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My lovely Aaron, wherefore look'st thou sad,

When every thing doth make a gleeful boast?


Madam, though enus govern your desires,

!aturn is dominator over mine"

What signi#es my deadly$standing eye,

My silen%e and my %loudy melan%holy,

My &ee%e of woolly hair that now un%urls

ven as an adder when she doth unroll

 To do some fatal e(e%ution?

)ark Tamora, the em*ress of my soul,

Whi%h never ho*es more heaven than rests in thee,

 This is the day of doom for +assianus"

)is hilomel must lose her tongue to$day,

 Thy sons make *illage of her %hastity

And wash their hands in +assianus' blood-

!eest thou this letter? take it u*, . *ray thee,

And give the king this fatal *lotted s%roll-

Now /uestion me no more0 we are es*ied0

)ere %omes a *ar%el of our ho*eful booty,

Whi%h dreads not yet their lives' destru%tion-


Ah, my sweet Moor, sweeter to me than life1

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No more, great em*ress0 +assianus %omes"

+e %ross with him0 and .'ll go fet%h thy sons

 To ba%k thy /uarrels, whatsoe'er they be-


nter +A!!.AN2! and 3A.N.A


Who have we here? Rome's royal em*ress,

2nfurnish'd of her well$beseeming troo*?

Or is it 4ian, habited like her,

Who hath abandoned her holy groves

 To see the general hunting in this forest?


!au%y %ontroller of our *rivate ste*s1

)ad . the *ower that some say 4ian had,

 Thy tem*les should be *lanted *resently

With horns, as was A%taeon's0 and the hounds

!hould drive u*on thy new$transformed limbs,

2nmannerly intruder as thou art1


2nder your *atien%e, gentle em*ress,

'Tis thought you have a goodly gift in horning0

And to be doubted that your Moor and you

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Are singled forth to try e(*eriments"

 5ove shield your husband from his hounds to$day1

'Tis *ity they should take him for a stag-


+elieve me, /ueen, your swarth 6immerian

4oth make your honour of his body's hue,

!*otted, detested, and abominable-

Why are you se/uester'd from all your train,

4ismounted from your snow$white goodly steed-

And wander'd hither to an obs%ure *lot,

A%%om*anied but with a barbarous Moor,

.f foul desire had not %ondu%ted you?


And, being inter%e*ted in your s*ort,

7reat reason that my noble lord be rated

8or sau%iness- . *ray you, let us hen%e,

And let her 9oy her raven$%olour'd love0

 This valley #ts the *ur*ose *assing well-


 The king my brother shall have note of this-


Ay, for these sli*s have made him noted long"

7ood king, to be so mightily abused1


Why have . *atien%e to endure all this?

nter 4MTR.2! and 6).RON

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)ow now, dear sovereign, and our gra%ious mother1

Why doth your highness look so *ale and wan?


)ave . not reason, think you, to look *ale?

 These two have 'ti%ed me hither to this *la%e"

A barren detested vale, you see it is0

 The trees, though summer, yet forlorn and lean,

O'er%ome with moss and baleful mistletoe"

)ere never shines the sun0 here nothing breeds,

2nless the nightly owl or fatal raven"

And when they show'd me this abhorred *it,

 They told me, here, at dead time of the night,

A thousand #ends, a thousand hissing snakes,

 Ten thousand swelling toads, as many ur%hins,

Would make su%h fearful and %onfused %ries

As any mortal body hearing it

!hould straight fall mad, or else die suddenly-

No sooner had they told this hellish tale,

+ut straight they told me they would bind me here

2nto the body of a dismal yew,

And leave me to this miserable death"

And then they %all'd me foul adulteress,

3as%ivious 7oth, and all the bitterest terms

 That ever ear did hear to su%h e:e%t"

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And, had you not by wondrous fortune %ome,

 This vengean%e on me had they e(e%uted-

Revenge it, as you love your mother's life,

Or be ye not hen%eforth %all'd my %hildren-


 This is a witness that . am thy son-

!tabs +A!!.AN2!


And this for me, stru%k home to show my strength-

Also stabs +A!!.AN2!, who dies


Ay, %ome, !emiramis, nay, barbarous Tamora,

8or no name #ts thy nature but thy own1


7ive me thy *oniard0 you shall know, my boys

 ;our mother's hand shall right your mother's wrong-


!tay, madam0 here is more belongs to her0

8irst thrash the %orn, then after burn the straw"

 This minion stood u*on her %hastity,

2*on her nu*tial vow, her loyalty,

And with that *ainted ho*e braves your mightiness"

And shall she %arry this unto her grave?


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An if she do, . would . were an eunu%h-

4rag hen%e her husband to some se%ret hole,

And make his dead trunk *illow to our lust-


+ut when ye have the honey ye desire,

3et not this was* outlive, us both to sting-


. warrant you, madam, we wil l make that sure-

6ome, mistress, now *erfor%e we will en9oy

 That ni%e$*reserved honesty of yours-


O Tamora1 thou bear'st a woman's fa%e,$$


. will not hear her s*eak0 away with her1


!weet lords, entreat her hear me but a word-


3isten, fair madam" let it be your glory

 To see her tears0 but be your heart to them

As unrelenting &int to dro*s of rain-


When did the tiger's young ones tea%h the dam?

O, do not learn her wrath0 she taught it thee0

 The milk thou su%k'dst from her did turn to marble0

ven at thy teat thou hadst thy tyranny-

 ;et every mother breeds not sons alike"

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 To 6).RON

4o thou entreat her show a woman *ity-


What, wouldst thou have me *rove myself a bastard?


'Tis true0 the raven doth not hat%h a lark"

 ;et have . heard,$$O, %ould . #nd it now1$$

 The lion moved with *ity did endure

 To have his *rin%ely *aws *ared all away"

!ome say that ravens foster forlorn %hildren,

 The whilst their own birds famish in their nests"

O, be to me, though thy hard heart say no,

Nothing so kind, but something *itiful1


. know not what it means0 away with her1


O, let me tea%h thee1 for my father's sake,

 That gave thee life, when well he might have

slain thee,

+e not obdurate, o*en thy deaf ears-


)adst thou in *erson ne'er o:ended me,

ven for his sake am . *itiless-

Remember, boys, . *our'd forth tears in vain,

 To save your brother from the sa%ri#%e0

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+ut #er%e Androni%us would not relent0

 Therefore, away with her, and use her as you will,

 The worse to her, the better loved of me-


O Tamora, be %all'd a gentle /ueen,

And with thine own hands kill me in this *la%e1

8or 'tis not life that . have begg'd so long0

oor . was slain when +assianus died-


What begg'st thou, then? fond woman, let me go-


'Tis *resent death . beg0 and one thing more

 That womanhood denies my tongue to tell"

O, kee* me from their worse than killing lust,

And tumble me into some loathsome *it,

Where never man's eye may behold my body"

4o this, and be a %haritable murderer-


!o should . rob my sweet sons of their fee"

No, let them satisfy their lust on thee-


Away1 for thou hast stay'd us here too long-


No gra%e? no womanhood? Ah, beastly %reature1

 The blot and enemy to our general name1

6onfusion fall$$

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Nay, then .'ll sto* your mouth- +ring thou her husband"

 This is the hole where Aaron bid us hide him-

4MTR.2! throws the body of +A!!.AN2! into the *it0 then e(eunt 4MTR.2! and6).RON, dragging o: 3A.N.A


8arewell, my sons" see that you make her sure-

Ne'er let my heart know merry %heer indeed,

 Till all the Androni%i be made away-

Now will . hen%e to seek my lovely Moor,

And let my s*leenful sons this trull de&ow'r-


Re$enter AARON, with <2.NT2! and MART.2!

!6N .- Another *art of the forest-

nter 4MTR.2! and 6).RON with 3A.N.A, ravished0 her hands %ut o:, and her

tongue %ut out


!o, now go tell, an if thy tongue %an s*eak,

Who 'twas that %ut thy tongue and ravish'd thee-


Write down thy mind, bewray thy meaning so,

An if thy stum*s will let thee *lay the s%ribe-


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!ee, how with signs and tokens she %an s%rowl-


7o home, %all for sweet water, wash thy hands-


!he hath no tongue to %all, nor hands to wash0

And so let's leave her to her silent walks-


An 'twere my %ase, . should go hang myself-


.f thou hadst hands to hel* thee knit the %ord-

(eunt 4MTR.2! and 6).RON

nter MAR62!


Who is this? my nie%e, that &ies away so fast1

6ousin, a word0 where is your husband?

.f . do dream, would all my wealth would wake me1

.f . do wake, some *lanet strike me down,

 That . may slumber in eternal slee*1

!*eak, gentle nie%e, what stern ungentle hands

)ave lo**'d and hew'd and made thy body bare

Of her two bran%hes, those sweet ornaments,

Whose %ir%ling shadows kings have sought to slee* in,

And might not gain so great a ha**iness

As have thy love? Why dost not s*eak to me?

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Alas, a %rimson river of warm blood,

3ike to a bubbling fountain stirr'd with wind,

4oth rise and fall between thy rosed li*s,

6oming and going with thy honey breath-

+ut, sure, some Tereus hath de&owered thee,

And, lest thou shouldst dete%t him, %ut thy tongue-

Ah, now thou turn'st away thy fa%e for shame1

And, notwithstanding all this loss of blood,

As from a %onduit with three issuing s*outs,

 ;et do thy %heeks look red as Titan's fa%e

+lushing to be en%ountered with a %loud-

!hall . s*eak for thee? shall . say 'tis so?

O, that . knew thy heart0 and knew the beast,

 That . might rail at him, to ease my mind1

!orrow %on%ealed, like an oven sto**'d,

4oth burn the heart to %inders where it is-

8air hilomela, she but lost her tongue,

And in a tedious sam*ler sew'd her mind"

+ut, lovely nie%e, that mean is %ut from thee0

A %raftier Tereus, %ousin, hast thou met,

And he hath %ut those *retty #ngers o:,

 That %ould have better sew'd than hilomel-

O, had the monster seen those lily hands

 Tremble, like as*en$leaves, u*on a lute,

And make the silken strings delight to kiss them,

)e would not then have tou%h'd them for his life1

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Or, had he heard the heavenly harmony

Whi%h that sweet tongue hath made,

)e would have dro**'d his knife, and fell aslee*

As 6erberus at the Thra%ian *oet's feet-

6ome, let us go, and make thy father blind0

8or su%h a sight will blind a father's eye"

One hour's storm will drown the fragrant meads0

What will whole months of tears thy father's eyes?

4o not draw ba%k, for we will mourn with thee

O, %ould our mourning ease thy misery1


!hakes*eare home*age = Titus Androni%us = A%t >, !%ene

revious s%ene = Ne(t s%ene

!6N .- Rome- A street-

nter 5udges, !enators and Tribunes, with MART.2! and <2.NT2!, bound, *assing on

to the *la%e of e(e%ution0 T.T2! going before, *leading

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

)ear me, grave fathers1 noble tribunes, stay1

8or *ity of mine age, whose youth was s*ent

.n dangerous wars, whilst you se%urely sle*t0

8or all my blood in Rome's great /uarrel shed0

8or all the frosty nights that . have wat%h'd0

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And for these bitter tears, whi%h now you see

8illing the aged wrinkles in my %heeks0

+e *itiful to my %ondemned sons,

Whose souls are not %orru*ted as 'tis thought-

8or two and twenty sons . never we*t,

+e%ause they died in honour's lofty bed-

3ieth down0 the 5udges, @ %-, *ass by him, and (eunt

8or these, these, tribunes, in the dust . write

My heart's dee* languor and my soul's sad tears"

3et my tears stan%h the earth's dry a**etite0

My sons' sweet blood will make it shame and blush-

O earth, . will befriend thee more with rain,

 That shall distil from these two an%ient urns,

 Than youthful A*ril shall with all his showers"

.n summer's drought .'ll dro* u*on thee still0

.n winter with warm tears .'ll melt the snow

And kee* eternal s*ring$time on thy fa%e,

!o thou refuse to drink my dear sons' blood-

nter 326.2!, with his sword drawn

O reverend tribunes1 O gentle, aged men1

2nbind my sons, reverse the doom of death0

And let me say, that never we*t before,

My tears are now *revailing orators-


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O noble father, you lament in vain"

 The tribunes hear you not0 no man is by0

And you re%ount your sorrows to a stone-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Ah, 3u%ius, for thy brothers let me *lead-

7rave tribunes, on%e more . entreat of you,$$


My gra%ious lord, no tribune hears you s*eak-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Why, tis no matter, man0 if they did hear,

 They would not mark me, or if they did mark,

 They would not *ity me, yet *lead . must0

 Therefore . tell my sorrows to the stones0

Who, though they %annot answer my distress,

 ;et in some sort they are better than the tribunes,

8or that they will not inter%e*t my tale"

When . do wee*, they humbly at my feet

Re%eive my tears and seem to wee* with me0

And, were they but attired in grave weeds,

Rome %ould a:ord no tribune like to these-

A stone is soft as wa(,$$tribunes more hard than stones0

A stone is silent, and o:endeth not,

And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death-


+ut wherefore stand'st thou with thy wea*on drawn?

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 To res%ue my two brothers from their death"

8or whi%h attem*t the 9udges have *ronoun%ed

My everlasting doom of banishment-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

O ha**y man1 they have befriended thee-

Why, foolish 3u%ius, dost thou not *er%eive

 That Rome is but a wilderness of tigers?

 Tigers must *rey, and Rome a:ords no *rey

+ut me and mine" how ha**y art thou, then,

8rom these devourers to be banished1

+ut who %omes with our brother Mar%us here?

nter MAR62! and 3A.N.A

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

 Titus, *re*are thy aged eyes to wee*0

Or, if not so, thy noble heart to break"

. bring %onsuming sorrow to thine age-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Will it %onsume me? let me see it, then-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

 This was thy daughter-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Why, Mar%us, so she is-


Ay me, this ob9e%t kills me1

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 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

8aint$hearted boy, arise, and look u*on her-

!*eak, 3avinia, what a%%ursed hand

)ath made thee handless in thy father's sight?

What fool hath added water to the sea,

Or brought a faggot to bright$burning Troy?

My grief was at the height before thou %amest,

And now like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds-

7ive me a sword, .'ll %ho* o: my hands too0

8or they have fought for Rome, and all in vain0

And they have nursed this woe, in feeding life0

.n bootless *rayer have they been held u*,

And they have served me to e:e%tless use"

Now all the servi%e . re/uire of them

.s that the one will hel* to %ut the other-

'Tis well, 3avinia, that thou hast no hands0

8or hands, to do Rome servi%e, are but vain-


!*eak, gentle sister, who hath martyr'd thee?

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

O, that delightful engine of her thoughts

 That blabb'd them with su%h *leasing elo/uen%e,

.s torn from forth that *retty hollow %age,

Where, like a sweet melodious bird, it sung

!weet varied notes, en%hanting every ear1


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O, say thou for her, who hath done this deed?

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

O, thus . found her, straying in the *ark,

!eeking to hide herself, as doth the deer

 That hath re%eived some unre%uring wound-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

.t was my deer0 and he that wounded her

)ath hurt me more than had he killed me dead"

8or now . stand as one u*on a ro%k

nvironed with a wilderness of sea,

Who marks the wa(ing tide grow wave by wave,

(*e%ting ever when some envious surge

Will in his brinish bowels swallow him-

 This way to death my wret%hed sons are gone0

)ere stands my other son, a banished man,

And here my brother, wee*ing at my woes-

+ut that whi%h gives my soul the greatest s*urn,

.s dear 3avinia, dearer than my soul-

)ad . but seen thy *i%ture in this *light,

.t would have madded me" what shall . do

Now . behold thy lively body so?

 Thou hast no hands, to wi*e away thy tears"

Nor tongue, to tell me who hath martyr'd thee"

 Thy husband he is dead" and for his death

 Thy brothers are %ondemn'd, and dead by this-

3ook, Mar%us1 ah, son 3u%ius, look on her1

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When . did name her brothers, then fresh tears

!tood on her %heeks, as doth the honey$dew

2*on a gather'd lily almost wither'd-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

er%han%e she wee*s be%ause they kill'd her husband0

er%han%e be%ause she knows them inno%ent-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

.f they did kill thy husband, then be 9oyful

+e%ause the law hath ta'en revenge on them-

No, no, they would not do so foul a deed0

Witness the sorrow that their sister makes-

7entle 3avinia, let me kiss thy li*s-

Or make some sign how . may do thee ease"

!hall thy good un%le, and thy brother 3u%ius,

And thou, and ., sit round about some fountain,

3ooking all downwards to behold our %heeks

)ow they are stain'd, as meadows, yet not dry,

With miry slime left on them by a &ood?

And in the fountain shall we gae so long

 Till the fresh taste be taken from that %learness,

And made a brine$*it with our bitter tears?

Or shall we %ut away our hands, like thine?

Or shall we bite our tongues, and in dumb shows

ass the remainder of our hateful days?

What shall we do? let us, that have our tongues,

lot some deu%e of further misery,

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 To make us wonder'd at in time to %ome-


!weet father, %ease your tears0 for, at your grief,

!ee how my wret%hed sister sobs and wee*s-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

atien%e, dear nie%e- 7ood Titus, dry thine eyes-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Ah, Mar%us, Mar%us1 brother, well . wot

 Thy na*kin %annot drink a tear of mine,

8or thou, *oor man, hast drown'd it with thine own-


Ah, my 3avinia, . will wi*e thy %heeks-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Mark, Mar%us, mark1 . understand her signs"

)ad she a tongue to s*eak, now would she say

 That to her brother whi%h . said to thee"

)is na*kin, with his true tears all bewet,

6an do no servi%e on her sorrowful %heeks-

O, what a sym*athy of woe is this,

As far from hel* as 3imbo is from bliss1

nter AARON


 Titus Androni%us, my lord the em*eror

!ends thee this word,$$that, if thou love thy sons,

3et Mar%us, 3u%ius, or thyself, old Titus,

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Or any one of you, %ho* o: your hand,

And send it to the king" he for the same

Will send thee hither both thy sons alive0

And that shall be the ransom for their fault-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

O gra%ious em*eror1 O gentle Aaron1

4id ever raven sing so like a lark,

 That gives sweet tidings of the sun's u*rise?

With all my heart, .'ll send the em*eror My hand"

7ood Aaron, wilt thou hel* to %ho* it o:?


!tay, father1 for that noble hand of thine,

 That hath thrown down so many enemies,

!hall not be sent" my hand will serve the turn"

My youth %an better s*are my blood than you0

And therefore mine shall save my brothers' lives-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

Whi%h of your hands hath not defended Rome,

And rear'd aloft the bloody battle$a(e,

Writing destru%tion on the enemy's %astle?

O, none of both but are of high desert"

My hand hath been but idle0 let it serve

 To ransom my two ne*hews from their death0

 Then have . ke*t it to a worthy end-


Nay, %ome, agree whose hand shall go along,

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8or fear they die before their *ardon %ome-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

My hand shall go-


+y heaven, it shall not go1

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

!irs, strive no more" su%h wither'd herbs as these

Are meet for *lu%king u*, and therefore mine-


!weet father, if . shall be thought thy son,

3et me redeem my brothers both from death-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

And, for our father's sake and mother's %are,

Now let me show a brother's love to thee-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Agree between you0 . will s*are my hand-


 Then .'ll go fet%h an a(e-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

+ut . will use the a(e-

(eunt 326.2! and MAR62!

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

6ome hither, Aaron0 .'ll de%eive them both"

3end me thy hand, and . will give thee mine-


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BAsideC .f that be %all'd de%eit, . will be honest,

And never, whilst . live, de%eive men so"

+ut .'ll de%eive you in another sort,

And that you'll say, ere half an hour *ass-

6uts o: T.T2!'s hand

Re$enter 326.2! and MAR62!

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Now stay your strife" what shall be is dis*at%h'd-

7ood Aaron, give his ma9esty my hand"

 Tell him it was a hand that warded him

8rom thousand dangers0 bid him bury it

More hath it merited0 that let it have-

As for my sons, say . a%%ount of them

As 9ewels *ur%hased at an easy *ri%e0

And yet dear too, be%ause . bought mine own-


. go, Androni%us" and for thy hand

3ook by and by to have thy sons with thee-


 Their heads, . mean- O, how this villany

4oth fat me with the very thoughts of it1

3et fools do good, and fair men %all for gra%e-

Aaron will have his soul bla%k like his fa%e-

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 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

O, here . lift this one hand u* to heaven,

And bow this feeble ruin to the earth"

.f any *ower *ities wret%hed tears,

 To that . %all1

 To 3A.N.A

What, wilt thou kneel with me?

4o, then, dear heart0 for heaven shall hear our *rayers0

Or with our sighs we'll breathe the welkin dim,

And stain the sun with fog, as sometime %louds

When they do hug him in their melting bosoms-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

O brother, s*eak with *ossibilities,

And do not break into these dee* e(tremes-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

.s not my sorrow dee*, having no bottom?

 Then be my *assions bottomless with them-

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

+ut yet let reason govern thy lament-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

.f there were reason for these miseries,

 Then into limits %ould . bind my woes"

When heaven doth wee*, doth not the earth o'er&ow?

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.f the winds rage, doth not the sea wa( mad,

 Threatening the welkin with his big$swoln fa%e?

And wilt thou have a reason for this %oil?

. am the sea0 hark, how her sighs do blow1

!he is the wee*ing welkin, . the earth"

 Then must my sea be moved with her sighs0

 Then must my earth with her %ontinual tears

+e%ome a deluge, over&ow'd and drown'd0

8or why my bowels %annot hide her woes,

+ut like a drunkard must . vomit them-

 Then give me leave, for losers will have leave

 To ease their stoma%hs with their bitter tongues-

nter a Messenger, with two heads and a hand


Worthy Androni%us, ill art thou re*aid

8or that good hand thou sent'st the em*eror-

)ere are the heads of thy two noble sons0

And here's thy hand, in s%orn to thee sent ba%k0

 Thy griefs their s*orts, thy resolution mo%k'd0

 That woe is me to think u*on thy woes

More than remembran%e of my father's death-


MAR62! AN4RON.62!

Now let hot Atna %ool in !i%ily,

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And be my heart an ever$burning hell1

 These miseries are more than may be borne-

 To wee* with them that wee* doth ease some deal0

+ut sorrow &outed at is double death-


Ah, that this sight should make so dee* a wound,

And yet detested life not shrink thereat1

 That ever death should let life bear his name,

Where life hath no more interest but to breathe1

3A.N.A kisses T.T2!

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

Alas, *oor heart, that kiss is %omfortless

As froen water to a starved snake-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

When will this fearful slumber have an end?

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

Now, farewell, &attery" die, Androni%us0

 Thou dost not slumber" see, thy two sons' heads,

 Thy warlike hand, thy mangled daughter here"

 Thy other banish'd son, with this dear sight

!tru%k *ale and bloodless0 and thy brother, .,

ven like a stony image, %old and numb-

Ah, now no more will . %ontrol thy griefs"

Rend o: thy silver hair, thy other hand

7nawing with thy teeth0 and be this dismal sight

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 The %losing u* of our most wret%hed eyes0

Now is a time to storm0 why art thou still?

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

)a, ha, ha1

MAR62! AN4RON.62!

Why dost thou laugh? it #ts not with this hour-

 T.T2! AN4RON.62!

Why, . have not another tear to shed"

+esides, this sorrow is an enemy,

And would usur* u*on my watery eyes

And make them blind with tributary tears"

 Then whi%h way shall . #nd Revenge's %ave?

8or these two heads do seem to s*eak to me,

And threat me . shall never %ome to bliss

 Till all these mis%hiefs be return'd again

ven in their throats that have %ommitted them-

6ome, let me see what task . have to do-

 ;ou heavy *eo*le, %ir%le me about,

 That . may turn me to ea%h one of you,

And swear unto my soul to right your wrongs-

 The vow is made- 6ome, brother, take a head0

And in this hand the other . will bear-

3avinia, thou shalt be em*loy'd" these arms1

+ear thou my hand, sweet wen%h, between thy teeth-

As for thee, boy, go get thee from my sight0

 Thou art an e(ile, and thou must not stay"

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)ie to the 7oths, and raise an army there"

And, if you love me, as . think you do,

3et's kiss and *art, for we have mu%h to do-

(eunt T.T2!, MAR62!, and 3A.N.A


8arewell Androni%us, my noble father,

 The wofull'st man that ever lived in Rome"

8arewell, *roud Rome0 till 3u%ius %ome again,

)e leaves his *ledges dearer than his life"

8arewell, 3avinia, my noble sister0

O, would thou wert as thou tofore hast been1

+ut now nor 3u%ius nor 3avinia lives

+ut in oblivion and hateful griefs-

.f 3u%ius live, he will re/uite your wrongs0

And make *roud !aturnine and his em*ress

+eg at the gates, like Tar/uin and his /ueen-

Now will . to the 7oths, and raise a *ower,

 To be revenged on Rome and !aturnine-


!hakes*eare home*age = Titus Androni%us = A%t D, !%ene E

revious s%ene = Ne(t s%ene