
Tighter British Control

England needed the colonies. Mercantilism was England’s way of maintaining her position of power

in the world.

The English suddenly wanted to regain control of the colonies after having left them alone for a long

period of time.

The colonists resented the interference.

Setting the Stage:

Imports and Exports between England and North America from 1763-1776

Not only did the colonists supply raw materials to England, they also bought all of their finished products from England. England was making a killing selling finished products to the colonists.

1. For what economic system did the English need the colonies?

2. What was worth more money: the exports to England from the colonies, or the imports to the

colonies from England?

Quiz Questions:

With the help of the Colonists, the British won the

French and Indian WarIn 1763, The Treaty of Paris awarded

England all of the land from the

Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi


The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart

The colonists were eager to claim the new land beyond

the Appalachians.King George, however, didn’t

want trouble with the Indians, so he passed a

Proclamation forbidding the colonists to move beyond the

Appalachian Mountains

The Proclamation of 1763

The Colonists were angry over the

Proclamation of 1763. They felt they

deserved the new land because they had fought for it.

Then, King George decided the colonists

should help pay for the debt he’d acquired

fighting the French and Indian War, so he passed

the Sugar Act which placed a tax on

molasses, sugar, and other items shipped to

the colonies

To Make Matters Worse. . . .

King George wanted to enforce the

Proclamation of 1763 by preventing the

colonists from moving across the mountains.

He also wanted to make sure the

colonists didn’t smuggle goods from other countries to

avoid the Sugar Act.

So, George passed the Quartering Act.He wanted to keep

troops in America to enforce his laws, but he didn’t want to pay for their room and

board.The Quartering Act

stated that colonists HAD to allow British soldiers to live in

their homes.

And Even WORSE . . . . .

Colonists were angry over the Quartering and

Sugar Acts.

Remember, the colonists had enjoyed a long period of salutary

neglect in which they made their own rules.

They resented the king’s sudden enforcement of


They especially resented being taxed without

their consent. They had no representatives in


Colonists became increasingly angry:

3. Why did King George pass the Proclamation of 1763?

4. Why did the king think the colonists should begin paying taxes to England?

Quiz Questions

And Then Came the STAMP ACT

5. The colonists were angry over the Stamp Act because it was “taxation without


6. What did the stamp act tax?

7. How did the colonists protest the Stamp Act?

8. Did it work?

Quiz Questions:

The King wasn’t happy over the colonists’ refusal to pay taxes.

His finance minister, Charles Townshend, suggested new acts.

One of these acts suspended New York’s assembly until New Yorkers agreed to house soldiers.

The Townshend Acts

The Townshend Acts placed duties or taxes on imported goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead,

and tea.

The Townshend Acts also gave soldiers the right to search colonists homes with warrants known as

writs of assistance.

These writs could be issued without probable cause to search homes for smuggled goods.

And. . . .

To protest the Townshend Acts, the colonists began another boycott of

English goods.

Samuel Adams, a brewer, and the leader of the Sons of Liberty led the


Tools of Protest

9. What is a boycott?

10. Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?

Quiz Questions

In the fall of 1768, 1,0000 British soldiers arrived in Boston under the command of General Thomas Gage.

These soldiers were to enforce the Townshend Acts

Tension filled the streets of Boston

Trouble brews . . . . .

11. How many Bostonians were killed in the Boston Massacre?

12. Did Paul Revere use propaganda to stir up anger among the colonists?

Quiz Questions:

The Tea Act

Finally, the boycott of English goods and the anger of the colonists forced Parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts.

BUT. . . . King George left one tax in place . . . The tax on tea.

13. In what year did the Boston Tea Party take place?

14. Other than the destruction of property, was The Boston Tea Party a peaceful demonstration?

Quiz Questions

England’s rulers were furious over the Boston Tea Party.

Determined to get the colonists under control, Parliament and King George passed the Coercive Acts. The Colonists called these the Intolerable Acts.

The Intolerable Acts

In response to the Intolerable Acts, the colonists formed the First Continental


In the eyes of the king, this was treason.

The First Continental Congress Meets

15. The colonists called these acts the Intolerable Acts. What did the English call them?

16. What did the colonists do in response to the Intolerable Acts?

Quiz Questions: