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Quality Is Our Way Of Life

Quality Is Our Way Of Life

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Jay Jalaram Brick Works, Near RTO Office , Godhra - 389001, Gujrat, India

We at Jay Jalaram Bricks, manufacture high quality bricks ideal for exposed brick work / cladding

and facing applications. Our bricks have been used in the construction of some of the most

historical buildings in last two decades e.g. IIM-Ahmedabad, MS University Renovation, Baroda

Museum, Nalanda School, Indira Gandhi Vishwa Vidhyalaya (tejgadh), and several other

memorable individual projects of all times. Since 1986 we have been the pioneers of facing brick

in India and today we have more facing brick work projects to our credit then the combined total

of all our fellow brick makers in the country.

There'sThere's an art to building dream homes. For more than 23 years we've helped turn ideas and

blueprints into welcoming classics homes that are appealing yet functional expressions of

individuality crafted to add value for generations.

A Current design trend is using a mixture of different materials, Brick is often mixed with wood or

with stone used as an accent. JJB brick blends a variety of historic styles, The result is a

composite architecture which balances both the historic and modern with contextual imagery.

By utilizing an active knowledge of brick

architectural designs, quite different and

visually challenging buildings are created.

As our simplest and most ancient building

material, facing bricks have enjoyed wide-

spread and ongoing popularity, due largely

to their decorative and load-bearing prop-

erties, fabulous design options where

imagination is a limit. Here is JJB Bricks an

ideal building material, certainly you'll have

the inspiration to express yourself

(whether renovating or building a new

home) in it.

Brick is one of the oldest building materials, but it

also is appropriate for almost any kind of look

today, Brick elegantly blends green housing princi-

ples with dash of timelessness in it.

The aura and splendor created by a exposed brick

work, not only does it add a touch of glamour to

structure but it creates a sublime feeling of oneness

with nature which other building material fail to

create. The amazing earthy red color of JJB Bricks

actually never fades but looks mysteriously differ-

ent during different times of the day which indicates

that the dynamism of nature is still tthat the dynamism of nature is still trapped in it.

Bricks to me are like faces. All of them are made of burnt mud, but they vary slightly in shape and

colour. I think these small variations give tremendous character to a wall made of thousands of

bricks, so I never dream of covering such a unique and characterful creation with plaster, which is

mainly dull and characterless. I like the contrast of textures of brick, of stone, of concrete, of wood.

Excellent Strength & Durability, Fascinating Color, Lowest Water Absorption, Saves Cost, Slight to

nil Maintenance, Fire Resistant, Beautiful, , Pure & Natural, Energy Efficient, Silent & Tranquility,

Excellent Sound Insulation.

Traditional mindset towards bricks accounts nothing more than a compressive strength, in fact

facing brick has a lot other vital characteristics which most of the home makers are ignorant about

& just to point few of them are - color, texture, uniform size, water absorption, efflorescence, good

edges, feel of the brick, ingredients etc.

When traveling through a residential area nothing can compare to the aesthetic beauty of a home

that is all exposed brick or has at least an all brick front. With a little added brick detailing you can

add distinction and greatly enhance the appearance of every home design.

Brick is also the ideal material for the hot & tropical Indian climate, being natural insulator clay

tends to keep the interiors warm during winter & cool during the summer. It also reduces the

energy consumption of structures thereby helping the environment & is also in line with the expec-

tations of modern times.

“For us, bricks are not just a commercial product! Each and every brick is still a small piece of traditional perfectionism!”

Our facing bricks never needs painting or cleaning, never rots, fades, peels or dents - can take all

the weather you can throw at it, it's fire-resistant and the older it gets the better looking it gets.

That's the beauty of our brick. With JJB you can be sure that whatever you build will look

contemporary as well as being energy efficient and sustainable in the years to come.

Introducing Jay Jalaram Brick works

Our bricks compliment a magnitude of existing designs in various kinds of structures.

Endless design options


facing bricks

Ar. Laurie Baker

Unique features of our bricks

Classy & Eco friendly.
