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    Ted L. AcheySales Manager, Lorillard. Achey has been employed withLorillard for twenty-two years. He is currently responsiblefor sales in the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan,Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.He and his family reside in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

    Stuart AlexanderDirector of Public Affairs, Tobacco Advisory Council, London.(autobiographical sketch not available)

    Alvaro AlvarezAssistant to the President and Public Relations Director, E. LeonJimenez, C. For A. Dominican Republic. Alvarez is responsible forthe company's public relations activities in the Dominican Republic,as well as with smoking and health issues. He received his Doctorof Law degree at the University of Havana and studied Americanlaw at the University of Miami. Alvarez is a native of Cuba.


    Stan Boman

    State TAN Director, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas The Tobacco Institute.Boman joined The Tobacco Institute in April 1960. Prior to joiningThe Institute, Boman was a lobbyist and director of communicationsfor the Missouri National Education Association. He also has experi-ence in free-lance public relations and political consultant work.

    Louis E. BurchDirector, Leaf Usage & Foreign Purchases, Lorillard. Burch joinedLorillard in 1968. Prior to joining Lorillard, he worked for South-eastern Tobacco Company. He is currently responsible for the purchaseof tobacco for cigar and scrap chewing brands and for the purchase andstorage of oriental toabacco. Burch holds a B.S. in business admini-stration.from Atlantic Christian College. He resides in Greensboro,

    North Carolina.


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    Charles H. BurhanState TAN Director, Ohio, The Tobacco Institute. Burhancomes to The Tobacco Institute after serving as a politicalconsultant to the Carter campaign. His previous experienceincludes campaign management and public relations work forD.W. Horgan and Sons of Princeton, New Jersey, the Ohio Senateand Pete O'Grady and Associates of Columbus, Ohio. He is cur-rently responsible for grassroots organizational activity forThe Institute. He is a graduate of the John Hopkins Universityand a resident of Columbus, Ohio.

    Pamela J. ByardResearch Analyst. Shook, Hardy & Bacon. A native of upstateNew York, Byard received both B.A. and MA. degrees from theState Universi ty ofNewYork at Abany. She i s curr ently aPh.D. candidate in Physical Anthropology at the University ofKansas. She wll receive her doctorate t his f all, pendingapproval of 4er dissertation on the demography and genetics of

    an Eskimo population.

    Jeremy J. CaldicottCommunications Manager, The Tobacco Institute of Australia.Caldicott joined The Tobacco Institute of Australia as Commu-nications Manager in May, 1980. He was previously an accountexecutive for advertising agencies in the United Kingdom, Africaand, subsequently, Australia. His responsibilites include thedevelopment of information services and initiating a TobaccoAction Network In Australia.

    Courtland E. CalvertDrect or of Employee Relat ions, Lorillard. Calvert is r esponsi -ble for negotiation and administration of labor aggreements,arbitration, EEOC activities and publication of house organs.Prior to Joining Lorillard, Calvert served as commissioner,FMCS; and vice president of Employee Relations at the PepsiCola Corporation.

    W. John CampbellVice President of Plant Operation, Philip Morris, U.S.A.Campbell joined Philip Morris in 1962 as Senior IndustrialEngineer and has served in various management positions inRichmond,Virginia and Kentucky. Earlier this year, he wasappointed vice president of Plant Operations for Philip Morris.Other accomplishments of Campbell's include; director of theBank of Louisville and in 1976 he was recipient of the City of

    Hope - Spirit of Life Award. Campbell holds a B.S. in Indus-trial Engineering, and has completed an advanced managementprogram at Harvard University. He resides in Richmond, Vir-ginia, wth his faml y.



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    Michelle R. CapraBrand Manager, Lorillard. As Brand Manager for Lorillard, Capramanages Golden Lights and Max 120ts. She is origirially fromDenver, Colorado, but is now an ardent New Yorker. She lives onthe West side of Manhattan with her husband.

    Annette M. CarterEditorial Secretary, The Tobacco Institute. Carter recently joinedthe publications unit of the public relations department at TheInstitute. Her duties include assisting in the preparation of THETOBACCO OBSERVER. Not only is Carter a new employee of The TobaccoInstitute she is also a new resident of Washington, DC. She is origin-ally from Long Island, New York.

    Vincent ClephasDirector of Communication Services, Philip Morris Inc. Clephas isresponsible for responding to press inquiries, publishing THE CALLNEWS, and all other in house communications. Previously he was

    special assistant to Ambassador Robert Strauss and director ofcommunications for the Democratic National Committee. Clephas isa native of Louisville, holds a B.S. in political science fromthe University of Louisville.

    Erik CollinsSenior Communications Specialist, Miller Brewing Company. Collinsjoined the Miller Brewing Company in March, 1980. He is currentlyresponsible for editing internal publications and serving as chiefspeech writer for the president and vice president of the company.Prior to joining the Miller Brewing Company, he was a professor atOhio State University. He has also served as social, scientificand legal research advisor to various public and private organiza-

    tions. Collins holds a Ph.D. from Syracuse University and a J.D.from Ohio State University.

    Cathryn L. ConnorsSenior Coordinator, PHIL-PAC, Philip Morris, Inc. Connors is currentlyadministrator for PHIL-PAC. Prior to Joining Philip Morris, Connorswas a l egisl at ive ass ist ant to a NewYork assemblyman. She al so hasexperience i n corporat e f undraisi ng for the United Way, and politicalcampaign consulting.

    Robert J. CornetManager, Editorial Services, Philip Morris, Inc. Cornet is responsi-ble for corporate presentations by Philip Morris executives and for

    other editorial functions. Prior to joining Philip Morris, Cornetwas manager, editorial services for Miller Brewing Company. In addition,he was a professor of English at the University of Tennessee at Chatta-nooga. He is the recipient of the Gold Quill Award of Merit for speech-writing, and the author of several publicaitons. Cornet holds both B.A.and M.A. degrees in English from Florida State University, and a Ph.Din English from Pennslvania State University.


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    Susan CunninghamCoordinator, Internal Communications, Benson & Hedges, Canada.Cunningham was appointed Coordinator of Internal CommunicationsforBenson & Hedges in May 1980. Her responsibilities includeediting company publications, coordinating employee communicationsprograms and administering the corporate donations program. Cunning-ham has been with Benson & Hedges since February 1978. She is alsoa part-time student at Montreal's Concordia University.

    Gaye CurlAccounts Payable Manager, The Tobacco Institute. Curl was born and.reared on a farm in Oklahoma. Most of her working experience hasbeen in farm-related industries. Previously she worked for theRural Electric Cooperative. She is currently responsible for managingaccounting transactions for The Institute.

    Christine Dottinorademark Paralegal, Philip Morris U.S.A. Dottino is responsible for

    filing trademark applications in approximately 170 Jurisdictions.She also coordinates trademark information with Philip Morris's affili-ate companies. Previously she worked as a paralegal specializing inbankruptcy, and a volunteer teacher for VISTA.

    Robert Drew-Bear MManager Corporate Affairs, C.A. Cigarrera Bigott, Sues., Venezuela.Bear is responsible for all aspects of C.A. Bigott's Public Affairsactivities particulary the projection of the company's corporate imageto its employees and the the company's various publics. Prior to join-ing C.A. Bigott Sues., he was manager of government relations and salesfor General Electric of Venezuela. '

    Larry V. DuLudeGroup Marketing Research Manager, Lorillard. DuLude joined Lorillardin 1976 at which time the company's sales began increasing almostimmediately. He recently completed the "Triumph Smokers Study."His current responsibilities include conducting marketing researchon True, Golden Lights, Triumph, Max and chewing tobacco.

    Roger P. EdwardsVice President of Manufacturing, Lorillard. Formerly director of leafprocessing and storage for Lorillard, Edwards was recently promoted tovice president of manufacturing. As vice president he is responsiblefor the manufacture of all Lorillard products in Greensboro, NorthCarolina and Louisville, Kentucky. These manufactured products include

    cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.


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    Edward Enahoro

    Director-General Designate, Tobacco Advisory Council of Nigeria.Enahoro has held a number of domestic and foreign service posi-tions, including appointments in Italy, Canada and Zaire. Mostrecently, he has been Nigeria's Ambassador to Yugoslavia. Hewas graduated from the Government Schools in Ondo and BendelStates and from Edo College in Nigera, and received a Diplomain Public Adminstration from Exeter University.

    Richard J. EnglishDirector, International Leaf, Philip Morris, U.S.A. Englishis responsible for all aspects of imported leaf includingburley, flue-cured and oriental types of tobacco. This responsi-bility entails planning, supervising and controlling the qualityquantity and cost of leaf purchases, as well as recommendationfor the development and/or maintenance of the established blends.

    J. Gordon FlinnDirector, Marketing Research, Lorillard. Prior to joiningLorillard in 1973, Flinn was a marketing research consultant.He has spent thirty years in marketing research on various productcategories. Currently he is responsible for all consumer researchand sales analysis for Lorillard.

    Dale J. FlorioPublic Affairs Specialist, Philip Morris, U.S.A. Florio holdsa B.S. in economics from Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsyl-vania. He is a MB.A. candidate at Farleigh Dickinson Universityin Madison, New Jersey. Prior to joining Philip Morris thisyear, Florio was public affairs coordinator for the National

    Association of Manufacturers. He also served as administrativeassistant to a New Jersey state assemblyman. Currently he isresponsible for monitoring tobacco-related legislation on stateand local levels. Florio is a native of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

    Gina M GallovichCoordinator, Communications Research, Philip Morris, Inc. Gallo-vich is responsible for providing research and reports on thevarious topics concerning tobacco controversy. A native ofNew Jersey, she holds a B.A. in history from the College of St.Elizabeth.

    Lou Gordon

    Director of Wholesale Accounts, Lorillard. Gordon began hiscareer as a sales representative in Buffalo, New York.Currently he.travels throughout the country contacting whole-salers and representing Lorillard at conventions. He and hiswife reside in White Plains, New York.



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    Joan 0. GrunewaldResearch Analyst, Shook, Hardy & Bacon. Grunewald taught bio-chemistry at the University of Kansas Medical Center prior tojoining Shook, Hardy & Bacon. While earning her Ph.D. inorganic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin, she special-ized in photochemistry. She also served for four years on theNational Institute of Health's Chemical/Biological InformationHandling Review Committee.

    Elizabeth HarrisonManager, Regulatory Affairs, Philip Morris, Inc. Harrison isresponsible for liaison with Federal regulatory entities toprovide analysis of regulation affecting Philip*Morris andits operating companies. She holds a B.S. from ColumbiaUniversity and a J.D. from Georgetown University.

    Nancy A. HughesState TAN Director, Northwest, The Tobacco Institute. Priorto joining The Tobacco Institute, Hughes was an executivedirector in a presidential campaign in Washington state.Upon graduation from college, she began her career teachingin Melbourne, Australia. As State Director, Hughes is respon-sible for recruiting, enrolling and training. She is a gradu-ate of the University of Dayton.

    K. Michael Irishublic Affairs Manager, Philip Morris, U.S.A. Prior to join-

    ing Philip Morris, Irish was director of legislative affairs,for the eastern region at the Glass Packaging Institute. Hewas also legislative assistant to State Senator John Marchi.His current responsibilities include; maintaining relationswith state and local political leaders, and development andi.mplementation of programs which encourage positive legislative/regulatory development. Irish holds a B.A. in economics fromMarquette University and a M.A: in political science fromFordham University.

    Pamela JonesSpokesman, The Tobacco Institute. Jones will officially jointhe spokesman team in October. She comes to Washington fromTampa Florida, where she has had an extensive background inbroadcasting. Her broadcasting experience includes; producingdirecting, reporting and anchoring sports news for varioustelevision stations. Jones holds a B.A. in Mass Communications.



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    S.T. JonesManager, Operations Research Planning, Lorillard. Jones attendedEast Carolina and Emory Universities where he earned an A.B. andPh.D. in chemistry. Jones Joined Lorillard as a research chemistin 1968. Prior to his present duties, he was the manager of productdevelopment. He is currently responsible for the manufacturing ofleaf operations, as well as research and development. He and hiswife reside in Greensboro, North Carolina.

    Debora Kramer

    Scientific Analyst Writer, The Tobacco Institute. Kramer recentlyjoined the science/medical department of The Tobacco Instituteas a scientific analyst writer. In this capacity she researchesand analyzes scientific literature. Prior to joining The Institute,she was executive director for the American Association of ChildMental Health Organization. Kramer holds degrees from RadcliffeCollege, Cambridge, and the University of California, Berkely.

    Fernard A. LeclercDirector of Public Affairs, R.J. Reynolds-Macdonald Inc., Canada.Leclerc holds a B.A. in humanities from College St-Laurent, a J.D,from the Universite de.Montreal, and an M.B.A. from Sir GeorgeWilliams University. Prior to Joining RJR-Macdonald Inc., he hadextensive background in public relations. Leclerc also hasteaching experience, and has co-authored several publications.

    Reginald L. LesterManaging Director, The Tobacco Grower's Information Committee.Lester assumed the appointment of managing director of theTobacco Grower's Information Committee Inc. in April, 1980.His responsibilities include representing the tobacco industry's

    views on various issues to provide information to the growerson matters which affect their crop. His previous experienceincludes communications and public affairs work with Ligget &Myers Tobacco Company. Lester began his career as a reporterfor THE DURHAM SUN newspaper. He is a graduate of the Universityof North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Lester is a native of Sanford,North Carolina and resides in Wilson, North Carolina with hisfamily.

    Prentis M. LipscombCoordinator, National Distribution Accounts, Philip Morris,U.S.A. Lipscomb is responsible for the development of pro-grams for assigned classes of trade. He coordinates details of

    specific programs and monitors the integrity of those programsin an effort to maintain good relations and communications withmajor national accounts.



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    Joe P. MastandreaDirector of Sales, Lorillard. Mastandrea has been employed withLorillard for twenty-six years. He began his career in 1952 asa sales representative. His previous positions with the companyhave been managerial and sales oriented. Currently he isdirector of sales at Lorillard.

    Patrick J. McCannArea Sales Mana er, Lorillard. McCann began his career withLorillard in 1993 as a sales representative in Newark, NewJersey. Currently he is responsible for supervising ninesoutheastern states. McCann is a graduate of Rutgers Univer-sity, Newark, New Jersey.

    Michael McGrathPublic Affairs Manager, Philip Morris, (Australia) Ltd. McGrathassists the director of corporate affairs in a wide range ofpolitical and health-related activities. He joined PhilipMorris (Australia) Ltd. in 1976 from the Australian PackagingIndustry Environment Council. He was matriculated at St. Kevin'sCollege, Toorak, and studied Philosophy and Theology at CorpusChristi College, Victoria. His interests are politics andcurrent affairs.

    Anita McPhaulScientific Secretary, The Tobacco Institute. Prior to joiningThe Tobacco znstitute, McPhaul was circulation manager for ahealth consulting/lobbying firm and an administrative assis-tant for a business law firm in Washington. McPhaul is alsoattending the University of Maryland on a part-time basismajoring in business administration and public relations.

    Pamela A. MorrisPublications Secretary, The Tobacco Institute. Morris recentlyjoined the publications unit of the public relations departmentat The Tobacco Institute. She assists in the development of thevarious communications The Institute publishes for the public.Previously, she was assistant to the office manager for KobaAssociates, Inc., a research consulting firm located in Washing-ton, D.C.

    Steven C. ParrishAttorney, Shook, Hardy & Bacon. Parrish joined Shook Hardy &Bacon in 1975 specializing in products liability litigation.He received his B.A. in 1972 and J.D. in 1975.



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    Sd,gar F. PierceDirector, Quality Assurance, Philip Morris, U.S.A. Pierceis responsible for the control of quality for all processingand cigarette plants of Philip Morris, U.S.A. Previously, hewas director of quality for the American Safety Razor Company.

    He resides in Richmond, Virginia with his family.

    Diana J. PlattsAdmnist rator, Philip Morris, Inc. Platts ar ranges and coordi-nates Washington office functions, she also handles specialprojects for t he Staff -Vce Presi dent. Platte joine d PhilipMorris, Inc. in May, 1980. Before coming to work for PhilipMorris, she sp ent four year s i n the Navy as a Russi an linguist .Her previous experience includes, nine years in the executivesecretarial and office management field.

    A. Leonard _RhyneDirector of Operations Research, Lorillard. Rhyne,joined Lori-llard on a full-time basis as director of operations researchin June 1980. Prior to this appointment, he had been associ-ated with Lorillard as a statistical and scientific computerconsultant for fifteen years. During that time, he alsoserved as director of the computer center at Bowman GraySchool of Medicine.

    Jane RussoCoordinator, Tobacco Information Program, Philip Morris, U.S.A.Russo is a graduate of the University of Denver. She joinedPhilip Morris in June, 1980. Previously she was a publicrelations assistant for the Mobil Oil Corporation. Currently,she is responsible for researching industry issues and prepar-ing a monthly newsletter entitled, TAPGRAM Russo is

    a native of Garden City, New York.

    Ronald L. SaldanaRtate TAN Director, Southern California, Arizona, The TobaccoInstitute. Saldana joined The Tobacco Institute, this month.His previous experience includes promotion manager for ShepardMachinery, and director of public relations and advertisingfor the Western Manufactured Rousing Institute. Saldana isa member of the Public Relations Society of America, and theAmerican Society of Association Executives. He holds a public relations and advertising from Brigham Young Univer-sity.

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    Debra A. SchoonmakerProduction Secretary, The Tobacco Institute. Schoonmaker recentlyjoined the production department of The Tobacco Institute. Sheassists in the layout and paste-up for The Institute's newsletter.Previously, she was an administrative assistant for Lincoln NationalSales Corporation. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland.

    Richard SeelyState TAN Director, Michigan, The Tobacco Institute. Prior tojoining The Tobacco Institute, Seely's previous experience hasbeen mainly marketing oriented. Currently, he is the State TANDirector for The Tobacco Institute. He holds a degree in adver-tising from Michigan State University, and is eurrently workingon a masters degree in communication which he began this fall.He and his wife reside in Lansing, Michigan.

    Doug SessionsState TAN Director, Florida, The Tobacco Institute. A native

    of Jacksonville, Sessions graduated from the University ofSouth Florida and attended graduate school at Florida StateUniversity where he was awarded his masters degree in publicadministration. His previous experience includes; specialassistant to Governor Reubin Askew, and Assistant to the Princi-pal owner of the NewYork Yankees.

    Peter G. SparberSpecial Projects Director, The Tobacco Institute. CurrentlySparberis vice president of public affairs at Blue Crossand Blue Shield of Delaware Incorporated. Sparber willofficially join the public relations department of TheTobacco Institute as special projects director in October.

    Previously, he was director of communications for the NewJersey Hospital Association, and before that a reporter forthe Morris County Daily Record. Sparber lives in Wilmington,Delaware and is house-hunting in the Washington metropolitanarea,

    Wendell L. StoneResearch Analyst, Shook, Hardy & Bacon. Stone came to ShookHardy & Bacon from the University of Missouri-Columbia wherehe was a research technician and an instructor of experimentalpsychology. He holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychologyfrom the University of Missouri.


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    Bill K. TrislerState TAN Director, Indiana, The Tobacco Institute. Prior toJoining The Tobacco Institute, Trisler was executive directorof finance and fund raising for the Hillenbrand for GovernorCommittee. His previous experience includes; consulting,lobbying and public relations work. He and his family residein Crothersville, Indiana.

    William L. Van ArnamDirector of Training and Development, Philip Morris, U. S. A.As director, Van Arnam trains salaried and hourly employeesat the multipiant locations in Richmond, Virginia. Thisresponsibility entails; management development,*organizationalplanning, personnel research and manpower planning. Van Arnamis also an active fund raiser for various non-profit organizations.

    Amy L. WinterrothCoordinator, Special Corporate Projects, Philip Morris, Inc.Winterroth was appointed to her current.position as Coordinator,Special Corporate Projects, in June 1980. She is responsiblefor coordinating, researching and maintaining Corporate Affairspolicy guidelines throughout Philip Morris. She also assists inpreparing publications and other printed material.

    Maureen P. WrightPublic Relations Secretary, The Tobacco Institute. Wrightrecently joined the support staff for the spokesman program.Prior to joining The Institute, she was a word processor forthe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Shealso has banking experience. Maureen is a native of theWashington D.C. area and resides in Rockville, Maryland.

    Richard C. YoungController, Manufacturing, Lorillard. Before joining Lori-llard, Young was an assistant corporate controller for theGreat Lakes Carbon Corporation. He is currently responsiblefor'the development and ma3ntenance of procedures for thefinancial and operational control of the divisions manufac-turing and leaf operations. He also provides financialguidance and consultant services to all areas of division andcorporate management.
