Page 1: TNready Letter to School Directors

Directors, Thank you for your patience as we faced technical challenges with the MIST platform this morning. At 8:25 a.m. CST the state�s vendor for TNReady, Measurement Incorporated, experienced a severe network outage, causing significant problems with the MIST platform. Like you, we are incredibly disappointed that the MIST platform was not accessible to schools across the state as the Part I testing window opened. Shortly after learning about the issue, we advised that schools experiencing problems with the test discontinue testing, and return to their normal classes. Throughout the 2015-16 school year, the department has continuously worked with Measurement Incorporated to strengthen the online testing platform. As a result of district feedback and through our efforts to collaborate, we have mitigated and eliminated many technical issues. The online platform has undergone many capacity tests, yielding actionable information to drive improvements. Following Break MIST Day last October, we�ve made significant investments in server capacity. As a follow up to our Jan. 12 capacity test, the department�s technology team also spent multiple weeks in the field visiting select districts around the state to reproduce system errors in a real-world, real-time situation to gather better diagnostic information. As a result of this continued analysis, we offered districts the option to move to paper testing as we saw continuing issues with how the platform interacted with districts� infrastructure. Unfortunately, issues have continued to arise with the online platform. Thenew nature of the issue this morning has highlighted the uncertainly around the stability of Measurement Inc.�s testing platform, MIST. Despite the many improvements the department has helped to make to the system in recent months and based on the events of this morning, we are not confident in the system�s ability to perform consistently. In the best interest of our students and to protect instructional time, we cannot continue with Measurement Incoporated�s online testing platform in its current state. Moving forward, during the 2015-16 school year TNReady will be administered via paper and pencil (both Part I and Part II). We thank districts, schools, and teachers for their commitment and perseverance to move our students to a 21st century learning environment. We know this is what the real world requires. We understand and appreciate the investment of time, money, and effort it has taken to attain readiness. As a result of a statewide shift to paper and pencil, we will delay and extend the Part I testing window.Measurement Incorporated is currently scheduling the printing and shipping of the paper tests, and the department will share the revised testing window with districts by Thursday of this week. We understand that the shift to paper and pencil testing has many scheduling implications for your schools, teachers, and students. We thank you for your patience and cooperation as we transition to a test medium that we are confident will allow all students to show what they know. TNReady is designed to assess true student understanding and problem-solving abilities, not just basic memorization skills. Regardless of the medium of assessment, this new and improved test will provide schools, teachers, and parents with valuable information about our students college and career readiness. Best,Candice
