
Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

• 0

Standard Form For Hembers of the Le q1 s latu re

Senator ________ _


1. Birthday and place / Lf lhvv d27 ~J.,. ,~ ... J...u It I

2. Marriage (s) date place

3. Significant events for examplt:

Ol· 1 h!t

A. Business __________________________________________________ __

B. Civic responsibilities~~~~~------------------------------

c . Prof esa ion (;r./11(1~ I t;.. rr {...- ;( .;;

I' ~ 6/ ~'•< I I~ '/fit / t~~ .:~ \ 1 I;_.,<JV

I IJI- ,/ 4. Church ,membership ______ ~~~~v~~t~~~n~··~----------------------------

: .. I . ~~ . / •

,' ,,

5 . Sessions serv~d lfl1";cf''t/J, .... ,.,r_ ).t.;,n/.1' j gj) !?/2

6. Public Offices

A. Local b.;_ ~~ d;<'.~~.Jf/J;~,)~ . / I B. State ____________________________________________________ ___

. c. Na tional ________________________________________________ ~--

7 .

8 .


e .k I&/ f.z?,;.~,.j :l/1- . .;

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10. Education ~ d/l/k! A.: / (,...rJVt L {J;/ 4(;(, >t::../ '. ;' ;/.. .v a~­~ br·?/t t /-· ....,


11. Degrees __________________________________________________ ___

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I I I To/? ;· /:IU!/l { /t"f!• · ·

Sources r. o v For r.~vl.slali o ll E11L1 ies

1\ p p 11 c <11 Jl. l l L y {..

--- ·--- ----- - ·-------·-·--·------------·-·- ---· ··-· ··-·-·- -· ·--·-· --

-. --- -····- -··----··- .. - -- ··-··------·-··---- - ------------------· - _,.. __ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.lors nt [JOe, dlll'illR thr 1

will open up his rrttl and lonu onlce, thi!:!

Lhis ... ,.iting \\' l' cnnnot 1 hl ll occupy iu th l• one of t.ltnm.

tat,; gi\'Pil 11p hi~ posi­:lrng storo for a pusi . \ Telephone Co. con · -Inle ltniH•r has t·cturn-

Au Hounrnhlc• 1.11'"' Encl.c hy nc•nth. Moulton. I Han. Elrin 'l'ilton rlicd in thi~ city l\1i.'{s Eknnor H amilton, of P ella , l~t .,

Sundny even ing, nged 74 renn:~,·j months vi~ited a few dnyH LhiR wee\< with her nnrl J..l dnys. 'J.'bo protracted hot wenth- cousin 1\fi..;s Mny Berry.

c r wns no doubt the cnuso of his dcnth, Mr. and Mrs. Fr!lnk Bnl l nnd children, but ho bn)'{ not been in good henllh for o f Cn.!Hlon , are d!:!iling nl tho hon10 of Hl Yl'H I'~. being a.tllit:Letl with shnldng Mr. and .Mrs. 1<'. E. Bntl. · polsy. C. R Wel ls, of Pra irie Cit.y is \'is­ his daughter here. Mrs. l"orcnt Pni11 lcr. I\1 rs . Wells had preceded him.

Tho doconsnn hm; been a ,·cry ncii \'C

m nn of 11 tr n irs unt i I more rccen t years. H e be~:tn life ~~~ a school tcnLhet· and

es, nn~l is helping hi s farmer, and then engaged in stock buHi- Mer) ~wceL and wifo were down from

nes~. dl'i\'ing cnltle O\'Cr the mountains. Guthrie Cente r o\·er Snudny, visiting m, through his attar- from Ohio to tho western marke t in lJi::; I M r. S wcet'H llloth r. r and other rcl ntirc~ . _ _ _ _ _

Brown. ha !:' brought youn~:wr cln)·l:i. H e w:tB the enrolling of- :\rthm a nd Otto Sn\'ngc nnd their ] nrt Sb\'C:l f t'l' S:1.000 ficer of Nobles ~:onnty , Ohio, du ri ng the wi\'C!'\, \\'C rc down from Adair Sunday, to ~ed injuries reecn·ed i t~ \\'IH, and after comi ng Lo Iow:~ he reprc- visit "'ilh their fa t h er and mothct· before I

that occurrctl some sen ted Iowa county in the 18th nnd H>th t hoy take their departure for the wc:st. > 0

G 1 I.J r:r 1 1 b :.. · 0 1 nw gC!iem asscmu y. :t.C tas a ways con 1\Irs. C. Cunnin!!ltatlt is here from Ohio .. L>O and J

h . f S I,_.., strong republican ann a useful pnrty \'i s iLing her mother, Mr~. Swl•et und oth- 1,2;> nnd .

afte r i e ram 0 ,;;•- worker in tho years of h is strenrrth . .., thermomet er at the I . · . t-. • cr relatives in this city . It is four ycnrs OOc nncl ~ ~ Ion. ElVln 'rtl tott wns born 111 Ohto since sh e left. this dty for her new home .y-scvcn degree~. 'l'his township, Nobles,couot,y, Ohio. Ho was in Ohio. ~:k, liOe' •int thnt the gov·.:rn- married to .Miss .Mnry A. ,Jordan, of Nob­! r ha~ reached for three les county, Nov. 16th, 1848, whs now s tu-

vives him. 'l'he family moved from c list o f letters uncalled Ohio .to Montoz.urun, Iowa, in 1864, and ·e•ck --ndin!! Julv '2i: r I} I . 18 ~ I • .. J rom 1. 10ro to owa county 111 li<>. u o, .!\. · '1'. N. Hines, L. 180~ tho fnlllily moved to Stuart, where .ufus Kins0y (2}, .B"'red they built the Stuart House, which they cF'nl'lan, D. Le\·i & Son: Nate Brainard, cards.

J. R. S~IVL!. JR. P. 1\f.

have since condu ::tcd. l'en children were born to Mr. nnd

.i\f rs . Tilton. One of the llllm bcr died in Jmpt·m·c~mcnt. infancy. 'l'hc survi ving children are, D.

l\Ii ss Harrington , who has ~o ably 011-otl the pulpit of the friends church for nearly n) car, and h er mother i'tarted to Ohio Monday eveniog, in hope of bene­fitting the latter's health.

Mr. and Mrs. Lumpkin and dnughter, Inez, spent n few dnys with the Riner~· fRm ily, this wct>k. They had made au o\·erllmd trip to Atlantic and were on tlwir way home.

plnns nnd spccific~tions W. Tilton, of Wilson, Knn.: Cathrine A. :\. Brower, o! Glendon, came to this to the I. 0. 0. F. pro- Walter, of :B~ort Collins, Colo.; G. W. 'l'iJ. cit.y, Mondny morning to tnke the flyer ·ed from tho architect ton, of Deep ltiver, Iowa; ,Tames E. 'fil- for Carroll county, Indiana. He hnd n of the bon.rcl of trus- ton, of Stuart, Iowa; Elijah Tilton, of just been informed by wiro of the death atoon is rendy to receive Nashua, Iowa; Grnnt Tilton, also of or hi s brother in that county. :e. The fron t of the old Nashua; Wm. Tilton, of Lyons, Colo.; Mrs. Thomas Montgomery, of Battle torn out and a new one Mrs . .Mary s~aton, of Hubbard, !own; Creek, Iowa, is visiting at tho C. P. 75c Cor~ rill make tno new wu1·ri. Mrs. Emma 'l'ourney, of Cripple Creek, Griffin home. She came at this time to f>Oc Con .'he fron t will oe Ornahu. l Col~. and Mrs. Clara Lester, of Nashua, be present at the marnage oi i..i.1o ·vu~y ,4~ C:or! e structure is all to be Iow a.. ' daughter of the Griffin home, Miss


100 Col"! 'l'he deceased was a member of tho Ethel, tow. E. 'l'barp, W oclnesdny.

Masonic order since 1880, aud 'l'oken 1\'ln.: Commence,.. Lodge A. F. and A.M. of t his place had C. H. Hitchcock, and family of Rock Re


lottery at the El !Reno, charge of tbe funeral. The lodge ac- I sland, are visiting with their old nefgh ­~gan Monday. The first companied t.he"l and mourners to bors in this city. Mrs. Hitchcock has box was thnt of Stephen Montei~h. where tile funeral services been here for several days but Mr. less tha

Paul Valley, 0. T. The were held in the Christian church, Mou- Hitchcock did not arrh·e until Wcdnes- Color~d · b fA ta da.v. ma ..~am • o ugus • day, Rev. Clampitt being in charge of

;et first and second the sen·ico. A. H. Savnge and wife departed ere tmck of land in that Thunday, · for Colorado. Tho hot awton dis trict , the first Guth~ie c~,unty Deles;at,(l"·. weather has }{ad a d epressing effect on ;·~ c!'~W!:I hy James R. Jo.~n Hernott, m ~ccordance w1th the Mr. Savage's health nnd so they will, therford, 0. T. The sec-~ pnvucge u.ecu~dc.:1 h;w. b:;-: th~ G ll f.hric srek a cooler count.ry. '!'hey. will probR· I

.red b y Miss Matt1~ H. ' ~?~~ ~~. re~u bh?:l\~ c~~~~~ ~~-~;.:;~a~~~n~.~~ I ~;~~:t~~t:.~ ~~?. .. ~~ ~.~~~~~~. Springs, or liuma I

cloths, :

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.






A History of the County, its Cities, Towns, &c.,

Biographical Sketches of its Citizens, War Record of its Volunteers in the late bellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers a.nd Prom­

inent Men, History of the Northwest, History of Iowa, Map of Iowa County, Constitution of Iowa,

Miscellaneous Matters, &c., &c .

...... :ILL"''STRAT:S:::D.




Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


S ANTER, F.-Farmer and carpenter, Sec. 9, P. 0. Hedge. Was born in Germany in 1832, and was there educated and remained until his

twentieth year. He learned the trade of carpenter and joiner in his native country and in· 1852 emigrated to America, settling in Philadelphia, Penn­sylvania. There he remained tor three years when be came to this State and settled in Scott county. There lived until1873, when he came to his present location. He was married, in Philadelphia, in 1855, to Miss R. Schavfle. Their family consists of eight children: Eliza, George, August, Rosa, Freddie, Willie, Henry and Katie. Mr. S. owns a farm of 160 acres. He is an active member of the German Methodist Church, and when the building_was erected gave $200 towards paying for it.

SHAUL. M. P.-Farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 11, P. 0. Millersbur~. Was born December 29, 1822, in Virgi nia. In infancy removed 'Yilh h1s parents to Seneca county, Ohio, where he was educated and raised to man­hood. He was married, in 1848, to Miss Phebe Mussetter, a native of .Maryland. They have six children: Amanda E. (now Mrs. Darr), Albert J., John F., William, Charles and Ada. Lost two: one an infant, and Roth (aged nineteen years). His farm consists of 200 acres. Is a prominent member of the United Brethren Church.

STULLER, J. S.-Farmer, Sec. 31, P. 0. Thornburg. Was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1839, and there made his home until the autumn of 1865~ His youth was spent on a farm, and has made farming his occupat:on since. In August, 1862, he enlisted in company B, One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio infantry. Was in the battles of the Wilderness, Cedar Creek, Winchester, Manassas, Cold Harbor, P etersburg, Richmond and many others. He was off dnty but ten days during his ser­vice. Was mustered out in ~ uly, 1865. He returned to his home in Ohio, and in the fall of that year came to Iowa county and made his home !n Dayton township, where he now owns a farm of 224 acres of land, nearly all under cultivation. He was married in 1880.

SUMMERS, JOHN-Farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 14, P. 0. Millers­burg. Was born in October, 1822, in Harrison county, Ohio, where he was educated and raised. Dnriog the late war he furnished a substitute. In 1867 carne to this State and settled in Bentou county where he lived for one year. He then came to this township. He was married in 1874 to Mies Mar~aret J. Betts, a native of Ohio, and by this union have three children·: Laura J osephine, Rosie May and Nora E. He is now conduct­ing a fine farm of eighty acres.

T HI.RGI, BART.-Farmer, Sec. 9, P. 0. Hedge. Was born in Switzerland March 9, 1825. He lived in his native conntry until

1846, then emigrated to the United States and settled in Davenport, and lived there until 1858, then removed to Buffalo township in the same county. He came to Iowa township in 1876, and <Jwns a farm of 85 acres. H e married Miss Mary Ingoi in 1858. She was bom in Switzerland. They have nine children: Henry, Lucy, Rosie, Catharine, Mary, Olaf, Ann, Emma and Delia.

TILTON, HoN. ELVIN-Farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 8, P. 0. Deep River. Was born in Noble connty, Ohio, March 14, 1827. His father, David, was a native of Martha's Vineyard, where he was born Decem­ber ·20, 1799. Elvin spent his early days in tillin~ the soil and attending school. In 1845 he enga~ed as clerk in a merchandise house in Sharon, Ohio, where he .remained for a time, after which for a number of years be

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


divided hi s tim~ between agricultural pursuits and school teaching. During the war he was enrolling clerk in Noble county, also held different town­ship offices during his sojonru. In 1864 he emigr·ated to Iowa, locating on his present farm, which consists pf 350 acres.' Mr. Tilton is a self made man, commencing life in m~ager circumstances. He is a man of clear judgment and has a well-stored mind. He has identified himse1f with Iowa county; is a public official of more than .ordinary ability. _In 1879 he rep­resented Iowa county in the Legislature to the satisfaction of his constitu­ents. He was married November 17,1848, to Miss Mary A.Jordan,a native of Ohio. They have a family of ten children: David W., Cathar·ine W., James E., Elijah L., Grant N., William, Mary, Emina and Eliza. Lost one. "'{ ~ T ALTER, M. M.-Farmer and blacksmith, Sec. 5, P. 0. Deep River.

V V Was born September 23, 1847, in Wyoming county, Ohio. En­listed July 10, 1863, in company D , Thirty-fifth New Jersey volunteers. Was at the battle of Jackson, Mississippi, and others; mustered out July 19, 1 865; returned to his home and learned the trade of a blacksmith. In 1867

e came to Illinois, where he resided for one year, after which he came to Iowa and settled iu Iowa county. He was married Decem bet· 24, 1871, to Miss Catharine Tilton, a daughter of Hon. Elvin Tilton. She is a native of Ohio. They have four children living: Zoa E., Bertha A., Orin James and I da. Lost one, Ada. Mr. Walters has a fimn of 53 acres.

WAGNER, THEODORE- Farmer, Sec. 26, P. 0. Millersburg. Was born in Camhria county, Pennsylvania, June 27, 1845. There he spent his days until about nineteen years of age. His father was engaged in the lumber busi ness and our subject's early youth was spent in attending school and helping his father in lumbering. In 1865 he came with his parents to Iowa county, where he has since resided. In April, 1869, he was married to Miss Susan McLaughlin, ·a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. They have three children: John, Herman and Cbarle~. Mr. Wagner owns a farm of 80 acres.

WILSON, W. M.-Farmer and stock-dealer. Sec. 1, P. 0. Millersburg. The subject of this sketch is the second son of William and Parmelia Hart­sod Wilson. His father was a lineal descendant of Benjamin and Margaret Wilson, who came from Londonderry, Ireland, to Londonderry, New Hamp­shire; moved to Ackworth, of the same State, in 1774. The subject of this sketch was born July 20, 1832, in Washington county, Ohio, where he was ~aised until sixteen years of age. He then came to this State and settled 1n Washington county, where he lived four years, after which he returned to Ohio, where he engaged in a store as clerk. He \Vas manied April 19, 1855, t.o Miss Margaret Ann Morrison, a native of Ohio. They have four children: Sherman B. (born July 11, 1856), Florence W. (born October 1.4, 1858), Frank J. (born March 20, 1862) and Charles W. (born in July, 1864). Mrs. Wilson died in September, 1F66. He was again married to Miss Jennie M. Pollock December 24, 1867. She is a nalive of Noble county, Ohio. By the latter union have four child ren: Fred C. (born October 2, 1.868), Grace Edith (born January 27, 1871), Truman P. (born April 29, ~&73)and Seymour L. (born September 27, 1879.) In 1855 he came to this county, locating in Dayton township, where he has since made his home. He is a man who is vir tually self-made and self-educated. He began busi­ness for himself without any appreciable means and through his habits of continued industry and well directed efforts he is now in possession of a

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Elvin Clifton Tilton Birltl 14 FEB 1827 in Morgan Co., Ohio

Dealtl 28 JUL1901 in Guthrie Co., Iowa USA

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T1mehne ( Voew detaols )

Birth Morgan Co., Ohio


Who was Elvin ... Elvin Chiton ...

1848 Marriage to Mary Ann Jordan

ll ,\:o\

Age: 21


Age: 53

1901 "R.hol

Age: 74



Residence Dayton, Iowa, Iowa, Unoted States

Death Guthrie Co., Iowa USA

Burial Montieth Cem, Montieltl, Gultlne, lA

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1 source c•tat•on

1 source citation

I source c•tat•on

http://trees.ancestry .com/tree/3 901 03/person/-20877 53615?ssrc=

Family Members

Pa rrnts

Davis Tilton 1799- 1847

Mary Polly Hughes 1806- 1885

Spous• & Childrtn

Mary Ann Jordan 1831- 1902

Davis Wesley Tilton 1851- 1913

catharine Tilton 1853-1918

George W Tilton 1855 - 1912

Elijah lawernce (rwin) Tilton 1860- 1923

James Ewastus (rwin) Tilton 1860- 1913

William Tilton 1662- 1914

Grant Tilton 1863- 1918

Mary Tilton 1869-1945


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Emma Adda Tilton 1872 - 19-16

Oara LTHton 1875-1960

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rage L. or L.

Family group sheet

1880 United States Federal Census

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

wno was hlvm c lllton·r- rag~ 1 u.t 1

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Who was Elvin C Tilton? He became engaged in the stock business, driving cattle over the mountains from Ohio to eastern markets. During the war of the Rebellion be was enrolling officer in Nobel county and vicinity of Prairie City and Des Moines. In 1864 came with his family to live. first in Montazurna, where be spent the winter of 1864 and 1865, buying and shipping stock. In the fall of 1879 Mr. Tilton was elected to represent Iowa county in the 18th General Assembly oflowa, which duties he performed with such credit that his people reelected him in the fall of 1881 to represent them in the 19th General Assembly whiclt duties he performed with equal credit and to the satisfaction of all, but he returned from Des Monies considerable broken in health. He always -oted the Republican ticket and was a prominent worker and organizer in Iowa county. He was well versed in law and was the trusted adviser and counselor of many people who knew him and came to him in difficulty. He was always ready to help others out of trouble. and sufl' financial reverse himself because of having helped others to much. No man was ever refused a reasonable fa-or if it was within his power to grant it He was a liberal donator and supporter of the educational and religious institutions within his community. Although business matters often called him from his home at times, yet on mao ever loved his family a.nd home more dearly than be. No maner what time in the night be arrived at his rail road station, nor how cold and dark the night, be would make his way home to be with his family. In 1892 the family moved on to Stuart where they engaged in keeping the Stuart bouse.

Church says Birth: 6 Apr 1825, Morgan, OH death : u Nov 1891, Guthrie, lA Bur. Montieth Cem. Montieth, Guthrie, lA M. 16 Nov 1848, Morgan, OH

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Aotaohed to • Elvon Clifton Tilton ( 1827 • 1901)

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by plazasuite97 on 23 Nov 2009

Keorns/Howard/Ramsey Family of Ohio

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(Tilton) Nocholson Family Tree

by plazasuote97 on 26 Jul 2009

Sterrett, Barber, Semhnger & McCarthy Famoly Tree

by Jan5terrett45 on 12 Mar 2009

Chros Brower,Ciifton,Henry, Tolton's Family Tree

by emilyroser8 on 4 Oct 2008

Ludwig/Horner Family Tree

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Carrel Family Tree

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

us~u urutect :states J<ecterat census -

ancestry You searched for Elvin Tilton in Iowa

1880 United States Federal Census

Name: Elvin Tilton

Honw in 1880: Dayton, Iowa, Iowa

Agt•: 53

Estimated bi t1h abt1827


Birthplace: Ohio

Relation to Head Self (!lead)

of Household:

Spoust•'s name: Mary

Father's Massachusetts


Motht•r's Virginia

hi rt h plat·r:

Neighbors: View others on page

Occupation: Farmer

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

~<~nnot r('ad wntc: Blind: View image

lkafand dumb:

OJhc~riac:· IS<I) (' :

Idiotic or insane:

HousdH>Id Name Mrmbt>rs: Eh·in Tilton

Mary Tilton

DaYiS W. Tilton

.James Ti lton

Elijah Tilton

Grant Til ton

William Tilton

Mat)' Tilton

Emma Tilton

Cla risa Tilton

Source Citation: \ t'<tr' 1HHO: C,·n~u:- PJ.H·t>: lkli.Jlcm, It ilL'(), ICIU'O: Koll "/'Q .'U5; Famil~ Ui:-to1~ F1l m : 12.-'>4.'143: PH.!.t·: 2-..J.trKm: l·:nunwmtion Di~trict: au: lmagt•:

Source Information:


53 49









\m'\•stf\.<·om and Tht' Churrh of.l(' ... m Christ of I .<IHt'r-da\ S<lint~. 1880 l 'nil<>d Stott.>:; F~..·derclf !i.'llSII$ i<t<ltabFI'l' on-line•!. Prmo.l'T. L'S.\: .\nc-c•StJ'\xOm OJh'f,llion~ Inc-. :2005. HiRo l'.S. (.\•n:-oth lndl'' !)rt)\·id,•rl h.' Th\• <.'hun·h or .h':-;u:-o Ch1·i:'t nf L,1tlt•r-cla~ Sttints ~- Cop~ri)!.ht 19419 lntt'llt"<1U<II Rt·~\'l''t'. llw. -\II' rt'N.'I'\t•d. Allu ... t• i~ ... uhjt'('tlu th,•limih.'d U:-.t•lit·,•n-.t• otnd oth•·• Lt·nn ... ;mel Nmditicms appli,·cthlf• tn thi~ ... itt·. Ori~in:. l data: L'nitt'<l Statrs of .\nw1ic-a. 13nrrau of th,· Ct• Tenth Ct:usus vfthe l.,tited Statc.>s. t8H<>. \\tl-.hin~ottcm.I>.C.: ' \n·hill'' and R,·rmd .. -\dministl'·ati(lll, tARo. T<.l. 1.-l.i-l roll-..

L>e.,cription: Thi' d.ll<lhaS(· j_, ;ullnch·' to 50 milli(m 1ncih irlual:' ,•tHtlllt>l'<lll'<i in tht> tRHo L'nitt•d Stall'~ Ft•dt>ral G·n!'ll' l't·n_.:u~ l<lkttr:o: rt'<·orch•d man~ (h•tail .. indudi n~ l'ad• P'''~on· ... ntHIW. olclrh\•-.s,ocnap.1tion, rdatiou!'hip tn ttw tw.-cl nf hou ... ,·huld. l'~<'t' . ,,.,, <t~t· ell la~l hi11hd(\~. fllcllitOll sl<lltb. plctc't' ofbit1h. part•nt:- plm·,• uf hh1h. -\cirlitionan~ . tht> rMmf",.; of tho ... l•li.;;tt:<l nn thl• pcJpul:atiun 'thrdull· art' lin~t·d to act1ml ima~f'.., oftht• 1880 Ft"dt•ral Ct•n..,t•~ · U.•am mon.-... ...

rage 1 or L


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lowa State Census CollectiOn, uuo-l~L::>-

ancestry You searched for Elvin Tilton in Iowa

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Name: Elvin Tilton

Birth Yt·<~r: abt 1828

llirth Place: Ohio

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Census Datl': 1885

Reside net' State: Iowa

Rt•sidcnct• Count_,·: Iowa

Loralit~·: Dayton

Roll: !At885_204


Family Numbe r: 5

Neig.hbors: View others on page

Housl.'hold Nanw


Snurce Informat ion:

Eh·in Tilton

Mar)" A Tilton

James 1-: Tilton

Grant E Tilton

William Tilton

Mary Tilton

Emma Tilton

Clarey L Tilton









-\nt'\'_-.lf) .C"om. /ou·a Stall' Ct.'n~u$ CCIIIt'clion, tH:to· tQ::.:; ldalithth\' on·lint• J. Pm,o. \ ·T. l'S.\: \n<Y..-tn.c·nm Opt.'rJtion:- h u-. 2007. Ori~in<41 d;ltH: \lic•·utilm oi Iowa ~tatt> Ct•n:-:u ........ JHc;6. t88.j. tStl;l. sqo..;. llH.S. 14:.!5 a:-. ,,.,.11 \41rium. "\}rdal <.'t•n:-.u:-:t"' from 1~h6-t8Q7 oht(tirwd from llh· Stat•· Hi:'tori<·<tl SOdt•t) of lo''" \i<\ II<-• ihtg\' Qtt{''t.

nescription: Thi:-. d<tllth<l:o-t' c"<uH;1in-. I c.,,,,\ :-.tah.~ r,·n~u.;.e:o:. fortlw following, y~·.Jr:-.: 1856. 1885. 189.:1. 1905. 1915. and 19:lS. IL i\h-o induclt>.;. somt> ht•ad ofhou..:t•hold ('\'ll'U~·-. :-~nd clthc.•r :-pt"<'ial t't'nsiiM' ' (rum r8:\6·1RQ7. Jnform<tlion a';~ili'!bl,• fur ;m indi' idm\1 will ' a') aN·ordinF, to tht> <t>n,us ~·t>.tr anrt th,• iniorm<ltion •~"Qm·~t.:tl nn t1w t't'lbU;o1. (onn. Some oftht• information <'ontain,•ct in lhi:o- rli:ltitba~· thou~h indudt:~: n,mw. a~t·.,::t•ndt•r, l11•'l'. b irthpl<~cc• . ma1it"l :--t<ltu ... ~nd plr~r,· of t•nnmer;uion. l.t"ammort" ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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North America


Event(s): Birth: 19 JUN 1855 Of, Stuart, Guthrie, Iowa Christening: Death: 12 MAY 1912 Burial:

Parents: Father: Mother:





Family group record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record includes the submitter's name and address and names and relationships of family members. The address may be outdated. Some information is estimated. To find the record on the film, you must know the batch and sheet number.

Source Information: Batch Number: F51669 1_ Sheet: 011 Source Call No.: 1553762 Type: Film

An official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © 2008 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.!IGI/individual_record.asp?recid=600004051874&1... 1/7/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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il Elvin Clifton Tilton Born: 14 Feb 1827

[ coty !, Morgan, Ohio, USA

Died: 28 Jul 1901 Stuart, Guthrie, Iowa, USA

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Davts Dlton

Mary Polly Hughes

Family Historical Records Family Facts

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Mary Ann Jordan Born: 12 Feb 1831 In Keith, Noble, Ohio, USA Died: 14 Feb 1902 In Montlerth, Guthrie, I owa, USA

Marriage: 11 Nov 1848 in [C<tY I, Morgan, Ohio, USA

Children sex Birth

Dav1s Wesley Tilton M 25 Jan 1851 In Keswick, Keokuk, Iowa, USA

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Joseph Tilton

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Aaron Hughes

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Cathenne Tilton 17 May 1853 in San Diego, rcounty!, Galifomla, USA

George Tilton

EliJah Lawrence T1tton

James Totton

Wilham Tilton

Grant T•lton

r~ary Tilton

Emma Adda Tilton

Clara L Tilton







18 Jun 1855 In Jackson, Noble, Ohio, USA

11 OCt 1860 in Jackson, Noble, Ohio, USA

11 OCt 1860 in Jackson, Noble, Ohio, USA

11 A,pr 1862 In [ coty J, Iowa, Iowa, USA

20 Jut 1863 In [coty), Guthrie, I owa, USA

4 Jun 1869

14 Oec 1872 In Mi llersburg, Iowa, Iowa, USA

25 Oec 1875 In Iowa Ci ty, Iowa, Iowa, USA Slog Affiliates Advertlstng

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

llLlUN, Nlary A.- UU l.ti.K.Ll:;, \.....U. lVWA- WJ:'A unr'lnALVul lJAlA.OA.::>C Al'llJ A ... rage 1 01 1


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TIL TON, Mary A. Born: Died:


12 FEB 1831


Location: GUTHRIE

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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TIL TON, Elvin Born:




14 MAR 1827

28 JUL 1901



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Record Notes: AGED 74; HUS. OF MARY A ; LOT 31 Notify me when others post to this record.

The information contained on this website was originally recorded by Iowa WPA (Works Progress Administration) workers during late 1930's. In 2006 it was transcribed into a searchable electronic format.

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

tlvm luton p~LI- l~UIJ- J:<ma A vrave Memonru

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Birth: Mar. 14, 1827 Noble County Ohio, USA

Death: Jul. 28, 1901 Stuart


Guthrie County Iowa, USA

Married to Mary A. Tilton

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Buria.J: r::1.QOtttitb_Cem...ete_ry Monteith Guthrie County Iowa, USA Plot: lot 31

Created by: J.Q_y_c_!:!_S_piro_s Record added: Aug 19, 2006


Find A Grave Memorial# 15418599

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Elvin Tilton

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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