  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    Calculate the Future Value of Rs. 500 investment at the end of 20 years if it earns an anually compo

    rate of return 6%

    Soln. Compute FV using the calculator and folloing values !

    " # 20$& # 6

    'V # 500

    C'( )* FV = -1603.57, -ve sign indicates money has to be invested.

    Calculate the 'V of Rs. 500 that ould +e received in ,0 years ith a discout rate of -%

    Soln. Calculate using the calculator !

    " # ,0FV # 500

    $& # -

    C'()* PV = -254.175 (he negative shos money has to +e inv

    !dina!y "nn#ity $

    Calculate the future value of an ordinary annuity that pays Rs. 200 per year at the end of each year

    given a rate of $nterest of 5%


    " # 20

    '( # ) 200/ "egative sign indicates the amount that has to +e invested at the end of every year for

    'V # 0$& # 5

    C'( )* FV # 6/6,1.,

    PV o% an o!dina!y ann#ity &ate! the time = 1

    Calculate the 'resent value of an annuity that pays Rs. 200 per year at the end of each year for 5 y

    F#t#!e Vae o% a sing&e s#m $ FV = PV'1()*+

    P!esent Vae o% a sing&e s#m $ PV = FV* '1()*+

    200 200 200 200

    , 2 1 200




  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    from no given a rate of return of 5%

    (his pro+lem can +e done in to steps !

    a. a&c#&ate the PV %o! the o!dina!y ann#ity $

    " # 5

    '( # 200

    $& # 5

    FV # 0

    C'( )* 'V # ) 465.5 / )ve sign indicates money has to +e invested.

    b. /hen disco#nting this vae %o! 1 yea! $

    FV # 465.5

    " # ,

    $& # 5

    '( # 0C'( )* 'V # 42.66

    ne has to invest 24.66 today in o!de! to ea!n an ann#ity o% s. 200 %o! 5 yea!s beginning at

    end o% to yea!s %!om no.

    PV % an ann#ity d#e

    . 7iven a discount rate of ,0%/ hat is the present value of a 1)year annuity that ma8es a series o

    +eginning of each of the net three years/ starting today 9

     :ns. First/ let;s solve this pro+lem using the calculator;s 2nd? >

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    1)year annuity. (hen multiply this 'V +y =,$&. (o use this approach/ enter the relevant inputs and

    "#1D $,0D '(#),00D C'()* 'V:G#Rs. 24.6

    P!esent Vae o% a e!et#ity

    . :ssume the preffered stoc8 of Hhaitan Corporation pays Rs. 6 per year in annual dividends and p

    dividend policy forever. 7iven an ,0% rate of return/ hat is the value of Hodon;s preffered stoc89

     :ns. 7iven that the value of the stoc8 is the 'V of all future dividends/ e have !

    (hus/ if an investor reIuires an ,0% rate of return/ the investor should +e illing to pay Rs. 60 for ea

    HhaitanJs preffered stoc8.

    om#ting the FV o% an #neven cash %&o se!ies

    . Ksing a rate of return of ,0%/ compute the fututre value of the 6)year uneven cash flo stream d

    at the end of the sith year.

     :ns. (he FV for the cash flo stream is determined +y first computing the FV of each individual cas

    FVs of the individual cash flos. "ote that e need to preerve the signs of the cash flos.

    'V#L,/000D $,0D "#5D

    'V#L500D $,0D "#D

    'V#0D $,0D "#1D

    'V#000D $,0D "#2D

    'V#1/500D $,0D "#,D

    'V#2/000D $,0D "#0D

    FV of cash flo stream

    om#ting PV o% an #neven cash %&o se!ies

    "&te!native&y/ this pro+lem can +e solved +y leaving your calculator in the mode. First/ comput

    'V:E # 'V:

    G  =,$& #Rs. 611.- ,.,0 # Rs. 6-.1-


     #60.,#Rs. 60







    Sum of FVindividual





    'V # 6-.1-


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    . Compute the present value of this 6)year uneven cash flo stream descri+ed a+ove using a ,0%

     :ns. (his pro+lem is solved +y first computing the 'V of each individual cash flo/ then summing th

    flos/ hich yield the 'V of the cash flo stream. :gain the signs of te cash flos are preserved.

    FV#),/000D $,0D "#,D

    FV#)500D $,0D "#2DFV#0D $,0D "#1D

    FV#/000D $,0D "#D

    FV#1/500D $,0D "#5D

    FV#2/000D $,0D "#6D

    'V of cash flo stream

    = "'V function on your calculator. (his procedure is illustrated in the ta+les in Figure +elo. $n the fi

    FG,/ F02/ etc. values +ecause they are all eIual to ,. (he Fn varia+le indicates ho many times a p

    is repeated.

    Fig.! "'V Calculator Heystro8es)($ ? > ? 500 >)? >A"(AR? 'eriod 2 Cash Flo C02 # ) 500.00000

    > ? > ? 0 >A"(AR? 'eriod 1 Cash Flo C01 # 0.00000

    > ? > ? /000 >A"(AR? 'eriod Cash Flo C0 # /000.00000

    > ? > ? 1/500 >A"(AR? 'eriod 5 Cash Flo C05 # 1/500.00000

    > ? > ? 2/000 >A"(AR? 'eriod 6 Cash flo C06 # 2/000.00000

    >"'V? ,0 >A"(AR? ,0% Eiscount Rate $ # ,0.00000> ? >C'(? Calculate "'V "'V # /-,,.,226

    "ote that the

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    2. Heep the calculator in the annual compounding mode =', and enter $& as the interest rate pe

    " as the num+er of compounding period in the investment horiOon. Metting m eIual the num+er of co

    the +asic formulas for the calculator input data are determined as !

    $& # the annual interest rate m /

    "# the num+er of years m

    (he computations for the FV and 'V amounts in the given fig. are!

    FV#),/000D $,#6D "#,,#,!

    FV#),/000D $2#1D "#,2#2!

    FV#),/000D $#,.5D "#,#!

    FV#),/000D $,2#0.5D "#,,2#,2!

    FV#),/000D $165#0.0,614D "#,165#165!

    'V#),/000D $,#6D "#,,#,!

    'V#),/000D $2#1D "#,2#2!

    'V#),/000D $#,.5D "#,#!

    'V#),/000D $,2#0.5D "#,,2#,2!

    'V#),/000D $165#0.0,614D "#,165#165!

    oan ayment ca&c#&ation$ #a!te!&y ayments

    . : company plans to +orro Rs.40/000 for five years. (he company;s +an8 ill lend the money at

    that the loan +e paid off in Iuarterly payments for net five years. Calculate the amount of the paym

    ma8e in order to fuly amortiOe this loan in five years

     :ns. (o determine the annual loan payment/ input the relevant data and compute '(.

    "#20 = 5

    $,0 #2.5


    C'()* '(#Rs. 5/,1,.--

    (hus/ the loan can +e paid off in (enty eIual Iuarterly payments of Rs. 5/,1,.--. 'lease note that

    (he loan ill +e fully paid off =amortiOed after the (enty payents have +een made.

    onst!#cting an amo!ti8ation sched#&e

    . Constuct an amortiOation schedule to sho the interest and principal componenets of the end)of)

    5)year/ Rs. 20/000 loan.

     :ns. (he first step in soving this pro+lem is to compute the amount of the loan payments. (his is do

    relevant data and computing '(!



    'V#)Rs. 20/000

    C'()*'(# Rs. 52-5.5 52-5.5

    Period !eginning !alance Payment Interest

    Component "#$

    'V :!





    FV :!





  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    , Rs. 20000 52-5.5 2000

    2 Rs. ,6/-2.05 52-5.5 ,6-2.,

    1 ,1/,20.5, 52-5.5 ,1,2.05

    /,56.6, 52-5.5 ,5.66

    5 /-6.12 52-5.5 -.61

    ,. $nterest component # +eginning +alance periodic interest rate. $n period 1/ the interest componeRs. ,1/,20.5, 0.,0#Rs. ,1,2.05,

    2. 'rincipal component # payment)interest. For eample/ the perod principal component is 52-5.

    of the payment/ here the +eginning +alance for period t is the ending +alance from period t),. For e

    the period 2 ending +alance eIuals Rs. 4/162.01)Rs. ,/40,.--#Rs. 6/560.26/hich +ecomes the per


    P!incia& and inte!est comonent o% a seci%ic &oan ayment

    . Suppose you +orroed Rs. 5/000 at ,0% interest to +e paid semiannually over ,0 years. Calcula

    outstanding +alance for the loan after the second payment is made.

     :ns. First the amunt of the payment must +e determined +y entering the relevant information and co

    'V#)Rs. 5000


    "#,0 2#20

    C'()*'(#Rs. 0,.22

    (he principal and interest component of the second payment can e determined using the folloing p

    'ayment ,! $nterest#=Rs.5/000=0.05#Rs. 250


    'ayment 2! $nterest#=5/000),5,.22=0.05#22.

    'rincipal#0,.22)22.# ,54.-4

    Remaining +alance # 5000 ) ,5,.22 ) ,54.-4 # 60

    om#ting the !e#i!ed ayment to %#nd an ann#ity d#e

    . Suppose you must ma8e five annual Rs. 2/000 payments/ the first one starting at the +eginning o

    (o accumulate the money to ma8e these payments you ant three eIual payments into an investme

    made one year from today. :ssuming a ,0% rate of return/ hat is the amount of these three payme

    Soln. (he time line for this annuity pro+lem is shon +elo !

    1. (he ending +alance in a given period/ t / is the period;s +eginning +alance minus the principal com

    20 , 1 5 6 -

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    (he first step in this type of pro+lem is to determine the amount of money that must +e availa+le at t

    order to satisfy the payment reIuirements.

    Meave your calculator in the A"E mode and compute the 'V of a 5)year ordinary annuity and multipl




    C'()*'V#-/54,.5-,.,#'V1#Rs. 411.1

    of the three payments necessary to meet this funding reIuirement/ +e sure that your calculator is in t

    relevant data/ and compute '(.




    P/-9P:/=s. 2,51;6.61

    F#nding " !eti!ement P&an

    . :ssume a 15 year)old investor ants to retire in 25 years at the age of 60. She epects to earn ,

    prior to her retirement and ,0% thereafter. Bo much must she deposit at the end of each year for t

    +e a+le to ithdra Rs. 5/000 per year at the +eginning of each year for the 10 years from age 60 t

     :ns. (his is a to)step pro+lem. First determine the amount that must +e on deposit in the retiremen

    25 in order to fund the 10)year/ Rs. 5/000 annuity due. Second/ compute the annuity payments that

    the reIuired amount

    (he reIuired amount is the present value of the Rs. 25/000/ 10)year annuity due at the eginning of y

    (his can +e determined +y entering the relevant data/ ith the calculator in the A"E mode/ and com



    '(#)Rs. 5/000

    C'()*'V#Rs. Rs. 2,/612 =for 2 years

    "o add the first annuity payment to get Rs. 2,/612 Rs. 5/000# Rs. 66/612.66 (he investor il

    at the end of year 25.

    entering the relevant data and computing '(.

    'V1 +ecomes the FV that you need three years from today from your three eIual end)of)year eposit

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated





    C'()*'(# ) 120.0

    (hus/ the investor must deposit Rs. 120.0 per year at the end of each of the net 25 years in orde

    accumulate Rs. 66/612.66. Nith this amount she ill +e a+le to ithdra Rs. 5/000 per year for th

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated




    for net 20 year/

    net 20 years.

    ars/ +eginning 2 years

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated



    Rs.200 payments at the

    modeompute 'V.

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    ompute 'V.

      lans to follo this

    ch share of

    scri+ed a+ove

    flo/ then summing the


    e the 'V of an ordinary







  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    rate of return.

      pVs of the individual cash


    gure/ e have omitted the

    articular cash flo amount

    stated annual interest rate

    Present alue





    ding freIuencies!









    d the net present value

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    r compounding period/and

    mpounding periods per year/

    rate of ,0% and reIuires

    nt that the company must .

    FV#0 in this computationD

    ear payments for a ,0%/

    e +y entering the

    Principal Ending

    Component "%$ !alance "&$

    C'()*'V#'V :#1.16



    C'()*'V#'V #,.05

    C'()*'V#'VE #,.-6

    C'()*FV#FV :#,/060.00





  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    12-5.5 Rs. ,6/-2.05

    1/601.55 ,1/,20.5,

    1/61.0 /,56.6,

    /160.2 /-6.12

    /-6.12 0.00

    nt of the payment is



    iod 1 +eginning

    e the amount of the

    mpuing he payment.


      year =end of year 1.

    nt account/ the first to +e

    nts 9


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


      e +eginning of year in

    y +y ,.,0.

      he A"E mode/ input the

    .5% on her investments

    e net 25 years in order to

    o 0 9

    t account at the end of year

    must +e made to achieve .

      ear 26 =end of year 25.

    puting 'V.

    l need Rs. 66/612.66

    . (o determine the amount

    an +e determined +y

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    r to

    e folloing 10 years.

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  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    om#ting PV

    . Calculate the "'V of an investment proQect ith an initial cost of Rs. ,0 million and positive cas

    at the end of year ,/ Rs. 4 million at the end of year 2/ and Rs. ,0 million at the end of year . Ks

     :ns. (he "'V for this proQect is the sum of the 'Vs of the proQect;s individual cash flos and is det"'V # )Rs. ,0.0 Rs. 2,.,0 Rs. 4=,.,02 Rs. ,0=,.,01

      # Rs. 5. million

    (he procedures for calculating "'V ith a ($ ? ,.6 A"(AR? 'eriod , Cash Flo C0,#2.00> ? > ? 2. >A"(AR? 'eriod 2 Cash Flo C02#4.00

    > ? > ? 2.4 >A"(AR? 'eriod 1 Cash Flo C01#,0.00

    >"'V? ,2 >A"(AR? ,2% discount rate $#,0.00000

    > ? >C'(? Calculate "'V "'V#5.2

    om#ting )

    . Nhat is the $RR for the investment descri+ed in the preceding eample9

     :ns. Su+stituting the investment;s cash flos into the $RR eIuation results in the folloing eIuatio

    Solving this eIuation yields an $RR#1.6,%.

    $t is possi+le to solve $RR pro+lems throuh a trial and error process. (hat is/ 8eep guessing $RRs u

    provides an "'V eIual to Oero. 'ractically spea8ing/ a financial calculator or an elecronic spreads

    employed. (he procedures for computing $RR ith the ($ ? > ? 2. >A"(AR? 'eriod 2 Cash Flo C02#4.00> ? > ? 2.4 >A"(AR? 'eriod 1 Cash Flo C01#,0.000

    >$RR? >C'(? Calculate $RR $RR#1.6,

    on%&icting decisions beteen PV and )

    . :ssume "'V and $RR analysis of to mutually eclusive proQects produced the results shon in

    0# ),0.0 2=,$RR 4=,$RR2  ,0=,$RR1

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


      $RR criteria recommends that 'roQect : should +e accepted. Gn the other hand/ the "'V criteria i


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    h flos of Rs. 2 million

    ,0% as the discount rate.

    ermined as follos!

    or are presented in Figures


    til you get the one that

    eet can and should +e

    Fig. +elo. :s indicated/ the

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    indicates acceptance of

    ,P at #)-

    Rs. 55.5Rs. ,2/-2-.2-

    < increases shareholder

    ect < should +e selected

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    e!ientia& ea!ning>>> ?asic e&ements in %inancia& mode&ing

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    A 1.:n investment promises to pay P,00 one year from today/ P200 to years from today/ a

    $f the reIuired rate of return is , percent/ compounded annually/ the value of this investment today is

    Eiscount rate

    (ime Cash flo

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    Financia& a&c#&ato! convention - @hy yo# see -ve sign in an

    you have P,00 ith you today and you ant to invest it

    let us say e go to $C$C$ +an8 =in "& city and e deposit it

    e have to give the money to the +an8/ it is a cash outflo

    FV # 'V =, r n 'V e have put P,00D in other ords e are giving ve sign to oFormula '2nd method

    after 1 years then hat happens9 $C$C$ +an8 ill return the mone

    ,,0 that means it is an infloD then calculator says GH you gave sig

    ,2, therefore it means )ve sign for inflo +ac8 to you


    ,6., this is a convention folloed +y all financial calculator and since e

    ,6,.05, as a calculator =financial it is also folloing the same convention






      uity Eue

    ay/ into an account paying percent interest compounded annually.

    osest to!

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    nd P100 three years from today.

    losest to!

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    e! %o! ce& %#nction &iCe PV


    +ac8 to you

    to outflo

    cel as +uilt

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    Suppose an investor ishes to have Rs. , Crores at the time of retirement/ hich is 20 years aay/ ho much

    interest rate is ,0% compounded annually

    'V  ),.46₹

    FV ,00

    (ime 20 years

    $nterest rate ,0%Compounding annual

    Simple retirement planning modelTTT

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    oney does he need to set aside today if the appropriateJ

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated



    Eiscount rate

     :ssumptions! , 'remium * ,000

    aturity ,0 years 2 'ar ,000

    Eiscount rate! 4% 1 Eiscount U ,000

    Coupon rate ,0%

    Coupon amount P ,00'rincipal P ,/000

    ethod , , :nnuity P,00/ ,0 years/ ,0% ethod 2

    P 6-,.0, P ,/,1.20

    2 lumpsum! P,000/ ,0 years/ ,0%

    P 61.,

    'rice , 2

    P ,/,1.20


    Eata given :ssumptions!

    &ears Semi

    aturity 1 6

    Coupon rate 6% 1%

    &( ,2% 6%

    'ar value P ,/000

    Coupon P 10 =every 6 months

    odel! ,st method

    (ime Semiannual CFJs 'V=CFJs

    0 0 999

    0.5 , P 10 24.10,446-2

    , 2 P 10 26.6412

    ,.5 1 P 10 25.,445-4,

    2 P 10 21.-62404-

    2.5 5 P 10 22.,--5,46

    1 6 P ,/010 -26.,015665

    (otal 452.402-022

    2nd method you do as homeor8

     :nnuity lumpsun

    What’s the value of a 10-year, 10% annual coupon bond if k d  = 10%? 

    Suppose that we have a 3-year, 6% semiannual c

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    1rd method Acel Functio P 452.4


      (hus/ the value of this preferred stoc8 : is33


     (he reIuired return or the discount rate is ,,%.


      :ssume an estimated sale price of P5-/ three years from no. ReIuired rat


    Suppose that we have a $-year, ero Coupon bon

    'ssume a preferred stoc( ' has a)"** par value and a dividend

    1hat is the value of a stoc( that last year paid a )" dividend. Yo

    'ssumin a holdin period of three years with the followin esti

    1hat is the value of the stoc( that paid )# dividend last year if d

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated



  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


      * Coupon

    Eiscount rate U Coupon rate

    Eiscount rate # Coupon rate

    Eiscount rate * Coupon rate

    ethod 1

    time CF 'V=CF

    , P ,00 2.525

    2 P ,00 45.-1144

    1 P ,00 -.14122

    P ,00 -1.502

    5 P ,00 64.05412

    6 P ,00 61.0,66

    - P ,00 54.10

    4 P ,00 5.0264 P ,00 50.02

    ,0 P ,/,00 50.5,24

    (otal ,,1.202

      upon bond. Calculate the value of the bond with a Y

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


      of return is ,5%.

    . Calculate the value of the bond with a Y! of &%.

    of )& a year. +ecause of ination, uncertainties and ta advantae,

    thin( net year2s dividend will be "*% hiher and the stoc( will be

    ated dividend payments Year " 4 )"."*5 Year # 4 ".#$ and Year 3

    ividends are epected to row at $% forever he re/uired rate of re

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


    of "#%.

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated


      he re/uired rate of return is 0%.

    ellin for )#$ at year-end.


    urn is "#%

  • 8/18/2019 Time Value of Money Illustrations Updated

