, the advance of nccumnlntion, therefol'o:,

the proportion •)1' con a ant t.::> variable tal,oa. If it \fa.S or1einnll~r ae_y 111,_ it nou becomes saccesn1vely ?.:1, 3:1, 4=1, 5:1, 7:l,&c. 90 th .. 1t, !l.O the qe..plt:11 inc:-ec.sen, 1nct.cac1 of ~· of ltn totlil val.'-1<>, only 1/J, -L J./5, 1/6 ,1/!l &c. to ti•o.nofo:r:ned into labor powor, ur.rl, o, lhc othr,l• ho,-,il, 2/3, 3/1!, 1+/3, 5/6, 7/8 into mosns of pro1uctlon. 11

Thus t~lc 11lHllance" tl-,;tt ox1nts .tn the· formulae ,.hich arc iJu11t. on


tr~de n4.H1 yet ':it:;, no orclln:n-y hend!!.clleFJ of eo.lo:J, oxiota soJ.olv

bcca.uoo or the p1~'J!Ju.ctl.o;1 r~l.:otlono under ca.pltcllsm Hhlci1 hn.s

rcoul~.ed. o'£ t:ll:., c~~!ltH~;tle pPo~)OY·t.lon of 7/1. Thnt lg •.vhy the

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because j. t i e oani t.alli.'t_ proO.uctlor. and c&pl tali qt pr"oc11iction in

the produc_tiOi1 or 6-~pl tnl a.nd ~1once 7rz. in .c':92.1Q:.!m5!{!_£:L_£=z?~h~;.l:·~·

oapi tr.:.J.j sm w.t ti.1 110 .:1r.rk;jt t.r.;u_blou ln t<no;.;.ch to r:r~;~c· Fa:"x,BK: 'Wtk&aliC

·~ W~10 bullt hln t:··.0or~-· of enplt•~l.!.a~, Ot·ca;:.U•:'· .. :r. on tl;l~, t.urn

.1.n !11~ gre.vo~

and cvnav.nptlo:t. A& Lonln phl~aGod 1·~ lt> r.:1o .:r:vR·::. pro!':rund El.:."..~lyaia

VoluL1e II -ot C0"e.l r~ceJ.•;o:;.: (~-nt2:- 1Io1~IJ ,p.4?.'!-,

. "The difference .tn vim' or. the P<-'tty-bourc;oois·. ttconoL!lntf> troin the viewe o1' r«n•::;: dooa not co,;aiot, in the l'act ths.t thE't. fl~et r.-:!a11ze 1n Ber,era.l. -the connuct!.on bot\-TG'3n production a..'l't_d · ccnemi(ption ~n onp1tal1ot socl.aty, und tho M<•on0. do not,. '{~his . would be nbsu1•d). The dlst:lnctior. conu1Gto .in. ti>is,, ~-~e.t .the J:lett:; bouX",;;ecis econominta con!!ide!·e~. i'his tJ.o J:>atwoan p;·oduCt,ion and oon­eumptio!1· to be'.a. direct ona , ·f:.~Jought t.~?.t 'J'r.'Odttctlon .!'ol:lo:Wn · con.'lumption. I·ia.l"'x Bh.Jlis · thn t t.he · ccnnec-!.;.,to'n-reonly em "TIR!i~ont ona

t:1at .. it i·s_ conne cted,··cnlt-in the i'inr.s.l J.n.~~-i:m1c'R, bAcnuso in co.ptt:ru.-_ int society ~n'n;!int1~. foii0_!!51._fu>onUctl•.:m • .,-- ·

Tha un:'ls rconeun:ptlon.l.r.ta conotruoJ tho pl'<'::>on:lerr.itco ot

productio:rl over consumption t.o r.m:tn t!"ln "vut .nw. tic 11 collnpae of

1.2J!ar0. equ;.libriul'l, thn pcttv-bourp:Gola cr.l Uco nee only ttile ten­

dvncJ away t'rom GC1U1J.ib1"1urr~. lJr.rx dnmonntrrrtos thnt bo..!!!:!_ tond_anciea

are there, inC?xtr·icably connc-ctad. P~rt. III of VolumG I! .! a both

q cr1 tlque of bo'..trgool3 LL!1d r>et ty-boUI'f·?1oic 1~hourJ1t, and an analysis

formulr.'3 dolll •:Jl t;·" a chcmlcnJ ly :r;ttl"P CC.::JL talJ an Hh1G1~ novor existc~d nnd .0:-~.:.z r.ct c:dat c,;.J.~Y'·l~il-r';.·o noH. ~-·rccinol~r l.:'f.lcnue.e of thin, t.hey ro·.;u,_;.od the iJ<:tnlc t:-n oncy ·Jf c•tcrv caiJ1tul1nm but precisely of ~.!1-El.:.!&l!l and on~ of c~·-:·11 toll~


Page 9: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~



- '•

\ \_


;l)'i'"ne Breakdown of c,!ipito.liPIIIJ a:: lao&, llums.n Froedom --·- ~mel 1t>luma III Qf c,v!t4

n A~ ~<e haw. ar;~1 ved at the . 8:~1\Ilt!O \1h lOh lliw'f<! Ill! thO ~.a :fii"T:he wl.e;!U' 00llCS,pt:loli I)'J . f.-Ool the 9!U'the ln'~iii1&1Eit), VllSGD :f'ro:n lo.'ber, ,.,Jrl.l'u:U.l'f the~e ·l:.brlle ( WlliSO& {;l''>'Ull1 rent, interost)o.,natitut-e tho roopeot1n t!0".1rces <it in<lo:l,. of the thrs" olnssos o~ oapitali&t9, and we hnve in oonolua1on tho into '1/hloh the mo~~t of !s reBolv-ed;"-Lott.nE- ot on vo;l·

It t~ok t>llo cr•liJh of 1929 to opon: tho of tho .

aot:Aemic eoonomlsta ·'t;o •1nrx• '' ~yeill of tho 'br<!>o.kdOifll I'Jt

oapl tal1r.m.· It them b&CSl\\8 "' J)OlJI.I].a.r p.:tstirn~> t,o say that 11'

!f8l'X ::Wd only llll.ed his "lto~:~o11anism" ~ tllken ott tll.e ~myst1il1sm~

'1.'1 th \lhioh he onw'·=~d the concept oi' r...luo, cu.i\ b<~e;un inAt&rvl ' .

! 'Volt!!llii III 'llhero he deale. with "r1111'l "life" e thnt 1o to . r. ·''

ll!l.:y t!le. 8\trtaae phonomoz:a o! compGt.it1on, p'<'oi'lt, l!ent. etc. •

Me nproph:ocioe" of BiS :aua1n4>aa nnd oyollc;U or1.Ma 'lf~cl ha~

Man c!e.s:t to oue anlf they I'IO'Ild l'..e.vo loornud. "mucll" :l'rom him,

:~~~oro than a ·lu.L!.f. century aheM.· o:l' thalil tho pl:'Qd!loeoeor of these

bourgeo1n aoonom1nts wore so.yi~ e1milo.r things or H!U'll:-hOW

well .ho movell. wnong •mp1r1o and how \'Irons ho "'"" in hill

"co:ooluo.t.:>lll!l 11 • •11.\:l'x answered the:-. all ' he Wl:'Oto of ono

or tllCIII~&JiHBH!&:l. nt.a.nge eotromely rutivel.y spoa.ks ab::mt my lllOv1J. ,i freely in emp1rio mater1nl, It does not ~tor. his head that · thin f:reo movement 1 n nothing other tha.n a p!lraphraso of c. methc ·

of study or oe.terio.l, i,o,, d1aloct:l.o methotl," (6/17/'fO) auoh

an attitu<~e, ir. :l'nct, is procisoly whr>.t he 'l$l'l\Od. ap;a1nnt right

within VOlUlllo Ir"1!1oho.ll &hc.w in nook III th&t the rnte -;,:!.' prot:· is no lllftltory so itloOlt ac wo !mow tho la"s of nurplus vnl.ue, If' 119 rovvrse tho l'l'OC.,II!l wo ea.r.not COJ:l!)rohond o1 thOl' tho one or the other," (p,239)

And &GB1nS "Tho ancuo.l prooon~ of ro orduotion io easily under­stood so lone as ws keop in viou cerely the B\'Jil toW c:or tho year's :;:roduotion, But every aingl.e · ·

DOIDPOnont of this product munt be brought into tho market no o. comJi!Odity, anll thero t'·e difficUlty

bos>Jn&, Tho movottent o:l: -~ho 1nd1 vidual cap! tal, o.nd or the

Page 10: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~





p@l'BO!l!:l. l'OYilllUOil, :,Ol'OBti v.n<l 1ntO'l'liUJ!,;l.G n;1d. t.!.l'E': lost in tho e;onoraJ. 0!lanr,o. <11' !J:i.nccn, i" tho olrotUnt.l.or, c:r or al)ci thin dulles tlco n1.:tv'1t anti p:.'Oi'our.<1!l •rn·:' co:opl:!.c~tad j,>;•oN.o!"~ r. ~olu.t.i~:h" (1,6 ~7)

)"JT:OGtt.CltihJ.y - . . ~'he thiJ:'{] volume thnn uhicll/t;(',rJt: montr. tl·~::: t::t~tcfi or.

u'co.d.~rJ.o oconOr.licta l·:nr:.-! 1:uri1o t~c 1J~ t>c ..,..,)J.t:uc ~ Lnol:C C:.ti;;~ 11 wl tl

~-t.:.V>ifmory.t .. o. of._oe.Di·~n.1i!~ l!.£.9.~!!-<:~~~~o:·~ c.~:~ t.1: \r:ilOl(' ••• ('·:hich) app:r-oilo ~o_-p by a.~C!t :r;.T:::.t :r"Orn ,.1.",i(!1_L t:w:',~ n.~:.:n:-re- ~n t~l·~ rn1ri'~co Ol~ aocia t~·,· .. in t~:oi~· c..:~' l~TtO~"'c.ct . .i.::..?i r,, ~.~ P.6~,1)Q1.~:li1nn '!:11Cl in tha ortl '~n·o.l"':; c.~nzot::u cn.-:>Or.i ·:>1" t.;;:.-:--_. }~tiJ.~'J.:t1 u::;o!1oi ': 3 lUi t.hi s r;rncuuu. (:UI,p.26)

Uo::-e i·TG CO'~ '(.h.o::.l lii'r.:- _!.·l'l -;-__.,·w (:r:. ··1-'i~r..ll ~~~-. !:tnY·1~G-'G n.~ it ro:UJ..y ia; 1·1Q lotU"!l ·t.~:P- t conr::odi tlAn ou:l.J., r:.ot ~~t vnl.uoc, [i'J.t

at. l':1~c.aD o1~ urcx'!.'l;,ct.ion; thnt tmrplus ~T.J.ue· la net cu-~. ni:lot;'r~ot..ton., ,1: • ...,., -- -'-'"' k-...,_.-~ ...... , _., ..

1 " 1· r ·....,•t th1.·t 1··~ ri:'Jc.u. ~O""'}'l •!:-f h.' • ...:.. v ....... ·--· 00~0e.~0d, ·-.l.."'l:,P.~lc -·:1 JO , .,....... ' :~oo '' •• ""

F.Oi'i~ for 'the L""ltluatr~t.a.1.igt, TG!l'l:. ~o-r• tha l.t1.4'ldlox•·1 o.nd int~r~at tc1r ·~ll:o 'b.:mka~ .1 tha:t. aa.:o1 tM 1o not onl.y 11 o<>a6W. re:l.•.>.tion

o"t prod.uct.i<'Jn, "ttUt iT,' has t\ R~i:! f'or:m or !'JO)JC:f-CA.l'il t.a.l. . !{3}1~

11lil .ill'liud;j thtl 1"010 or •:X'odl t. il.l1<1 .... ·an lor"'" t1bout c;o.mbiin:l and


'Of 111'a? Ito¥ htw" t~oy c:,tm:,;('-d. tho lo.\113 tl;Q.t ur1~"' !'rem tho

utx>1ct Pl'Ooano ot p!'CJ<luotl<'ll l·thioi: tho natt<\OI::ic c>cc·.i\o.•aistO' oc.J.).

profit, ot~. c~c. o.t tllt'~ o :1d ·-o~~ :-!.12. tilco:Jo tm 1Jo c;Dt. bncl: to

th.Ltt. ~thich undor•livc 1 t. L\11: ·~~oitttction -:>:;,' V'n.J.uc· c\nt1 BU:':'"pluc

Cr~c'1t ~J··.•,.+o· .. -. l':.'.-,•~ro" (I"I .... ... r;~~) , • u u ~ '· tC-•=>·~ I

11930 •. "t--~

.- ...

Page 11: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~


Nothing l'und=t\ntal !w.11 oh~~nGed, notl11n;; llhntovcr, Lllbor;, \ .

which .ia the fW~m~ tJ.t!<nm·nd.!·t.~ o:r ~ti.pital1Bt pr-:;d.~Q.tion." bi)£o

!:tJ creates u:pitcl., la. zt'-.J.l a oomrnod!tj, cold nt Vl!lue, ruld ritlll

1.!L the p:rooc;~s of !;-r0duct1r..¥,. Md .!1..21 tn th!l prooo11e of .oxah~go or tho lllllrket., oren teo u e;roo.tor ·rolue tlu:m .l.t, 1 to eli is~

.AOO nC>w no to tho i'n.rMro4oh1nr;: 2ic;.'lt of l!Z:r;t ill e•)ir..e;

lltl:'a:I.6)Lt&wa;r to c.uoth~ ~.nbrn1>rur.~t1on" to &.ow the doom oi: v:"..J.u,c

p l'~oti.:ll'l. ?qt. Cl1: !ta OW.!!. i.."lher.on.t laws c;t; k~l!:@m!!...t

"I~ ol.'\1er t.c ~'luao the Bwne l'ato of pzooi'i·t;, 11hm t!l.e llOJ>.:JtA!lt capital. l>6t irt ll!(ltion by one la~$6· inor~aeil ~~14{~ tl!S. mtrpl.t14i l;ti»r t:i.l:le ~11·.

hc:.v~. to ~GI:'Oase tM-:f'ol<1.1 ar.d iioOi! ''.he totlil. l.llbol• tilliO. Ql'ld f.1Jlal.J.y tl::o ru:uy 24 hlV.ll'lJ a. &y; wou1a not stt;,.fioo, e~'e!l ·~ ·:3!107..l;v a·opropr!<! b:y oapital'i" (Ili~P~45St, .

In a word., !1: this e:.•azy syntera of produut.l.on lfl>.Oso · IIIO'I;i v$

farce ia the O%tre.ct.l.on of av111> 'sreatal' t:~-.MO".:n1;s of m.~rplus value

bwm the. worker and payL1g him owr l'!!lillor ~t1.1, I'l!l.!ltbel:t_~

ftll! W.a letbw lY.>~Dr, thm;>e ;:ould co!l!o o. tum wlton oven 1.t tho

wo:rk:t\r :L&cn<t:,od to ll ve on ail' and could 'tlork al.l ~4 hours a dey

to keop this over groa.ter uona'.;or of tlMhlllo uxpandcd, that th1G

li1D.O!i1n~ 'IIOV~d l'lOlll\!)B6-;'fJinco lJ,)Tl!l£>_lll.'bOr 11.1 tho olll,y llOUroe Of

thia V"....i:..w IUl!1. sur-plus veluo, u • PiG t:mmtb'trd::fs;:: wid o1nco it

oxaotl;y ls llhe.t i& b~ in::; eut rclllt1 Vtlly to tho over srnater

t>~h!nea tha.t be1ne usott, thCll'o juot 1toltld.\t1t bo sU1'1'1o1on·~

surplus value to koap th~ thins going.

"Pte roal lmrrior oi: oa•)1taJ.1nt oroductioAr, "imr:t · cont,l.udea. "!!:oaD!'Eiir1isa:l4': It ia tho 1'c.Cit that oap1 tn1 an'il. its sel1'-o~ana1on epper.r a~e 11tartill8 o.nd olosins point, an the raoti w G.1D o:t production 1 thnt 'DNduot1on 1B mol'Ol;yo prodl!o­tion :for ~J.Jl!!., o.nd ncm V'ico VG:roa, tlie 1:1171ano of production l:lOl'o moan:froz. llil over nyatom of the lH'o p:rocosa 1'or tho b<me!1t of the oocioty of prl)uuc()ro."

zn op:;>Onition +,o thin ho ptlint& tc tho fc.ct thG.t "tho ron:!.m ot: i'r~edom does not, aollll:onco untl~ tho polnt :1 a passed W"nero labor undor t.he c.ompului:m of nocenr, '.ty e.n.'l oxternto.l utilUy- 1o required: In tho vory UtLturo or thUloG 1t Uoa beyond tho llphore or r.mter1o,l. produc·~ion in tho atriot LlOMint; of tho t01:'lll, 11 ( DP· 9511-5:3)


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n~~ : of ~on,;j:t;:m_i 6~ri~.::-~l ,. ~iT':1:~~"'"~ l!n:t'~\. o;;_(h) n:·_::!l.H.l-1 luCoc:d.tnten··.

ot cout•uc; ~ e:t.t~i<>::~ o:f tt~;; ~:-:..::?:c~. ~:..r::. a.o j.H.:· hc.u o:~plo..i:n.od ovot-,

e,nd OVa:' a&'tlin but thool:"ot!l.o:;.lJ.;r n..' ot:pl.r-1od:ty, tltQ on.'targuoon~

<>f t."lo lllnt>kot !r: l!l. c~,itnlip+, :cobl.'rw. it> 1:ln5.tu<1 1'11" tho f.:>.ot thai

thll ·w.,...~ .... ,~~~ is ];rtid. r;.t vnlna,. '!""UiB io t.h~ nttLf~C!.O.IJ' ~1i'~oti~t1cn

ot !11!1 sif5;;};y.inr, usmJ.mption th-:<t t.ll'- r.or!,nr. ::.o J;:>i•l :\'!. w.luo, .1.)-.!JL 111

a-"ld n~-t 1U Vo4uao III, i~e af.o tll:.d;-"J}iii-i:rui<Jr!:!,~tf~;. as.·!lc;o o.r \}l"1r,~J~ ,

_thll.t. in pro:luot1o:n not i.'1 t.llo !m!'kot ito ol•oatos I.\ VllJ.uo [ll'oater i:~t1

.it 1tf!Olf is,: Tho wo:r-krl!' is a v~cd\lne:r ot ov·:n,<lu.otion; li,_

· O!l\!lllo1- be ~l"Wi!JCI 1u e.. -r..a.u~•'b-to3.7,V;j noc;l,ut..z~• llhOl'o tN1 · l.l:'11lm.l

of ~;)rul'!tlii:~t.i.on, b•LUG b"~t n llo::tcnt h tho rtt~:>.."Uct:to;t ar L!.bor o

:pG1P.I.r', · iv.mnt)t ba bir.;ze:.., then -~''" nued.L< ot oe.:¢. t!ll i'ol:' 11.1-bo:r ;;~i:Will"~' . . .

'-'ll.A:t. ill -~~ :t'r..W.. <'')et. o'!: :lll?1. ~.allrit p;.•o::~ot.:l.~; O!J. th<;; on<.~ · ~" thr,··on.~ltal.1rJt !tu::Jt !ilCt""'='nzc h.i~ m:z~,9·:~. ~' t~vJ othot• hend ·

it O!!J1X\Ot 'hr.! 1.1.\rl!~l:";

The ~J!iD 'tl"..ll't· 1-'ol.louo is not <::~>.'J.llG:l. i:>:,- c a.\'lc.;•tngtt o:r "oi'­

f'eotl·;e det'[email protected].", On i;he CC\~trp..r, !t ~.!; tho 0!'.1.~1~ t.hnt. ~sU.rJGS a

Bh<n' of •~ef1"octiV~'! dount!'e T".c.o t-rorko:r fJ:.:lj;:loy&5. jl!)o8"'vettdlt.y 1a;. 'today. A O~is"io nee~:: nC't bcnrJl!so ·~h~:t..-to h-:-.o been n t\Q W<l .®1'1 in. tJWOl'3 ml\!/o 19?.9 ShO"'I(l US

!!. ty o:£' m~!·l:ots-tho n~kc•t _, llOitRO" •rmm is lc,rzost ju r;t be:t'or.1

tho e:ttisin.--t,.J.t .!,t~ the cunit~~st "fi~o:L.1t t!:oro iz occw.-t!ns

~ unset1ofa.atorj d1.tria .. lbl!t1on o:: 11 l;;lcO~c'' 'bct-~;-rco:;-, l~Qr41..~'!ltn of

·ttas:uu B'li! thono oi~ mrrplua vnJ..uo o:: p~oi"!tB. Tho en~1t.n~1nt docrvnllos hl.a .l .. tlve:!tnontn l.ll<l tho NatV..ti't'.C ot.'lf'll,'\tion o:r prodUction!nr!! ull ovor:px•oo:'!.t:~M.Oll. Of: OOUl"!lo, thoro 1s c. 0-)ntrc.<llotion COl.U'fiC·,

botWOOD pN>ful,tion !md. !)O;lOUl:lptJ.on. of/thc!'G l~ '.1:l\'W.bility to

cell". nut tho irmblli ty tCI aoll'oats i'.;oGU no nuoh

bOt\O.U:tle Oi' the 1' t!U'G(Jocde nt G.oolino 1.11 tl!c l,llte of' - -

Page 13: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~

·:r .. ~ , ,. r '• .• f

i I

•. :~'\ J'A'!'X•lld t:tw th~orf\~i' tho cl~olld.nrl rote or :pro1'U

t.o be ".;he poria .ani,hlf:' ·o-s: ·fu!' ·~hcl~~::?~~ iX:l!ltior;.l ~oC\~on;v, t}

~i.oh tlyj<i~~ one tlw•nr<}t.!.o. !lyatom ~;- lul.ot..hG%'. - :i'ho ole.i!lllicnJ.

po>l1t1c~1. !i!C:onomlsta rr.h 11; but tha::r q~~1-t, tinllerstaaa it / i ' .

~oazwe ~·htl:V. not :JO"eNl!:Ve tJ'.at tlup·-.cail:l."tv.Hst ayotam, llhioh

tlwy oon~£<'11i>:ac'! not !\ h.tztt.n•i.::u!., ti.Grtaft..:.r-; o:;o-ater.!, bQt a

;p o:rlll!m;mt <me • hE.t\ ur-noth!nc !J~ l·:.s vl t~.J.o 1>h.ll.t WOlll.rl d.oott u.~·

llhr.z:. 1Ulr:r.. sto1.rca. 'iJ:~·;. d()ol:lno i;· tho 1:,~ o:J: pr•ci'H wt1 due t. o

·the tl.\ot o.r tl~ OV!i'l' !m<>:llCl' use QX l!i71ne lr\bor. 'lih.!eh :l.s th@

<ml;r BoUrc~ o1' llttl'I)luc ·.-ui.v.!:>, t,o # ''""'im 11 t~_.,~ over _Sl'Gato::.o -

U!l~ o£ t:aohblGnt tl,r- cccp:l.te.J.~t!l point"" J.r.&t.oa.i t.o fihQ tlllsli

ot prt.~!luet;s a.u,1 ?lom:e tho tl.!}JIS or -m·ofi t.ui '.\'4oy tbr>ligi;t

to t.o:rsll)t in thi. ta:u in tho ratt~> ?.VOn somo 1!&7.ists

8I,I'Ziil1de;1'od thtA t tho tondenoy t'qr tho!< ir. the rnte oi'

}::l'O.t'!:t. M.d no .l!:IU!y OOli%lt.G:r-aci1ng tondena1ee ir: 'Cho · Llilnn· o:r

];ll'otii!i boon miisn<~uotfon n.'ld in .i.nq.-or.!.oliot olr.qm."!Eiien that

1 t. \Inc Mt o;;:atral to hF1r tM nl•h•,e. ;J;t; W'l!.s n.¢ot 1n :t'~t ttnt.U

t-ho 1'2$1 o1•aeh that ;P«::;lo bat!l.!l to ooo thttt this lfllll not tMoey~

but t;y .~~,nd promptly they lookod :for sol uti onn ='-'~·"';rtfltore tll:e!!.,:Pt .. '.ll. t ho :prO:llJne or proo.uatio:l! itrs9li' b:y l.nborer h1msEIJ£~'

ltlmt liii-"'X 1o doecr1 bille in ll.1s BM.l;rslo of l!hat. ho

oall.a "the general oontra.U~t1-..: of' cnp1till1r;m" ~-3 l)the •losrll4a­

d.on o.t' tho lfC:t<kor to &11 appendneo oi' ~- ll!eObino 2)tho constant

srolfi,h ot.' tho -:m<nu,;;ll.c.;r«li. ~Y, !!nil ~)~np1tcl1sm( s 011n dolfl1i'all

b&~o.uso ot inability to g!:rn GI'Oo.tcr 'Jillploymont to lv.bor~ Sinoo

l.o.b<•o:o powo:-- 1a th.:t nuprome COI:lllod.J.ty o:i' onpit.v.lint production.

tho onl;; sourco c>f ito vai.uo rum aurpJ.uo va.:!.uo, co.pital1on 1 c

inability tc rap:ooduco it t\ooms onr,1ta:!.ian it noli'.


,. '• ..

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' An 'r:o otr.·l -;.:·.ro; ·. t>.() h¢~in~-~ ~!1~~ !'nr:;:'::: cr~. t1c!UO Oi~ c ~·,.r·i t;'.'.l1ot. : . J)(l>l1 V0l ... r.l:1.~ 1 '

er.-cicty wna 'bnoce. prl~ts1·il~· · orj this,! i:-;y•;crt.;-.-:t'J~1 oi' rlo~d to

:u .. rtn.~ labor- a.t tho polnt o.r :·rt>:1~.!C'i..1 .·n, oxtond~~l to t!·.c n·.n:fa.t:o

The pi>raoldi'lco.tion or .tbil"fi.!l kac;:>o tn0 W>lrld"r i'l··om ronl!?.inG

that the mcb·:ao or pr·:">d.>~ctlon nro !lot .. l~gt p1•onqt:ii:.y :, u.."l .:)bj::lct

~!l'hb1de or him·, but Choy O.l'C: t!Jc :::tl~~Gr.iu2!-z:c.t1on or' h5.s 1R1:-nr,


tha.t itt• .tllr; ttCl"ltQr rcil,1oo h:!.n::Jolf". !~~Jnlo:;ieuJ.. r01fioo.t1t..1!1 l:eopn

mOdo of produotiOl', tlw 1'r~ct t.ha.t lnbor t'iorninn. t.aa li vlnl!


,. ... ,.. ....... ~ •. +',, .~ '-'•h•'- .. ·~ ' "·· '-'

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ticm:-..-y prolet.o.:-iat .1!!1.\llt :fora,, ono to pose an e:z.tornt;tl t'll.otor

to do the planning. HO dismissed wi~h utt.Gr contempt Pl'~ua.hon• s;

:plr.n to do awoty ::1th exchange, For tho praoticlll and viole:tt

oot1onG or. the prolatar1at, J.!arx urote, px•oudbon eu'bsti tutes

the "evacuating m<:.tion o!' hi a head", t.~nr" na~r sayn, in wu;;svel­

l1n g .tho Inn&r contr·.'ldiot.ton, "In it~ ( capH:aliem' «) cl:!.sordor

is its order,•

l'X'cn::~on wn.a ne1 ther tho :rirst nol' the oi'

the plannerG, a;J our ae;t~ kl'IOifs !!lllch batt"r t,;1an !-!cu•x' a, Plan­

ning iii n'Jt UinUed. to :idea11sto, The M~~ materialist . . -;'/ .

who Viawe technoloGical development outside ·ot: the class rG>l&•

tionahip alllO &lips baiJJJ: into considering the 8~~f!fc.11st1_L .. factors 'or. production l.'.e ·mere .factors of P.r:y/torm. of · J?i'Oduo-

tio;n~ 'l'h.o.t 13 why Marx cr~atell ne11 <:llltagories-~conatll!lt and . .,. .

variable capital in VOlume I and the t1·ro dGp~.:>tn:ents of produc-. ·'r'"' ..

t:Lon 1n VOlume :n--to describa the mnnner in wh1oh

aud_labo;r unt'iled under a ca:pHnl1st economy, -In oppoait-ion to

all the plannere,--o.batraat·'mator!alir.t s.s well as 1detll1st-'"­

Marx elabor3tod his ~,a.lysie of capitalist production,

In volume I o:r c tiPITAL the scientific nature

of the cooperative fo1•m o:f' the labor process is bald cut in

sharp contrast to the hierarchic struoturo of cap! tali st.

control, In '/OllUilo II llarx isolates tho cap1ta11o·~ n".tiona. and

anlllyzes it o.s n units

" ... lte munt not follo~r tho ma:r1nor oop!ed by Proud..lton from bourgeois, which looks upon thils matter as thoueh a society 1·11 th a cap! tali at mode of production would loco ito specific h1s~or1cal and economic cha.racter!stice by helng tnken as a tm1 t, Nor. at all, 1·10 in that oaea to doal ~rith tho aggr·egate at'nitalist," (II,p,503)


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' ' '',')



t ;: I

,:;_ . n ~ :; '- .

' ... 11936


As 'II • e:aw, the wholo or voluco I! 1s "bttllt - not. o~ tnd1 vi~unl.

P~i7ate c~p1tal, but on, nGt1onnl cnp1tnl. !n Volume I

Jllll'X ·returns "to. t.h~ CrNtti VG plan of th~ ~o-kers "I! " • • ~ thci pln.n most a43qu!l.te to tholr humP.n. rutturo nnll moet worthy of 1 t'*·

.n~;st as the savage oust wre~tle with nature in O>lo'dsr to st.t1Bty bin 1funto, in oN.0r to mainta:n his lifs lllld :rG'i~:'O<htoe it, so civiUzod man hae t'l do H., I.U'ld he m..tst do it 1n all 1'0l'llls or Wid e.ll possiblll' model! of pr-oduouon-; With hia d~lo;;>ment t."he roD.lm 1Jo!.' nnt\trnl. neosss1.ty .n:panda, bOC!1.USe his w.nto inorenllle 1 btr.t at the s111.1e time th<> roroeo ot prolluct.ion in<~riue · a 4•hv:t:ldllww..:..~ez:t!"""' .. .....Y""" b:V 'Mit~ch the$3 '!~Wltil are ea',:l.s1'1od. · 'l:~. ~i!d.ot~ in t.hb t,.sld arom~>t O•~n­Blllt. of Ali;Vthins ·6· but. of thri f.ant that ocm1al1zed ~~~~m, the auoa1at~ p7.'Cducara, reeulo.te their L"'t.erchanso with natur~ re.t.1onally, br ng 1t under their ocm•on contl!'Olt i»stelld ot. being rUled by ~t. as by some bl1lld pcwerJ .that they aor.:omplieh the1r t..nak w1 th the leMt. expondi.turo or ener•gy .under oond1 tionl!l moo.t

. adequate to. ~heir human natllN ll.lld most wo1•thy o? 1t. .But it \ a:two.yu e. renll:l or nocensity.. .

. ·."Beyond 1t begins ·that tieveloJ)'.nen.t of huwm ·power whloh 1R its own end, th& t1'11e reaiin o:t' freedom, Which, hoveVe:r, oe.n-flo'.lrioh orJ.y tpon the ree.lm o:r n'!ooseity·as 1te basis. T,no shortening of tho working day 1s its fundamental' pr_emlsa."

Thuo we &lle tbat H lan1t only tho young Marx but the . crs!\t1ve

lllll.ture JlarX to 1fhon the~ rolc:t or +.he lwy to all . It ).sn't 01l].y

e lso·~~th._t, thifl O:t'C!!.tive plan Ill~ tho •<orkers in opposition

to th<l mtthorit.abie..."! pl'"'"' ,,;: tho? Nlpitoliat :o:·uns l1ll:o 0. red

tm•oue;.'l all throo v;~lumao of GA"ITAI.. It is tltat Marx, the

revolut1'ono.ry Ii.,gel1nn, ho.t:l. a oonc,eption or the freedom of the

socialist individu~l as act1v1ty, completely different from the

ut:ll1ter1an oonceyt1on of the econo~r.1ata who could oee :freodo!!i1

at beet, ae set1 fled hunger nnd. "culture", Those saw free time

only as enjoymcmt. ~!ttrx ss.w' :1t as involving the greatest earnest­

ness en<\ exertion. The fr!'le tlme libek•at'Jd 1'1•om llhpi to.list

explo1tnt1on lfould be for the free de•r!'llopment or tho 1nd1vtd.uo.lts-­

J>OWers. The devolopcd productive powors Of ',;he 1nd.1Vld\\O.l IU'O

the actual wen1th of zoc1uty.~~~ The actual neoecaity

oi' revolt will a.ri'c out of the neoens1ty thnt oapito.lism ns

conrll tiona, nctl vi ty o.nd purpoao 1 B destroying noc1oty. Tho

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, ... ·


oply torge wb1oh-2!D overcome this neoeaaitr therefore_ is a

IFeini.Q.a_~hll)h !taGlf-, 1n and for 1tsslt, oouibin:aa 1no~ai'=a.blt

ob.!eotbe oonditionf., eu~eotiva activity lind nig'l.?o~e!

There was no dtf:l'eronce..;-e.ll total1 tarill.lle note4-­

between Mo.rx the Hegell<m llo.rx the revolutionary, nor between

l!lll'X. -~he thoo~·atiolau fi.nd !l.arx the praotlcal. organizer.

Qppltal and turn~d t,o tila Paris r:ollL."'Ulle not meX'el;r as "activist"

and "matoriall.r.t" but as 1deal1Bt s>.a !<lan of pt•aot1oe,XIIf::&:uww;

Tliat ie how he sew tho grotmd und!.rneeth the ColJUilUilQ.;;'<il!i at1ti said t "They have no

ideals to realise but to aet tree the elemer.ts of the new


~11th the 'eole e :r.oopt1on of ·Lenin, the posthumous

~blioati<m :•;f 1/olumo II or CAPITAL hit a blank wil.l.l 1n t.he

S0oond Internr.tional. ±'rom ~ reformists lllld revolutionaries

alike. In fact, tho ~oataet reVision came from the revolut1cmlll'T--..

martyr, Rosa Luxemburg, wllc !il'gued that a 11preo1sa demonstration"

from history woul.d sho~1 that oxpanded ra porduction has ne-v:e_l'

tllkerl placo in a closed aooiaty, bu:b rather through d1str1but11Jn •

to, and axpropr1ai:ion or "non-capitalist stre.ta and non-oapitaltDt­LUx.embu~g falpaly cou.~torposad reality to theory~ sooiotios, h {liar or1tic,'Ua sp:run.s thaora t1cally from this one

fundamental error. She wa~ betrayed by the powerful historical

develo~ent ct 1mpar1al1em that wan taking place to substitu&e

for the relatiotlship cf capital to labor, tho relationship of

capitalbm to non-cr.p1ta11am:· Th1.e led her to deny Harx's


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· prc;.mlsf) .o~ the \:h¢lc. of !:l!.l~:..::i..nt. t./:;.oor~t, tl·H~:~v- ~,·na no 11lc.c:u for

hor to. e:o 'bt\t. tc tho O!)hOrQ oi' ~=·~chnn·::c m·1(J .. .::::onr.m.m!>tion,

Tl1eat thOi'O i:: :10 ozn1l.:lt• 0!lov.:nn, ·:moo ~-ou "1~fJl" o!·

thf~orotloO.:lly ~l''OI!1 tho lnto:c-r..:""llJi.' ."'.1 .~t.:·l .. ·t:tr.nH~hJ.).";l,, in ~;-.cot clo-~~l .. ly ·

-~CC'ttn!l~t1on thr'>'-te;h t~1o oollc:ttont. of, Incl.:.n, t;lo Anglo­

BOa!' l:m.r; the CG"'Vil:lS up c:r f,!:'ric:, ";he, oplu!!i · Haru ufiainnt cCitlno •

tho .oxtol'!ll:tnrtion of th(• flracr. 1or.n X!l<'l, tho c;ro;;inc: trl1i!(> ·

w1 th non•O:!.J?i. :1.l1~t llCcioUen Md n.n ,.,al:;r;in Of :imotpcti ~ :v~..-, ... ,.,~~' ' . ' .-: ,:- ' ' -

arid. mUit.lL~!f.:!,li011 .M&rx Gl1YfJ at nc grapUo n d3s~ripti()i( . ' \• '•

.:Pi:--'...m!tivo aooumiunticm ns. rwsa did ()i'

:.backward lnnda, Yet, c>.lthnttch "c.?:citr.l caller; drippilllJ: from .·.m>.n<•c

to :root., trom.~:vor:/ p~ro lfith blo r:! a"ld O.irt.", nevcrlho-lotta

primitive a.cout1uJ.ati"!' t:1."~at.o<l or;J_y tl:o O.Q!.l"!1t1ons fer :rel!l

ca.pi tulitJtu thu Pl'O!'OZ't:tlo:J:3 ·t:~rlcG~n o.i1cl P._ c~t.,· acc~U!ir .. tl£\t.lon .

:'ot CO.!)i tG.l,;.no.t,lon of' 1~.bor• t.o c:J.:--.i ttl.l ot1l J ror.m!ned

. 011:!.:-{ 111'oxom~ln bGco.uc~ '1t!!! ·yot no spec;i.:f'i~ CU.!l,.t,c.' . .1.~t chnrnotcn'·'

lfO.G :t:ntc r.;::t:•e.l t.o 1-:-:. ;,.~Jl::1 flry:_lr1 r:~t. bG· no lonr.- as t•vo.r1nbla capitl\l

pr<-pO!ldm•e o<l ; ovcz· c~'1Jtnnt." (I, p,8lO)

J.t ~h\n or .. l:r o "L.ltc• ba.!J t~ oi' !;tttchino 1ndnatr:r thnt

.. 11938 '·'

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.. l

! !


J . ~l''' .. · l· '.,. ' .·~ ·.~ . . .... -J:rr

. .~t ~MiilblU'G ws.N nl'>t a VlllSill" undc:roonaumption, Alons with br'.x abe tqok fozo e;;ante.d; t.M.t oo.pi tnl'iat production develoPea

~- ~ r9Dd tho_ Q:;an&tnr!)iion !iema.-:tl ~- ;;i v~n ~'1~ ol;;uu . uUtq;ORi ticn ot

IJa\'li0~7 eo -Ghat their prom1El13 we. a tho SIU:l9, . 'l'hore, hO'IIOVl'r,t):l.!

.i!!a!•~'.J:'itv ends, She on1d tJ,at the.t was sci o.nd ·thnt nu!tnw I

Hal'Xiat theory of exprmdc:l. l•eporduotion l.n g<.'neral. nor• &IIPDI'>inll.:y

the 1'0l'llfa).e.e in '\f'01Umo u Sll"'ll tho r.nt~ltor to th!.s oont,:NIU.o:t;ion0

'lib!lt Gtto Dllar.t w.-:lde!". What E!l1£elo Llllde out ot 'lf'oat llrl.rx lett h1m,

ani\ t.llat in any oa~o t-he M&li'tJl." l.lidn' t corroapond t(• "lite" ;roX-/---,

Mlll'>t 4ic!n1t :u~·-~-' "t? nee the impsl•ialJ.llt !."eE>lity ct her ila.y ·and

th!ir~t' she oi'f~rea "to BUPtJlomont" co.pitnl~ . Shll! ended by ,;::o~lvi.liil~~S;j~ - -_.-: __

i t.''becll\llle sha llan nr.t OIJpreasi voly awa.i.-e or tho ::<Oh ot oonat~t C&pi,t;aJ. tho.t 18 to B~y thtl doad labor ·l'Jl"opond6Mtt1nG ~- livhis

. '-- ·:,....,~""'·:_._ ' .-'' . . ,. '. . .;i,; '._ ·. ·\·.·.:-·:;.-,;

' ',ana. 1~tite,d, th~etor-o, accused. the I~arx1ro1 _i'Ol'mtlla~ i>r st.&Ml.ns ., : -~·' .. : :_. . ' - ' . . ' ·-' ' -, . : '

' '!or i<}~l'l'i:l .. fi"M.t,.1'!co..t1on, Thi& tlm :re formtu~s dtd .too~· ~·

· r&f~ta atood 'by suoh M. ilitarp:retation or th"' :f'<ll'l!lulae b8cr..tiee · .. . ·- - . -,; - " ·- .

they. v.tWa aco!al. pn.triot's and wll.r.tod. to do aothing to ·Upset the - ; . ., .

systorr,, twaa ·n(51:1l'oualy protoBted' w~nat tho formulae 'bq,ct.t1lll~

she; was a. .r·oYolnt.ionlst nnd t!l'-'Ni"ore 111J.1d ":t.cng before" tho

· cnp1ta.:!.1ilt!) l\s.vt> :t'lm their coursE> in ».on-capitalist lands the

prol~ar1nt would overth."'''I it, but it didn't flow i'I'C!m her 'tiheOl'y tlw.~ the p2'11Dllry BOUI>oe o1' surplus vaJ.ue ltaa not the

'!lt 'aut tho non-cw.p1tnl.1ot l:.ndo, Jl!!!rll!xb:b2'DIIli!DD:bl:lmd

Whore Luxomburg mdntuined. th:• t Marx' a :t0%'1l!Ulae

o:r E>l~P!Uldcd :<>epr·U<luct1o;_ ~IE! ro 1noorreot both in theo!:'y and did,

not oo~eapond to ronl lito 1n ru1y one livinf, notion, Lon1n ea!d

th& y wore both c"rreot l.n thoor:~ because you had to *alre tlio

moat oxtremo aaaumpt1on to show tho i'undrunontal novement ~

wore correct in lifo o.a uell~' In Russia tho qlt~Btion whether

cr.p!tnliom could ';(i,thout a mnrkot 'WliS not a theoret1oat


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·' ., ..





abstraction the.t 1 t accrocd to bo in Germany ~rhet•e GCOlrman imporial.--·· ''

ism was just bee;inninf, to conquc~ nr:m W>rldo. In bo.o)!:ward RUs.sia

which oc.ul.<1 not aitcoesEifUlly oom:;>ato ro;• the 1·rorld m;.rl:et, thoro a 1'lhalp . GCltool o'L t!1oorct1c:ta.nn, ":tho ;Ja.l"' ( P0f':.:lists)

lfhO ma:lritn.ineU. thnt\1 s1~1c0 11 C'Hl1i~·.u:.iB!::l could not. 0x:!.nt. '·rlt.hoat

n. mnrkut, \..,.nc1 11 cinc0" ?t:usnin h:1.d como J_f'to on tho histo:r.ttJ.

'scene -~;0 aocure ono, RuOuJ.tin could 11 thel•oforo 11 n::lp c'a:•J.t tnlj_o!ll

nnfL go directl;t fro:<; tho "mlr" (por.n:J.Jlt co!'nWle} to cor.:munian,

Lenin h1;_t. out e.ea..tnst. -~h'3n t.!tcor·ut.ically t: ... nd practic:tll:,r r-rJt1 t.h,":\n· - t~1e t\-10 ;l.n the trent :~r ·.fo~r.d :~tu<l:,r of' :'The '1}0 vt;lopmont

of c.-~pitv. iam in ~8~.!.n. 11 • It cleared the erou.nC: for l·!arx1orn.~' but

-Russ.1lt, ·~avEin aa bmerlcw.J · sealilz to have t.ho pcltfect a·Jil fox• al~

S?rts or·· th:aOi'~.G·s 01' ~'exceptlonE".:liamn !'r~m "sl~ipp:tne; c·apit.a.J.1srn 11

','hen Lm1i11 arr;uad

c:~.:f~o~' c.xha.ustivo 1\'J.snion st.e.tist1cn thc.t ua-yitnlir;m 'dna ~mJ.eed ·:; · __ in·-:T~~~!e.t, Rus.Bl~: they ~ai~ he t1:idu.'t tU1dorsti:tnd. thobr.i_. \~Sn

W\'A both· on .t:1o t!< front an<1 r-Juteo. the Nr:rodniki on tlle.

orgo.nization·e-1 front ct.a'- \'tOll, the itleolog;! .. cc.l c::ildron Of tho

!ia~odniki, 'p:::-eze\lt-:lay oconor.1i st!l otato thu t i ~:. \'Te.on' t af·tor all

c~ ~·.st:,.t. !ec.t i'o1, it \·h.:t.B not !·~n.rxinm but 11irrefa tnhle economic facta. 'that poopl(:! u:·1,.:.. '"ore \<11111ns to look nt .. .:,hoao i'actEl a littl~-' aarlie:r th:-:tn their o.rlv-ersn.rieo pre fe.rred ·Go nr)pot.J.l to 41£f0r~rtt aS:pecto of i·:ar:<lan t.heo1~y.,. should not disguise whnt

· "-~tuo.ll•' occur1•od." (Harvard Uni Yerai t:· ":>t'c!dy, 19!55)

BUt t!lOX'V Ul""O SCJi::G bO!' I'C~Oir.:t thC'OT' WhO-

are willj.~. to ony it ~.pplicU 1i1 !\tHHJlr.. ·hut on tl- c o:.:ocptione.l


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,, . __ -!;

• I ' ••

... c;;a.;.

econc&le theory h&a iniasd ~een running a ~osing race with hietoy • - f: . .

u~ Oil& has even gone no i'ar e.c to "admire" Marx !or l1i11 "idea.

<tt tha·ory~ and hill ability to trn.."ls:torm h19to:oic n.1rrat1ve into

\\ir.tcr!c :r;Ursonne". :sut nom•. have tM a11gl\tast conoepM.on th.!lt )lo.~1 s "lc!.ea

ot 't.heo.ey" ifl 1111 pi'~wnd as, it io beea!IBO he )lad broken,~

tl'l.e 'h!!!!:\!rejaoie co.n.ce;pt ton of' ~l'.l, pl.aoa<l. t.h~ worker 111 the

cste:r .,:r !!!! hill t' ·L'"Ikin6. 'l'bt~re is no a~r sou•~" for t\lGQrl~

It 1sn1 t tlU>.t llnl'X"~1.or11'1od" wcn-kera. :::t ia that

· !>..o. kn-"'lf .whe.:t \faa th~'-r r¢l.'.l in prodactii:m~ Juat as h11lto1'1 baa

·.not lli&char$~d thl'lor;r i'~"lm ita !dosion or or1 t1ciz1ng eld11t1nB . . ... . . . ...


. . ,, ·: 1.1)'01tt.1o.·.ao tho workers en ,e.oE>, bnclt Bl~ the o:~tpl.o,,tat1on .:;li ~. to at~e1shten up 'to thfl bclght. or men, 'thrOw el~

~~~ ot'i' ·their baokG M<'l therefore o&r• critlcizo 1 t ~.nd owrcome

·.•. ,'a.t;..~!i aea ahaad, It ian1t that Jr,IU'X v1ll.1:f1e:d oe.pital111ts and their

ideologiata, It it< tl:,~,t he !mew thei;!! role l.n production and hcni

11m1t.ed theroi'or~> t.h01r outlool~.~co.use they were &P.t1s1'1ed, th~ ane.

oouldn • t grasp o!l of roalt their 1deol.ogy wall ·

talse •• Marx himsol.i' 1 11hen he bego.n, _didn't lmo'll ell

the implication of the materialistic conception oi' history. 1.hnBt al:t.h0'.1sh he saw thl': mode ai' production as determinant tor 1deoloSJ,

~.saa~~IIJXKCX'biiDPiil:i:Bx!(w•!MPJ;A h£ thouGht

1\l.~ thr.t naods to be done t.o demonstrc.te the ~a.nlt:'Uptcy of bourgeoie

thought is to sho·,.. v!)at tllay cc.n no longor be scientific and that

with th~ dove lopment ef' the strugr,le their economic s6ience

he.E become IJ!.1lgar and their ideolgjls:t.s "pr1zo i'1g'htera." He on


Page 22: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~




t· o othw he.nd, would show tho il.oo11m:: and then thE' workers as

ollnne;:l.ns tho wor:ld wh!.oh hall lons ha.d 1 to interpreters,

~t CAFITAL and, 1r.stoa d as in th9 cr1t1guo ~·gu1ne: with the

the~X>Vt1o1am~S at each stop or the \iay, jlbd agx$:llulll tnk1ng tho·

whole H13tory of theor;; o~\t of tho context and putting 1t at the

end o~ !1.\l volumes, In a J.ottor he ment1ono that thnt tlh!oh

w~s 111'1 tten :t'1rst waa put laat 'beoa\AB" t.t!llt. !n th'-1 ordino.ry way.

"- thoorotico.!. work dev&lops~ Thnt 1·· to P.e.y, aB IUl ln:t0:t1ectual

!oal !!'* .. tiiEblt>·• 11111: It he rieoded t" r.:lenl' hi!! own mind first, UOY

hf)lfe1rer 'the oreat1 vo pt~rt,. comes u1 th the 1fOrkers themsel vee not

only as e.ot1 vista but .us thinkers. Th\le, 1ri tho same way in which·

;:.he 'Primitive Accumulation

Volume I as its Ol•!gin; so

of capitn:J., was ~laced at the Bnd of . . . ~-

tho History o:f 'l.'hoory, (or T!{eor1.e~ r4 ·



sui-plus value, as .named by ?.auteky) .. •Rc•ro put at thEl .llnd of'-.Vclumlt III

· I~ there is nny truth at ~1 to the incomplete-state·

.in Which Volume a I:L and III were published, H 1s the exact opp~l!i of' llho.t those who sperut ab<>Ut it think. E gsentir..ll;y: Harx said

what he wanted ~o say. Th1a 111 true Mt orily or •,rolumes II a_nd

III \fhiah Engelo ho.e od.1 t.od 11l.t.h scrupulous cnre and presented

e xo.otly o.s Jt.arx had wri'.;i;on, 'but oven ~·1ua nool~ IVIt 'illlich Karl

J:nutsky did tmnper tilth uhen ho pub11oh0d separately as Ths'lrtil!

or surpluo Value, The roo.son ·is tJ1at vo,.umo I published by llarx

1B not I.Ll'lne, o.:~~ ho put 1t, a whole 1n itself. It 1e the uhole,

Th:tt ill to no.y "'"" !mow :fror1 1t where VolU!:Ios !I and III (including

Theories) belons, ~ they cUI.Lloc!.l.onlly oolloctod, o.nd ~.

is the l.b'll!' or motion of capi to.l1ot society w"·ich movoo to its

doom thl•ough tho e.bonlu'•o g.~nernl law or oap1tnl1st nccumulation,

and or. the othol' hand, ths no~r paas1ona o.nd :forcoa on the otopos1 te

ailito, those of tho ~rorlters who would rovol t and create tho·. no" . ·

ooc1ety, 'rho ootl1no for lll!li!l tro"<'lt ho ntated 1

Page 23: to - Marxists Internet Archive · have t.his process of money in tlje poclte li or ti10 pri/v-~t.g ... theory of volue, ... ph1lcooph1o. cogn1 tl.::m and time to u?mpreh6M: m .!Wi"f/i~

.-. :·

,. <

"Boolr. I 1 l'rooess of. Production . ,......-B.ook II 1 l'rooess of Ciroulatio;tf 'bo·th of the

books wo re int< as vo1·11me I, butr only BOok. :r was published by M .. m durin£> his :!.1fe;· . J I . Book III.Forma of: the :rroc.esa as a Whole

Book IV. History or !lheory."

Wo, it i~ to !larx himself we ha"!e to look at to see how

he woult'. have chll.ngad the vol:~mea·, or rather the extant to ~rhich

hQ would have

1n. h1s letter

·chnnsed. hacl. he Uvad to adit ,Russian

to D8 n1·Jison, the/translator

them hi.maelf'. · He says

of Volume I, not to

'l(al.t for volWD.e TWO~ "i'irst of all I vo)lld under no o1rcumstances consent to.,pi~blil'lli. the second .vol'ume the present!sh :1¥'•at~1~~)·;·,~o~,\s~s lle..s r~a'clied,i'\'B lim.t,t •• ::.t is necessary acrupu-

. ·.l;Oiii)i1;:r:!,;~~:.fo1:J;C)"'•; thli> •Pl:';~~ei).'Ii devel.)puen~ ot• ~vents to their . ~l:'·matu:r1ty. before TO'J. '.are in a•.posi tl.on •to .utilize' these ' ta.ctv' 'produotive', I msa.ri. 'theorE<t1aO.lly'.... · ..

"Meanwhile --strikes s.ncl. dist'lltbe.noes

Vo1ume I. whatever th,.t the American workers ~ii~ "supplement" CAPITAL

Lenin filled l.t out for RUssia and there is no doubt.

for Ainerice..

August 22,1956 ------Finis



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