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International ConferenceMaritime Safety and Maritime SAR 2008

Black Sea region

02-03 October 2008Varna, BULGARIA

Conference Center Grand Hotel VarnaBulgarian Maritime DayA Municipality of Varna Initiative

To improving together Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR Operations Black Sea RegionTIME TO ACTION

With support of:Ministry of TransportMinistry of Emergency SituationsExecutive Agency Maritime AdministrationMaritime Rescue Coordination Centre BulgariaNon Governmental Organizations:Bulgarian Chamber of Shipping Bourgas Maritime AssociationBulgarian Shipowners Association Naval Academy BulgariaBulgarian Association of Ship Brokers Maritime Training CentreNavigation Maritime Bulgare Maritime Alliance VarnaShortsea Promotion Centre Bulgaria Maritime Cluster Bulgaria

International Maritime Organization,International Maritime Rescue FederationInternational Salvage Union, International Chamber of Shipping

European Commission DG Transport G, DG MARE - Maritime affairsEuropean Maritime Safety Agency, European Shortsea NetworkEuropean Community Shipowners Associations

Never more “Erika”Never more “Hera”Never more “Vanessa”

We All haveresponsibilities

To improve together Maritime Safety and SAR Operations in Black Sea Region

Who Should AttendMaritime Authorities, Coastguard Agencies, Quality and Safety Managers,

Port State Control Officers, Flag State Representatives, Port & Harbour AuthoritiesShip Owners, Ship Managers, Ship Masters, Charterers, Ship Brokers,Technical Managers,

Class Society Representatives, Ship Register Services, Marine Surveyors,Suppliers,MRCCs, SAR Organizations, SAR Professionals, SAR Volunteers, SAR Experts

Government Administrators, Regional and Local Authorities, Mayors, NG Organizations

More information and registration: Shortsea Promotion Centre, Bulgaria9000 Varna, Bulgaria, P.O.Box; tel./fax: +359 52 60 10 11, e-mail: [email protected]

Time to Action - To be Always ReadyWorking Together - Together we are stronger

Conference concept, programme and organizingShortsea Promotion Centre Bulgaria

To improving together Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR OperationsFor better Common Rescue System

BULGARIAN MARITIME DAYMain Accent: Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR 2008 Black Sea Region

Programme2 October Conference Center Grand Hotel Varna, 12.00 Welcome speeches of the Officials:Mr. P. Mutafciev Minister, Mr. K.Yordanov Mayor of Varna, Mr. A. Evtimov Chairman BMC, Mr. V. Todorov Chairman BMAOfficial Guests from: IMO, EC, EMSA, ECSA, BIMCO, ECASBA, INTERTANKO, ESN, ISU, WMU, IMRF, BSC

12.20 - 15.00 First SessionInternational and European Integrated Policy on Maritime Safety and Maritime SARRecommendations for better regulations and measures. Support for Black Sea Region12.20 - 12.40 Mr. Eftimios Mitropoulos, Secretary General International Maritime Organization12.40 - 13.00 Mr. Andreas Boschen, Unit G1 Maritime Transport Policy Officer DG TREN13.00 - 13.20 Mr. Emilio Martin Bauza, Adviser Maritime Affairs European Maritime Safety Agency13.20 - 13.40 Mr. Emilio Mastracchio, Director Maritime Affairs, DG MARE13.40 - 14.00 Mr. David Shepherd, IMRF Chairman Spokesman, Director RNLI Business Operations14.00 - 14.20 Mr. Leendert Muller, Member Executive Committee International Salvage Union14.20 - 14.40 Mr. Jens-Uve Schroder (tbc), Director Research SAR E&T World Maritime University14.40 - 15.00 Mr. Alfons Guinier, Secretary General European Community Ship owners Association15.00 - 15.30 Coffee break & buffet. Business network

15.30 - 18.00 Second SessionInternational best practices regarding Maritime Safety and Maritime RescueExchange of good experience and best practice. Common projects15.30 - 15.45 Mr. Derek Smith, Director Projects & International Liaison MCA, UK15.45 - 16.00 Mr. John Tsenembis, Director of Hellenic Chamber of Shipping16.00 - 16.20 Mr. Jorgen Hammer Hansen, Director General Danish Maritime Authority16.20 - 16.40 Mr. Ulf Hallstrom, Director SAR Swedish Maritime Administration16.40 - 17.00 Mr. John Winn, MD, International Maritime Safety & Security Consultancy17.00 - 17.20 Mr. Tim Parker, Business Development Manager, BMT Cordah Ltd.17.20 - 17.40 Mr. Boyan Mednicarov, Deputy Head Naval Academy, Bulgaria17.40 - 18.00 Mr. Jonathan Pace, Senior Officer SAFEMED Project20.00 Cocktail on behalf of Vice Premier Mrs. Emel Etem, Minister Peter Mutafchiev, Mayor Kiril Yordanov

3 th October 9.30 - 12.00 Third Session Welcome speeches: Mrs. Emel Etem, VicePremier, Mr. Peter Mutafchiev, Minister of Transport State Measures - legislative, organizational, financial for Improving of Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR 9.40 - 10.00 Mr. Nikcolay Apostolov, ED Bulgarian Maritime Administration10.00 - 10.20 Mr. Bertrand Apperry, IIMS MS Officer Black Sea Maritime Links Project10.20 - 10.40 Mr. Hristo Donev, Chairman Bulgarian Ship owners Association10.40 - 11.00 Mr. Serban Berescu, Deputy Director General Romanian Naval Authority11.00 - 11.20 Mr. Murat Tuncer, Secretary General, Turkish Chamber of Shipping11.20 - 11.40 Mr. Andrey Khaustov, Director SMPCSRA Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation11.40 - 12.00 Mr. Volodymyr Rabotnyov (tbc), Deputy Minister of Transport of Ukraine

12.00 - 14 .00 Coffee break /buffet h-l Dolphin Marina. Demonstration of SAR Operations

14.00 Forth session Better Regulation for Integrated Rescue System of Bulgaria. Moderators:Mr. Nikolay Apostolov ED MA, Mr. Kiril Mishev,Commisar BP, Mr. Andrey Ivanov, GD CP Discussion and Proposals: Participation of Officials from Ministries; Regional Authority;Mayors; Executives of Government Agencies; NG Organizations; Voluntaries SAR organizations

Mrs.Emel Etem, Vice - Premier, Minister of Emergency Situations

Mr.Petar Mutafchiev, Minister of Transport

Mr.Kiril Yordanov, Mayor of Varna

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For contact:Capt. Marin Petrov

Area “Sveti Nikola” I-9679010, Varna, Bulgaria

Tel./Fax: +359 52 387 546E-mail: [email protected]

Welcome Aboard



Bulgarian Shipowners Associationmember of:

European Shortsea Network

The European Maritime Safety Agency was set up and the organisation has been required, so far, to provide technicalsupport and advice to the European Commission and Member States in certain key safety areas, and to monitor theways in which different Member States and organisations are implementing EU legislation. The overall goal is to make a significant contribution to progressively improved safety in EU waters. To achieve this,the Agency fully acknowledges the importance of effective collaboration with many different interests and, inparticular, with the European institutions, Member State authorities, international bodies and the maritime industry.Finding solutions to common problems, in continuous dialogue with experts of Member States,the EuropeanCommission and industry (where appropriate), is at the very heart of the Agency’s activities. This is a very dynamicprocess, as the number of Member States is expanding and the breadth of subjects that call for a common approach atinternational and EU level is increasing. In this context, new tasks may be given to the Agency. In particular, wherethe activities of maritime safety authorities and security services touch upon each other, there is scope for newdevelopments, strengthened cooperation and integration.EMSA is fully prepared to play its role in the broader move towards safer shipping and cleaner seas in and around the European Union.

ECSA appreciates that the Council of Transport Ministers has reached in June a political agreement on threeproposals of the Safety Package III notably dealing with Port State Control, Vessel Traffic Monitoring includingplaces of refuge and Accident Investigation. The Council has rightly left the controversial proposals aside,particularly the proposal on Civil Liability, which would seriously distort the global maritime liability regime as wellas the insurance and compensation system.ECSA, instead, strongly advocates the ratification and application of the relevant international Conventions notablyLLMC 1996, the HNS Convention and Bunker Oil Spills Convention,which will give a proper liability andcompensation system on a global basis.ECSA fully recognises the increasingly important role of EMSA in the areas of maritime safety and the environment;notably, it provides valuable technical support and advice to the European Commission and Member States in anumber of key safety areas, and monitors the ways in which different Member States and organisations aremonitored.

Some 90 % of the goods traffic to and from the European Union is transported by sea. The European Union andMembers States has adopted a range of rules on maritime safety and security to ensure quality of European shortseashipping. Establishment of ‘Common European Maritime Area’ and implementation of concept of Motorways of theSea, reinforce European shortsea shipping positions. The EU and its Member States have been at the forefront ofimproving maritime safety legislation and promoting high-quality standards of European shortsea shipping. Theaim is to eliminate substandard shipping, increase the protection of crews and passengers and reduce the risk ofenvironmental pollution. EU actions in the field of maritime transport, and in particular maritime safety andprotection of the environment, generates significant added value to the international framework (IMO conventions).The EU plays an important role in improving international standards by adopting stringent requirements forbettering European shortsea shipping at international level.

Maritime search and rescue is not a competitive business. IMRF member organisations realise the enormous benefitsto all in freely exchanging ideas, technologies and experiences, in pursuit of their common humanitarian objective -saving lives. This co-operation clearly reduces development costs for individual member organisations, but moreimportantly, ensures that the world’s rescue expertise can properly harnessed to deliver the best available rescuecapability to all of those in trouble on the water. IMRF member organisations face life-threatening incidents at sea on adaily basis, and are keenly aware of the practical difficulties in overcoming the challenges.IMRF member organisations have their experiences and have worked closely with specialist suppliers and equipmentmanufacturers to toward the development of better and safer systems, not just for rescuers, but for all seafarers.Working Together - for together we are stronger. Working Together - Saving LivesIMRF’s primary function is to assist the development of all maritime rescue organisations. For over eighty years,IMRF members have provided essential developmental assistance and have a very credible record of success.Working together, we can help one another and share our precious resources and expertise. All we need to make thisdream a reality is the essential funding for our programmes.

The principles of salvage and salvage law have evolved over many centuries. A fundamental concept is that thesalvor should be encouraged by the prospect of an appropriate salvage award to intervene in any casualty situation tosalve the ship, property and, in particular, to save life and prevent pollution. International Salvage Union (ISU)member salvors provide essential services for the world’s maritime and insurance communities. The InternationalSalvage Union (ISU) is an association representing the interests of 55 salvors worldwide. Membership of the ISU isrestricted to those companies with a record of successful salvage and pollution prevention. Members are required tohave the high level of expertise expected of the professional salvor. In addition, Associate Membership of the ISU isopen to all organisations and professionals with an interest in salvage, including P&I Clubs, other insurers, lawfirms, ports, national response organisations, shipowners and managers, coastal local authorities, environmentalorganisations, clean-up specialists and others. The ISU has 47 Associate Members.One of the ISU’s primary objectives is to foster a wider understanding of the salvage industry’s contribution toenvironmental protection and the recovery of property. The ISU also plays an active role in encouraging interindustrydebate concerning the many legal and commercial issues influencing the efficient performance of salvageand pollution prevention services.

To improving together Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR OperationsNeeds more support, more cooperation, more partnership

To improving together Maritime Safety and Maritime SAR OperationsBetter regulations, strong measures, rigorous application

As a global regulatory body for the international shipping industry, IMO has been, and continues to be, the focal point for, and the driving force behind, efforts to ensure that shipping becomes safer and cleaner. Maritime Safety and SAR Operations are one of the multi-faceted areas of work in which IMO is engaged. IMO and European Commission working together within the framework of reinforces co-operation between the two sides, aimed at promoting maritime safety and security.The two sides, IMO and EC, reiterated their basic agreement concerning IMO’s leading role worldwide in the development and adoption of global technical maritime standards, while recognizing the European Union’s efforts aimed at enhanced maritime safety and, in particular, at ensuring a harmonized and controlled implementation of IMO rules in Europe.The two sides, IMO and EC, expressed satisfaction with the positive and constructive outcome of their deliberations,which provided both with an opportunity to present their views and become aware of each other’s position on theissues discussed. They agreed to keep an open dialogue to promote the many areas of common interest in a mannerbenefiting safety, security and environmental protection and international shipping as a whole.

“The two sides IMO and EC work in partnership to enhance safety, security and the protection of the marine environment and I appreciate the leading role that the EU members and the European Commission play in the efforts of IMO to develop and adopt the highest practicable standards affecting shipping engaged in international trade”. Mr. Mitropoulos

“I believe in strong co-operation between the European Commission and the International Maritime Organization.Europe can make a meaningful contribution to safe quality shipping worldwide. Regular meetings between Efthimios Mitropoulos and me will allow for mutually reinforcing European maritime transport and IMO policies” Mr. Barrot.

“First and foremost is the safe transport. I am making this one of my priorities! With regard to maritime safety, we are working on the major project of the 3rd maritime package, which we must bring to a successful conclusion.” Mr. Tajani

Third Maritime Safety Package: 7 legal proposals from the European CommissionA new step forward for maritime safety in Europe. The 3rd set of measures in favor of maritime safety

Improvement of the quality of European flagsThe aim of this measure is to ensure that all Member States verify the application of international rules on the shipssailing under their flag.Review of the legislation on port State controlThe aim of this measure is to simplify and improve the quality and effectiveness of visits and inspections carried out bythe port State, while concentrating on the more dubious ships.Amendment of the Directive on “Traffic Monitoring”The aim of this measure is to define a clear and precise legal framework on refuge zones in order to guarantee theidentification of the authority responsible for the designation of refuge zones and that the authorities possess thenecessary elements for decision-making.Improve the rules in force regarding classification societiesThe aim of this measure is to bring about a radical improvement in the quality of the work undertaken by those bodiesresponsible for inspection, visiting and certification tasks onboard ships on behalf of the Member States, known as“classification societies”.Proposed Directive on enquiries following accidentsThe aim of this measure is to set up a common European Union framework in order to guarantee the effectiveness,objectivity and transparency of enquiries following maritime accidents.Regulation on responsibility and compensation to passengers in the event of an accidentThe aim of this measure is to incorporate the international provisions of the Athens Convention of 2002 into aEuropean regulation on the responsibility and compensation for damages suffered by passengers in the event of anaccident.Directive on the civil liability of ship ownersThe aim of this measure is to make ship owners more responsible in order to ensure improved prevention of accidentsand pollution incidents.State of progress of the discussions in the Council of Ministers and in the European Parliament on the 3rd packageBoth institutions started to examine the 3rd package in 2006. Progress was made in 2006 at the level of the Council,under the Austrian and Finnish Presidencies, in particular on the proposal concerning traffic monitoring and on theproposal on port State control. Discussions continue today under the German Presidency, in particular on theproposals concerning passenger compensation in the event of an accident as well as the proposal coveringinspections after accidents. The European Parliament also made good progress in examining the 7 proposals andgenerally supports the guidelines proposed by the Commission. It is due to have given its opinion on the 7 proposals bythe end of April. The Commission hopes that the 3rd package will be adopted, at the latest under the French Presidencyin the second half of 2008.

International Salvage Union

Mr. Eftimios Mitropoulos, Secretary General of IMO

Mr. Jeaque Barrot,Vice President Ex Commissioner of Transport

Mr. Antonio Tajani, Vice President Commissioner of Transport

European Maritime Safety Agency

“Our goal is safe, secure and efficient Bulgarian merchant fleet”

Capt. Hristo Donev Chairman of BSA

International Chamber of Shipping

European Community of Shipowners Associations

Ro-Ro vessels Cargo vessels Ferry vessels River vessels Container vessels
