
Thriller Opening Final Ideas

Thriller Opening Final Ideas By Harry FinlayJessica Ewles Callum Thomson Jessica EadyHello and welcome to our pitch we are Spenser studios and this is a pitch to show the plans for out thriller opening Witness. 1USP and Narrative What is the USP?

What is the Narrative for the opening of our thriller Witness?

USP:What makes this thriller unique is it isnt like any other thrillers storyline because ours plays with the audiences minds making them change their minds about who the cop is and why he is having flashbacks about the murder event. What also makes it unique is that it is that it I a mix between a crime thriller and a psychological thriller.

Narrative:The narrative of the thriller is that a we follow the life of a cop who is starting to have flashbacks of when he witnessed a murder happen and he didnt do anything about it, now that it is starting to come up again every time he sleeps, he seeks redemption so he goes on a hunt for the murderer who haunts his mind.2Company Logo and Target Profile Company logo

Target Profile

Company logo

The company logo is paradise pictures, this is an effective ident as it reflects the genre as it is dark and mysterious. The influence for this company intent was LIONSGATE as their company ident changes colour depending on the style of film, if it is a comedy they use light colours where as if its a thriller they use darker colours to reflect the genre. Furthermore this is a good company ident as it is easily remembered as well as it being catchy is an important part, as it flows and is easier to say.

Target Profile: the demographic profile for this thriller opening is demographic category B which is middle aged management, this is a good choice for our thriller as it is a crime and psychological although the age rating is most likely to be 15 its target market is a strong working male, who could afford and would like to go to the cinema to see this style of film, an example is a teacher or head of management.3Shot list There are 32shots, which take place in a bedroom and a deserted area.

There is a verity of shots from long shots to extreme close ups.

Props include, bed, bed sheets pillow, alarm clock, newspaper, gun, rope, picture frame.

There are 32shots, which take place in a bedroom and a deserted area.

There is a verity of shots from long shots to extreme close ups.

Props include, bed, bed sheets pillow, alarm clock, newspaper, gun, rope, picture frame. 4Storyboard

Mise-en-sceneGenre and sub-genre Prop




Location Woodland was not a good idea due to there being no sense of isolation. This means that we would not choose this location due to there not being a feeling of isolation towards the audience. We have two main locations in which we will be filming in: the woods and a bedroom. The woods create a sense of isolation which is what we wanted whereas the bedroom is a simple day to day place creating the audience to suspect nothing.

Genre and sub-genre- the genre of the opening will be a thriller due to the mystery but the sub-genre is crime thriller and psychological thriller as it plays with the audiences mind but there is crime and murder with it.

Lighting We will use natural lighting where we can in order to maximise the quality of the shot. When the lighting is poor and the room or the woods is darkened we will look at ways to light the area up. The bedroom we would use a small lamp due to this seeming natural and fitting in within the setting. Whilst in the woods if a section is dark then we will look at using touches in order to light it up.

Props Within our thriller opening they we will use some day to day props in order to reflect on day to day life leading to the audience not suspecting anything. However more sinister props such as a gun and rope are used leading to suspense and tension among the audience which is what we wanted to create.

6Typography and Ident How are the titles going to be shown

What was our inspiration

Typography text ideas line

There are 8 titles

Duration is 2 minutes long There are 8 titles as we are a small and new company, therefore there is not a lot of people needed to start off. The titles include, our company name; Paradise Pictures, actor and actress, who was director, edition photographer and in charge of sound. The length of this opening is 2 minutes long on average. 8Sound

Beginning background track

Heart beat sound non diegetic

Breathing Sound non diegetic

I have chosen the backing track which makes the atmosphere, mysterious and builds tension but it also can make the viewer feel uncomfortable with the high pitched, out of tune instruments, (which can also cause chaos.) the heavy breathing will build tension, this will also be the same for the diegetic increasing heart rate. 9Risk assessmentWhat are the potential Hazards?

Risk Assessment - When filming our thriller opening sequence then we need to be aware of potential risks in which may occur. This is things like tripping over and how we would look at preventing them. 10Thank you for watching Results to slide 6 Sound Effects, track 1201030120.0Night BreakKevin MacLeodScoring: Horror Soundscapes2007Soundtrack132080.17eng - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 0000009B 000000A0 000004A6 000004CC 00016868 00016D82 0000679B 00007BAE 00016905 0001C0ACeng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000AE0 000000000058D310 00000000 00507C15 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000