Page 1: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Three indexes:Social Science Citation Index

Index to Legal PeriodicalsIndex to Foreign Legal


Page 2: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

What are they?

• Social Science Index– Social and behavioural sciences– Huge index going back to 1970 and updated daily– Includes abstracts and links to full text when available

• Index to Legal Periodicals– Anglo-American legal literature– Includes many articles on international law

• Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals– Non Anglo-American legal literature

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Social Science Citation Index

Part of Web of Knowledge and Web of Science

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Web of Science - allows you to restrict your search to “Social Sciences”. This excludes Science and Arts articles

Searches the whole of Web of Knowledge – returns lots of science articles as well as Social Science.

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To restrict your search by date or to Social Sciences

Page 6: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

To search by subject choose “Topic” from the drop down. Other options include Author, Title, publication, etc

Enter your search terms using connectors between them:OR – one term or the other (synonyms)AND – both termsSAME – both terms in the same sentence“ “ - phrase

Restrict your search to Social Sciences


Page 7: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Sort by date, times cited etc

Title links to more information including keywords, abstract, bibliography and citing articles

Checks to see if full text is available online

Bibliographic details – you will need these to find the full article in print.

Number of articles which have cited this article

Refine options: Narrow your results by entering more keywords or by choosing results from a particular subject etc

Your results: sorting, refining, viewing

Page 8: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

To print, e-mail or save items check the boxes and then use “Print”, “E-mail”, “Add to marked list” options.

Add to marked list option is good if you want to make several searches and collect up references as you go. At the end choose “Marked list” and then print / email etc.

Printing and emailing your results

Page 9: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Viewing more information: abstract, cited by, references

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Refine options: Narrow your results by entering more keywords or by choosing results from a particular subject etc

Your results: sorting, refining, viewing

Page 11: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

1. Click “Find it @ Oxford” to locate full text

2. The dialogue shows it is available from two databases (HeinOnline and JSTOR)

3. Following the link from “Find it at Oxford” takes you to the correct database but not to the article. Find the article by choosing the correct vol and page number

4. Full text

Finding full text

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Index to Legal Periodicals (Wilson web)

•Two indexes: 1918-1981, 1981-present

•Anglo-American but include articles on International law

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Which field?•Smart Search - searches title, subject, keywords, author, journal title – best for subject searching•Court cases – finds articles discussing particular cases (includes international courts and tribunals and domestic courts)•Statute – finds articles discussing legislation (but does not include treaties and international agreements)

To limit to peer reviewed only

Tick the databases you want to search

Search tips•Smart search – do not use “”, truncation symbols or connectors•When searching using other fields:•“ ” to search for a phrase (e.g. “human rights”) • * to truncate (e.g. child*) •? – wildcard (e.g. wom?n)

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Links to full text where available

Title links to full bibliographic details, keywords etc

Clickable list of subject headings allows you to find other relevant articles

Mortar board = peer reviewed

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To print, e-mail, save, export – tick relevant records first

Page 15: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

•Non-Anglo-American law (e.g. public & private international law; Islamic; socialist)

•1985 onwards•Shares the “Ovid” interface with other


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Page 17: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Page 18: Three indexes: Social Science Citation Index Index to Legal Periodicals Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Use “” – phrasesAND

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More information including country of publication, descriptors (keywords)

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