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Tin Shui Collaborative

Tin Shui Collaborative


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Together with young art practitioners, urban farmers and dozens of participants, MaD ventured into Tin Shau Bazaar in Tin Shui Wai in the summer of 2014.

The small market aims to support local economy by giving room to humble businesses, but good intentions are met with all sorts of challenges.

“Tin Shui Collaborative,” originally a month-long programme, was conceived to explore creative possibilities.

2014年夏天,MaD Team與一班做藝術的朋友、都市農夫和幾十位參加者,走到天水圍天秀墟。


我們想辦個為期一個月的「天水營造社」:  造一批讓大家隨便坐的摺凳  幫檔主做改善小工程  用當地食材煮煮小食  拍屬於街坊的KTV  研發在地小遊戲  家家種植一盆青綠



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鐵木珍-成身出汗製作體驗 工作坊主持:創藝同行 Cling-Clang Sweat WorkshopFacilitators: artwalker

Power tools on hand, artwalker and participants gave folding stools an ingenious spin.


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The MUDwork team dumpster dived for materials. Seeing a tenant’s need, they fixed a platform for a store on the first day.


工作坊主持:擔泥 Let’s Make Public FurntureFacilitators: MUDwork


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Community chefs looked for local ingredients. Colourful piazzas, chilled noodles and grass jelly dessert were served to all.


工作坊主持:方韻芝、飛圖 Community Kitchen ProjectFacilitators: Vangi Fong, Fato


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For those who missed karaoke in Tin Shui Wai, Lam Sum and the video team shot in situ. On the song list was “Everyone Has a Dream,” a note on what was behind every little store.


工作坊主持:林森 Kaifong MTV StationFacilitator: Lam Sum


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Topographers scouted for raw data. They planned to map out the stakes in the place’s making.


工作坊主持:城市創作實驗室 Tin Shui Wai TopographyFacilitators: Hong Kong Urban Laboratory


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Urban farmers set up planters. Seeds sprouted.


工作坊主持:好家庭菜園、香港永續栽培學苑 Growing NeighbourhoodFacilitators: Good Family Farm, Hong Kong Permaculture Institute


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變陣Sometimes Naïve

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意願良好的連繫美學(connective aesthetics),是不是真的可以為酷熱侷促的天氣,帶來一點清涼,為天水圍營造些甚麼?


炎炎盛夏也天雨連連, 我們的進度和成效都不如所料。烏雲密佈,天氣預報風雷雨打不斷,原定於月尾進行的總結活動「天水納涼祭」,需要延期。

連串應變之後, 天水營造社」突然多了兩個月,願意花更多時間慢慢營造的朋友,再找藝術的位置。

Can we change the game with good intentions and connective aesthetics? When we found ourselves in oppressive summer heat,and tension way beyond our imagination, for the first time, we realized that the principles of a creative civil society could not be taken for granted.

Our progress was dampened further by incessant rains. On a stormy day, we decided on postponement – “A Midsummer’s Night Fair,” the planned finale, would take place much later, after mid-autumn.

In the two additional months, we got our heads together and looked into the interstices.


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Many see Tin Shau Bazaar as a project for poverty alleviation.

Seeing the room for humble lives here – the worst poverty lies in monopolizing value systems and an oppressive lack of space for pluralism.

These small merchants do not just strive for themselves. They contribute to an alternative small economy beyond air-conditioned, globalized chain operations.

The tenants and shoppers are key stakeholders of Tin Shui Collaborative. All we can do is to offer our imagination.


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Getting on board in the middle of the process, Leo was struck by the homogeneity of the standardized shopfronts.He then decided work with tenants on their own signs.

The temporary workbench became a social spot. Tenants were appreciative of one another’s work, and more and more got interested. When “si fu” did not have a spare moment, they helped one another out.


工作坊主持:黃振欽、姚君豪、溫桂文、王嘉星 Signboard Making WorkshopFacilitators: Leo Wong, Boy Yiu, Vincent Wan, Wong Ka Sing


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At the same time as the signs added colour to Tin Shau Bazaar, Meipo and Kin brought their studio gears over and helped tenants with repairs. The projects were all creative collaborations. Together with resourceful tenants, they turned found materials into useful fixtures and handy devices.


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Public furniture and toys got into shape at the MUDwork station. As if inspired by the percussion sticks, a kid picked up a brush and painted the strings.


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The tenants called some of us “si fu,” and asked the others:“Are you here for a school project?”

We made friends. Everyday, someone offered, “Have a drink – help yourselves!”

Tenants shared recipes and ingredients with our community kitchen. One sunny afternoon, Uncle Long made dumplings.


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《貝貝雜貨圖》攝影:林磊剛、馬紹禮Pui Pui Sale BrochurePhotography: Lam Lui-kong Roy, Alky Ma


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天水秋涼祭 An Autumn’s Night Fair

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“An Autumn Night’s Fair” was our finale.

Tenants took centre stage and mounted a night fair. We hoped people in the neighbourhood could see that this was a place for basic daily needs, and we could help sustain it by supporting local economy.

35,000 copies of sale brochures were sent to 6 nearby estates.

We did not do headcount on the event day.

天水秋涼祭 An Autumn’s Night Fair 27.9.2014


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很多好朋友都來了幫忙,那晚我們有:活化蘇的健康沙律餘果 • 菜的發酵飲品經典爆谷、棉花糖



We set up “Pui Pui Department Store.” Basically it was a lucky draw. We treated visitors with gifts and free food after they supported the local stores.

The gifts sourced from 28 generous tenants. Many friends helped out with the food. We had wholesome salad from Woofer-so, enzyme drinks from Perhaps…Food, and fair classics – cotton candy and popcorn…

At our community kitchen, there were Uncle Lang’s dumplings, and Miss Yip’s seaweed jelly and drunken chicken wings from Aunt Shanghai.

For children who did not have money to spend, they could make little crocodiles as an alternative currency.


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In the happy bazaar, one could also make a spinning top, assemble a chair, plant in a newspaper pot and listen to tales about fairs around the world.

左上至右上:齊齊趁墟玩陀螺、鐵木珍、栽種生活 下:世界的市集 Top left to right: Spinning Top Workshop, Cling and Clang, Grow Greens Bottom: Markets of the World


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Uniquely here:

Tin Shui Travel – guided tours for seeing the bazaar and its surroundings in fresh eyes


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Karaoke featuring

Tin Shui WaiTin Shau BazaarTin Shui Collaborative


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An imaginative journeyThrough mountains and floats


節目伙伴:三分一事務所 Landscape FloatsProgramme Partner: a room of 1/3


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When I visited Tin Shui Wai many years agoI learnt that the kaifong liked to sing by the riverBecause there were no entertainment facilities in the areaPeople were alienatedEventually there were too many complaintsSong-singing by the river became pressure

* * *September 27. I sang in Tin Shau BazaarSinging in Tin Shau Bazaar, in Tin Shui Wai Together with tenants, kaifong, strangers...A Thousand Suns, Everyone Has a Dream…Everyone was elated. That night, Tin Shui Wai finally felt like a “community”.

– Ada Wong (Convenor of MaD)

-黃英琦(Convenor of MaD)


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Our first workshop in Tin Shau Bazaar was “Growing Neighbourhood.” That day, I walked past a store. An elderly gentleman was cleaning a computer’s circuit board. He stopped me and asked, “What are those people doing there?” I told him that some tenants were planting with young people. He did not seem to be particularly fun loving, and worried that planting gave people the feeling that the tenants had nothing else to do. “The government is not spending so much money for people to enjoy lives.” I began to understand the pressure on this place. Stakeholders have different expectations. The gaps and failure in communication led to all kinds of impasses...


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...But there is no turning back, and we could only reset our goals and move forward. We were especially careful with communication. We tried to use a language accessible to the kaifong, and our promotional copies became “come play and eat.” The food and games at “An Autumn’s Night Fair” were hardly different from those in kaifong parties. But we were conscious of the difference in curating. We kept asking ourselves, why, and for whom, are we doing this? I haven’t talked again with that elderly gentleman afterwards. At the night of the fair, I saw him at the lucky draw. His prize was petty, but it brought a smile to his face. Perhaps it was the only instance. But at least on the last day of these three months, he took part.

– Crystal Chan (MaD team)

-陳慧君(MaD team)


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As a member of the MaD Team, I have been organizing all kinds of cultural activities in different places in Hong Kong over the past year. We dealt with bureaucracy and harsh weather, but the results rarely fell short of our expectations. This time, we ventured into terra incognito: Tin Shau Bazaar operated by TWHGs. When we were face to face with the kaifong and tenants, I finally realized that we were in an utterly different environment – a real space belonging to the tenants and kaifong, but not a temporary art venue. What can we leave behind after momentary conviviality? How can we make sure that our good intentions would not turn into a burden for those living there? Met with an extremely different culture, shall we give up trust and our principles?...


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...When we were in the toughest moment, the typhoon came. We are however thankful for the bad weather. Postponement gave us two more months to reconsider our direction. Since then, every now and then our colleagues would be there to communicate with the tenants. At the end, most of them felt that we were not there to “organize an event,” but to experiment on the place’s possibilities together with them. “Tin Shui Collaborative” was a challenging learning process for me, giving me lots of thoughts on in-situ/community building projects in the future. I am especially happy to learn that the tenants would like to continue planting and make the bazaar a more beautiful place!

– Helen Fan (MaD team)

-樊樂怡(MaD team)


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“We can make signboards even when it rains? Let me come back after lunch.”

“It’s so hot! Get a drink!”

“We follow the rules. But some don’t. It won’t work.”

“I have loads of stuffs for the lucky draw!” (Showing a handful of pencils, paper clips and transformer magic sticks)

“One of my eyes is smaller in this picture! How can you give this to me?”

“Is this really for me? I always want to make a stamp!”

We spent so much time chatting with the tenants, and eventually got to know one another. Instead of emailing, we got back to face-to-face exchange. Messages were repeated to different tenants. No matter what we said, you still thought we didn’t understand the situation here. All we wanted to do was to create bite-size change. We were demoralized by your frustrations. Did you really think so? We were touched by your enthusiasm. You were so lovable. Conflicting values, mixed feelings... Our new relationships stirred up the stale air. Other than transactions, there were also empathy, trust and a sense of belonging. When the colourful signs were put up, creativity flowed into life and things started to change.

Forgive us for not being able to stay. Hope this short process opened doors for you, and may the memories stay.

– Winki Cheng (MaD team)

-鄭穎茵(MaD team)


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In the process, I discovered that there was a delicate ecosystem and unique conventions in Tin Shau Bazaar. There were histories and memories, friends and enemies, bosses and the ruled, regulations, expectations and many tenants. We had to be careful with people’s feelings and respect existing systems, and at the same time stick to our purpose and open up space for creativity. All that guided us through was a kind heart and serendipitous trial-and-error. We had many long meetings (How to make the tenants understand? How can we win their trust when they are not particularly optimistic?) ...


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...Both our team and colleagues at TWHGs have been accommodating and empathetic, and were willing to step out of our comfort zones. We learnt in the process. It was a little like stretching. One gets used to it through practice.

– Rachel Yan (MaD team)

-甄卉露(MaD team)


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As we worked on Pui Pui sale brochure, I got to know 107 Tin Shui Wai residents (tenants). This really expanded my network here.

I live in Tin Shui Wai. This project is closely connected to my everyday life. Once when I went to buy something in a shopping mall, I saw Shing Kee riding by on a bike. Every night, when I passed by Tin Shau Bazaar, I see Ying turning into the park’s security guard. This project was not only work for me. It reconnected me with my community. When the sale brochure was finally published, a question popped up: why was it, something so basic, printed only just now?

– Taylor Cheng (MaD team)

-鄭銘柔(MaD team)


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Although my home is not far away from Tin Shau Bazaar, honestly I had never visited the place before this project. I used to worry that the kaifong and tenants might not be interested in what we did. In fact, every soon the tenants, who started out saying yes to us shyly, became active collaborators. When you see their excitement and satisfaction, you would be touched by the community interaction and real human ties.

– Liv Tsim (MaD team)

-詹昫嵐(MaD team)73

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Through artistic actions, Tin Shui Collaborative created small but substantial change on the lives of the tenants in Tin Shau Bazaar. Through conversations with the tenants, I learnt more about how they worked and what this place needed. When we made public furniture, I felt the interpersonal dynamics and saw how participants struck a balance when conflicts arose. When everyone contributed their talents, I realized how public furniture and architecture did not only change our perceptions of space, but also connected people. I got a better understanding of artistic intervention into society.

– Loretta Ho (researcher)


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Meipo said, “As artists, we are not making our own art, nor insisting on personal style.”

Well, yes and no. For instance, Landscape Floats deliberately downplays its literati connotations. When participants dipped their spoons into the kiwi sauce, savoured the ice and complemented on the ingenuity of the instant prints, I saw the blank space in this scroll in a new light.

It’s all about space for people. This is what we insist on when we make art.

– Stephanie Cheung (MaD team)

-張慧婷(MaD team)


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天水營造社、家家種植及天水秋涼祭Tin Shui Collaborative, Growing Neighbourhood and An Autumn Night’s Fair

黃英琦 Ada Wong黃嘉燕 Susanne Wong張慧婷 Stephanie Cheung陳慧君 Crystal Chan鄭穎茵 Winki Cheng鄭銘柔 Taylor Cheng樊樂怡 Helen Fan 陸愷堯 Flavian Luk邵樂婷 Joey Shiu甄卉露 Rachel Yan葉志輝 Franky Yip

策劃團隊Project team

三分一事務所 a room of 1/3方韻芝 Vangi Fong好家庭菜園 Good Family Farm池哥 Che Gor林森 Lam Sum城市創作實驗室 Hong Kong Urban Laboratory活化蘇 Woofer-so飛圖 Fato香港永續栽培學苑 Hong Kong Permaculture Institute創藝同行 artwalker黃振欽 Leo Wong綠腳丫親子讀書會 Little Green Feet Parent-Child Reading Club餘果 • 菜 Perhaps... Food擔泥 MUDwork

節目伙伴Programme partners

Feature Arts Stage TechnologyRisk Production天水圍社區發展陣線 Tin Shui Wai Community Development Alliance天秀墟檔主 Tenants of Tin Sau Bazaar王思薇 Wong Sze-mei朱凱濙 Chu Hoi-ying何嘉妍 Loretta Ho余榮基 Yu Wing-kei Rik李雪盈 Lee Suet-ying東華三院天秀墟辦事處 TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar Office林磊剛 Lam Lui-kong Roy邱雅雪 Yau Nga-suet哈哈哈概念樂團 Hahaha Concept Band香港青年藝術協會 Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation馬紹禮 Alky Ma張偉樂 Cheung Wai-lok曹騏寶 Veronica Tso梁凱淇 Kristo Leung陳怡君 Sardonna Chan陳昱文 Timothy Chan陳惠嫺 Chan Wai-han陳嘉盈 May Chan馮晧欣 Chloe Fung黃嘉遜 Jim Wong黃曉芙 Wong Hiu-fu楊天帥 Yeung Tin-shui詹昫嵐 Liv Tsim雷子興 Anthony Lui甄文軒 Bryan Yan談肇峯 Tam Shiu-fung 謝家喬 Tse Ka-kiu Jackiu 蘇育賢 Su Yu-hsien 蘇敏怡 So Man-yee

鳴謝Special thanks

岑展榕 Shum Chin-yung何啟正 Ho Kai-ching林兆祥 Lam Siu-cheung周青妤 Chow Ching-yue林泳淇 Lam Wing-kei林道聖 Lam To-shing袁 正 Yuen Ching徐海瑤 Chui Hoi-you陳芷希 Chan Tsz-hei陳希駿 Chan Hei-chun許沛婷 Hui Pui-ting Sally陳思菀 Chan Sze-jyun黃啟儀 Wong Kai-yee張 誠 Cheung Shing楊浩汶 Yeung Ho-man鄭志鵬 Cheng Chi-pang鄭祉愉 Cheng Tsz-yu盧映庭 Lo Ying-ting, Ariel鄺嘉穎 Kwong Ka-wing Agnes蘇紫盈 So Rosanna Tse-ying

活動助理Programme assistants

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MaD創不同MaD (Make a Difference)
