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Times have changed

Times will continue to change

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* More automation* More globalisation* “Old” jobs lost* New jobs demanding different, less specific skills* Long term goal setting passe* Likely to change career paths a number of times

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Out: Mining, accountancy, certain aspects of medicine, manufacturing sector, any industry that can involve self service (airports, supermarkets etc), traditional university education (more on line)

In: care industry (aged care, nursing, paramedical), teaching, trades, psychology, food

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* It’s OK not to know your pathway now * It’s desirable to be flexible about what the

future holds * Broad skills that industry and professions

require: * Problem solving * Collaboration, communication & teamwork * Creativity & imagination

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* Raw marks* Aligned marks* Scaled marks* Moderation* Courses* Subjects* Units* Aggregate

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Minimum of 12 units in Yr 11 (Preliminary)

Minimum of 10 units in Yr 12 (HSC)

Subject selection must include: At least two units of English At least four subjects At least six of the 12 units must

be Board Developed Courses At least three of the courses must

be 2 unit or greater value No more than six units of Science

courses may be selected

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In Yr 11 we offer: Over 40 Board Developed


3 VET courses

Many TAFE VET (TVET) courses

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Preliminary Courses Year 11 2018 – Castle Hill High SchoolBoard Developed Courses

English Maths Science TAS HSIE LOTE Creative &Perf Arts


2U Eng Adv2U Eng Stand2U Eng EAL/D2u Eng Stud**1U Eng Ext1

2U Maths2U Math Stand1U Math Ext1

2U Physics2U Chem2U Bio

2U Des & Tec2U Tex & Des2U Food Tec2U Com Fam2U Eng Sci2U In T Wood2U In T Met2u In T Graph

Social Sci:2U Bus Stud2U Leg Stud2U Eco2U Geog

History:2u Mod His2u Anc His2u Ab Stud2 u Soc & Cult

2U Fren Beg2U Fren Con2U Jap Beg2U Jap Con

2U Drama2U Vis Arts2U Dance2U Music 12U Music 2



2u SDD2u IPT

VET Courses2U Hos Op *2U Construc*

2U Entertain*

Content Endorsed Courses (these do not contribute to an ATAR)

2U Photo andDig Imaging

2U Sp Life &Rec Stud

* = Category B courses. Only allowed one of these for an ATAR** = will not qualify for ATAR

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School based assessment :

* 3 tasks in Year 11 * 4 tasks in Year 12 * This includes exams

Half of the final HSC mark

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All raw HSC assessment marks submitted by schools are moderated by the BOS in a process called alignment

Alignment adjusts the raw assessments submitted by schools so that the mean (average) of the group’s assessments is set to equal the mean of the aligned HSC exam mark obtained by the group

The top assessment mark is set to equal the top exam mark

The rank order as submitted by the school of students remains unchanged in their group

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Results for 2unit LawnmowingStudent Raw

School assess mark


Aligned Exam mark


Moderated assess mark

Final assessRank

John 90 1 93 1 93 1

Tim 70 2 60 3 67 2

Peter 65 3 65 2 59 3

Matt 64 4 50 5 57 4

Rianna 60 5 55 4 52 5

Sue 55 6 35 7 43 6

Paula 50 7 41 6 35 7

Total 390 348 348

Mean 65 58 58

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The HSC serves many purposes but the ATAR serves only one – to assist universities in RANKING (top to bottom) applicants for universities

Approx 70,000 will sit for the HSC and about 60,000 will be eligible for a ATAR

The best 10 units (2 of which could be a category B) of BDCs are used to determine the ATAR. 2 units of English will be included

The ATAR is calculated by universities in NSW and ACT and is released by UAC

The ATAR is a rank. It is not a mark.

Schools do not receive ATARs

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The HSC presents a profile showing the STANDARDS a student achieves in courses they studied



A student's ATAR is a RANK indicating their achievement not against a standard but against other students

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HSC Raw HSC marks are

not scaled – they are aligned to standards ie moderated to meet the standards within bands

ATAR* Each course is scalednot against a standard but against the quality of the entire HSC candidature* A new mark value is assigned for each course*An aggregate is given to form a RANK ORDER

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Good rankings are more difficult to obtain when students are competing against students of high quality.


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The scaling model looks for the “strength of the competition” or the “company you’re in” or the “quality of the candidature”

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Subjects that are

hard are scaled upand subjects that are soft are scaled down

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1. Raw exam mark2. Raw moderated school assess mark3. Aligned exam mark4. Moderated school assess5. HSC mark6. Then… each individual’s marks, as above, in all exams

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Each student’s results in every subject are calculated in order to determine the quality of candidature for a particular subject

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Course Scaled mean(one unit)

Scaled mark for P90 (beat 90%. Top 10%)

Scaled mark for P75 (beat 75%. Top 25%)

Chemistry 31.6 42.4 38.7

Legal Studies 25.4 39.3 33.9

Music 2 33.7 44.8 39.9

Senior Science 19.2 33.2 26.5

CFS 19.6 34.1 28.0

2014 scaled marks for selectedcourses – used for ATAR calculation

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2014 - more scaled means:•Latin Continuers - 40.6 (170)•Classical Greek continuers – 40.1 (17)

•French continuers – 34.7 (833)•English advanced – 32.0 (27,108)•Japanese continuers – 31.4 (798)

•Biology – 26.9 (16,703)•Business Studies – 23.8 (14,721)•PDHPE – 23.3 (14,283)•Visual Arts – 22.9 (9,717)•IPT – 21.5 (4,140)

•English standard – 18.1 (34,384)•Aboriginal Studies - 15.3 (361)•Arabic Beginners – 12.2 (10)

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To use the reported HSC marks to estimate the ATAR rank is difficult

To get a high ATAR a student must not only have high HSC marks but be ranked highly in their courses across the whole entry across the state

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Examples of student achievement –Same ATAR, different subjects


Course HSC mark ATAR Course HSC mark

65 English AdvancedAncient HistoryBiologyGen MathematicsPDHPE


65 English StandardBusiness StudiesLegal StudiesGen MathematicsHospitality



Course HSC mark ATAR Course HSC mark

75 English AdvancedBiologyGen MathematicsSenior ScienceVisual Arts


75 English StandardSoft Des & DevMod History MathematicsPhysicsFrench Beginners



Course HSC mark ATAR Course HSC mark

85 EnglishAdvancedComm & Fam StudGen MathematicsMod HistoryPDHPE


85 English StandardPDHPEBiologyGen MathsHospitality


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Two examples of student achievement –Same subjects, different ATARs

Ryan Ryan and Craig


Ryan’s ATAR

HSC mark Percentile (% of students whom Ryan performed better than)

Courses Craig’s ATAR

HSC mark Percentile (% of students whom Craig performed better than)

? 707070707070


English AdvBiologyMathematicsBus StudMod HistoryVisual Arts

? 808080808080


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Two examples of student achievement –Same subjects, different ATARs

Ryan Ryan and Craig


Ryan’s ATAR

HSC mark Percentile (% of students whom Ryan performed better than)

Courses Craig’s ATAR

HSC mark Percentile (% of students whom Craig performed better than)

55.35 707070707070


English AdvBiologyMathematicsBus StudMod HistoryVisual Arts

82.90 808080808080


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When choosing ask the following:• What am I good at?

• What do I like?

• What skills are my strengths?

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Read everything you have been given

Ask those who know

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Identify some goals – but don’t be bound by them

If in doubt aim high